Cisco Security Analytics and Logging

About Security Analytics and Logging (SaaS) in CDO

Cisco Security Analytics and Logging (SAL) allows you to capture connection, intrusion, file, malware, security intelligence, syslog, and Netflow Secure Event Logging (NSEL) events from all of your ASA and Secure Firewall Threat Defense devices and view them in one place in CDO. The events are stored in the Cisco cloud and viewable from the Event Logging page in CDO, where you can filter and review them to gain a clear understanding of what security rules are triggering in your network.

With additional licensing, after you capture these events, you can cross-launch from CDO to a Secure Cloud Analytics portal provisioned for you. Secure Cloud Analytics is a software as a service (SaaS) solution that tracks the state of your network by performing a behavioral analysis on events and network flow data. By gathering information about your network traffic from sources including firewall events and network flow data, it creates observations about the traffic and automatically identifies roles for network entities based on their traffic patterns. Using this information combined with other sources of threat intelligence, such as Talos, Secure Cloud Analytics generates alerts, which constitute a warning that there is behavior that may be malicious in nature. Along with the alerts, Secure Cloud Analytics provides network and host visibility, and contextual information it has gathered to provide you with a better basis to research the alert and locate sources of malicious behavior.

Terminology Note: In this documentation, when Cisco Security Analytics and Logging is used with the Secure Cloud Analytics portal (a software as a service product) you will see this integration referred to as Cisco Security Analytics and Logging (SaaS) or SAL (SaaS).

Event Types in CDO

When filtering ASA and Secure Firewall Threat Defense events logged by Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS), you can choose from a list of ASA and FTD event types that CDO supports. From the CDO menu, navigate Analytics > Event Logging and click the filter icon to choose events. These event types represent groups of syslog IDs. The table that follows shows which syslog IDs are included in which event type. If you want to learn more about a specific syslog ID, you can search for it in the Cisco ASA Series Syslog Messages or the Cisco Secure Firewall Threat Defense Syslog Messages guides.

Some syslog events have the additional attribute "EventName." You can filter the events table to find events using the EventName attribute by filtering by attribute:value pairs. See Event Name Attributes for Syslog Events.

Some syslog events will have the additional attributes "EventGroup" and "EventGroupDefinition". You will be able to filter the events table to find events using these additional attributes by filtering by attribute:value pairs. See EventGroup and EventGroupDefinition Attributes for Some Syslog Messages.

The NetFlow events are different from syslog events. The NetFlow filter searches for all NetFlow event IDs that resulted in an NSEL record. Those NetFlow event IDs are defined in the Cisco ASA NetFlow Implementation Guide.

The following table describes the event types that CDO supports and lists the syslog or NetFlow event numbers that correspond to the event types:

Filter Name


Corresponding Syslog Event or Netflow Event


These are events that the system generates when failed or invalid attempts happen to authenticate, authorize, or use up resources in the network, when AAA is configured.




These events get logged when a user attempts to access a malicious network, which might contain a malware-infected host, possibly a BotNet, or when the system detects traffic to or from a domain or an IP address in the dynamic filter block list.



These events get logged when the system detects errors in stateful and stateless failover configurations or errors in the secondary firewall unit when a failover occurs.

101001-101005, 102001, 103001-103007, 104001-104004, 105001-105048




Firewall Denied

These events get generated when the firewall system denies traffic of a network packet for various reasons, ranging from a packet drop because of the security policy to a drop because the system received a packet with the same source IP and destination IP, which could potentially mean an attack on the network.

Firewall Denied events may be contained in a NetFlow and may be reported with NetFlow event IDs as well as syslog IDs.

106001, 106007, 106012, 106013, 106015, 106016, 106017, 106020, 106021, 106022, 106023, 106025, 106027

Firewall Traffic

These are events that get logged depending on the various connection attempts in the network, user identities, time stamps, terminated sessions, and so on.

Firewall Traffic events may be contained in a NetFlow and may be reported with NetFlow event IDs as well as syslog IDs.

106001-106100, 108001-108007, 110002-110003

201002-201013, 209003-209005, 215001

302002-302304, 302022-302027, 303002-303005, 313001-313008, 317001-317006, 324000-324301, 337001-337009

400001-400050, 401001-401005, 406001-406003, 407001-407003, 408001-408003, 415001-415020, 416001, 418001-418002, 419001-419003, 424001-424002, 431001-431002, 450001

500001-500005, 508001-508002

607001-607003, 608001-608005, 609001-609002, 616001

703001-703003, 726001


These events are logged in an IPsec VPN-configured firewall when mismatches occur in IPsec security associations or when the system detects an error in the IPsec packets it receives.

402001-402148, 602102-602305, 702304-702307


These events are logged in a NAT-configured firewall when NAT entries are created or deleted and when all the addresses in a NAT pool are used up and exhausted.

201002-201013, 202001-202011, 305005-305012


These events are logged in an SSL VPN-configurated firewall when WebVPN sessions get created or terminated, user access errors, and user activities.

716001-716060, 722001-722053, 723001-723014, 724001-724004, 725001-725015


These events are logged around the IP network traffic as network packets enter and exit the interfaces, timestamps, user identities, and the amount of data transferred.

0, 1, 2, 3, 5


You can generate events for connections as users generate traffic that passes through the system. Enable connection logging on access rules to generate these events. You can also enable logging on Security Intelligence policies and SSL decryption rules to generate connection events.

Connection events contain data about the detected sessions. The information available for any individual connection event depends on several factors, but in general includes:

  • Basic connection properties: timestamp, source and destination IP address, ingress and egress zones, the device that handled the connection, and so on.

  • Additional connection properties discovered or inferred by the system: applications, requested URLs, or users associated with the connection, and so on.

  • Metadata about why the connection was logged: which configuration handled the traffic, whether the connection was allowed or blocked, details about encrypted and decrypted connections, and so on.

430002, 430003


The system examines the packets that traverse your network for malicious activity that could affect the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of a host and its data. When the system identifies a possible intrusion, it generates an intrusion event, which is a record of the date, time, type of exploit, and contextual information about the source of the attack and its target. Intrusion events are generated for any intrusion rule set to block or alert, regardless of the logging configuration of the invoking access control rule.



File events represent files that the system detected, and optionally blocked, in network traffic based on your file policies. You must enable file logging on the access rule that applies the file policy to generate these events.

When the system generates a file event, the system also logs the end of the associated connection regardless of the logging configuration of the invoking access control rule.



The system can detect malware in network traffic as part of your overall access control configuration. AMP for Firepower can generate a malware event, containing the disposition of the resulting event, and contextual data about how, where, and when the malware was detected. You must enable file logging on the access rule that applies the file policy to generate these events.

The disposition of a file can change, for example, from clean to malware or from malware to clean. If AMP for Firepower queries the AMP cloud about a file, and the cloud determines the disposition has changed within a week of the query, the system generates retrospective malware events.


Security Intelligence

Security Intelligence events are a type of connection event generated by the Security Intelligence policy for each connection that is blocked or monitored by the policy. All Security Intelligence events have a populated Security Intelligence Category field.

For each of these events, there is a corresponding "regular" connection event. Because the Security Intelligence policy is evaluated before many other security policies, including access control, when a connection is blocked by Security Intelligence, the resulting event does not contain the information that the system would have gathered from subsequent evaluation, for example, user identity.

430002, 430003

Secure Logging Analytics for FDM-Managed Devices

Cisco Security Analytics and Logging (SaaS) allows you to capture connection, intrusion, file, malware, and Security Intelligence events from all of your FDM-managed devices and view them in one place in Cisco Defense Orchestrator.

The events are stored in the Cisco cloud and viewable from the Event Logging page in CDO where you can filter and review them to gain a clear understanding of what security rules are triggering in your network. The Logging and Troubleshooting package gives you these capabilities.

With the Logging Analytics and Detection package (formerly Firewall Analytics and Logging package), the system can apply Secure Cloud Analytics dynamic entity modeling to your FDM-managed device events, and use behavioral modeling analytics to generate Secure Cloud Analytics observations and alerts. If you obtain a Total Network Analytics and Monitoring package, the system applies dynamic entity modeling to both your FDM-managed device events and your network traffic, and generates observations and alerts. You can cross-launch from CDO to a Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics portal provisioned for you, using Cisco Single Sign-On.

How FDM Events are Displayed in the CDO Events Viewer

Connection, intrusion, file, malware, and Security Intelligence events are generated when an individual rule is configured to log events and network traffic matches the rule criteria. After the events are stored in the Cisco cloud, you can view them in CDO. There are two methods of configuring your FDM-managed device to send events to the Cisco cloud:

  • You can install multiple Secure Event Connectors (SECs) and send events generated by a rule, on any device, to any of the SECs as if it were a syslog server. The SEC then forwards the event to the Cisco cloud.

  • If your FDM-managed device was onboarded to CDO using a registration key, you can send events directly to the Cisco cloud using a control in the Secure Firewall device manager.

How an Event is Sent to the Cisco Cloud Using the Secure Event Connector

With the basic Logging and Troubleshooting license, this is how a Secure Firewall device manager event reaches the Cisco cloud:

  1. You onboard your FDM-managed device to CDO using username and password or by using a registration key.

  2. You configure individual rules, such as access control rules, Security Intelligence rules, and SSL decryption rules, to forward events to any one of your SECs as if it were a syslog server. In access control rules, you can also enable file and malware policies, and intrusion policies, and forward events generated by those polices to the SEC.

  3. You configure File/Malware logging in System Settings > Logging for file events.

  4. You configure Intrusion Logging in System Settings > Logging for intrusion events.

  5. The SEC forwards the events to the Cisco cloud where the events are stored.

  6. CDO displays events from the Cisco cloud in its Events Logging page based on the filters you set.

With the Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring license, the following also occur:

  1. Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics applies analytics to the Secure Firewall device manager connection events stored in the Cisco cloud.

  2. Generated observations and alerts are accessible from the Secure Cloud Analytics portal associated with your CDO portal.

  3. From the CDO portal, you can cross-launch your Secure Cloud Analytics portal to review these observations and alerts.

How Events are Sent Directly from an Secure Firewall device manager to the Cisco Cloud

With the basic Logging and Troubleshooting license, this is how Secure Firewall device manager events reach the Cisco cloud:

  1. You onboard your FDM-managed device to CDO using a registration token.

  2. You configure individual rules, such as access control rules, Security Intelligence rules, and SSL decryption rules, to log events but you don't specify a syslog server for them to be sent to. In access control rules, you can also enable file and malware policies and intrusion policies, and forward events generated by those polices to the Cisco cloud.

  3. File events and Intrusion events are sent to the Cisco cloud if file and malware policies and intrusion policies are configured in the access control rules to log connection events.

  4. You activate Cloud Logging on the Secure Firewall device manager and the events logged in the various rules are sent to the Cisco cloud.

  5. CDO pulls events from the Cisco cloud based on the filters you set and displays them in its Events viewer.

With the Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring license, the following also occur:

  1. Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics applies analytics to the Secure Firewall device manager connection events stored in the Cisco cloud.

  2. Generated observations and alerts are accessible from the Secure Cloud Analytics portal associated with your CDO portal.

  3. From the CDO portal, you can cross-launch your Secure Cloud Analytics portal to review these observations and alerts.

Configuration Comparison

Here is a summary of the CDO configuration differences between sending events to the Cisco cloud through an SEC and sending events directly to the Cisco cloud.

FDM-Managed Device Configuration

When Sending Events through a Secure Event Connector (SEC)

When Sending Events Directly to Cisco Cloud

CDO onboarding method for FDM-Managed Device

Credentials (Username and password)

Registration token

Registration token

Serial Number

Version Support

Version 6.4+

Registration Token - Version 6.5+

Serial Number - Version 6.7+

Cisco Security Analytics and Logging (SaaS) Licenses

Logging and Troubleshooting

Logging Analytics and Detection (optional)

Total Network Analytics and Monitoring (optional)

Logging and Troubleshooting

Logging Analytics and Detection (optional)

Total Network Analytics and Monitoring (optional)



-If you want to collect connection events from intrusion rules, file control rules, or security intelligence filtering.

Malware-If you want to collect connection events from file control rules.


-If you want to collect connection events from intrusion rules, file control rules, or security intelligence filtering.

Malware-If you want to collect connection events from file control rules.

Secure Event Connector



Data Compression*

Events are compressed*

Events are not compressed*

Data Plan




Data subscriptions and your Historical Monthly Usage are based on the amount uncompressed data you use.

Components in the Solution

Cisco Security Analytics and Logging (SaaS) uses these components to deliver events to CDO:

Secure Device Connector (SDC)-The SDC connects CDO to your FDM-managed devices. The login credentials for the FDM-managed devices are stored on the SDC. See Secure Device Connector for more information.

Secure Event Connector (SEC)-The SEC is an application that receives events from your FDM-managed devices and forwards them to the Cisco cloud. Once in the Cisco cloud, you can view the events on CDO's Event Logging page or analyze them with Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics. You may have one or more SECs associated with your tenant. Depending on your environment, you install the Secure Event Connector on a Secure Device Connector or a CDO Connector VM.

Secure Firewall device manager-The FDM-managed device is Cisco's next generation firewall. Beyond stateful inspection of network traffic and access control, the FDM-managed device provides capabilities such as protection from malware and application-layer attacks, integrated intrusion prevention, and cloud-delivered threat intelligence.

If you have a Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring license, Cisco Security Analytics and Logging (SaaS) uses Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics to further analyze events delivered to CDO.

Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics-Secure Cloud Analytics applies dynamic entity modeling to events, generating detections based on this information. This provides a deeper analysis of telemetry gathered from your network, allowing you to identify trends and examine anomalous behavior in your network traffic.


To configure this solution you need the following accounts and licenses:

Cisco Defense Orchestrator. You must have a CDO tenant.

Secure Device Connector. There is no separate license for a SDC.

Secure Event Connector. There is no separate license for a SEC.

Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS). You need to buy the Logging and Troubleshooting license. The goal of this package is to provide network operations teams with real-time and historical events derived from their on-boarded FDM-managed devices for the purposes of troubleshooting and analyzing traffic in their network.

You can also buy a Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring license to apply Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics. The goal of these packages is to provide network operations teams additional insight into the events (and network traffic with the Total Network Analytics and Monitoring license) to better identify possible anomalous behavior and respond to it.

License Name

Provided Functionality

Available License Durations

Functionality Prerequisites

Logging and Troubleshooting

View events and event detail within CDO, both as a live feed and as a historical view

  • 1 year

  • 3 years

  • 5 years

  • CDO

  • An on-premises deployment running version 6.4 or later

  • Deployment of one or more SECs to pass events to the cloud

Logging Analytics and Detection (formerly Firewall Analytics and Monitoring)

Logging and Troubleshootingfunctionality, plus:

  • Apply dynamic entity modeling and behavioral analytics to your FDM-managed device events

  • Open alerts in Secure Cloud Analytics based on event data, cross-launching from the CDO event viewer

  • 1 year

  • 3 years

  • 5 years

  • CDO

  • An on-premises deployment running version 6.4 or later.

  • Deployment of one or more SECs to pass events to the cloud.

  • A newly provisioned or existing Secure Cloud Analytics portal.

Total Network Analytics and Monitoring

Logging Analytics and Detection, plus:

  • Apply dynamic entity modeling and behavioral analytics to events, on-premises network traffic, and cloud-based network traffic.

  • Open alerts in Secure Cloud Analytics based on the combination of event data, on-premises network traffic flow data collected by Secure Cloud Analytics sensors, and cloud-based network traffic passed to Secure Cloud Analytics, cross-launching from the CDO event viewer.

  • 1 year

  • 3 years

  • 5 years

  • CDO

  • An on-premises deployment running version 6.4 or later

  • Deployment of one or more SECs to pass events to the cloud

  • Deployment of at least one Secure Cloud Analytics sensor version 4.1 or later to pass network traffic flow data to the cloud OR integrating Secure Cloud Analytics with a cloud-based deployment, to pass network traffic flow data to Secure Cloud Analytics.

  • A newly provisioned or existing Secure Cloud Analytics portal.

FDM-Managed Device. You need to have the following licenses to run the FDM-managed device and create rules that generate security events:



Granted Capabilities

Essentials(automatically included)


All features not covered by the optional term licenses.

You must also specify whether to Allow export-controlled functionality on the products registered with this token. You can select this option only if your country meets export-control standards. This option controls your use of advanced encryption and the features that require advanced encryption.


Intrusion detection and prevention-Intrusion policies analyze network traffic for intrusions and exploits and, optionally, drop offending packets.

File control-File policies detect and, optionally, block users from uploading (sending) or downloading (receiving) files of specific types. AMP for Firepower, which requires a Malware license, allows you to inspect and block files that contain malware. You must have the Threat license to use any type of File policy.

Security Intelligence filtering-Drop selected traffic before the traffic is subjected to analysis by access control rules. Dynamic feeds allow you to immediately drop connections based on the latest intelligence.



File policies that check for malware, which use Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) with AMP for Firepower (network-based Advanced Malware Protection) and Cisco Threat Grid.

File policies can detect and block malware in files transmitted over your network.

Data Plans

You need to buy a data storage plan that reflects the number of events the Cisco cloud receives from your on-boarded FDM-managed devices on a daily basis. The best way to determine your ingest rate is to participate in a free trial of Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) (SaaS) before you buy it. This will give you a good estimate of your event volume. In addition, you can use the Logging Volume Estimator Tool.


It is possible to configure your FDM-managed device to send events to the Cisco cloud directly and by way of the SEC simultaneously. If you do this, the same event will be "ingested" twice and counted against your data plan twice, though it will only be stored in the Cisco cloud once. Be careful to send events to the Cisco cloud using one method or the other to avoid incurring unnecessary fees.

Data plans are available in 1 GB daily volumes increments, and in 1, 3 or 5 year terms. See the Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) Ordering Guide for information about data plans.


If you have a Security Analytics and Logging license and data plan, then obtain a different license at a later date, that alone does not require you to obtain a different data plan. If your network traffic throughput changes and you obtain a different data plan, that alone does not require you to obtain a different Security Analytics and Logging license.

30-day Free Trial

You can request a 30-day risk-free trial by logging in to CDO and navigating to Analytics > Event Logging. On completion of the 30-day trial, you can order the desired event data volume to continue the service from Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW), by following the instructions in the Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) ordering guide.

What to do next?

Continue with Implementing Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) for FDM-Managed Devices.

Implementing Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) for FDM-Managed Devices

Before you Begin

  • Review Secure Logging Analytics for FDM-Managed Devices to learn about:

    • How events are sent to the Cisco cloud

    • Applications in the solution

    • Licenses you need

    • Data plan you need

  • You have contacted your managed service provider or CDO Sales representative and you have a CDO tenant.

  • Your tenant may or may not use an Secure Device Connector (SDC) for CDO to connect with your FDM-managed devices. Your tenant should have an SDC installed for those FDM-managed devices that you onboard with device credentials, it is considered a best practice. If you onboard your FDM-managed devices with registration key or serial number you do not need an SDC.

  • If you have installed an SDC for your tenant, ensure your SDC status is Active and has recorded a recent heartbeat.

  • If you are installing an SDC, you use one of these methods for the installation:

  • You can install more than one SEC for your tenant and you can send events from any Firewall device manager to any one SEC onboarded to your tenant.

  • If you are sending events directly to the Cisco cloud from the firewall device manager, you have opened up outbound access on port 443 on the management interface.

  • You have established two-factor authentication for users of your account.

New CDO Customer Workflow to Implement Secure Logging Analytics (Saas) and Send Events through the Secure Event Connector to the Cisco Cloud

  1. Onboard your FDM-Managed Devices. You can onboard the device with the admin username and password or with a registration token.

  2. Create a Syslog Server Object for Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS).

  3. Configure the FDM-Managed Device Policy to log connection events.

  4. Configure your FDM-managed device to Send events generated by rules and policies to the Secure Event Connector.

  5. Confirm events are visible in CDO. From the navigation bar, select Analytics > Event Logging. Click the Live tab to view live events.

  6. If you have a Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring license, continue with Analyzing Events in Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics.

New CDO Customer Workflow to Implement Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) and Send Events Directly to the Cisco Cloud

  1. Onboard your FDM-Managed Devices. You can only use a registration key.

  2. Configure the FDM-Managed Device Policy to log connection events.

  3. Configure your FDM-managed device to send events directly to the Cisco cloud.

  4. Confirm events are visible in CDO. From the navigation bar, select Analytics > Event Logging. Click the Live tab to view live events.

  5. If you have a Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring license, continue with Analyzing Events in Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics.

Existing CDO Customer Workflow to Implement Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) and Send Events through the Secure Event Connector to the Cisco Cloud

  1. Onboard your FDM-Managed Devices. You can onboard the device with the admin username and password or with a registration token.

  2. Syslog Server Object for Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS).

  3. Configure the FDM-Managed Device Policy to log connection events.

  4. Send events generated by rules and policies to the Secure Event Connector.

  5. Confirm events are visible in CDO. From the navigation bar, select Analytics > Event Logging. Click the Live tab to view live events.

  6. If you have a Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring license, continue with Analyzing Events in Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics.

Existing CDO Customer Workflow to Implement Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) and Send Events Directly to the Cisco Cloud

  1. Onboard your FDM-Managed Devices. You can only use a registration key.

  2. Configure the FDM-Managed Device Policy to log connection events.

  3. Configure your FDM-managed device to send events directly to the Cisco cloud.

  4. Confirm events are visible in CDO. From the navigation bar, select Analytics > Event Logging. Click the Live tab to view live events.

  5. If you have a Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring license, continue with Analyzing Events in Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics.

Analyzing Events in Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics

If you have a Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring license, perform the following in addition to the previous steps:

  1. Provision a Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics Portal.

  2. Deploy one or more Secure Cloud Analytics sensors to your internal network if you purchased a Total Network and Monitoring license. See Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics Sensor Deployment for Total Network Analytics and Reporting.

  3. Invite users to create Secure Cloud Analytics user accounts, tied to their Cisco Single Sign-On credentials. See Viewing Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics Alerts from CDO.

  4. Cross-launch from CDO to Secure Cloud Analytics to monitor the Secure Cloud Analytics alerts generated from firewall device manager events. See Viewing Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics Alerts from CDO.

Reviewing Secure Cloud Analytics Alerts by Cross-launching from CDO

With a Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring license, you can cross-launch from CDO to Secure Cloud Analytics to review the alerts generated by Secure Cloud Analytics, based on firewall device manager events.

Review these articles for more information:

Secure Analytics and Logging (SaaS) Workflows

Troubleshooting Using Security and Analytics Logging Events describes using the events generated from Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) to determine why a user can't access a network resource.

See also Working with Alerts Based on FDM Events.

Send FDM Events to CDO Events Logging

To view FDM-managed events from access control rules, security intelligence rules, and SSL decryption rules in the Event Logging viewer, you first need to send those events to the Cisco cloud.

If you are sending file and malware events or intrusion events events to the Cisco cloud and you are using a Secure Event Connector, you need to configure logging settings for the device.

Send FDM-Managed Events Directly to the Cisco Cloud

Starting with Firewall device manager Version 6.5, you can send connection events, intrusion, file, and malware events directly from your FDM-managed device to the Cisco cloud. Once in the Cisco cloud, you can monitor them with CDO and analyze them with Cisco Secure Cloud Analytis. This method does not require installing a Secure Event Connector (SEC) container on the Secure Device Connector (SDC) virtual machine.

Before you begin

Review these topics:


Step 1

Log on to the Firewall device manager for the device from which you want to send events to the Cisco cloud.

Step 2

Select Device > System Settings > Cloud Services.

Step 3

In the Send Events to the Cisco Cloud pane, click Enable.

Requirements, Guideline, and Limitations for the SAL (SaaS) Integration



Cisco Secure Firewall Threat Defense

  • CDO-managed standalone threat defense devices, Version, 7.2 and later.

  • To send events using syslog, you must have threat defense device version 6.4 or later.

  • To send events directly, you must have threat defense device version 7.2 or later.

  • To optionally exclude threat defense devices from sending events directly, you must have threat defense device version 7.4.1 or later.

  • Your firewall system must be deployed and successfully generating events.

Regional cloud

  • Determine the regional cloud that you want to send events to.

  • Events cannot be viewed from or moved between different regional clouds.

  • If you use a direct connection to send events to the Cisco Security Cloud for integration with Cisco SecureX, or Cisco SecureX threat response, or Cisco XDR, you must use the same cloud region for this integration.

  • If you send events directly, the regional cloud you specify in CDO must match the region of your CDO tenant.

Data plan

  • You must buy a data plan that reflects the number of events the Cisco cloud receives from your threat defense devices daily. This is called your daily ingest rate.

  • Use the Logging Volume Estimator Tool to estimate your data storage requirements.


When you purchase a license for this integration, you are provided with a CDO tenant account to support the integration.


The threat defense devices must be able to connect outbound on port 443 to the Cisco Security Cloud at the following addresses:

  • US region:


    • mx*






  • EU region:


    • mx*






  • Asia (APJC) region:


    • mx*






  • Australia region:


    • mx*





  • India region:


    • mx*





Send Cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center-Managed Events to SAL (SaaS) Using Syslog

This procedure provides information about the configuration for sending syslog messages for security events (connection, security intelligence, intrusion, file, and malware events) from devices managed by CDO.

Before you begin

  • Configure policies to generate security events, and verify that the events you expect to see are displayed in the applicable tables under the Analysis menu.

  • Gather information relating to the syslog server IP address, port, and protocol (UDP or TCP).

  • Ensure that your devices can reach the syslog server.


Step 1

In the left pane, click Tools & Services > Firewall Management Center to open the Services page.

Step 2

Click and select Cloud-Delivered FMC and then click Configuration.

Step 3

Configure the syslog settings for your threat defense device:

  1. Click Devices > Platform Settings and edit the platform settings policy that is associated with your threat defense device.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Syslog and configure the syslog settings as follows:

    Click this UI Element...

    To Do the Following:

    Logging Setup

    Enable logging, specify FTP server settings, and the Flash usage.

    Logging Destination

    Enable logging to specific destinations and to specify filtering by message severity level, event class, or by a custom event list.

    E-mail Setup

    Specify the email address that is used as the source address for syslog messages that are sent as emails.

    Events Lists

    Define a custom event list that includes an event class, a severity level, and an event ID.

    Rate Limit

    Specify the volume of messages being sent to all the configured destinations and define the message severity level to which you want to assign the rate limits.

    Syslog Settings

    Specify the logging facility, enable the inclusion of a time stamp, and enable other settings to set up a server as a syslog destination.

    Syslog Servers

    Specify the IP address, protocol that is used, format, and security zone for the syslog server that is designated as a logging destination.

  3. Click Save.

Step 4

Configure the general logging settings for the access control policy (including file and malware logging):

  1. Click Policies > Access Control and then edit the access control policy that is associated with your threat defense device.

  2. Click More and then choose Logging. Configure the general logging settings for the access control policy (including file and malware logging) as follows:

    Click this UI Element...

    To Do the Following:

    Send using specific syslog alert

    Select a syslog alert from the list of existing predefined alerts or add one by specifying the name, logging host, port, facility, and severity.

    Use the syslog settings configured in the FTD Platform Settings policy deployed on the device

    Unify the syslog configuration by configuring it in Platform Settings and reuse the settings in the access control policy. The selected severity is applied to all the connection and intrusion events. The default severity is ALERT.

    Send Syslog messages for IPS events

    Send events as syslog messages. The default syslog settings are used unless you override them.

    Send Syslog messages for File and Malware events

    Send file and malware events as syslog messages. The default syslog settings are used unless you override them.

  3. Click Save.

Step 5

Enable logging for security intelligence events for the access control policy:

  1. In the same access control policy, click the Security Intelligence tab.

  2. Click Logging and enable security intelligence logging using the following criteria:

    • By Domain Name—Click logging next to the DNS Policy drop-down list.

    • By IP address—Click logging next to Networks.

    • By URL—Click logging next to URLs.

  3. Click Save.

Step 6

Enable syslog logging for each rule in the access control policy:

  1. In the same access control policy, click the Rules tab.

  2. Click a rule to edit.

  3. Click the Logging tab in the rule.

  4. Check the Log at beginning of connection and Log at end of connection check boxes.

  5. If you want to log file events, check the Log Files check box.

  6. Check the Syslog Server check box.

  7. Verify that the rule is Using default syslog configuration in Access Control Logging.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Repeat steps 7.a through 7.h for each rule in the policy.

What to do next

If you have made all the required changes, deploy your changes to the managed devices.

Send Cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center-Managed Event Logs to SAL (SaaS) Using a Direct Connection

Configure the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center to send events directly to SAL (SaaS). Follow this procedure to enable the Cisco cloud event global setting in the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center. When needed, you can exclude individual FTD devices from sending event logs to SAL (SaaS). For more information, see Enable or Disable Threat Defense Devices to Send Event logs to SAL (SaaS) Using a Direct Connection.

Before you begin

  • Onboard devices to the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center, assign licenses to these devices, and configure these devices to send events directly to SAL (SaaS).

  • Enable connection logging on a per-rule basis by editing a rule and choosing the Log at Beginning of Connection and Log at End of Connection options.


Step 1

Log in to CDO.

Step 2

In the left pane, click Tools & Services > Firewall Management Center.

Step 3

Click Cloud-Delivered FMC, and in the System pane that is located at the right-side, click Cisco Cloud Events.

Step 4

In the Configure Cisco Cloud Events widget, do the following:

  1. Click the Send Events to the Cisco Cloud toggle button to enable the overall configuration.

  2. Check the Send Intrusion Events to the cloud check box to send the intrusion events to the cloud.

  3. Check the Send File and Malware Events to the cloud check box to send the file and malware events to the cloud.

  4. Choose an option to send the connection events to the cloud:

    • Click the None radio button to not send connection events to the cloud.

    • Click the Security Events radio button to send only security intelligence events to the cloud.

    • Click the All radio button to send all the connection events to the cloud.

  5. Click Save.

Enable or Disable Threat Defense Devices to Send Event logs to SAL (SaaS) Using a Direct Connection

Enable or disable the FTD devices managed by the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center to send events directly to SAL (SaaS). This device-level control allows you to optionally exclude specific FTD devices from sending event logs to the Cisco cloud to reduce traffic or to maintain a combination of SAL and on-premises event log storage.


  • To enable or disable sending events to the Cisco cloud from the FTD devices, enable the Cisco cloud event global setting in the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center. For more information on enabling the Cisco cloud event global setting, see Send Cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center-Managed Event Logs to SAL (SaaS) Using a Direct Connection.

    Sending events to the Cisco cloud is enabled by default for all FTD devices when the Cisco cloud event global setting is enabled in the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center.

  • The option to enable or disable FTD devices to send event logs to the cloud is supported on FTD Version 7.4.1 or later.

Before you begin

  • Onboard devices to the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center, assign licenses to these devices, and configure these devices to send events directly to SAL (SaaS).

  • Enable connection logging on a per-rule basis by editing a rule and choosing the Log at Beginning of Connection and Log at End of Connection options.


Step 1

Log in to CDO.

Step 2

In the left pane, click Inventory.

Step 3

Click the Devices tab to locate the device.

Step 4

Click the FTD tab.

Step 5

Choose the FTD devices whose configurations you want to edit, from the inventory list.

Step 6

In the Device Management pane, click Cloud Events.

Step 7

Click the Send Events to the Cisco Cloud toggle button to enable or disable the configuration.

Step 8

Click Save.

Secure Event Connectors

The Secure Event Connector (SEC) is a component of the Security Analytics and Logging SaaS solution. It receives events from ASA , and FDM-managed devices and forwards them to the Cisco cloud. CDO displays the events on the Event Logging page so that administrators can analyze them there or by using Cisco Secure Cloud analytics.

The SEC is installed on a Secure Device Connector deployed in your network, on its own CDO Connector virtual machine deployed in your network, or on an AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

Secure Event Connector ID

You may need the ID of the SEC when working with Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or other CDO Support. That ID is found on the Secure Connectors page in CDO. To find the SEC ID:

  1. From the CDO menu on the left, choose Tools & Services > Secure Connectors.

  2. Click the SEC you wish to identify.

  3. The SEC ID is the ID listed above the Tenant ID in the Details pane.

Installing Secure Event Connectors

Secure Event Connectors (SECs) can be installed on a tenant with or without an SDC.

You can install one SEC on the same virtual machine as a Secure Device Connector, if you have one; or you can install the SEC on it's own CDO Connector virtual machine that you maintain in your network.

Install a Secure Event Connector on an SDC Virtual Machine

The Secure Event Connector (SEC) receives events from ASA and FDM-managed devices and forwards them to the Cisco cloud. CDO displays the events on the Event Logging page so that administrators can analyze them there or by using Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics.

You can install one SEC on the same virtual machine as a Secure Device Connector, if you have one; or you can install the SEC on it's own CDO Connector virtual machine that you maintain in your network.

This article describes installing an SEC on the same virtual machine as an SDC. If you want to install more SECs see Installing an SEC Using a CDO Image or Install an SEC Using Your VM Image.

Before you begin

  • Purchase the Cisco Security and Analytics Logging, Logging and Troubleshooting license. Or, If you want to try Cisco Security and Analytics Logging out first, log in to CDO, and on the main navigation bar, choose Analytics > Event Logging and click Request Trial. You may also purchase the Logging Analytics and Detection and Total Network Analytics and Monitoring licenses to apply Secure Cloud Analytics to the events.

  • Make sure your SDC has been installed. If you need to install an SDC, follow one of these procedures:

  • Make sure the SDC is communicating with CDO:

    1. In the left pane, click Tools & Services > Secure Connectors.

    2. Make sure that the SDC's last heartbeat was less than 10 minutes prior to the installation of the SEC and that the SDC's status is active.

  • System Requirements - Assign additional CPUs and memory to the virtual machine running the SDC:

    • CPU: Assign an additional 4 CPUs to accommodate the SEC to make a total of 6 CPU.

    • Memory: Assign an additional 8 GB of memory for the SEC to make a total of 10 GB of memory.

      After you have updated the CPU and memory on the VM to accommodate the SEC, power on the VM and ensure that the Secure Connectors page indicates that the SDC is in the "Active" state.


Step 1

Log in to CDO.

Step 2

In the left pane, clickTools & Services > Secure Connectors.

Step 3

Click the blue plus button and click Secure Event Connector.

Step 4

Skip Step 1 of the wizard and go to Step 2. In step 2 of the wizard, click the link to Copy SEC Bootstrap Data.

Step 5

Open a terminal window and log into the SDC as the "cdo" user.

Step 6

Once logged in, switch to the "sdc" user. When prompted for a password, enter the password for the "cdo" user. Here is an example of those commands:

[cdo@sdc-vm ~]$ sudo su sdc
[sudo] password for cdo: <type password for cdo user>
[sdc@sdc-vm ~]$

Step 7

At the prompt, run the setup script:

[sdc@sdc-vm ~]$ /usr/local/cdo/toolkit/ setup

Step 8

At the end of the prompt, paste the bootstrap data you copied in step 4 and press Enter.

Please copy the bootstrap data from Setup Secure Event Connector page of CDO: KJHYFuYTFuIGhiJKlKnJHvHfgxTewrtwE

After the SEC is onboarded, the runs a script to check on the health of the SEC. If all the health checks are "green," the health check sends a sample event to the Event Log. The sample event shows up in the Event Log as a policy named "sec-health-check."

If you receive a message that the registration failed or that the SEC onboarding failed, go to Troubleshooting Secure Event connector Onboarding Failures.

Step 9

Determine if the VM on which the SDC and SEC are running needs additional configuration:

What to do next

Return to Implementing Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) for FDM-Managed Devices.

Installing an SEC Using a CDO Image

The Secure Event Connector (SEC) forwards events from ASA and FTD to the Cisco cloud so that you can view them in the Event Logging page and investigate them with Secure Cloud Analytics, depending on your licensing.

You can install more than one Secure Event Connector (SEC) on your tenant and direct events from your ASAs and FDM-managed devices to any of the SECs you install. Having multiple SECs allows you to have SECs installed in different locations and distribute the work of sending events to the Cisco cloud.

Installing an SEC is a two part process:

  1. Install a CDO Connector, to Support a Secure Event Connector, Using a CDO VM Image You need one CDO Connector for every SEC you install. The CDO Connector is different than a Secure Device Connector (SDC).

  2. Install the Secure Event Connector on your CDO Connector Virtual Machine.


If you want to create a CDO Connector by creating your own VM, see Install Multiple SECs for Your Tenant Using a VM Image you Create.

What to do next:

Continue with Install a CDO Connector, to Support a Secure Event Connector, Using a CDO VM Image

Install a CDO Connector, to Support a Secure Event Connector, Using a CDO VM Image

Before you begin
  • Purchase the Cisco Security and Analytics Logging, Logging and Troubleshooting license, you may also purchase the Logging Analytics and Detection and Total Network Analytics and Monitoring licenses to apply Secure Cloud Analytics to the events.

    If you would rather, you can request a trial version of Security Analytics and Logging by logging in to CDO, and on the main navigation bar, choose Analytics > Event Logging and click Request Trial.

  • CDO requires strict certificate checking and does not support Web/Content Proxy inspection between the CDO Connector and the Internet. If using a proxy server, disable inspection for traffic between the CDO Connector and CDO.

  • The CDO Connector installed in this process must have full outbound access to the Internet on TCP port 443.

  • Review Connect to Cisco Defense Orchestrator using Secure Device Connector to ensure proper network access for the CDO Connector.

  • CDO supports installing its CDO Connector VM OVF image using the vSphere web client or the ESXi web client.

  • CDO does not support installing the CDO Connector VM OVF image using the VM vSphere desktop client.

  • ESXi 5.1 hypervisor.

  • System requirements for a VM intended to host only a CDO Connector and an SEC:

    • VMware ESXi host needs 4 vCPU.

    • VMware ESXi host needs a minimum of 8 GB of memory.

    • VMware ESXi requires 64GB disk space to support the virtual machine depending on your provisioning choice.

  • Gather this information before you begin the installation:

    • Static IP address you want to use for your CDO Connector VM.

    • Passwords for the root and CDO users that you create during the installation process.

    • The IP address of the DNS server your organization uses.

    • The gateway IP address of the network the SDC address is on.

    • The FQDN or IP address of your time server.

  • The CDO Connector virtual machine is configured to install security patches on a regular basis and in order to do this, opening port 80 outbound is required.


Step 1

Log on to the CDO tenant you are creating the CDO Connector for.

Step 2

In the left pane, click Tools & Services > Secure Connectors.

Step 3

Click the blue plus button and click Secure Event Connector.

Step 4

In Step 1, click Download the CDO Connector VM image. This is a special image that you install the SEC on. Always download the CDO Connector VM to ensure that you are using the latest image.

Step 5

Extract all the files from the .zip file. They will look similar to these:

  • CDO-SDC-VM-ddd50fa.ovf


  • CDO-SDC-VM-ddd50fa-disk1.vmdk

Step 6

Log on to your VMware server as an administrator using the vSphere Web Client.



Do not use the VM vSphere desktop client.

Step 7

Deploy the on-premises CDO Connector virtual machine from the OVF template by following the prompts. (You will need the .ovf, .mf, and .vdk files to deploy the template.)

Step 8

When the setup is complete, power on the VM.

Step 9

Open the console for your new CDO Connector VM.

Step 10

Login as the CDO user. The default password is adm123.

Step 11

At the prompt type sudo sdc-onboard setup

[cdo@localhost ~]$ sudo sdc-onboard setup

Step 12

When prompted, enter the default password for the CDO user: adm123.

Step 13

Follow the prompts to create a new password for the root user.

Step 14

Follow the prompts to create a new password for the CDO user.

Step 15

Follow the prompts to enter your Cisco Defense Orchestrator domain information.

Step 16

Enter the static IP address you want to use for the CDO Connector VM.

Step 17

Enter the gateway IP address for the network on which the CDO Connector VM is installed.

Step 18

Enter the NTP server address or FQDN for the CDO Connector.

Step 19

When prompted, enter the information for the Docker bridge or leave it blank if it is not applicable and press <Enter>.

Step 20

Confirm your entries.

Step 21

When prompted "Would you like to setup the SDC now?" enter n.

Step 22

Create an SSH connection to the CDO Connector by logging in as the CDO user.

Step 23

At the prompt type sudo sdc-onboard bootstrap

[cdo@localhost ~]$ sudo sdc-onboard bootstrap

Step 24

When prompted, enter the CDO user's password.

Step 25

When prompted, return to CDO and copy the CDO bootstrap data, then paste it into your SSH session. To copy the CDO bootstrap data:

  1. Log into CDO.

  2. In the left pane, click Tools & Services > Secure Connectors.

  3. Select the Secure Event Connector which you started to onboard. The status should show, "Onboarding."

  4. In the Actions pane, click Deploy an On-Premises Secure Event Connector.

  5. Copy the CDO Bootstrap Data in step 1 of the dialog box.

Step 26

When prompted, Would you like to update these settings? enter n.

Step 27

Return to the Deploy an On-Premises Secure Event Connector dialog in CDO and click OK. On the Secure Connectors page, you see your Secure Event Connector is in the yellow Onboarding state.

What to do next

Continue to Install the Secure Event Connector on the CDO Connector VM.

Install the Secure Event Connector on the CDO Connector VM

Before you begin

You should have installed CDO Connector VM as described inInstall a CDO Connector, to Support a Secure Event Connector, Using a CDO VM Image .


Step 1

Log in to CDO.

Step 2

In the left pane, choose Tools & Services > Secure Connectors.

Step 3

Select the CDO Connector that you onboarded above. In the Secure Connectors table, it will be called a Secure Event Connector and it should still be in the "Onboading" status.

Step 4

Click Deploy an On-Premises Secure Event Connector in the Actions pane on the right.

Step 5

In step 2 of the wizard, click the link to Copy SEC bootstrap data.

Step 6

Create an SSH connection to the CDO Connector and log in as the CDO user.

Step 7

Once logged in, switch to the sdc user. When prompted for a password, enter the password for the "CDO" user. Here is an example of those commands:

[cdo@sdc-vm ~]$ sudo su sdc
 [sudo] password for cdo: <type password for cdo user> 
[sdc@sdc-vm ~]$

Step 8

At the prompt, run the setup script:

[sdc@sdc-vm ~]$ /usr/local/cdo/toolkit/ setup

Step 9

At the end of the prompt, paste the bootstrap data you copied in step 4 and press Enter.

Please copy the bootstrap data from Setup Secure Event Connector page of CDO: KJHYFuYTFuIGhiJKlKnJHvHfgxTewrtwE

After the SEC is onboarded, the runs a script to check on the health of the SEC. If all the health checks are "green," the health check sends a sample event to the Event Log. The sample event shows up in the Event Log as a policy named "sec-health-check."

If you receive a message that the registration failed or that the SEC onboarding failed, go to Troubleshooting SEC Onboarding Failures.

If you receive the success message return to CDO and click Done on the Deploy an ON-Premise Secure Event Connector dialog box.

Step 10

Continue to "What to do next."

What to do next

Return to Implementing Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) for FDM-Managed Devices.

Deploy Secure Event Connector on Ubuntu Virtual Machine

Before you begin

You should have installed Secure Device Connector on your Ubuntu VM as described in Deploy Secure Device Connector and Secure Event Connector on Ubuntu Virtual Machine.


Step 1

Log on to CDO.

Step 2

In the left pane, Tools & Services > Secure Connectors.

Step 3

On the Services page, select the Secure Connectors tab, click the , and select Secure Event Connector.

Step 4

Copy the SEC bootstrap data in step 2 on the window to a notepad.

Step 5

Execute the following commands:

[sdc@vm]:~$sudo su sdc
sdc@vm:/home/user$ cd /usr/local/cdo/toolkit

When prompted, enter the SEC bootstrap data that you have copied..

sdc@vm:~/toolkit$ ./ setup
Please input the bootstrap data from Setup Secure Event Connector page of CDO: 
Successfully on-boarded SEC
It may take a few minutes for the Secure Event Connector to become "Active" in CDO.

Install an SEC Using Your VM Image

The Secure Event Connector (SEC) forwards events from ASA and FTD to the Cisco cloud so that you can view them in the Event Logging page and investigate them with Secure Cloud Analytics, depending on your licensing.

You can install more than one Secure Event Connector (SEC) on your tenant and direct events from your ASAs and FDM-managed devices to any of the SECs you install. Having multiple SECs allows you to have SECs installed in different regions and distribute the work of sending events to the Cisco cloud.

Installing multiple SECs using your own VM image is a three part process. You must perform each of these steps:

  1. Install a CDO Connector to Support an SEC Using Your VM Image

  2. Additional Configuration for SDCs and CDO Connectors Installed on a VM You Created

  3. Install the Secure Event Connector


Using a CDO VM image for the CDO Connector is the easiest, most accurate, and preferred method of installing a CDO connector. If you want to use that method, see Installing an SEC Using a CDO Image.

What to do next:

Continue to Install a CDO Connector to Support an SEC Using Your VM Image

Install a CDO Connector to Support an SEC Using Your VM Image

The CDO Connector VM is a virtual machine on which you install an SEC. The purpose of the CDO Connector is solely to support an SEC for Cisco Security Analytics and Logging (SaaS) customers.

This is the first of three steps you need to complete in order install and configure your Secure Event Connector (SEC). After this procedure, you need to complete the following procedures:

Before you begin
  • Purchase the Cisco Security and Analytics Logging, Logging and Troubleshootinglicense, you may also purchase the Logging Analytics and Detection and Total Network Analytics and Monitoring licenses to apply Secure Cloud Analytics to the events.

    If you would rather, you can request a trial version of Security Analytics and Logging by logging in to CDO, and on the main navigation bar, choose Analytics > Event Logging and click Request Trial.

  • CDO requires strict certificate checking and does not support a Web/Content Proxy between the CDO Connector and the Internet.

  • The CDO Connector must have full outbound access to the Internet on TCP port 443.

  • Review Connect to Cisco Defense Orchestrator using Secure Device Connectorto ensure proper network access for the CDO Connector.

  • VMware ESXi host installed with vCenter web client or ESXi web client.


    We do not support installation using the vSphere desktop client.
  • ESXi 5.1 hypervisor.

  • Cent OS 7 guest operating system.

  • System requirements for a VM to host only a CDO Connector and an SEC:

    • CPU: Assign 4 CPUs to accommodate the SEC.

    • Memory: Assign 8 GB of memory for the SEC.

    • Disk Space: 64 GB

  • Users performing this procedure should be comfortable working in a Linux environment and using the vi visual editor for editing files.

  • If you are installing your CDO Connector on a CentOS virtual machine, we recommend you install Yum security patches on a regular basis. Depending on your Yum configuration, to acquire Yum updates, you may need to open outbound access on port 80 as well as 443. You will also need to configure yum-cron or crontab to schedule the updates. Work with your security-operations team to determine if any security policies need to change to allow you to get the Yum updates.

  • Gather this information before you begin the installation:

    • Static IP address you want to use for your CDO Connector.

    • Passwords for the root and CDO users that you create during the installation process.

    • The IP address of the DNS server your organization uses.

    • The gateway IP address of the network the CDO Connector address is on.

    • The FQDN or IP address of your time server.

  • The CDO Connector virtual machine is configured to install security patches on a regular basis and in order to do this, opening port 80 outbound is required.

  • Before you get started: Do not copy and paste the commands in this procedure into your terminal window, type them instead. Some commands include an "n-dash" and in the cut and paste process, these commands can be applied as an "m-dash" and that may cause the command to fail.


Step 1

From the Secure Device Connectors page, click the blue plus button and click Secure Event Connector.

Step 2

Using the link provided, copy the SEC Bootstrap Data in step 2 of the "Deploy an On-Premises Secure Event Connector" window.

Step 3

Install a CentOS 7 virtual machine ( with at least the memory, CPU, and disk space mentioned in this procedure's perquisites.

Step 4

Once installed, configure basic networking such as specifying the IP address for the CDO Connector, the subnet mask, and gateway.

Step 5

Configure a DNS (Domain Name Server) server.

Step 6

Configure a NTP (Network Time Protocol) server.

Step 7

Install an SSH server on CentOS for easy interaction with CDO Connector's CLI.

Step 8

Run a Yum update and then install the packages: open-vm-tools, nettools, and bind-utils

[root@sdc-vm ~]# yum update -y 
[root@sdc-vm ~]# yum install -y open-vm-tools net-tools bind-utils 

Step 9

Install the AWS CLI package (



Do not use the --user flag.

Step 10

Install the Docker CE packages (



Use the "Install using the repository" method.

Step 11

Start the Docker service and enable it to start on boot:

[root@sdc-vm ~]# systemctl start docker
 [root@sdc-vm ~]# systemctl enable docker 
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service. 

Step 12

Create two users: CDO and sdc. The CDO user will be the one you log-into to run administrative functions (so you don't need to use the root user directly), and the sdc user will be the user to run the CDO Connector docker container.

[root@sdc-vm ~]# useraddCDO
 [root@sdc-vm ~]# useradd sdc –d /usr/local/CDO

Step 13

Configure the sdc user to use crontab:

[root@sdc-vm ~]# touch /etc/cron.allow
[root@sdc-vm ~]# echo "sdc" >> /etc/cron.allow

Step 14

Set a password for the CDO user.

[root@sdc-vm ~]# passwd CDO 
Changing password for user CDO. 
New password: <type password>  
Retype new password: <type password> 
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. 

Step 15

Add the CDO user to the "wheel" group to give it administrative (sudo) privileges.

[root@sdc-vm ~]# usermod -aG wheelCDO
 [root@sdc-vm ~]# 

Step 16

When Docker is installed, there is a user group created. Depending on the version of CentOS/Docker, this may be called either "docker" or "dockerroot". Check the /etc/group file to see which group was created, and then add the sdc user to this group.

 [root@sdc-vm ~]# grep docker /etc/group 
[root@sdc-vm ~]# 
[root@sdc-vm ~]# usermod -aG docker sdc 
[root@sdc-vm ~]# 

Step 17

If the /etc/docker/daemon.json file does not exist, create it, and populate with the contents below. Once created, restart the docker daemon.



Make sure that the group name entered in the "group" key matches the group you found in the /etc/group file.

 [root@sdc-vm ~]# cat /etc/docker/daemon.json 
 "live-restore": true, 
 "group": "docker" 
[root@sdc-vm ~]# systemctl restart docker 
[root@sdc-vm ~]# 

Step 18

If you are currently using a vSphere console session, switch over to SSH and log in as the CDO user. Once logged in, change to the sdc user. When prompted for a password, enter the password for the CDO user.

[CDO@sdc-vm ~]$ sudo su sdc 
[sudo] password for CDO: <type password for CDO user > 
[sdc@sdc-vm ~]$ 

Step 19

Change directories to /usr/local/CDO.

Step 20

Create a new file called bootstrapdata and paste the bootstrap data from Step 1 of the deployment wizrd into this file. Save the file. You can use vi or nano to create the file.

Step 21

The bootstrap data comes encoded in base64. Decode it and export it to a file called extractedbootstrapdata

 [sdc@sdc-vm ~]$ base64 -d /usr/local/CDO/bootstrapdata > /usr/local/CDO/extractedbootstrapdata 
[sdc@sdc-vm ~]$ 

Run the cat command to view the decoded data. The command and decoded data should look similar to this:

[sdc@sdc-vm ~]$ cat /usr/local/CDO/extractedbootstrapdata 
CDO_TOKEN="<token string>" 

Step 22

Run the following command to export the sections of the decoded bootstrap data to environment variables.

[sdc@sdc-vm ~]$ sed -e 's/^/export /g' extractedbootstrapdata > secenv && source secenv 
[sdc@sdc-vm ~]$ 

Step 23

Download the bootstrap bundle from CDO.

 [sdc@sdc-vm ~]$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $CDO_TOKEN" "$CDO_BOOTSTRAP_URL" -o $CDO_TENANT.tar.gz 
100 10314 100 10314 0 0 10656 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 10654 
[sdc@sdc-vm ~]$ ls -l /usr/local/CDO/*SDC 
-rw-rw-r--. 1 sdc sdc 10314 Jul 23 13:48 /usr/local/CDO/CDO_<tenant_name>

Step 24

Extract the CDO Connector tarball, and run the file to install the CDO Connector package.

 [sdc@sdc-vm ~]$ tar xzvf /usr/local/CDO/tenant-name-SDC 
<snipped – extracted files> 
[sdc@sdc-vm ~]$ 
[sdc@sdc-vm ~]$ /usr/local/CDO/bootstrap/ 
[2018-07-23 13:54:02] environment properly configured 
download: s3://onprem-sdc/toolkit/prod/toolkit.tar to toolkit/toolkit.tar 
no crontab for sdc 
-bash-4.2$ crontab -l 
*/5 * * * * /usr/local/CDO/toolkit/ upgradeEventing 2>&1 >> /usr/local/CDO/toolkit/toolkit.log 
0 2 * * * sleep 30 && /usr/local/CDO/toolkit/ es_maintenance 2>&1 >> /usr/local/CDO/toolkit/toolkit.log 
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/sdc

What to do next
Continue to Additional Configuration for SDCs and CDO Connectors Installed on a VM You Created .

Additional Configuration for SDCs and CDO Connectors Installed on a VM You Created

If you installed your CDO Connector on your own CentOS 7 virtual machine, you need to perform one of the following additional configuration procedures to allow events to reach the SEC.

Before you begin:

This is the second of three steps you need to complete in order install and configure your SEC. If you have not already, complete Install a CDO Connector to Support an SEC Using Your VM Image before making these configuration changes.

After you complete one of the additional configuration changes described here, complete Install the Secure Event Connector

Disable the firewalld service on the CentOS 7 VM
  1. Log into the CLI of the SDC VM as the "CDO" user.

  2. Stop the firewalld service, and then ensure that it will remain disabled upon subsequent reboots of the VM. If you are prompted, enter the password for the CDO user:

    [CDO@SDC-VM ~]$ sudo systemctl stop firewalld
    CDO@SDC-VM ~]$ sudo systemctl disable firewalld
  3. Restart the Docker service to re-insert Docker-specific entries into the local firewall:

    [CDO@SDC-VM ~]$ sudo systemctl restart docker

  4. Continue to Install the Secure Event Connector.

Allow the firewalld service to run and add firewall rules to allow event traffic to reach the SEC
  1. Log into the CLI of the SDC VM as the "CDO" user.

  2. Add local firewall rules to allow incoming traffic to the SEC from the TCP, UDP, or NSEL ports you configured. See Finding Your Device's TCP, UDP, and NSEL Port Used for Cisco Security Analytics and Logging for the ports used by your SEC. If prompted, enter the password for the CDO user. Here is an example of the commands. You may need to specify different port values.

    [CDO@SDC-VM ~]$ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=10125/tcp 
    CDO@SDC-VM ~]$ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=10025/udp
    [CDO@SDC-VM ~]$ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=10425/udp
  3. Restart the firewalld service to make the new local firewall rules both active and persistent:

    [CDO@SDC-VM ~]$ sudo systemctl restart firewalld

  4. Continue to Install the Secure Event Connector.

Install the Secure Event Connector on your CDO Connector Virtual Machine

Before you begin

This is the third of three steps you need to complete in order install and configure your Secure Event Connector (SEC). If you have not already, complete these two task before continuing with this procedure:


Step 1

Log in to CDO.

Step 2

In the left pane, Tools & Services > Secure Connectors.

Step 3

Select the CDO Connector that you installed using the procedure in the prerequisites above. In the Secure Connectors table, it will be called a Secure Event Connector.

Step 4

Click Deploy an On-Premises Secure Event Connector in the Actions pane on the right.

Step 5

In step 2 of the wizard, click the link to Copy SEC Bootstrap Data.

Step 6

Connect to the Secure Connector using SSH and log in as the CDO user.

Step 7

Once logged in, switch to the sdc user. When prompted for a password, enter the password for the "CDO" user. Here is an example of those commands:

[cdo@sdc-vm ~]$ sudo su sdc
[sudo] password for cdo: <type password for cdo user>
[sdc@sdc-vm ~]$ 

Step 8

At the prompt, run the setup script:

[sdc@sdc-vm ~]$ /usr/local/cdo/toolkit/ setup

Step 9

At the end of the prompt, paste the bootstrap data you copied in step 4 and press Enter.

Please copy the bootstrap data from Setup Secure Event Connector page of CDO:
 KJHYFuYTFuIGhiJKlKnJHvHfgxTewrtwE RtyFUiyIOHKNkJbKhvhgyRStwterTyufGUihoJpojP9UOoiUY8VHHGFXREWRtygfhVjhkOuihIuyftyXtfcghvjbkhB=

After the SEC is onboarded, the runs a script to check on the health of the SEC. If all the health checks are "green," the health check sends a sample event to the Event Log. The sample event shows up in the Event Log as a policy named "sec-health-check."

If you receive a message that the registration failed or that the SEC onboarding failed, go to Troubleshooting Secure Event Connector Onboarding Failures.

If you receive the success message, click Done in the Deploy an ON-Premise Secure Event Connector dialog box.You have finished installing an SEC on a your VM image.

Step 10

Continue to "What to do next."

What to do next

Return to this procedure to continue your implementation of SAL SaaS: Implementing Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) for FDM-Managed Devices.

Install a Secure Event Connector on an AWS VPC Using a Terraform Module

Before you begin

  • To perform this task, you must enable SAL on your CDO tenant. This section presumes that you have a SAL license. If you do not have one, purchase the Cisco Security and Analytics Logging, Logging and Troubleshooting license.

  • Ensure you have a new SEC installed. To create a new SEC, see Install a Secure Event Connector on an SDC Virtual Machine.

  • When installing the SEC, make sure you take a note of the CDO bootstrap data and SEC bootstrap data.


Step 1

Go to Secure Event Connector Terraform Module on the Terraform Registry and follow the instructions to add the SEC Terraform module to your Terraform code.

Step 2

Apply the Terraform code.

Step 3

Ensure that you print the instance_id and sec_fqdn outputs, because you will need them later in the procedure.



To troubleshoot your SEC, you must connect to your SEC instance using the AWS Systems Manager Session Manager (SSM). See the AWS Systems Manager Session Manager documentation to know more about connecting to an instance using SSM.

Ports to connect to the SDC instance using SSH are not exposed for secuirty reasons.

Step 4

To enable sending of logs from your ASA to the SEC, obtain the certificate chain of the SEC you created and remove the leaf certificate by running the following command with the output from Step 3:

rm -f /tmp/cert_chain.pem && openssl s_client -showcerts -verify 5 -connect <FQDN>:10125 < /dev/null | awk '/BEGIN CERTIFICATE/,/END CERTIFICATE/{ if(/BEGIN CERTIFICATE/){a++}; out="/tmp/cert_chain.pem"; if(a > 1) print >>out}'

Step 5

Copy the contents of /tmp/cert_chain.pem to your clipboard.

Step 6

Take a note of the IP address of the SEC using the following command:

nslookup <FQDN>

Step 7

Log in to CDO and start adding a new trustpoint object. See Adding a Trusted CA Certificate Object for more information. Ensure you uncheck the Enable CA flag in basic constraints extension checkbox in Other Options before clicking Add.

Step 8

Click Add, copy the CLI commands generated by CDO in the Install Certificate page, and click Cancel.

Step 9

Below enrollment terminal, add no ca-check in a text clipboard.

Step 10

SSH into your ASA device or use the ASA CLI option in CDO and execute the following commands:

DataCenterFW-1> en
Password: *****************
DataCenterFW-1# conf t
DataCenterFW-1(config)# <paste your modified ASA CLIs here and press Enter>
DataCenterFW-1(config)# wr mem
Building configuration...
Cryptochecksum: 6634f35f 4c5137f1 ab0c5cdc 9784bdb6

What to do next

You can check if your SEC is receiving packets using AWS SSM:
You should now see logs similar to this:
time="2023-05-10T17:13:46.135018214Z" level=info msg="[ip-10-100-5-19.ec2.internal][util.go:67 plugin.createTickers:func1] Events - Processed - 6/s, Dropped - 0/s, Queue size - 0"

Deprovisioning Cisco Security Analytics and Logging (SaaS)

If you allow your Cisco Security Analytics and Logging (SaaS) paid license to lapse, you have a grace period of 90 days. If you renew your paid license during this grace period, there is no interruption in your service.

Otherwise, if you allow the 90-day grace period to elapse, the system purges all of your customer data. You can no longer view ASA or FTD events from the Event Logging page, nor have dynamic entity modeling behavioral analytics applied to your ASA or FTD events and network flow data.

Remove the Secure Event Connector

Warning: This procedure deletes the Secure Event Connector from the Secure Device Connector. Doing so will prevent you from using Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS). It is not reversible. If you have any questions or concerns, contact CDO support before taking this action.

Removing the Secure Event Connector from your Secure Device Connector is a two-step process:

  1. Remove SEC from CDO.

  2. Remove SEC files from the SDC.

What to do next: Continue to Remove SEC from CDO

Remove an SEC from CDO

Before you begin

See Remove the Secure Event Connector.


Step 1

Log in to CDO.

Step 2

In the left pane, choose Tools & Services > Secure Connectors.

Step 3

Select the row with the device type, Secure Event Connector.

Warning: Be careful. Do NOT select your Secure Device Connector.

Step 4

In the Actions pane, click Remove.

Step 5

Click OK to confirm your intent to delete the Secure Event Connector.

What to do next

Continue to Remove SEC files from the SDC.

Remove SEC files from the SDC

This is the second part of a two part procedure to remove the Secure Event Connector from your SDC. See Remove the Secure Event Connector before you begin.


Step 1

Open your virtual machine hypervisor and start a console session for your SDC.

Step 2

Switch to the SDC user.

 [cdo@tenant toolkit]$sudo su sdc 

Step 3

At the prompt type one of these commands:

  • If you are managing only your own tenant:

    [sdc@tenant toolkit]$ /usr/local/cdo/toolkit/ remove
  • If you manage more than one tenant, add CDO_ to the beginning of the tenant name. For example:

     [sdc@tenant toolkit]$ /usr/local/cdo/toolkit/ remove CDO_[tenant_name] 

Step 4

Confirm your intention to remove the SEC files.

Provision a Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics Portal

Required License: Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring

If you purchase a Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring license, after you deploy and configure the Secure Event Connector (SEC), you must associate a Secure Cloud Analytics portal with your CDO portal to view Secure Cloud Analytics alerts. When you purchase the license, if you have an existing Secure Cloud Analytics portal, you can provide the Secure Cloud Analytics portal name and immediately link it to your CDO portal.

Otherwise, you can request a new Secure Cloud Analytics portal from the CDO UI. The first time you access Secure Cloud Analytics alerts, the system takes you to a page to request the Secure Cloud Analytics portal. The user that requests this portal is granted administrator permission in the portal.


Step 1

In the left pane, click Analytics > Secure Cloud Analytics to open the Secure Cloud Analytics UI in a new window.

Step 2

Click Start Free Trial to provision a Secure Cloud Analytics portal and associate it with your CDO portal.



After you request the portal, the provisioning may take up to several hours.

Ensure that your portal is provisioned before moving on to the next step.

  1. In the left pane, click Analytics > Secure Cloud Analytics to open the Secure Cloud Analytis UI in a new window.

  2. You have the following options:

    • If you requested a Secure Cloud Analytics portal, and the system states it is still provisioning the portal, wait and try to access the alerts later.

    • If the Secure Cloud Analytics portal is provisioned, enter your Username and Password, then click Sign in.


The administrator user can invite other users to create accounts within the Secure Cloud Analytis portal. See Viewing Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics Alerts from CDO for more information.

What to do next

Review Sensor Health and CDO Integration Status in Secure Cloud Analytics

Sensor Status

Required License: Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring

In the Secure Cloud Analytis web UI, you can view your CDO integration status and your configured sensors from the Sensor List page. The CDO integration is the read-only connection-events sensor. Stelathwatch Cloud provides an overall health of your sensors in the main menu:

  • green cloud icon () - connectivity established with all sensors, and CDO if configured

  • yellow cloud icon () - connectivity established with some sensors, or CDO if configured, and one or more sensors is not configured properly

  • red cloud icon () - connectivity lost with all configured sensors, and CDO if configured

Per sensor or CDO integration, a green icon signifies connectivity established, and a red icon signifies connectivity lost.


Step 1

1. In the Secure Cloud Analytis portal UI, select Settings () > Sensors.

Step 2

Select Sensor List.

Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics Sensor Deployment for Total Network Analytics and Reporting

Secure Cloud Analytics Sensor Overview and Deployment

Required License: Total Network Analytics and Monitoring

If you obtain a Total Network Analytics and Monitoring license, after you provision a Secure Cloud Analytics portal, you can:

  • Deploy and configure a Secure Cloud Analytics sensor within your on-premises network to pass network flow data to the cloud for analysis.

  • Configure your cloud-based deployment to pass network flow log data to Secure Cloud Analytics for analysis.

Firewalls at your network perimeter gather information about traffic between your internal network and external networks, while Secure Cloud Analytics sensors gather information about traffic within your internal network.


FDM-managedSecure Firewall Threat Defense devices may be configured to pass NetFlow data. When you deploy a sensor, do not configure it to pass NetFlow data from any of your FDM-managedSecure Firewall Threat Defense devices which you also configured to pass event information to CDO.

See the Secure Cloud Analytics Sensor Installation Guide for sensor deployment instructions and recommendations.

See the Secure Cloud Analytics Public Cloud Monitoring Guides for cloud-based deployment configuration instructions and recommendations.


You can also review instructions in the Secure Cloud Analytics portal UI to configure sensors and your cloud-based deployment.

See the Secure Cloud Analytics Free Trial Guide for more information about Secure Cloud Analytics.

Next Steps

Viewing Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics Alerts from CDO

Required License: Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring

While you can review your firewall events on the Events logging page, you cannot review Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics alerts from the CDO portal UI. You can cross-launch from CDO to the Secure Cloud Analytics portal using the Security Analytics menu option, and view alerts generated from firewall event data (and from network flow data if you enabled Total Network Analytics and Monitoring). The Security Analytics menu option displays a badge with the number of Secure Cloud Analytics alerts in an open workflow status, if 1 or more are open.

If you use a Security Analytics and Logging license to generate Secure Cloud Analytics alerts, and you provisioned a new Secure Cloud Analytics portal, log into CDO, then cross-launch to Secure Cloud Analytics using Cisco Security Cloud Sign On. You can also directly access your Secure Cloud Analytics portal through its URL.

See Cisco Security Cloud Sign On for more information.

Inviting Users to Join Your Secure Cloud Analytics Portal

The initial user to request the Secure Cloud Analytics portal provision has administrator privileges in the Secure Cloud Analytics portal. That user can invite other users by email to join the portal. If these users do not have Cisco Security Cloud Sign On credentials, they can create them using the link in the invite email. Users can then use Cisco Security Cloud Sign On credentials to log in during the cross-launch from CDO to Secure Cloud Analytics.

To invite other users to your Secure Cloud Analytics portal by email:


Step 1

Log into your Secure Cloud Analytics portal as an administrator.

Step 2

Select Settings > Account Management > User Management.

Step 3

Enter an Email address.

Step 4

Click Invite.

Cross-Launching from CDO to Secure Cloud Analytics

To view security alerts from CDO:


Step 1

Log into the CDO portal.

Step 2

In the left pane, choose Analytics > Secure Cloud Analytics.

Step 3

In the Secure Cloud Analytics interface, select Monitor > Alerts.

Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics and Dynamic Entity Modeling

Required License: Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring

Secure Cloud Analytics is a software as a service (SaaS) solution that monitors your on-premises and cloud-based network deployments. By gathering information about your network traffic from sources including firewall events and network flow data, it creates observations about the traffic and automatically identifies roles for network entities based on their traffic patterns. Using this information combined with other sources of threat intelligence, such as Talos, Secure Cloud Analytics generates alerts, which constitute a warning that there is behavior that may be malicious in nature. Along with the alerts, Secure Cloud Analytics provides network and host visibility, and contextual information it has gathered to provide you with a better basis to research the alert and locate sources of malicious behavior.

Dynamic Entity Modeling

Dynamic entity modeling tracks the state of your network by performing a behavioral analysis on firewall events and network flow data. In the context of Secure Cloud Analytics, an entity is something that can be tracked over time, such as a host or endpoint on your network. Dynamic entity modeling gathers information about entities based on the traffic they transmit and activities they take on your network. Secure Cloud Analytics, integrated with a Logging Analytics and Detection license, can draw from firewall events and other traffic information in order to determine the types of traffic the entity usually transmits. If you purchase a Total Network Analytics and Monitoring license, Secure Cloud Analytics can also include NetFlow and other traffic information in modeling entity traffic. Secure Cloud Analytics updates these models over time, as the entities continue to send traffic, and potentially send different traffic, to keep an up-to-date model of each entity. From this information, Secure Cloud Analytics identifies:

  • Roles for the entity, which are a descriptor of what the entity usually does. For example, if an entity sends traffic that is generally associated with email servers, Secure Cloud Analytics assigns the entity an Email Server role. The role/entity relationship can be many-to-one, as entities may perform multiple roles.

  • Observations for the entity, which are facts about the entity's behavior on the network, such as a heartbeat connection with an external IP address, or a remote access session established with another entity. If you integrate with CDO, these facts can be obtained from firewall events. If you also purchase a Total Network Analytics and Monitoring, license, the system can also obtain facts from NetFlow, and generate observations from both firewall events and NetFlow. Observations on their own do not carry meaning beyond the fact of what they represent. A typical customer may have many thousands of observations and a few alerts.

Alerts and Analysis

Based on the combination of roles, observations, and other threat intelligence, Secure Cloud Analytics generates alerts, which are actionable items that represent possible malicious behavior as identified by the system. Note that one alert may represent multiple observations. If a firewall logs multiple connection events related to the same connection and entities, this may result in only one alert.

For example, a New Internal Device observation on its own does not constitute possible malicious behavior. However, over time, if the entity transmits traffic consistent with a Domain Controller, then the system assigns a Domain Controller role to the entity. If the entity subsequently establishes a connection to an external server that it has not established a connection with previously, using unusual ports, and transfers large amounts of data, the system would log a New Large Connection (External) observation and an Exceptional Domain Controller observation. If that external server is identified as on a Talos watchlist, then the combination of all this information would lead Secure Cloud Analytics to generate an alert for this entity's behavior, prompting you to take further action to research, and remediate malicious behavior.

When you open an alert in the Secure Cloud Analytics web portal UI, you can view the supporting observations that led the system to generate the alert. From these observations, you can also view additional context about the entities involved, including the traffic that they transmitted, and external threat intelligence if it is available. You can also see other observations and alerts that entities were involved with, and determine if this behavior is tied to other potentially malicious behavior.

Note that when you view and close alerts in Secure Cloud Analytics, you cannot allow or block traffic from the Secure Cloud Analytics UI. You must update your firewall access control rules to allow or block traffic, if you deployed your devices in active mode, or your firewall access control rules if your firewalls are deployed in passive mode.

Working with Alerts Based on Firewall Events

Required License: Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring

Alerts Workflow

An alert's workflow is based around its status. When the system generates an alert, the default status is Open, and no user is assigned. When you view the Alerts summary, all open alerts are displayed by default, as these are of immediate concern.

Note: If you have a Total Network Analytics and Monitoring license, your alerts can be based on observations generated from NetFlow, observations generated from firewall events, or observations from both data sources.

As you review the Alerts summary, you can assign, tag, and update status on alerts as an initial triage. You can use the filters and search functionality to locate specific alerts, or display alerts of different statuses, or associated with different tags or assignees. You can set an alert's status to Snoozed, in which case it does not reappear in the list of open alerts until the snooze period elapses. You can also remove Snoozed status from an alert, to display it as an open alert again. As you review alerts, you can assign them to yourself or another user in the system. Users can search for all alerts assigned to their username.

From the Alerts summary, you can view an alert detail page. This page allows you to review additional context about the supporting observations that resulted in this alert, and additional context about the entities involved in this alert. This information can help you pinpoint the actual issue, in order to further research the issue on your network, and potentially resolve malicious behavior.

As you research within the Secure Cloud Analytics web portal UI, in CDO, and on your network, you can leave comments with the alert that describe your findings. This helps create a record for your research that you can reference in the future.

If you complete your analysis, you can update the status to Closed, and have it no longer appear by default as an open alert. You can also re-open a closed alert in the future if circumstances change.

The following presents general guidelines and suggestions for how to investigate a given alert. Because Secure Cloud Analytics provides additional context when it logs an alert, you can use this context to help guide your investigation.

These steps are meant to be neither comprehensive, nor all-inclusive. They merely offer a general framework with which to start investigating an alert.

In general, you can take the following steps when you review an alert:

  1. Triage open alerts

  2. Snooze alerts for later analysis

  3. Update the alert for further investigation

  4. Review the alert and start your investigation

  5. Examine the entity and users

  6. Remediate issues using Secure Cloud Analytics

  7. Update and close the alert

Triage open alerts

Triage the open alerts, especially if more than one have yet to be investigated:

Ask the following questions:

  • Have you configured this alert type as high priority?

  • Did you set a high sensitivity for the affected subnet?

  • Is this unusual behavior from a new entity on your network?

  • What is the entity's normal role, and how does the behavior in this alert fit that role?

  • Is this an exceptional deviation from normal behavior for this entity?

  • If a user is involved, is this expected behavior from the user, or exceptional?

  • Is protected or sensitive data at risk of being compromised?

  • How severe is the impact to your network if this behavior is allowed to continue?

  • If there is communication with external entities, have these entities established connections with other entities on your network in the past?

If this is a high priority alert, consider quarantining the entity from the internet, or otherwise closing its connections, before continuing your investigation.

Snooze alerts for later analysis

Snooze alerts when they are of lesser priority, as compared to other alerts. For example, if your organization is repurposing an email server as an FTP server, and the system generates an Emergent Profile alert (indicating that an entity's current traffic matches a behavior profile that it did not previously match), you can snooze this alert as it is intended behavior, and revisit it at a later date. A snoozed alert does not show up with the open alerts; you must specifically filter to review these snoozed alerts.

Snooze an alert:


Step 1

Click Close Alert.

Step 2

In the Snooze this alert pane, select a snooze period from the drop-down.

Step 3

Click Save.

What to do next

When you are ready to review these alerts, you can unsnooze them. This sets the status to Open, and displays the alert alongside the other Open alerts.

Unsnooze a snoozed alert:

  • From a snoozed alert, click Unsnooze Alert.

Update the alert for further investigation

Open the alert detail:


Step 1

Select Monitor > Alerts.

Step 2

Click an alert type name.

What to do next

Based on your initial triage and prioritization, assign the alert and tag it:

  1. Select a user from the Assignee drop-down to assign the alert, so a user can start investigating.

  2. Select one or more Tags from the drop-down to add tags to the alert, to better categorize your alert's for future identification, as well as to try and establish long-term patterns in your alerts.

  3. Enter a Comment on this alert, then click Comment to leave comments as necessary to track your initial findings, and assist the person assigned to the alert. The alert tracks both system comments and user comments.

Review the alert and start your investigation

If you are reviewing an assigned alert, review the alert detail to understand why Secure Cloud Analytics generated an alert. Review the supporting observations to understand what these observations mean for the source entity.

Note that if the alert was generated based on firewall events, the system does not note that your firewall deployment was the source of this alert.

View all of the supporting observations for this source entity to understand its general behavior and patterns, and see if this activity may be part of a longer trend:


Step 1

From the alert detail, click the arrow icon () next to an observation type to view all logged observations of that type.

Step 2

Click the arrow icon () next to All Observations for Network to view all logged observations for this alert's source entity.

Download the supporting observations in a comma-separated value file, if you want to perform additional analysis on these observations:

  • From the alert detail, in the Supporting Observations pane, click CSV.

From the observations, determine if the source entity behavior is indicative of malicious behavior. If the source entity established connections with multiple external entities, determine if the external entities are somehow related, such as if they all have similar geolocation information, or their IP addresses are from the same subnet.

View additional context surrounding the source entity from a source entity IP address or hostname, including other alerts and observations it may be involved in, information about the device itself, and what type of session traffic it is transmitting:

  • Select Alerts from the IP address or hostname drop-down to view all alerts related to the entity.

  • Select Observations from the IP address or hostname drop-down to view all observations related to the entity.

  • Select Device from the IP address or hostname drop-down to view information about the device.

  • Select Session Traffic from the IP address or hostname drop-down to view session traffic related to this entity.

  • Select Copy from the IP address or hostname drop-down to copy the IP address or hostname.

Note that the source entity in Secure Cloud Analytics is always internal to your network. Contrast this with the Initiator IP in a firewall event, which indicates the entity that initiated a connection, and may be internal or external to your network.

From the observations, examine information about other external entities. Examine the geolocation information, and determine if any of the geolocation data or Umbrella data identifies a malicious entity. View the traffic generated by these entities. Check whether Talos, AbuseIPDB, or Google have any information on these entities. Find the IP address on multiple days and see what other types of connections the external entity established with entities on your network. If necessary, locate those internal entities and determine if there is any evidence of compromise or unintended behavior.

Review the context for an external entity IP address or hostname with which the source entity established a connection:

  • Select IP Traffic from the IP address or hostname drop-down to view recent traffic information for this entity.

  • Select Session Traffic from the IP address or hostname drop-down to view recent session traffic information for this entity.

  • Select AbuseIPDB from the IP address or hostname drop-down to view information about this entity on AbuseIPDB's website.

  • Select Cisco Umbrella from the IP address or hostname drop-down to view information about this entity on Cisco Umbrella's website.

  • Select Google Search from the IP address or hostname drop-down to search for this IP address on Google.

  • Select Talos Intelligence from the IP address or hostname drop-down to view information about this information on Talos's website.

  • Select Add IP to watchlist from the IP address or hostname drop-down to add this entity to the watchlist.

  • Select Find IP on multiple days from the IP address or hostname drop-down to search for this entity's traffic from the past month.

  • Select Copy from the IP address or hostname drop-down to copy the IP address or hostname.

Note that connected entities in Secure Cloud Analytics are always external to your network. Contrast this with the Responder IP in a firewall event, which indicates the entity that responded to a connection request, and may be internal or external to your network.

Leave comments as to your findings.

  • From the alert detail, enter a Comment on this alert, then click Comment.

Examine the entity and users

After you review the alert in the Secure Cloud Analytics portal UI, you can perform an additional examination on a source entity directly, any users that may have been involved with this alert, and other related entities.

  • Determine where the source entity is on your network, physically or in the cloud, and access it directly. Locate the log files for this entity. If it is a physical entity on your network, access the device to review the log information, and see if there is any information as to what caused this behavior. If it is a virtual entity, or stored in the cloud, access the logs and search for entries related to this entity. Examine the logs for further information on unauthorized logins, unapproved configuration changes, and the like.

  • Examine the entity. Determine if you can identify malware or a vulnerability on the entity itself. See if there has been some malicious change, including if there are physical changes to a device, such as a USB stick that is not approved by your organization.

  • Determine if a user on your network, or from outside your network, was involved. Ask the user what they were doing if possible. If the user is unavailable, determine if they were supposed to have access, and if a situation occurred that prompted this behavior, such as a terminated employee uploading files to an external server before leaving the company.

Leave comments as to your findings:

  • From the alert detail, enter a Comment on this alert, then click Comment.

Remediate issues using Secure Cloud Analytics

If malicious behavior caused the alert, remediate the malicious behavior. For example:

  • If a malicious entity or user attempted to log in from outside your network, update your firewall rules and firewall configuration to prevent the entity or user from accessing your network.

  • If an entity attempted to access an unauthorized or malicious domain, examine the affected entity to determine if malware is the cause. If there are malicious DNS redirects, determine if other entities on your network are affected, or part of a botnet. If this is intended by a user, determine if there is a legitimate reason for this, such as testing firewall settings. Update your firewall rules and firewall configuration to prevent further access to the domain.

  • If an entity is exhibiting behavior that is different from the historical entity model behavior, determine if the behavior change is intended. If it is unintended, examine whether an otherwise authorized user on your network is responsible for the change. Update your firewall rules and firewall configuration to address unintended behavior if it involves connections with entities that are external to your network.

  • If you identify a vulnerability or exploit, update or patch the affected entity to remove the vulnerability, or update your firewall configuration to prevent unauthorized access. Determine if other entities on your network may similarly be affected, and apply the same update or patch to those entities. If the vulnerability or exploit currently does not have a fix, contact the appropriate vendor to let them know.

  • If you identify malware, quarantine the entity and remove the malware. Review the firewall file and malware events to determine if other entities on your network are at risk, and quarantine and update the entities to prevent this malware from spreading. Update your security intelligence with information about this malware, or the entities that caused this malware. Update your firewall access control and file and malware rules to prevent this malware from infecting your network in the future. Alert vendors as necessary.

  • If malicious behavior resulted in data exfiltration, determine the nature of the data sent to an unauthorized source. Follow your organization's protocols for unauthorized data exfiltration. Update your firewall configuration to prevent future data exfiltration attempts by this source.

Update and close the alert

Add additional tags based on your findings:


Step 1

In the Secure Cloud Analytics portal UI, select Monitor > Alerts.

Step 2

Select one or more Tags from the drop-down.

Add final comments describing the results of your investigation, and any remediation steps taken:

  • From an alert's detail, enter a Comment on this alert, then click Comment.

Close the alert, and mark it as helpful or not helpful:

  1. From an alert's detail, click Close Alert.

  2. Select Yes if the alert was helpful, or No if the alert was unhelpful. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the alert resulted from malicious behavior, just that the alert was helpful to your organization.

  3. Click Save.

What to do next

Reopen a closed alert

If you discover additional information related to a closed alert, or want to add more comments related to that alert, you can reopen it, changing the status to Open. You can then make changes as necessary to the alert, then close it again when your additional investigation is complete.

Reopen a closed alert:

  • From a closed alert's detail, click Reopen Alert.

Modifying Alert Priorities

Required License: Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring

Alert types come with default priorities, which affect how sensitive the system is to generating alerts of this type. Alerts default to low or normal priority, based on Cisco intelligence and other factors. Based on your network environment, you may want to reprioritize alert types, to emphasize certain alerts that you are concerned with. You can configure any alert type to be low, normal, or high priority.

  • Select Monitor > Alerts.

  • Click the settings drop-down icon (), then select Alert Types and Priorities.

  • Click the edit icon () next to an alert type and select low, medium, or high to change the priority.

Viewing Live Events

The Live events page shows the most recent 500 events that match the filter and search criteria you entered. If the Live events page displays the maximum of 500 events, and more events stream in, CDO displays the newest live events, and transfers the oldest live events to the Historical events page, keeping the total number of live events at 500. That transfer takes roughly a minute to perform. If no filtering criteria is added, you will see all the latest Live 500 events generated by rules configured to log events.

The event timestamps are shown in UTC.

Changing the filtering criteria, whether live events are playing or paused, clears the events screen and restarts the collection process.

To see live events in the CDO Events viewer:


Step 1

In the left pane, choose Analytics > Event Logging.

Step 2

Click the Live tab.

What to do next

See how to play and pause events by reading .

Play/Pause Live Events

You can "play" or "pause" live events as they stream in. If live events are "playing," CDO displays events that match the filtering criteria specified in the Events viewer in the order they are received. If events are paused, CDO does not update the Live events page until you restart playing live events. When you restart playing events, CDO begins populating events in the Live page from the point at which you restarted playing events. It doesn't back-fill the ones you missed.

To view all the events that CDO received whether you played or paused live event streaming, click the Historical tab.

Auto-pause Live Events

After displaying events for about 5 consecutive minutes, CDO warns you that it is about to pause the stream of live events. At that time, you can click the link to continue streaming live events for another 5 minutes or allow the stream to stop. You can restart the live events stream when you are ready.

Receiving and Reporting Events

There may be a small lag between the Secure Event Connector (SEC) receiving events and CDO posting events in the Live events viewer. You can view the gap on the Live page. The time stamp of the event is the time it was received by SEC.

View Historical Events

The Live events page shows the most recent 500 events that match the filter and search criteria you entered. Events older than the most recent 500 are transferred to the Historical events table. That transfer takes roughly a minute to perform. You can then filter all the events you have stored to find events you're looking for.

To view historical events:


Step 1

In the navigation pane, choose Analytics > Event Logging.

Step 2

Click the Historical tab. By default, when you open the Historical events table, the filter is set to display the events collected within the last hour.

The event attributes are largely the same as what is reported by Firepower Device Manager (FDM) or the Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM).

Customize the Events View

Any changes made to the Event Logging page are automatically saved for when you navigate away from this page and come back at a later time.


The Live and Historical events view have the same configuration. When you customize the events view, these changes are applied to both the Live and Historical view.

Show or Hide Columns

You can modify the event view for both live and historical events to only include column headers that apply to the view you want. Click the column filter icon located to the right of the columns, select or deselect the columns you want, and then click Apply.

Figure 1. Show or Hide Columns
Screen capture of Customize Table pane

Columns with asterisks are provided within the event table by default, although you can remove them at any time.

Search and Add Columns

You can search for more columns, which are not part of the default list, and add them to the event view for both live and historical events. Note that adding many columns for customizing the table may reduce performance. Consider using fewer columns for faster data retrieval.

Alternatively, click the + icon next to an event to expand it and view the hidden columns. Note that some of the event fields displayed when you expand an event can have a different name compared to the corresponding column name. To correlate the events fields displayed when you expand an event to the corresponding column name, see Correlate Threat Defense Event Fields and Column Names.

Reorder the Columns

You can reorder the columns of the Events view. Click the column filter icon located to the right of the columns to expand the list of selected columns and manually drag and drop the columns into the order you want, where the column at the top of the list in the drop-down menu is the left-most column in the Event View.

Correlate Threat Defense Event Fields and Column Names

On the CDO Event Logging page, you can click on any event to expand its details and view all the associated event fields. Note that the names of some event fields may differ from those of the column headers in the CDO event viewer where the values of these fields are displayed. The table below lists those threat defense event fields that have differing column names and provides a comparison between the threat defense event field and the respective column name.

Table 1. Threat Defense Event Field and the Corresponding CDO Column Name

CDO Column Name

FTD Event Field



Detection Type


Encrypted Visibility Fingerprint


Encrypted Visibility Process Name


Encrypted Visibility Process Confidence Score


Encrypted Visibility Threat Confidence


Encrypted Visibility Threat Confidence Score




NAT Source IP


NAT Source Port


Rule Group


Show and Hide Columns on the Event Logging Page

The Event Logging page displays ASA and FTD syslog events and ASA NetFlow Secure Event Logging (NSEL) events sent to the Cisco cloud from configured ASA and FDM-managed devices.

You can show or hide columns on the Event Logging page by using the Show/Hide widget with the table:


Step 1

In the left pane, choose Analytics > Event Logging .

Step 2

Scroll to the far right of the table and click the Show/Hide Columns button .

Step 3

Check the columns you want to see and uncheck the columns you want to hide.

Step 4

Mouse-over the column names in the Show/Hide Columns drop down menu and grab the grey cross to rearrange the column order.

Other users logging into the tenant will see the same columns you chose to show until columns are shown or hidden again.

This table describes the column headers:

Column Header



The time the device generated the event. By default, event timestamps are displayed in your Local time zone. To view event timestamps in UTC, see Change the Time Zone for the Event Timestamps

Device Type

FTD (Firepower Threat Defense)

Event Type

This composite column can have any of the following:

  • FTD Event Types

    • Connection-Displays connection events from access control rules.

    • File-Displays events reported by file policies in access control rules.

    • Intrusion-Displays events reported by intrusion policy in access control rules.

    • Malware-Displays events reported by malware policies in access control rules.

  • ASA Event Types-These event types represent groups of syslog or NetFlow events. See ASA Event Types for more information about which syslog ID or which NetFlow ID is included in which group.

    • Parsed Events-Parsed syslog events contain more event attributes than other syslog events and CDO is able to return search results based on those attributes more quickly. Parsed events are not a filtering category; however, parsed event IDs are displayed in the Event Types column in italics. Event IDs that are not displayed in italics are not parsed.

    • ASA NetFlow Event IDs: All Netflow (NSEL) events from ASA appear here.

Sensor ID

The Sensor ID is the IP address from which events are sent to the Secure Event Connector. This is typically the Management interface on the Firepower Threat Defense or the ASA.

Initiator IP

This is the IP address of the source of the network traffic. The value of the Initiator address field corresponds to the value of the InitiatorIP field in the event details. You can enter a single address, such as, or a network defined in CIDR notation such as

Responder IP

This is the destination IP address of the packet. The value of the Destination address field corresponds to the value in the ResponderIP field in the event details. You can enter a single address, such as, or a network defined in CIDR notation such as


The port or ICMP code used by the session responder. The value of the destination port corresponds to the value of the ResponderPort in the event details.


It represents the protocol in the events.


Specifies the security action defined by the rule. The value you enter must be an exact match to what you want to find; however, the case doesn't matter. Enter different values for connection, file, intrusion, malware, syslog, and NetFlow event types:

  • For connection event types, the filter searches for matches in the AC_RuleAction attribute. Those values could be Allow, Block, Trust.

  • For file event types, the filter searches for matches in the FileAction attribute. Those values could be Allow, Block, Trust.

  • For intrusion event types, the filter searches for matches in the InLineResult attribute. Those values could be Allowed, Blocked, Trusted.

  • For malware event types, the filter searches for matches in the FileAction attribute. Those values could be Cloud Lookup Timeout.

  • For syslog and NetFlow events types, the filter searches for matches in the Action attribute.


The name of the policy that triggered the event. Names will be different for ASA and FDM-managed devices.

Change the Time Zone for the Event Timestamps

Change the time zone display for event timestamps on the CDO Event Logging page.


Step 1

From the left pane, choose Analytics > Event Logging.

Step 2

Click the UTC Time or Local Time button on the top right side of the Event Logging page to display the event timestamps in the selected time zone.

By default, event timestamps are displayed in your Local time zone.

Customizable Event Filters

If you are a Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) customer, you can create and save custom filters that you use frequently.

The elements of your filter are saved to a filter tab as you configure them. Whenever you return to the Event Logging page, these searches will be available to you. They will not be available to other CDO users of the tenant. They will not be available to you on a different tenant, if you manage more than one tenant.


Be aware that when you are working in a filter tab, if you modify any filter criteria, those changes are saved to your custom filter tab automatically.


Step 1

From the main menu, choose Analytics > Event Logging.

Step 2

Clear the Search field of any values.

Step 3

Above the event table, click the blue plus button to add a View tab. Filter views are labeled "View 1", "View 2", "View 3" and so on until you give them a name.

Step 4

Select a view tab.

Step 5

Open the filter bar and select the filters attributes you want in your custom filter. See Searching for and Filtering Events in the Event Logging Page. Remember that only filter attributes are saved in the custom filter.

Step 6

Customize the columns you want to show in the event logging table. See Show and Hide Columns on the Event Logging Page for a discussion of showing and hiding columns.

Step 7

Double-click the filter tab with the "View X" label and rename it.

Step 8

(Optional) Now that you have created a custom filter, you can fine tune the results displayed on the Event Logging page, without changing the custom filter, by adding search criteria to the Search field. See Searching for and Filtering Events in the Event Logging Page.

Event Attributes in Security Analytics and Logging

Event Attribute Descriptions

The event attribute descriptions used by CDO are largely the same as what is reported by Firepower Device Manager (FDM) and Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM).

Some ASA syslog events are "parsed" and others have additional attributes which you can use when filtering the contents of the Event Logging table using attribute:value pairs. See these additional topics for other important attributes of syslog events:

EventGroup and EventGroupDefinition Attributes for Some Syslog Messages

Some syslog events will have the additional attributes "EventGroup" and "EventGroupDefinition". You will be able to filter the events table to find events using these additional attributes by filtering by attribute:value pairs. For example, you could filter for Application Firewall events by entering apfw:415* in the search field of the Event Logging table.

Syslog Message Classes and Associated Message ID Numbers



Syslog Message ID Numbers (first 3 digits)

aaa/auth User Authentication 109, 113
acl/session Access Lists/User Session 106
apfw Application Firewall 415
bridge Transparent Firewall 110, 220
ca PKI Certification Authority 717
citrix Citrix Client 723
clst Clustering 747
cmgr Card Management 323
config Command Interface 111, 112, 208, 308
csd Secure Desktop 724
cts Cisco TrustSec 776
dap Dynamic Access Policies 734
eap, eapoudp EAP or EAPoUDP for Network Admission Control 333, 334
eigrp EIGRP Routing 336
email E-mail Proxy 719
ipaa/envmon Environment Monitoring 735
ha Failover 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 210, 311, 709
idfw Identity-based Firewall 746
ids Intrusion Detection System 733
ids/ips Intrusion Detection System / Intrusion Protection System 400
ikev2 IKEv2 Toolkit 750, 751, 752
ip IP Stack 209, 215, 313, 317, 408
ipaa IP Address Assignment 735
ips Intrusion Protection System 401, 420
ipv6 IPv6 325
l4tm Block lists, Allow lists, grey lists 338
lic Licensing 444
mdm-proxy MDM Proxy 802
nac Network Admission Control 731, 732
vpn/nap IKE and IPsec / Network Access Point 713
np Network Processor 319
ospf OSPF Routing 318, 409, 503, 613
passwd Password Encryption 742
pp Phone Proxy 337
rip RIP Routing 107, 312
rm Resource Manager 321
sch Smart Call Home 120
session User Session 108, 201, 202, 204, 302, 303, 304, 314, 405, 406, 407, 500, 502, 607, 608, 609, 616, 620, 703, 710
session/natpat User Session/NAT and PAT 305
snmp SNMP 212
ssafe ScanSafe 775
ssl/np ssl SSL Stack/NP SSL 725
svc SSL VPN Client 722
sys System 199, 211, 214, 216, 306, 307, 315, 414, 604, 605, 606, 610, 612, 614, 615, 701, 711, 741
tre Transactional Rule Engine 780
ucime UC-IME 339
tag-switching Service Tag Switching 779
td Threat Detection 733
vm VLAN Mapping 730
vpdn PPTP and L2TP Sessions 213, 403, 603
vpn IKE and IPsec 316, 320, 402, 404, 501, 602, 702, 713, 714, 715
vpnc VPN Client 611
vpnfo VPN Failover 720
vpnlb VPN Load Balancing 718
vxlan VXLAN 778
webfo WebVPN Failover 721
webvpn WebVPN and AnyConnect Client 716
session/natpat User Session / NAT and PAT 305

EventName Attributes for Syslog Events

Some syslog events will have the additional attribute "EventName". You will be able to filter the events table to find events using the EventName attribute by filtering by attribute:value pairs. For example, you could filter events for a "Denied IP packet" by entering EventName:"Denied IP Packet" in the search field of the Event Logging table.

Syslog Event ID and Event Names Tables

AAA Syslog Event IDs and Event Names




AAA Begin


AAA Failed


AAA Server Failed


Authentication Success


Authentication Failed


Authorization Success


Authorization Failed


AAA Pending


AAA Session Started


AAA Session Ended




AAA Failed


AAA ACL not found


AAA Limit Reach




AAA ACL error


AAA ACL error


AAA error


AAA HTTP limit reached


AAA auth required


Authorization Failed


Authorization Failed


AAA error


AAA Server error


AAA Bypassed


AAA ACL error


AAA ACL error


Authentication Failed


AAA ACL error


Authentication Failed


Authentication Failed


AAA Limit Reach


AAA Session limit reach


AAA overridden


AAA Successful


Authorization Rejected


AAA user locked


AAA User unlocked


AAA successful


AAA retrieved


AAA Challenge received


AAA retrieved


Authentication Successful


AAA error


AAA error


Authentication Rejected


AAA Rejected


AAA Rejected


AAA ACL error


AAA Disconnected


AAA error


AAA Logging Fail


AAA Failed


AAA reactivated


AAA Client certification


AAA Authentication fail


AAA error


AAA error

Botnet Syslog Event IDs and Event Names




Botnet Source Block List


Botnet Destination Block List


Botnet Source Block List


Botnet Destination Block List


Botnet Source Allow List


Botnet destination Allow List


Botnet destination Grey


Botnet Source Grey


Botnet Destination Grey


Botnet DNS Intercepted


Botnet DNS


Botnet DNS


Botnet Download successful


Botnet Download failed


Botnet Authentication failed


Botnet Decrypt failed


Botnet Client


Botnet Client


Botnet dyn filter failed

Failover Syslog Event IDs and Event Names




Failover Cable OK


Failover Cable BAD


Failover Cable not connected


Failover Cable not connected


Failover Cable reading error


Failover Power failure


No response from failover mate


Failover mate interface OK


Failover mate interface BAD


Failover mate reports failure


Failover mate reports self failure


Failover version incompatible


Failover version difference


Failover role switch


Failover role switch


Failover unit failed


Failover unit OK


Permit/Denied by ACL


Stateful Failover error


Stateful Failover error


Stateful Failover error


Stateful Failover error


Stateful Failover error


Stateful Failover error


Stateful Failover error


Stateful Failover error


Stateful Failover error


Stateful Failover error


Stateful Failover error


Stateful Failover update


Stateful Failover update


Stateful Failover update


Stateful Failover update


Denied Packet to Management


Failover replication error


Failover replication error


Failover replication start


Failover replication complete


Failover receive replication start


Failover receive replication complete


Failover replication failure


Denied access to Device

Firewall Denied Syslog Event IDs and Event Names




Denied by Security Policy


Outbound Deny


Denied by Security Policy


Denied Inbound UDP


Denied by Security Policy


Denied by Security Policy


Denied Inbound


Denied due to Bad IP option


Dropped Ping to PAT IP


Denied Inbound ICMP


Denied by Security Policy


Denied IP Spoof


Denied due to Land Attack


Denied outbound ICMP


Denied IP Packet


Denied TCP


Denied Spoof packet


Denied IP Packet


Dropped Packet failed to Detect context


Dropped Packet failed to Detect context


Dropped Packet failed to Detect context


Permit/Denied by ACL


Denied Packet to Management


Denied access to Device

Firewall Traffic Syslog Event IDs and Event Names




Inspect SMTP


Inspect SMTP


Inspect ESMTP Dropped


Inspect ESMTP


Inspect ESMTP


Inspect ESMTP Violation


Inspect ESMTP


No Router found


Failed to Find Next hop


Fragment Limit Reach


Fragment invalid Length


Fragment IP discard


H245 Connection Start


H323 Connection start


Restart TCP


Connection USAGE




Built TCP


Teardown TCP


Built UDP


Teardown UDP


Built GRE


Teardown GRE


H323 Failed


Built ICMP


Teardown ICMP


Built TCP Stub


Teardown TCP Stub


Built UDP Stub


Teardown UDP Stub


Built ICMP Stub


Teardown ICMP Stub


Connection H323


H323 Connection Failed


Built SCTP


Teardown SCTP


FTP file download/upload


Inspect FTP Dropped


Inspect FTP Dropped


Inspect FTP reset


ICMP Denied




ICMP Error Msg Drop


ICMP ipv6 Denied


GTP Pkt Drop


GTP Pkt Error


Memory Error


GTP Pkt Drop


GTP Version Not Supported


GTP Tunnel Failed


GTP Tunnel Failed


GTP Tunnel Failed


Phone Proxy SRTP Failed


Phone Proxy SRTP Failed


Phone Proxy SRTP Auth Fail


Phone Proxy SRTP Auth Fail


Phone Proxy SRTP no Media Session


Phone Proxy TFTP Unable to Create File


Phone Proxy TFTP Unable to Find File


Phone Proxy Call Failed


Phone Proxy Unable to Create Phone Entry


IPS IP options-Bad Option List


IPS IP options-Record Packet Route


IPS IP options-Timestamp


IPS IP options-Security


IPS IP options-Loose Source Route




IPS IP options-Strict Source Route


IPS IP Fragment Attack


IPS IP Impossible Packet


IPS IP Fragments Overlap


IPS ICMP Echo Reply


IPS ICMP Host Unreachable


IPS ICMP Source Quench


IPS ICMP Redirect


IPS ICMP Echo Request


IPS ICMP Time Exceeded for a Datagram


IPS ICMP Timestamp Request


IPS ICMP Timestamp Reply


IPS ICMP Information Request


IPS ICMP Information Reply


IPS ICMP Address Mask Request


IPS ICMP Address Mask Reply


IPS Fragmented ICMP Traffic


IPS Large ICMP Traffic


IPS Ping of Death Attack






IPS TCP FIN only flags


IPS FTP Improper Address Specified


IPS FTP Improper Port Specified


IPS UDP Bomb attack


IPS UDP Snork attack


IPS UDP Chargen DoS attack




IPS DNS Zone Transfer


IPS DNS Zone Transfer from High Port


IPS DNS Request for All Records


IPS RPC Port Registration


IPS RPC Port Unregistration




IPS Proxied RPC Request


IPS YP server Portmap Request


IPS YP bind Portmap Request


IPS YP password Portmap Request


IPS YP update Portmap Request


IPS YP transfer Portmap Request


IPS Mount Portmap Request


IPS Remote execution Portmap Request


IPS Remote execution Attempt


IPS Statd Buffer Overflow


Inspect FTP Dropped


Inspect FTP Dropped


Host Limit Reach


Embryonic limit Reached


Established limit Reached


Inspect Http Header Field Count


Inspect Http Header Field Length


Inspect Http body Length


Inspect Http content-type


Inspect Http URL length


Inspect Http URL Match


Inspect Http Body Match


Inspect Http Header match


Inspect Http Method match


Inspect transfer encode match


Inspect Http Protocol Violation


Inspect Http Content-type


Inspect Http Malformed


Inspect Http Mime-Type


Inspect Http Transfer-encoding


Inspect Http Unanswered


Inspect Http Argument match


Inspect Http Header length


Inspect Http status Matched


Inspect Http non-ASCII


Inspect SNMP dropped


Dropped packet


Duplicate TCP SYN


Packet modified


Denied Packet


Dropped Packet


Dropped RTP


Dropped RTCP


Inspect ActiveX


Inspect Java


Inspect TCP Header


Inspect TCP Header


Inspect Connection Terminated


Inspect DCERPC Dropped


Inspect DCERPC Dropped


Prevented No Forward Cmd


Inspect SIP


Inspect SIP


Inspect SIP


Inspect Skinny


Inspect Skinny dropped


Inspect Skinny dropped


Inspect Skinny dropped


Inspect Skinny dropped


Built Local-Host


Teardown Local Host


H225 Unsupported Version


H225 Connection


Inspect Instant Message

Identity Based Firewall Syslog Event IDs and Event Names




Import started


Import complete


Import failed


Exceed user group limit


AD Agent down


AD Agent out of sync


Netbios response failed


Netbios started


Netbios stopped


Import user failed


Exceed user limit


User IP add


User IP delete


FQDN Obsolete


FQDN resolved


DNS lookup failed


Import user issued


Import user done


Update AD Agent failed

IPSec Syslog Event IDs and Event Names



402114 Invalid SPI received
402115 Unexpected protocol received
402116 Packet doesn't match identity
402117 Non-IPSEC packet received
402118 Invalid fragment offset
402119 Anti-Replay check failure
402120 Authentication failure
402121 Packet dropped
426101 cLACP Port Bundle
426102 cLACP Port Standby
426103 cLACP Port Moved To Bundle From Standby
426104 cLACP Port Unbundled
602103 Path MTU updated
602104 Path MTU exceeded
602303 New SA created
602304 SA deleted
702305 SA expiration - Sequence rollover
702307 SA expiration - Data rollover

NAT Syslog Event ID and Event Names



201002 Max connection Exceeded for host
201003 Embryonic limit exceed
201004 UDP connection limit exceed
201005 FTP connection failed
201006 RCMD connection failed
201008 New connection Disallowed
201009 Connection Limit exceed
201010 Embryonic Connection limit exceeded
201011 Connection Limit exceeded
201012 Per-client embryonic connection limit exceeded
201013 Per-client connection limit exceeded
202001 Global NAT exhausted
202005 Embryonic connection error
202011 Connection limit exceeded
305005 No NAT group found
305006 Translation failed
305007 Connection dropped
305008 NAT allocation issue
305009 NAT Created
305010 NAT teardown
305011 PAT created
305012 PAT teardown
305013 Connection denied

SSL VPN Syslog Event IDs and Event Names



716001 WebVPN Session Started
716002 WebVPN Session Terminated
716003 WebVPN User URL access
716004 WebVPN User URL access denied
716005 WebVPN ACL error
716006 WebVPN User Disabled
716007 WebVPN Unable to Create
716008 WebVPN Debug
716009 WebVPN ACL error
716010 WebVPN User access network
716011 WebVPN User access
716012 WebVPN User Directory access
716013 WebVPN User file access
716014 WebVPN User file access
716015 WebVPN User file access
716016 WebVPN User file access
716017 WebVPN User file access
716018 WebVPN User file access
716019 WebVPN User file access
716020 WebVPN User file access
716021 WebVPN user access file denied
716022 WebVPN Unable to connect proxy
716023 WebVPN session limit reached
716024 WebVPN User access error
716025 WebVPN User access error
716026 WebVPN User access error
716027 WebVPN User access error
716028 WebVPN User access error
716029 WebVPN User access error
716030 WebVPN User access error
716031 WebVPN User access error
716032 WebVPN User access error
716033 WebVPN User access error
716034 WebVPN User access error
716035 WebVPN User access error
716036 WebVPN User login successful
716037 WebVPN User login failed
716038 WebVPN User Authentication Successful
716039 WebVPN User Authentication Rejected
716040 WebVPN User logging denied
716041 WebVPN ACL hit count
716042 WebVPN ACL hit
716043 WebVPN Port forwarding
716044 WebVPN Bad Parameter
716045 WebVPN Invalid Parameter
716046 WebVPN connection terminated
716047 WebVPN ACL usage
716048 WebVPN memory issue
716049 WebVPN Empty SVC ACL
716050 WebVPN ACL error
716051 WebVPN ACL error
716052 WebVPN Session Terminated
716053 WebVPN SSO Server added
716054 WebVPN SSO Server deleted
716055 WebVPN Authentication Successful
716056 WebVPN Authentication Failed
716057 WebVPN Session terminated
716058 WebVPN Session lost
716059 WebVPN Session resumed
716060 WebVPN Session Terminated
722001 WebVPN SVC Connect request error
722002 WebVPN SVC Connect request error
722003 WebVPN SVC Connect request error
722004 WebVPN SVC Connect request error
722005 WebVPN SVC Connect update issue
722006 WebVPN SVC Invalid address
722007 WebVPN SVC Message
722008 WebVPN SVC Message
722009 WebVPN SVC Message
722010 WebVPN SVC Message
722011 WebVPN SVC Message
722012 WebVPN SVC Message
722013 WebVPN SVC Message
722014 WebVPN SVC Message
722015 WebVPN SVC invalid frame
722016 WebVPN SVC invalid frame
722017 WebVPN SVC invalid frame
722018 WebVPN SVC invalid frame
722019 WebVPN SVC Not Enough Data
722020 WebVPN SVC no address
722021 WebVPN Memory issue
722022 WebVPN SVC connection established
722023 WebVPN SVC connection terminated
722024 WebVPN Compression Enabled
722025 WebVPN Compression Disabled
722026 WebVPN Compression reset
722027 WebVPN Decompression reset
722028 WebVPN Connection Closed
722029 WebVPN SVC Session terminated
722030 WebVPN SVC Session terminated
722031 WebVPN SVC Session terminated
722032 WebVPN SVC connection Replacement
722033 WebVPN SVC Connection established
722034 WebVPN SVC New connection
722035 WebVPN Received Large packet
722036 WebVPN transmitting Large packet
722037 WebVPN SVC connection closed
722038 WebVPN SVC session terminated
722039 WebVPN SVC invalid ACL
722040 WebVPN SVC invalid ACL
722041 WebVPN SVC IPv6 not available
722042 WebVPN invalid protocol
722043 WebVPN DTLS disabled
722044 WebVPN unable to request address
722045 WebVPN Connection terminated
722046 WebVPN Session terminated
722047 WebVPN Tunnel terminated
722048 WebVPN Tunnel terminated
722049 WebVPN Session terminated
722050 WebVPN Session terminated
722051 WebVPN address assigned
722053 WebVPN Unknown client
723001 WebVPN Citrix connection Up
723002 WebVPN Citrix connection Down
723003 WebVPN Citrix no memory issue
723004 WebVPN Citrix bad flow control
723005 WebVPN Citrix no channel
723006 WebVPN Citrix SOCKS error
723007 WebVPN Citrix connection list broken
723008 WebVPN Citrix invalid SOCKS
723009 WebVPN Citrix invalid connection
723010 WebVPN Citrix invalid connection
723011 WebVPN citrix Bad SOCKS
723012 WebVPN Citrix Bad SOCKS
723013 WebVPN Citrix invalid connection
723014 WebVPN Citrix connected to Server
724001 WebVPN Session not allowed
724002 WebVPN Session terminated
724003 WebVPN CSD
724004 WebVPN CSD
725001 SSL handshake Started
725002 SSL Handshake completed
725003 SSL Client session resume
725004 SSL Client request Authentication
725005 SSL Server request authentication
725006 SSL Handshake failed
725007 SSL Session terminated
725008 SSL Client Cipher
725009 SSL Server Cipher
725010 SSL Cipher
725011 SSL Device choose Cipher
725012 SSL Device choose Cipher
725013 SSL Server choose cipher
725014 SSL LIB error
725015 SSL client certificate failed

Time Attributes in a Syslog Event

Understanding the purposes of the different time-stamps in the Event Logging page will help you filter and find the events that interest you.






The time the Secure Event Connector (SEC) processed the event. This may not be the same as the time the firewall inspected that traffic. Same value as timestamp.



Equals with LastPacketSecond.



The time at which the connection opened. The firewall inspects the packet at this time.

The value of the FirstPacketSecond is calculated by subtracting the ConnectionDuration from the LastPacketSecond.

For connection events logged at the beginning of the connection, the value of FirstPacketSecond, LastPacketSecond, and EventSecond will all be the same.



The time at which the connection closed. For connection events logged at the end of the connection, LastPacketSecond and EventSecond will be equal.



The time the Secure Event Connector (SEC) processed the event. This may not be the same as the time the firewall inspected that traffic. Same value as Date/Time.


Syslog TimeStamp

Represents the syslog originated time if ‘logging timestamp’ is used. If the syslog does not have this info, the time the SEC received the event is reflected.



The time at which the ASA finished gathering enough flow records/events to fill a NetFlow packet to then send them off to a flow collector.

Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics and Dynamic Entity Modeling

Required License: Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring

Secure Cloud Analytics is a software as a service (SaaS) solution that monitors your on-premises and cloud-based network deployments. By gathering information about your network traffic from sources including firewall events and network flow data, it creates observations about the traffic and automatically identifies roles for network entities based on their traffic patterns. Using this information combined with other sources of threat intelligence, such as Talos, Secure Cloud Analytics generates alerts, which constitute a warning that there is behavior that may be malicious in nature. Along with the alerts, Secure Cloud Analytics provides network and host visibility, and contextual information it has gathered to provide you with a better basis to research the alert and locate sources of malicious behavior.

Dynamic Entity Modeling

Dynamic entity modeling tracks the state of your network by performing a behavioral analysis on firewall events and network flow data. In the context of Secure Cloud Analytics, an entity is something that can be tracked over time, such as a host or endpoint on your network. Dynamic entity modeling gathers information about entities based on the traffic they transmit and activities they take on your network. Secure Cloud Analytics, integrated with a Logging Analytics and Detection license, can draw from firewall events and other traffic information in order to determine the types of traffic the entity usually transmits. If you purchase a Total Network Analytics and Monitoring license, Secure Cloud Analytics can also include NetFlow and other traffic information in modeling entity traffic. Secure Cloud Analytics updates these models over time, as the entities continue to send traffic, and potentially send different traffic, to keep an up-to-date model of each entity. From this information, Secure Cloud Analytics identifies:

  • Roles for the entity, which are a descriptor of what the entity usually does. For example, if an entity sends traffic that is generally associated with email servers, Secure Cloud Analytics assigns the entity an Email Server role. The role/entity relationship can be many-to-one, as entities may perform multiple roles.

  • Observations for the entity, which are facts about the entity's behavior on the network, such as a heartbeat connection with an external IP address, or a remote access session established with another entity. If you integrate with CDO, these facts can be obtained from firewall events. If you also purchase a Total Network Analytics and Monitoring, license, the system can also obtain facts from NetFlow, and generate observations from both firewall events and NetFlow. Observations on their own do not carry meaning beyond the fact of what they represent. A typical customer may have many thousands of observations and a few alerts.

Alerts and Analysis

Based on the combination of roles, observations, and other threat intelligence, Secure Cloud Analytics generates alerts, which are actionable items that represent possible malicious behavior as identified by the system. Note that one alert may represent multiple observations. If a firewall logs multiple connection events related to the same connection and entities, this may result in only one alert.

For example, a New Internal Device observation on its own does not constitute possible malicious behavior. However, over time, if the entity transmits traffic consistent with a Domain Controller, then the system assigns a Domain Controller role to the entity. If the entity subsequently establishes a connection to an external server that it has not established a connection with previously, using unusual ports, and transfers large amounts of data, the system would log a New Large Connection (External) observation and an Exceptional Domain Controller observation. If that external server is identified as on a Talos watchlist, then the combination of all this information would lead Secure Cloud Analytics to generate an alert for this entity's behavior, prompting you to take further action to research, and remediate malicious behavior.

When you open an alert in the Secure Cloud Analytics web portal UI, you can view the supporting observations that led the system to generate the alert. From these observations, you can also view additional context about the entities involved, including the traffic that they transmitted, and external threat intelligence if it is available. You can also see other observations and alerts that entities were involved with, and determine if this behavior is tied to other potentially malicious behavior.

Note that when you view and close alerts in Secure Cloud Analytics, you cannot allow or block traffic from the Secure Cloud Analytics UI. You must update your firewall access control rules to allow or block traffic, if you deployed your devices in active mode, or your firewall access control rules if your firewalls are deployed in passive mode.

Working with Alerts Based on Firewall Events

Required License: Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring

Alerts Workflow

An alert's workflow is based around its status. When the system generates an alert, the default status is Open, and no user is assigned. When you view the Alerts summary, all open alerts are displayed by default, as these are of immediate concern.

Note: If you have a Total Network Analytics and Monitoring license, your alerts can be based on observations generated from NetFlow, observations generated from firewall events, or observations from both data sources.

As you review the Alerts summary, you can assign, tag, and update status on alerts as an initial triage. You can use the filters and search functionality to locate specific alerts, or display alerts of different statuses, or associated with different tags or assignees. You can set an alert's status to Snoozed, in which case it does not reappear in the list of open alerts until the snooze period elapses. You can also remove Snoozed status from an alert, to display it as an open alert again. As you review alerts, you can assign them to yourself or another user in the system. Users can search for all alerts assigned to their username.

From the Alerts summary, you can view an alert detail page. This page allows you to review additional context about the supporting observations that resulted in this alert, and additional context about the entities involved in this alert. This information can help you pinpoint the actual issue, in order to further research the issue on your network, and potentially resolve malicious behavior.

As you research within the Secure Cloud Analytics web portal UI, in CDO, and on your network, you can leave comments with the alert that describe your findings. This helps create a record for your research that you can reference in the future.

If you complete your analysis, you can update the status to Closed, and have it no longer appear by default as an open alert. You can also re-open a closed alert in the future if circumstances change.

The following presents general guidelines and suggestions for how to investigate a given alert. Because Secure Cloud Analytics provides additional context when it logs an alert, you can use this context to help guide your investigation.

These steps are meant to be neither comprehensive, nor all-inclusive. They merely offer a general framework with which to start investigating an alert.

In general, you can take the following steps when you review an alert:

  1. Triage open alerts

  2. Snooze alerts for later analysis

  3. Update the alert for further investigation

  4. Review the alert and start your investigation

  5. Examine the entity and users

  6. Remediate issues using Secure Cloud Analytics

  7. Update and close the alert

Triage open alerts

Triage the open alerts, especially if more than one have yet to be investigated:

Ask the following questions:

  • Have you configured this alert type as high priority?

  • Did you set a high sensitivity for the affected subnet?

  • Is this unusual behavior from a new entity on your network?

  • What is the entity's normal role, and how does the behavior in this alert fit that role?

  • Is this an exceptional deviation from normal behavior for this entity?

  • If a user is involved, is this expected behavior from the user, or exceptional?

  • Is protected or sensitive data at risk of being compromised?

  • How severe is the impact to your network if this behavior is allowed to continue?

  • If there is communication with external entities, have these entities established connections with other entities on your network in the past?

If this is a high priority alert, consider quarantining the entity from the internet, or otherwise closing its connections, before continuing your investigation.

Snooze alerts for later analysis

Snooze alerts when they are of lesser priority, as compared to other alerts. For example, if your organization is repurposing an email server as an FTP server, and the system generates an Emergent Profile alert (indicating that an entity's current traffic matches a behavior profile that it did not previously match), you can snooze this alert as it is intended behavior, and revisit it at a later date. A snoozed alert does not show up with the open alerts; you must specifically filter to review these snoozed alerts.

Snooze an alert:


Step 1

Click Close Alert.

Step 2

In the Snooze this alert pane, select a snooze period from the drop-down.

Step 3

Click Save.

What to do next

When you are ready to review these alerts, you can unsnooze them. This sets the status to Open, and displays the alert alongside the other Open alerts.

Unsnooze a snoozed alert:

  • From a snoozed alert, click Unsnooze Alert.

Update the alert for further investigation

Open the alert detail:


Step 1

Select Monitor > Alerts.

Step 2

Click an alert type name.

What to do next

Based on your initial triage and prioritization, assign the alert and tag it:

  1. Select a user from the Assignee drop-down to assign the alert, so a user can start investigating.

  2. Select one or more Tags from the drop-down to add tags to the alert, to better categorize your alert's for future identification, as well as to try and establish long-term patterns in your alerts.

  3. Enter a Comment on this alert, then click Comment to leave comments as necessary to track your initial findings, and assist the person assigned to the alert. The alert tracks both system comments and user comments.

Review the alert and start your investigation

If you are reviewing an assigned alert, review the alert detail to understand why Secure Cloud Analytics generated an alert. Review the supporting observations to understand what these observations mean for the source entity.

Note that if the alert was generated based on firewall events, the system does not note that your firewall deployment was the source of this alert.

View all of the supporting observations for this source entity to understand its general behavior and patterns, and see if this activity may be part of a longer trend:


Step 1

From the alert detail, click the arrow icon () next to an observation type to view all logged observations of that type.

Step 2

Click the arrow icon () next to All Observations for Network to view all logged observations for this alert's source entity.

Download the supporting observations in a comma-separated value file, if you want to perform additional analysis on these observations:

  • From the alert detail, in the Supporting Observations pane, click CSV.

From the observations, determine if the source entity behavior is indicative of malicious behavior. If the source entity established connections with multiple external entities, determine if the external entities are somehow related, such as if they all have similar geolocation information, or their IP addresses are from the same subnet.

View additional context surrounding the source entity from a source entity IP address or hostname, including other alerts and observations it may be involved in, information about the device itself, and what type of session traffic it is transmitting:

  • Select Alerts from the IP address or hostname drop-down to view all alerts related to the entity.

  • Select Observations from the IP address or hostname drop-down to view all observations related to the entity.

  • Select Device from the IP address or hostname drop-down to view information about the device.

  • Select Session Traffic from the IP address or hostname drop-down to view session traffic related to this entity.

  • Select Copy from the IP address or hostname drop-down to copy the IP address or hostname.

Note that the source entity in Secure Cloud Analytics is always internal to your network. Contrast this with the Initiator IP in a firewall event, which indicates the entity that initiated a connection, and may be internal or external to your network.

From the observations, examine information about other external entities. Examine the geolocation information, and determine if any of the geolocation data or Umbrella data identifies a malicious entity. View the traffic generated by these entities. Check whether Talos, AbuseIPDB, or Google have any information on these entities. Find the IP address on multiple days and see what other types of connections the external entity established with entities on your network. If necessary, locate those internal entities and determine if there is any evidence of compromise or unintended behavior.

Review the context for an external entity IP address or hostname with which the source entity established a connection:

  • Select IP Traffic from the IP address or hostname drop-down to view recent traffic information for this entity.

  • Select Session Traffic from the IP address or hostname drop-down to view recent session traffic information for this entity.

  • Select AbuseIPDB from the IP address or hostname drop-down to view information about this entity on AbuseIPDB's website.

  • Select Cisco Umbrella from the IP address or hostname drop-down to view information about this entity on Cisco Umbrella's website.

  • Select Google Search from the IP address or hostname drop-down to search for this IP address on Google.

  • Select Talos Intelligence from the IP address or hostname drop-down to view information about this information on Talos's website.

  • Select Add IP to watchlist from the IP address or hostname drop-down to add this entity to the watchlist.

  • Select Find IP on multiple days from the IP address or hostname drop-down to search for this entity's traffic from the past month.

  • Select Copy from the IP address or hostname drop-down to copy the IP address or hostname.

Note that connected entities in Secure Cloud Analytics are always external to your network. Contrast this with the Responder IP in a firewall event, which indicates the entity that responded to a connection request, and may be internal or external to your network.

Leave comments as to your findings.

  • From the alert detail, enter a Comment on this alert, then click Comment.

Examine the entity and users

After you review the alert in the Secure Cloud Analytics portal UI, you can perform an additional examination on a source entity directly, any users that may have been involved with this alert, and other related entities.

  • Determine where the source entity is on your network, physically or in the cloud, and access it directly. Locate the log files for this entity. If it is a physical entity on your network, access the device to review the log information, and see if there is any information as to what caused this behavior. If it is a virtual entity, or stored in the cloud, access the logs and search for entries related to this entity. Examine the logs for further information on unauthorized logins, unapproved configuration changes, and the like.

  • Examine the entity. Determine if you can identify malware or a vulnerability on the entity itself. See if there has been some malicious change, including if there are physical changes to a device, such as a USB stick that is not approved by your organization.

  • Determine if a user on your network, or from outside your network, was involved. Ask the user what they were doing if possible. If the user is unavailable, determine if they were supposed to have access, and if a situation occurred that prompted this behavior, such as a terminated employee uploading files to an external server before leaving the company.

Leave comments as to your findings:

  • From the alert detail, enter a Comment on this alert, then click Comment.

Update and close the alert

Add additional tags based on your findings:


Step 1

In the Secure Cloud Analytics portal UI, select Monitor > Alerts.

Step 2

Select one or more Tags from the drop-down.

Add final comments describing the results of your investigation, and any remediation steps taken:

  • From an alert's detail, enter a Comment on this alert, then click Comment.

Close the alert, and mark it as helpful or not helpful:

  1. From an alert's detail, click Close Alert.

  2. Select Yes if the alert was helpful, or No if the alert was unhelpful. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the alert resulted from malicious behavior, just that the alert was helpful to your organization.

  3. Click Save.

What to do next

Reopen a closed alert

If you discover additional information related to a closed alert, or want to add more comments related to that alert, you can reopen it, changing the status to Open. You can then make changes as necessary to the alert, then close it again when your additional investigation is complete.

Reopen a closed alert:

  • From a closed alert's detail, click Reopen Alert.

Modifying Alert Priorities

Required License: Logging Analytics and Detection or Total Network Analytics and Monitoring

Alert types come with default priorities, which affect how sensitive the system is to generating alerts of this type. Alerts default to low or normal priority, based on Cisco intelligence and other factors. Based on your network environment, you may want to reprioritize alert types, to emphasize certain alerts that you are concerned with. You can configure any alert type to be low, normal, or high priority.

  • Select Monitor > Alerts.

  • Click the settings drop-down icon (), then select Alert Types and Priorities.

  • Click the edit icon () next to an alert type and select low, medium, or high to change the priority.

Searching for and Filtering Events in the Event Logging Page

Searching and filtering the historical and live event tables for specific events, works the same way as it does when searching and filtering for other information in CDO. As you add filter criteria, CDO starts to limit what it displays on the Events page. You can also enter search criteria in the search field to find events with specific values. If you combine the filtering and searching mechanisms, search tries to find the value you entered from among the results displayed after filtering the events.

Following are the options to conduct a search for event logs:

Filtering works the same way for Live events as it does for Historical events with the exception that live events cannot be filtered by time.

Learn about these filtering methods:

Filter Live or Historical Events

This procedure explains how to use event filtering to see a subset of events in the Event Logging page. If you find yourself repeatedly using certain filter criteria, you can create a customized filter and save it. See Customizable Event Filters for more information.


Step 1

In the navigation bar, choose Analytics > Event Logging

Step 2

Click either the Historical or Live tab.

Step 3

Click the filter button . The filtering column can be pinned open by clicking the pin icon .

Step 4

Click a View tab that has no saved filter elements.

Step 5

Select the event details you want to filter by:

  • FTD Events

    • Connection - Displays connection events from access control rules.

    • File - Displays events reported by file policies in access control rules.

    • Intrusion - Displays events reported by intrusion policy in access control rules.

    • Malware - Displays events reported by malware policies in access control rules.

  • ASA Events - These event types represent groups of syslog or NetFlow events.

    See CDO Event Types for more information about events.

  • Time Range-Click the Start or End time fields to select the beginning and end of the time period you want to display. The time stamp is displayed in the local time of your computer.

  • Action- Specifies the security action defined by the rule. The value you enter must be an exact match to what you want to find; however, the case doesn't matter. Enter different values for connection, file, intrusion, malware, syslog, and NetFlow event types:

    • For connection event types, the filter searches for matches in the AC_RuleAction attribute. Those values could be Allow, Block, Trust.

    • For file event types, the filter searches for matches in the FileAction attribute. Those values could be Allow, Block, Trust.

    • For intrusion event types, the filter searches for matches in the InLineResult attribute. Those values could be Allowed, Blocked, Trusted.

    • For malware event types, the filter searches for matches in the FileAction attribute. Those values could be Cloud Lookup Timeout.

    • For syslog and NetFlow events types, the filter searches for matches in the Action attribute.

  • Sensor ID-The Sensor ID is the the Management IP address from which events are sent to the Secure Event Connector.

    For an FDM-managed device, the Sensor ID is typically the IP address of the device's management interface.

  • IP addresses

    • Initiator -This is the IP address of the source of the network traffic. The value of the Initiator address field corresponds to the value of the InitiatorIP field in the event details. You can enter a single address, such as, or a network defined in CIDR notation such as

    • Responder-This is the destination IP address of the packet. The value of the Destination address field corresponds to the value in the ResponderIP field in the event details. You can enter a single address, such as, or a network defined in CIDR notation such as

  • Ports

    • Initiator-The port or ICMP type used by the session initiator. The value of the source port corresponds to the value fo the InitiatorPort in the event details. (Add a range - starting port ending port and space in between or both initiator and responder)

    • Reponder-The port or ICMP code used by the session responder. The value of the destination port corresponds to the value of the ResponderPort in the event details.

Step 6

(Optional) Save your filter as a custom filter by clicking out of the View tab.

Filter Only NetFlow Events

This procedure finds only ASA NetFlow events:


Step 1

From the left menu, choose Analytics > Event Logging.

Step 2

Click the Filter icon and pin the filter open.

Step 3

Check Netflow ASA Event filter.

Step 4

Clear all other ASA Event filters.

Only ASA NetFlow events are displayed in the Event Logging table.

Filter for ASA or FDM-Managed Device Syslog Events but not ASA NetFlow Events

This procedure finds only syslog events:


Step 1

In the left pane, choose Analytics > Event Logging.

Step 2

Click the Filter icon and pin the filter open.

Step 3

Scroll to the bottom of the filter bar and make sure the Include NetFlow Events filter is unchecked.

Step 4

Scroll back up to the ASA Events filter tree, and make sure the NetFlow box is unchecked.

Step 5

Pick the rest of your ASA or FTD filter criteria.

Combine Filter Elements

Filtering events generally follows the standard filtering rules in CDO: The filtering categories are "AND-ed" and the values within the categories are "OR-ed." You can also combine the filter with your own search criteria. In the case of event filters; however, the device event filters are also "OR-ed." For example, if these values were chosen in the filter:

With this filter in use, CDO would display threat defense device connection events or ASA BotNet or Firewall Traffic events, and those events that occurred between the two times in the time range, and those events that also contain the ResponderPort 443. You can filter by historical events within a time range. The live events page always displays the most recent events.

Search for Specific Attribute: Value Pairs

You can search for live or historical events by entering an event attribute and a value in the search field. The easiest way to do this is to click the attribute in the Event Logging table that you want to search for, and CDO enters it in the Search field. The events you can click on will be blue when you roll over them. Here is an example:

In this example, the search started by rolling over the InitiatorIP value of and clicking it. Initiator IP and it's value were added to the search string. Next, Event Type, 3 was rolled-over and clicked and added to the search string and an AND was added by CDO. So the result of this search will be a list of events that were initiated from AND that are 3 event types.

Notice the magnifying glass next to the value 3 in the example above. If you roll-over the magnifying glass, you could also choose an AND, OR, AND NOT, OR NOT operator to go with the value you want to add to the search.

In the example below, "OR" is chosen. The result of this search will be a list of events that were initiated from OR are a 106023 event type. Note that if the search field is empty and you right click a value from the table, only NOT is available as there is no other value.

As long as you rollover a value and it is highlighted blue, you can add that value to the search string.

AND, OR, NOT, AND NOT, OR NOT Filter Operators

Here are the behaviors of "AND", "OR", "NOT", "AND NOT", and "OR NOT" used in a search string:


Use the AND operator in the filter string, to find events that include all attributes. The AND operator cannot begin a search string.

For example, the search string below will search for events that contain the TCP protocol AND that originated from InitiatorIP address, AND that were sent from the Initiator port 59614. One would expect that with each additional AND statement, the number of events that meet the criteria would be small and smaller.

Protocol: "tcp" AND InitiatorIP: "" AND InitiatorPort: "59614" 


Use the OR operator in the filter string, to find events that include any of the attributes. The OR operator cannot begin a search string.

For example, the search string below will display events in the event viewer that include events that include the TCP protocol, OR that originated from InitiatorIP address, OR that were sent from the Initiator port 59614. One would expect that with each additional OR statement, the number of events that meet the criteria would be bigger and bigger.

Protocol: "tcp" OR InitiatorIP: "" OR InitiatorPort: "59614" 


Use this only at the beginning of a search string to exclude events with certain attribtues. For example, this search string would exclude any event with the InitiatorIP from the results.

 NOT InitiatorIP: "" 


Use the AND NOT operator in the filter string to exclude events that contain certain attributes. AND NOT cannot be used at the beginning of a search string.

For example, this filter string will display events with the InitiatorIP but not those whose ResponderIP address is also

 InitiatorIP: "" AND NOT ResponderIP: "" 

You can also combine NOT and AND NOT to exclude several attributes. For example this filter string, will exclude events with InitiatorIP and events with ResponderIP

NOT InitiatorIP: "" AND NOT ResponderIP: "" 


Use the OR NOT operator to include search results that exclude certain elements. The OR NOT operator cannot be used at the beginning of a search string.

For example, this search string will find events with the Protocol of TCP, OR that have the InitiatorIP of, or those NOT from InitiatorPort 59614.

Protocol: "tcp" OR InitiatorIP: "" OR NOT InitiatorPort: "59614" 

You could also think of it this way: Search for (Protocol: "tcp") OR (InitiatorIP: "") OR (NOT InitiatorPort: "59614").

Wildcard Searches

Use an asterisk (*) to represent a wildcard in the value field of an attribute:value search to find results within events. For example, this filter string,


will find strings in the URL attribute field of events that contain the string feedback.

Search Historical Events in the Background

CDO provides you the ability to define a search criteria and search for event logs based on any defined search criteria. Using the background search capability, you can also perform event log searches in the background, and view the search results once the background search is completed.

Based on the subscription alert and service integrations you have configured, you are notified once the background search has been completed.

You can view, download, or delete the search results directly from the Background Search page. You can also schedule a background search to occur for a one-time event or schedule a recurring schedule. Navigate to the Notification Settings page to view or modify the subscription options.

Search for Events in the Events Logging Page

Use the search and background search capabilities to view all logged events in the Event Logging page. Note that background searches can only be performed for historical events.


Step 1

In the navigation bar, choose Analytics > Event Logging.

Step 2

Click either the Historical or Live tab.

Step 3

Navigate to the search bar, type the search expression, and enter the Search button to execute the search. You can narrow or expand the search with an Aboslute Time Range or Relative Time Range.

Alternatively, from the Search drop-down list, choose Search in Background to execute the search in the background while you move away from the search page. You are notified when the search results are ready.

If you click the Search button, the results directly appear in the Event Logging view. Upon selecting any specific search result, the search criteria appears in the search bar for an easy reference.

If you choose to execute the search in the background, the search operation is queued, and you are notified once the search is completed. You are allowed to execute multiple search queries in the background.

Step 4

Click the Background Searches button to view the Background Searches page.

The Background Searches page displays a list of search results. You can choose to view, download, or delete the search results. You can also navigate to the Notification Settings page to view or modify the subscription options. Select the Start a Background Search button to initiate a search from this page.

What to do next

You can turn any background search into a scheduled background search if you need a recurring query. See Schedule a Background Search in the Event Viewer for more information.

Download a Background Search

Search results and schedules qeuries are stored for seven days before CDO automatially removes them. Download a .CSV copy of the background search that was performed for histroical events.


Step 1

In the left pane go to Analytics > Event Logging.

Step 2

Click Background Searches > Actions > Download.

Step 3

Locate your search. Scheduled searches are stored under the Queries tab.

Step 4

Click Download. The .CSV file automatically downloads to your default storage location on your local drive.

Data Storage Plans

You need to purchase a data storage plan that corresponds to the volume of events the Cisco cloud receives from your onboarded ASA and FTD devices on a daily basis. This volume is referred to as your daily ingest rate. Data plans are available in whole number amounts of GB/day and in 1-, 3-, or 5-year terms. The most effective method to determine your ingest rate is to participate in a free trial of Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) before making a purchase. This trial will provide an accurate estimate of your event volume.

By default, you receive 90 days of rolling data storage. This policy ensures that the most recent 90 days of events are stored in the Cisco cloud, and data older than 90 days is deleted.

You have the option to upgrade to additional event retention beyond the default 90 days or to increase daily volume (GB/day) through a change order to an existing subscription. Billing for these upgrades will be prorated for the remainder of the subscription term.

See the Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) Ordering Guide for all the details about data plans.


If you have a Security Analytics and Logging license and data plan, then obtain a different Security Analytics and Logging license, you are not required change your data plan. Similarly, if your network traffic throughput changes and you obtain a different data plan, this change alone does not require you to obtain a different Security Analytics and Logging license.

What data gets counted against my allotment?

All events sent to the Secure Event Connector accumulate in the Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) cloud and count against your data allotment.

Filtering what you see in the events viewer does not decrease the number of events stored in the Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) cloud, it reduces the number of events you can see in the events viewer.

We're using up our storage allotment quickly, what can we do?

Here are two approaches to address that problem:

  • Request more storage.

  • Consider reducing the number of rules that log events. You can log events from SSL policy rules, security intelligence rules, access control rules, intrusion policies, and file and malware policies. Review what you are currently logging to determine if it is necessary to log events from as many rules and policies.

Extend Event Storage Duration and Increase Event Storage Capacity

Security Analytics and Logging customers receive 90 days of event storage when they purchase any of these licenses.

  • Logging and Troubleshooting

  • Logging Analytics and Detection

  • Total Network Analytics and Monitoring

You can choose to upgrade your license to have 1, 2, or 3 years worth of rolling event storage at the time you first purchase your license or at any time during the duration of your license.

At the time you first purchase your Security Analytics and Logging license, you will be asked if you want to upgrade your storage capacity. If you answer, "yes," an additional Product Identifier (PID) will be added to the list of PIDs you are purchasing.

If you decide in the middle of your license term to extend your rolling event storage or increase the amount of event cloud storage, you can:


Step 1

Log in to your account on Cisco Commerce.

Step 2

Select your Cisco Defense Orchestrator PID.

Step 3

Follow the prompts to upgrade the length or capacity of your storage capacity.

The increased cost will be pro-rated based for the term remaining on your existing license. See the Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) Ordering Guide for detailed instructions.

View Security Analytics and Logging Data Plan Usage

To see your monthly logging limit, the amount of storage you have used, and when the usage period resets to zero, do the following:


Step 1

From the left navigation bar, click Settings > Logging Settings.

Step 2

You can also click View Historical Usage to see up to the last 12 months of storage usage.

Finding Your Device's TCP, UDP, and NSEL Port Used for Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS)

Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) allows you to send events from your ASA or FDM-managed devices to certain UDP, TCP, or NSEL ports on the Secure Event Connector (SEC). The SEC then forwards those events to the Cisco cloud.

If these ports aren't already in use, the SEC makes them available to receive events and the Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS) documentation recommends using them when you configure the feature.

  • TCP: 10125

  • UDP: 10025

  • NSEL: 10425

If those ports are already in use, before you configure Secure Logging Analytics (SaaS), look at your SEC device details to determine what ports it is actually using to receive events.

To find the port numbers the SEC uses:


Step 1

In the left pane, click Tools & Services > Secure Connectors.

Step 2

In the Secure Connectors page, select the SEC you want to send events to.

Step 3

In the Details pane, you will see the TCP, UDP, and NetFlow (NSEL) port you should send events to.