
Schema Design Considerations

A schema is a collection of templates, which are used for defining policies, with each template assigned to a specific tenant. There are multiple approaches you can take when it comes to creating schema and template configurations specific to your deployment use case. The following sections describe a few simple design directions you can take when deciding how to define the schemas, templates, and policies in your Multi-Site environment.

Keep in mind that when designing schemas, you must consider the supported scalability limits for the number of schemas, templates, and objects per schema. Detailed information on verified scalability limits is available in the Cisco Multi-Site Verified Scalability Guides for your release.

Single Schema Deployment

The simplest schema design approach is a single schema, single template deployment. You can create a single schema with a single template within it and add all VRFs, Bridge Domains, EPGs, Contracts and other elements to that template and deploy it to one or more sites.

This simplest approach to Multi-Site schema creation is to create all objects within the same schema and template. However, the supported number of schemas scalability limit may make this approach unsuitable for large scale deployments, which could exceed those limits.

Note also that with this approach all the objects defined in the template become "stretched objects" and all changes made to the template are always simultaneously deployed to all the sites associated to such template.

Multiple Schemas with Network Separation

Another approach to schema design is to separate the networking objects from the application policy configuration. Networking objects include VRFs, Bridge Domains, and subnets, while the application policy objects include EPGs, Contracts, Filters, External EPGs, and Service Graphs.

You begin by defining a schema that contains the network elements. You can choose to create a single schema that contains all the network elements or you can split them into multiple schemas based on which applications reference them or which sites the network is stretched to.

The following figure shows a single networking template configuration with VRF, BD, and subnets configured and deployed to two sites:

Figure 1. Network Schema

You can then define one or more separate schemas which contain each application's policy objects. This new schema can reference the network elements, such as bridge domains, defined in the previous schema. The following figure shows a policy schema that contains two application templates both of which reference the networking elements in an external schema. One of the applications is local to one site while the other is stretched across two sites:

Figure 2. Policy Schema

After creating and deploying the policy schemas and templates, the networking objects in the networking schema will display the number of external references by the policy schema elements. The object with external references will also be denoted by the ribbon icon as shown in the "Network Schema" figure above.

Schemas designed this way provide logical separation of networking objects from the policy objects. However, this creates additional complexity when it comes to keeping track of externally referenced objects in each schema.

Multiple Schemas Based On Object Relationships

When configuring multiple schemas with shared object references, it is important to be careful when making changes to those objects. For instance, making changes to or deleting a shared networking object can impact applications in one or more sites. Because of that, you may choose to create a template around each individual site that contains only the objects used by that site and its applications, including the VRFs, BDs, EPGs, Contracts, and Filters. And create different templates containing the shared objects.

Figure 3. One Template per Site

The site1 template in the above figure contains only the objects that are local to Site1 and the template is deployed to only the Miami site. Similarly, the site2 template contains only the object relevant to site2 and is deployed to the San Francisco site. Any change made to any object in either of these templates has no effect on the other one. The shared template contains objects that are shared between the sites.

You can extend this scenario for an additional site with the following template layout:

  • Site 1 template

  • Site 2 template

  • Site 3 template

  • Site 1 and 2 shared template

  • Site 1 and 3 shared template

  • Site 2 and 3 shared template

  • All shared template

Similarly, rather than separating objects based on which site they are deployed to, you can also choose to create schemas and templates based on individual applications instead. This would allow you to easily identify each application profile and map them to schemas and sites as well as easily configure each application as local or stretched across sites.

However, as this could quickly exceed the templates per schema limit (listed in the Verified Scalability Guide for your release), you would have to create additional schemas to accommodate the multiple combinations. While this creates additional complexity with multiple additional schemas and templates, it provides true separation of objects based on site or application.

Concurrent Configuration Updates

The Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator GUI will ensure that any concurrent updates on the same site or schema object cannot unintentionally overwrite each other. If you attempt to make changes to a site or template that was updated by another user since you opened it, the GUI will reject any subsequent changes you try to make and present a warning requesting you to refresh the object before making additional changes; refreshing the template will lose any edits you made up to that point and you will have to make those changes again:

However, the default REST API functionality was left unchanged in order to preserve backward compatibility with existing applications. In other words, while the UI is always enabled for this protection, you must explicitly enable it for your API calls for NDO to keep track of configuration changes.


When enabling this feature, note the following:

  • This release supports detection of conflicting configuration changes for Site and Schema objects only.

  • Only PUT and PATCH API calls support the version check feature.

  • If you do not explicitly enable the version check parameter in your API calls, NDO will not track any updates internally. And as a result, any configuration updates can be potentially overwritten by both subsequent API calls or GUI users.

To enable the configuration version check, you can pass the enableVersionCheck=true parameter to the API call by appending it to the end of the API endpoint you are using, for example:



We will use a simple example of updating the display name of a template in a schema to show how to use the version check attribute with PUT or PATCH calls.

First, you would GET the schema you want to modify, which will return the current latest version of the schema in the call's response:

    "id": "601acfed38000070a4ee9ec0",
    "displayName": "Schema1",
    "description": "",
    "templates": [
            "name": "Template1",
            "displayName": "current name",
    "_updateVersion": 12,
    "sites": [...]

Then you can modify the schema in one of two ways appending enableVersionCheck=true to the request URL:


You must ensure that the value of the "_updateVersion" field in the payload is the same as the value you got in the original schema.

  • Using the PUT API with the entire updated schema as payload:

    PUT /v1/schemas/601acfed38000070a4ee9ec0?enableVersionCheck=true
        "id": "601acfed38000070a4ee9ec0",
        "displayName": "Schema1",
        "description": "",
        "templates": [
                "name": "Template1",
                "displayName": "new name",
        "_updateVersion": 12,
        "sites": [...]
  • Using any of the PATCH API operations to make a specific change to one of the objects in the schema:

    PATCH /v1/schemas/601acfed38000070a4ee9ec0?enableVersionCheck=true
            "op": "replace", 
            "path": "/templates/Template1/displayName", 
            "value": "new name",
            "_updateVersion": 12

When the request is made, the API will increment the current schema version by 1 (from 12 to 13) and attempt to create the new version of the schema. If the new version does not yet exist, the operation will succeed and the schema will be updated; if another API call (with enableVersionCheck enabled) or the UI have modified the schema in the meantime, the operation fails and the API call will return the following response:

    "code": 400,
    "message": "Update failed, object version in the DB has changed, refresh your client and retry"

Creating Schemas and Templates

Before you begin

  • You must have an administrative user account with full read/write privileges.

  • You must have a user account with read/write tenant policy privileges.

    For more information, see the User Access, Authentication, and Accounting chapter in the Cisco APIC Basic Configuration Guide.
  • You must have at least one available tenant that you want to incorporate into your site.

    For more information, refer to Adding Tenants.


Step 1

Log in to your Nexus Dashboard and open the Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator service.

Step 2

Create a new schema.

  1. From the left navigation pane, choose Application Management > Schemas.

  2. On the Schemas page, click Add Schema.

  3. In the schema creation dialog, provide the Name and optional description for the schema.

    By default, the new schema is empty, so you need to add one or more templates.

Step 3

Create a template.

  1. In the left sidebar under Templates, click the + sign to add a new template.

  2. In the right sidebar, specify the Display Name.

  3. (Optional) Provide a Description.

  4. If you are configuring an SR-MPLS template, enable the SR-MPLS knob.

    For detailed information on SR-MPLS templates, see Sites Connected via SR-MPLS.

  5. From the Select a Tenant dropdown, select the Tenant for this template.

    Keep in mind, the user account you're using to create a new schema must be associated with the tenant you are trying to add to it, otherwise the tenant will not be available in the drop-down menu. Associating a user account with a tenant is described in Adding Tenants.

Step 4

Assign the templates to sites.

You deploy one template at a time, so you need to associate the template with at least one site where you want to deploy the configuration.

  1. In the left pane, click the + icon next to Sites

  2. In the Add Sites window, check the checkbox next to the sites where you want to deploy the template.

  3. From the Assign to Template dropdown next to each site, select one or more templates.

    While you deploy one template at a time to every site with which it is associated, you can associate multiple templates to a site at once.

  4. Click Save.

Importing Schema Elements From APIC Sites

You can create new objects and push them out to one or more sites or you can import existing site-local objects and manage them using the Multi-Site Orchestrator. This section describes how to import one or more existing objects, while creating new objects is described later on in this document.

When importing policies from APIC into NDO, the common practice is to import some objects, such as VRFs or contracts, into a stretched template and other objects, such as non-stretched EPGs or BDs, into site-local templates.

Prior to Release 3.1(1), importing an object into a site-local template that referenced another object that is part of a stretched template presented certain challenges, for example:

  • If a referenced object already exists in NDO and a new object is imported with the Include Relations option enabled, NDO would throw an error when trying to deploy the site-local template because of object duplication since the referenced object already existed.

  • However, not importing the referenced object (Include Relations option disabled) would require an administrator to perform manual mapping with the referenced object after the import.

Beginning with Release 3.1(1), when importing an object into a site-local template that has references with another object that is part of a different template (in the same or a different schema), the references are automatically resolved by NDO. In such cases, the Import Relations option will be grayed-out in the UI for the object that is being imported and a warning tooltip will provide additional info, such as: [Referenced Object] already exists in [Template]. Existing relations are imported by default. While such objects are imported with their relations by default, you can change the references once the import operation is completed, for example by re-mapping a BD to a different VRF. The new behavior applies to all configuration objects that can be imported.

To import one or more objects from sites:


Step 1

Open the Schema where you want to import objects.

Step 2

In the left sidebar, select the Template where you want to import objects.

Step 3

In the main pane click the Import button and select the Site from which you want to import.

Step 4

In the Import from <site-name> window that opens, select one or more objects.



The names of the objects imported into NDO must be unique across all sites. Importing different objects with duplicate names will cause a schema validation error and the import to fail. If you want to import objects that have the same name, you must first rename them.

Step 5

(Optional) Enable the Import Relations knob to import all related objects.

For example, when importing a BD, enabling the Import Relations knob will import the associated VRF as well.



As described previously, the Import Relations knob will be enabled by default and cannot be disabled for objects whose related objects already exist in NDO.

Configuring VRFs

This section describes how to configure a VRF.

Before you begin

You must have the schema and template created and a tenant assigned to the template, as described in Creating Schemas and Templates.


Step 1

Select the schema and template where you want to create the VRF.

  1. In the main pane, select +Create Object > VRF.

    Alternatively, you can scroll down to the VRFs area, mouse over the tile, and click Add VRF.

  2. In the right pane, provide the Display Name for the VRF.

  3. (Optional) Provide a Description.

Step 2

Configure the On-Premises Properties for the VRF.

  1. Specify Policy Control Enforcement Preference.

    Note that you cannot change the Policy Control Enforcement for newly created VRFs and the setting is locked to the enforced mode.

    However, you can use this to transition any VRF that you import from an APIC site that is configured as unenforced to the enforced mode after importing it. A typical use case is for brown field deployments where existing VRFs must be converted to enforced mode to support stretching them between sites. Once you have transitioned an imported VRF from unenforced to enforced in NDO, you will not be able to make further changes to this field.

    • Enforced—Security rules (contracts) will be enforced.

    • Unenforced—Security rules (contracts) will not be enforced.

  2. (Optional) Enable IP Data-Plane Learning.

    Defines if IP addresses are learned through data-plane packets for the VRF.

    When disabled, IP addresses are not learned from the data-plane packets. Local and remote MAC addresses are still learned, but local IP addresses are not learned from data packets.

    Regardless of whether this parameter is enabled or disabled, local IP addresses can still be learned from ARP, GARP, and ND.

  3. (Optional) Enable L3 Multicast for the VRF.

    For additional information, see Layer 3 Multicast.

  4. (Optional) Enable vzAny for the VRF.

    For additional information, see vzAny Contracts.

Configuring Bridge Domains

This section describes how to configure a Bridge Domain (BD).

Before you begin


Step 1

Select the schema and template where you want to create the bridge domain.

Step 2

Create a bridge domain.

  1. In the main pane, select +Create Object > Bridge Domain.

    Alternatively, you can scroll down to the Bridge Domains area, mouse over the tile, and click Add Bridge Domain.

  2. In the right pane, provide the Display Name for the bridge domain.

  3. (Optional) Provide a Description.

Step 3

Configure On-Premises Properties.

  1. From the Virtual Routing & Forwarding dropdown, select the VRF for this BD.

  2. (Optional) Enable L2 Stretch.

  3. (Optional) Enable Intersite BUM Traffic Allow.

    This option becomes available if you enabled L2 Stretch.

  4. (Optional) Enable Optimized WAN Bandwidth.

  5. (Optional) Enable Unicast Routing.

    If this setting is enabled and a subnet address is configured, the fabric provides the default gateway function and routes the traffic. Enabling unicast routing also instructs the mapping database to learn the endpoint IP-to-VTEP mapping for this bridge domain. The IP learning is not dependent upon having a subnet configured under the bridge domain.

  6. (Optional) Enable L3 Multicast for the BD.

    For additional information about Layer 3 multicast, see Layer 3 Multicast.

  7. (Optional) Choose L2 Unknown Unicast mode.

    By default, unicast traffic is flooded to all Layer 2 ports. If enabled, unicast traffic flooding is blocked at a specific port, only permitting egress traffic with MAC addresses that are known to exist on the port. The method can be Flood or Hardware Proxy.

    When the BD has L2 Unknown Unicast set to Flood, if an endpoint is deleted the system deletes it from both the local leaf switches as well as the remote leaf switches where the BD is deployed, by selecting Clear Remote MAC Entries. Without this feature, the remote leaf continues to have this endpoint learned until the timer expires.



    Modifying the L2 Unknown Unicast setting causes traffic to bounce (go down and up) on interfaces to devices attached to EPGs associated with this bridge domain.

  8. (Optional) Choose Unknown Multicast Flooding mode.

    This is applicable for IPv4 unknown multicast traffic and is the node forwarding parameter for Layer 3 unknown multicast destinations.

    • Flood (default)—Unknown IPv4 multicast traffic is flooded on all front panel ports attached with the EPGs associated with this bridge domain. Flooding is not restricted to only M-Router ports of the bridge domain.

    • Optimize Flood—Send the data only to M-router ports in the bridge domain.

  9. (Optional) Choose IPv6 Unknown Multicast Flooding mode.

    This is applicable for IPv6 unknown multicast traffic and is the node forwarding parameter for Layer 3 unknown multicast destinations.

    • Flood (default)—Unknown IPv6 multicast traffic is flooded on all front panel ports attached with the EPGs associated with this bridge domain. Flooding is not restricted to only M-Router ports of the bridge domain.

    • Optimize Flood—Send the data only to M-router ports in the bridge domain.

  10. (Optional) Choose Multi-Destination Flooding mode.

    The multiple destination forwarding method for Layer 2 multicast and broadcast traffic.

    • Flood in BD—Sends the data to all ports on the same bridge domain.

    • Drop—Drops Packet. Never sends the data to any other ports.

    • Flood in Encapsulation—Send the data to all the EPG ports with the same VLAN within the bridge domain, except for the protocol packets which are flooded to the entire bridge domain.



      This mode is supported only when the L2 Stretch option is disabled and is not supported for BDs that are stretched across sites.

  11. (Optional) Enable ARP Flooding.

    Enables ARP flooding, so that the Layer 2 broadcast domain maps IP addresses to the MAC addresses. If flooding is disabled, unicast routing will be performed on the target IP address.

    Enables ARP flooding, so that ARP request will be flooded inside the Layer 2 broadcast domain. If the BD is stretched across sites, enabling ARP flooding is only possible in conjunction with enabling Intersite BUM Traffic Allow. When ARP flooding is disabled, the leaf receiving the ARP request from a locally connected endpoint will forward it directly to the remote leaf where the target endpoint of the ARP request is connected (if the IP for the remote endpoint is known in the endpoint table) or to the spines (if the IP for the remote endpoint is not known in the endpoint table).

    If you set the L2 Unknown Unicast mode to Flood, the ARP Flooding cannot be disabled. If the L2 Unknown Unicast mode is set to Hardware Proxy, ARP flooding can be enabled or disabled.

  12. (Optional) Provide Virtual MAC Address.

    The BD virtual MAC address and the subnet virtual IP address must be the same for all ACI fabrics for that bridge domain. Multiple bridge domains can be configured to communicate across connected ACI fabrics. The virtual MAC address and the virtual IP address can be shared across bridge domains.



    Virtual MAC along with virtual IP subnet should used only for migration of individual sites to NDO-orchestrated multi-site fabric. Once the migration is completed, these flags can be disabled.

Step 4

Add one or more Subnets for the BD.

  1. Click +Add Subnet.

    An Add New Subnet window opens.

  2. Enter the subnet's Gateway IP address and a Description for the subnet you want to add.

  3. If necessary, enable Treat as virtual IP address option.

    This option along with the Virtual MAC Address on the BD can be used for migration scenarios from individual Common Pervasive Gateway configuration to NDO-orchestrated Multi-Site deployments.

  4. Select the Scope for the subnet.

    The network visibility of the subnet.

    • Private to VRF—Prevents the subnet from being announced via L3Out toward an external network domain.

    • Advertised Externally—The subnet can be announced via L3Out toward an external network domain.

  5. (Optional) Enable Shared Between VRFs.

    Shared between VRFs—The subnet can be shared with and exported to multiple contexts (VRFs) in the same tenant or across tenants as part of a shared service. An example of a shared service is a routed connection to an EPG present in another context (VRF) in a different tenant. This enables traffic to pass in both directions across contexts (VRFs). An EPG that provides a shared service must have its subnet configured under that EPG (not under a bridge domain), and its scope must be set to advertised externally, and shared between VRFs.

    Shared subnets must be unique across the contexts (VRF) involved in the communication. When a subnet under an EPG provides a Layer 3 external network shared service, such a subnet must be globally unique within the entire ACI fabric.

  6. Leave the No Default SVI Gateway option unchecked.

    Enabling this options means that only the proxy route (subnet route to spine proxy) is programmed on the leaf switches and no SVI is created, which means SVI cannot be used as the gateway.

    We recommend that SVI is created by the BD subnet as the gateway and the No Default SVI Gateway option is enabled on the EPG instead because EPG subnets should only be used for route leaking.

  7. (Optional) Enable Querier option.

    Enables IGMP Snooping on the subnet

  8. (Optional) Enable Primary option to designate the subnet as primary.

    There can be one primary IPv4 subnet and one primary IPv6 subnet.

  9. Click Save.

Step 5

(Optional) Add a DHCP Policy.

For additional information, see DHCP Relay.

Step 6

Configure the bridge domain's site-local properties as necessary.

In addition to the template-level configurations, you can also define one or more site-local properties for the bridge domain, as described in Configuring Bridge Domain's Site-Local Properties

Configuring Bridge Domain's Site-Local Properties

In addition to the template-level properties you typically configure for the object when you create it in a template, you can also define one or more properties that are specific to each site to which you assign the template.

When you deploy the object to more than 1 site, the same template-level configurations are deployed to all sites, while the site-local configurations are deployed to those specific sites only.

Before you begin

You must have:

  • Created the bridge domain and configured its template-level properties, as described in Configuring Bridge Domains.

  • Assigned the template that contains the bridge domain to one or more sites.


Step 1

Open the schema that contains the template with the bridge domain.

Step 2

In the left sidebar, select the template that contains the bridge domain under the specific site that you want to configure.

Step 3

In the main pane, select the bridge domain.

For most fields, you will see the values you have configured at the template level, which you cannot edit here.

Step 4

Click +L3Out to add an L3Out.

This is required to advertise the BD subnet out of the remote L3Out and ensure that inbound traffic to the BD can be maintained even if the local L3Out failed. In this case, you would also need to configure the subnet with the Advertised Externally flag. For more information, see the Intersite L3Out use case.

Step 5

Enable Host Route.

This enables Host Based Routing on the bridge domain. When this knob is enabled, the border leaf switches will also advertise individual end-point (EP) host-routes (/32 or /128 prefixes) along with the subnet. The host-route information is advertised only if the host is connected to the local Pod. If the EP is moved away from the local Pod or once the EP is removed from EP database, the route advertisement is then withdrawn.

Step 6

If necessary, change the SVI MAC Address.

The SVI MAC addresses must be unique per site, when virtual MAC and virtual IP are enabled for Common Pervasive Gateway (CPG) scenario. This field can also be used when CPG is not enabled, which will change the default router MAC of the BD

Configuring Application Profiles and EPGs

This section describes how to configure an Application Profile and an EPG.

Before you begin

You must have the schema and template created and a tenant assigned to the template, as described in Creating Schemas and Templates.

This section also assume you have a Contract and a Bridge Domain created.


Step 1

Select the schema and template where you want to create the application profile.

Step 2

Create an application profile.

  1. In the main pane, select +Create Object > Application Profile.

    Alternatively, you can scroll down to the Application Profile area, mouse over the tile, and click Add Application Profile.

  2. In the right pane, provide the Display Name for the application profile.

    You can create application profiles with the same name in different templates without any conflicts. You cannot however create other objects (such as VRFs, BDs, EPGs) with the same name in different templates if they will be deployed to the same site and tenant.

  3. (Optional) Provide a Description.

Step 3

Create an EPG.

  1. In the main pane, select +Create Object > EPG, then select the application profile where you want to create the EPG.

    Alternatively, you can scroll down to the specific Application Profile area, mouse over the EPGs tile, and click Add EPG.

  2. In the right pane, provide the Display Name for the EPG.

  3. (Optional) Provide a Description.

Step 4

Add a contract for the EPG.

Creating contracts and filters is described in detail in Configuring Contracts and Filters. If you already have a contract created:

  1. Click + Contract.

  2. On the Add Contract dialog, enter the contract name and type.

  3. Click SAVE.

Step 5

From the Bridge Domain dropdown, select the bridge domain for this EPG.

If you are configuring an on-premises EPG, you must associate it with a bridge domain.

Step 6

(Optional) Click + Subnet to add a subnet to your EPG.

You may choose to configure a subnet on the EPG level rather than the bridge domain level, for example for a VRF route-leaking use-case.

  1. On the Add Subnet dialog, enter the Gateway IP address and a description for the subnet you plan to add.

  2. In the Scope field select either Private to VRF or Advertised Externally.

  3. Click the check box for Shared Between VRFs if appropriate.

  4. Click the check box for No Default SVI Gateway if appropriate.

  5. Click OK.

Step 7

(Optional) Enable microsegmentation.

If you are configuring a microsegmentation EPG (uSeg), you must provide one or more uSeg attributes for matching endpoints to the EPG.

  1. Check the uSeg EPG checkbox.

  2. Click +uSeg Attribute.

  3. Provide the Name and Type for the uSeg attribute.

  4. Based on the attribute type you have selected, provide the attribute details.

    For example, if you have selected MAC for the attribute type, provide the MAC address to identify an endpoint in this EPG.

  5. Click SAVE.

Step 8

(Optional) Enable intra-EPG isolation.

By default, endpoints in EPG can freely communicate with each other. If you would like to isolate the endpoints from each other, set the isolation mode to Enforced.

Intra-EPG endpoint isolation policies provide full isolation for virtual or physical endpoints; no communication is allowed between endpoints in an EPG that is operating with isolation enforced. Isolation-enforced EPGs reduce the number of EPG encapsulations required when many clients access a common service but are not allowed to communicate with each other.

Step 9

(Optional) Enable Layer 3 multicast for the EPG.

For additional information about Layer 3 multicast, see Layer 3 Multicast

Step 10

(Optional) Enable preferred group membership for the EPG.

The Preferred Group feature allows you to include multiple EPGs within a single VRF to allow full communication between them with no need for contracts to be created. For additional information about EPG preferred group, see EPG Preferred Groups

Step 11

Configure the EPG's site-local properties as necessary.

In addition to the template-level configurations, you can also define one or more site-local properties for the EPG, as described in Configuring EPG's Site-Local Properties

Configuring EPG's Site-Local Properties

In addition to the template-level properties you typically configure for the object when you create it in a template, you can also define one or more properties that are specific to each site to which you assign the template.

When you deploy the object to more than 1 site, the same template-level configurations are deployed to all sites, while the site-local configurations are deployed to those specific sites only.

Before you begin

You must have:

  • Created the application profile and EPG and configured the template-level properties, as described in Configuring Application Profiles and EPGs.

  • Assigned the template that contains the bridge domain to one or more sites.


Step 1

Open the schema that contains the template with the EPG.

Step 2

In the left sidebar, select the template that contains the EPG under the specific site that you want to configure.

Step 3

In the main pane, select the EPG.

For most fields, you will see the values you have configured at the template level, which you cannot edit here.

Step 4

Add one or more Subnets for the EPG.

  1. Click +Add Subnet.

    An Add New Subnet window opens.

  2. Enter the subnet's Gateway IP address and a description for the subnet you want to add.

  3. Select the Scope for the subnet.

    The network visibility of the subnet.

    • Private to VRF—Prevents the subnet from being announced via L3Out toward an external network domain.

    • Advertised Externally—The subnet can be announced via L3Out toward an external network domain.

  4. (Optional) Enable Shared Between VRFs.

    Shared between VRFs—The subnet can be shared with and exported to multiple contexts (VRFs) in the same tenant or across tenants as part of a shared service. An example of a shared service is a routed connection to an EPG present in another context (VRF) in a different tenant. This enables traffic to pass in both directions across contexts (VRFs). An EPG that provides a shared service must have its subnet configured under the BD (not under the EPG), and its scope must be set to advertised externally, and shared between VRFs.

    Shared subnets must be unique across the contexts (VRF) involved in the communication. When a subnet under an EPG provides a Layer 3 external network shared service, such a subnet must be globally unique within the entire ACI fabric.

  5. (Optional) Enable No Default SVI Gateway.

    Enabling this options means that only the proxy route (subnet route to spine proxy) is programmed on the leaf switches and no SVI is created, which means SVI cannot be used as the gateway.

    We recommend enabling this option on the EPG subnets, which should only be used for route leaking and leaving this option disabled on the BD subnets so that the SVI can be used as a gateway.

  6. Click Save.

Step 5

Add one or more Static ports.

  1. Click +Static Port.

  2. From the Path Type dropdown, select the type of port.

  3. If configuring a physical interface, select the Pod and Leaf for the interface.

  4. Provide the Path for the interface.

  5. Select the Port Encap VLAN.

    When manually configuring the port encap on a domain for an EPG, the VLAN ID must belong to a static VLAN block within a dynamic VLAN pool.

    If EPG is enabled for microsegmentation at the template level, when a Primary MICRO-SEG VLAN is configured, the Port Encap VLAN is configured as an Isolated Secondary VLAN for the Primary VLAN. Traffic is sent from the host to the leaf using the secondary VLAN and return traffic from the leaf to the host is sent using the primary VLAN.

  6. (Optional) Select the Primary MICRO-SEG VLAN.

    The VLAN identifier for microsegmentation

  7. (Optional) Select the Deployment Immediacy.

    Once policies are downloaded to the leaf nodes, deployment immediacy can specify when the policy is pushed into the hardware policy CAM:

    • Immediate—Specifies that the policy is programmed in the hardware policy CAM as soon as the policy is downloaded in the leaf software.

    • On Demand—Specifies that the policy is programmed in the hardware policy CAM only when the first packet is received through the data path. This process helps to optimize the hardware space.

  8. (Optional) Select the Mode.

    The mode of the static association with the path. EPG tagging refers to configuring a static path under an EPG:

    • Trunk—The default deployment mode. Select this mode if the traffic from the host is tagged with a VLAN ID.

    • Access (802.1P)—Select this mode if the traffic from the host is tagged with a 802.1P tag. When an access port is configured with a single EPG in native 802.1p mode, its packets exit that port untagged. When an access port is configured with multiple EPGs, one in native 802.1p mode, and some with VLAN tags, all packets exiting that access port are tagged VLAN 0 for EPG configured in native 802.1p mode and for all other EPGs packets exit with their respective VLAN tags. Note that only one native 802.1p EPG is allowed per access port.

    • Access (Untagged)—Select this mode if the traffic from the host is untagged (without VLAN ID). When a leaf switch is configured for an EPG to be untagged, for every port this EPG uses, the packets will exit the switch untagged. Note that when an EPG is deployed as untagged, do not deploy that EPG as tagged on other ports of the same switch.

Step 6

Add one or more Static Leaf nodes.

  1. Click +Static Leaf.

  2. From the Leaf dropdown, select the leaf node you want to add.

  3. (Optional) In the VLAN field, provide the VLAN ID for tagged traffic.

Step 7

Add one or more Domains nodes.

  1. Click +Domain.

  2. Select the Domain Association Type.

    This is the type of the domain you are adding:

    • VMM

    • Fibre Channel

    • L2 External

    • L3 External

    • Physical

  3. Select the Domain Profile name.

  4. Select the Deployment Immediacy.

    Deployment immediacy can specify when the policy is pushed:

    • Immediate—Specifies that the policy is programmed in the hardware policy CAM as soon as the policy is downloaded in the leaf software.

    • On Demand—Specifies that the policy is programmed in the hardware policy CAM only when the first packet is received through the data path. This process helps to optimize the hardware space.

  5. Select the Resolution Immediacy.

    Specifies whether policies are resolved immediately or when needed. The options are:

    • Immediate—Specifies that EPG policies are pushed to the leaf switch nodes upon hypervisor attachment to the VMware vSphere Distributed Switch (VDS). LLDP or OpFlex permissions are used to resolve the hypervisor to leaf node attachments.

    • On Demand—Specifies that EPG policies are pushed to the leaf switch nodes only when a hypervisor is attached to VDS and a VM is placed in the port group (EPG).

    • Pre-provision—Specifies that EPG policies are pushed to the leaf switch nodes even before a hypervisor is attached to the VDS. The download pre-provisions the configuration on the switch.

Configuring Contracts and Filters

This section describes how to configure a contract, a filter, and assign the filter to the contract. A filter is similar to an Access Control List (ACL), it is used to filter traffic through contracts associated to EPGs.


Step 1

Select the schema and template where you want to create contract and filter.

You can create the contract in the same or different template as the objects (EPGs and external EPGs) to which you will apply it. If the objects that will use the contract are deployed to different sites, we recommend defining the contract in a template associated to multiple sites. However, this is not strictly required and even if the contract and filters are defined only as local objects in Site1, NDO will create those objects in a remote Site2 when a local EPG or external EPG in Site2 needs to consume or provide that contract.

Step 2

Create a filter.

  1. In the main pane, select +Create Object > Filter.

    Alternatively, you can scroll down to the Filters area, mouse over the tile, and click Add Filter.

  2. In the right pane, provide the Display Name for the filter.

  3. (Optional) Provide a Description.

Step 3

Create a filter entry.

  1. In the right pane, click + Entry.

    The filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. You can specify one or more options as described in the following step.

  2. Provide the Name for the filter.

  3. Choose the Ether Type.

    For example, ip.

  4. Choose the IP Protocol.

    For example, icmp.

  5. Choose the Destination Port Range From and Destination Port Range To.

    The start and end of the destination ports range. You can define a single port by specifying the same value in both fields or you can define a range of ports from 0 to 65535. You can also choose to specify one of the server types instead of specific port numbers, for example http.

  6. Enable Match only fragments option.

    When enabled, the rule applies to any IP fragment with an offset that is greater than 0 (all IP fragments except the first). When disabled, the rule will not apply to IP fragments with an offset greater than 0 because TCP/UDP port information can only be checked in initial fragments.

  7. Enable Stateful option.

    When this option is enabled, any traffic coming from the provider back to the consumer will always have to have the ACK bit set in the packet or else the packets will be dropped.

  8. Specify ARP flag (Address Resolution Protocol).

    The ARP Flag is used when creating a specific filter for ARP and allows you to specify ARP request or ARP reply.

  9. Choose the Source Port Range From and Source Port Range To.

    The start and end of the source ports range. You can define a single port by specifying the same value in both fields or you can define a range of ports from 0 to 65535. You can also choose to specify one of the server types instead of specific port numbers, for example http.

  10. Specify TCP session rules.

    TCP session rules are used when creating a filter for TCP traffic and allow you to configure stateful ACL behavior.

  11. Click Save to save the filter.

  12. Repeat this step to create any additional filter entries for this filter.

    You can create and assign multiple filter entries for each filter.

Step 4

Create a contract

  1. In the main pane, select +Create Object > Contract.

    Alternatively, you can scroll down to the Contract area, mouse over the tile, and click Add Contract.

  2. In the right pane, provide the Display Name for the contract.

  3. (Optional) Provide a Description.

  4. Select the appropriate Scope for the contract.

    Contract scope limits the contract's accessibility; the contract will not be applied to any consumer EPG outside the scope of the provider EPG:

    • application-profile

    • vrf

    • tenant

    • global

  5. Toggle the Apply both directions knob if you want the same filter to apply for both consumer-to-provider and provider-to-consumer directions.

    If you enable this option, you will need to provide the filters only once and they will apply for traffic in both directions. If you leave this option disabled, you will need to provide two sets of filter chains, one for each direction.



    If you create and deploy a contract with Apply both directions enabled, you cannot simply disable the option and re-deploy for the change to apply. To disable this option on an already deployed contract, you must delete the contract, deploy the template, then re-create the contract with the option disabled to correctly change the setting in your fabrics.

  6. (Optional) From the Service Graph dropdown, select a service graph for this contract.

  7. (Optional) From the QoS Level dropdown, select a value for this contract.

    This value specifies the ACI QoS Level that will be assigned to the traffic using this contract. For more information, see QoS Preservation Across IPN.

    If you leave this at Unspecified, the default QoS Level 3 is applied to the traffic.

Step 5

Assign the filters to the contract

  1. In the right pane, scroll down to the Filter Chain area and click + Filter to add a filter to the contract.

  2. In the Add Filter Chain window that opens, select the filter you added in previous step from the Name dropdown menu.

  3. Select the Action for the filter.

    When adding filters, you can choose whether to permit or deny traffic that matches the filter criteria. For deny filters, you can set the priority of the filter to one of four levels: default, low, medium, or high; the permit filters always have the default priority. For more information on ACI contracts and filters, see Cisco ACI Contract Guide.

  4. Click Save to add the filter to the contract.

  5. If you disabled the Apply both directions option on the contract, repeat this step for the other filter chain.

  6. (Optional) You can create and assign multiple Filters to each Contract.

    If you want to create additional filter for the same contract:

    • Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 to create another filter along with its filter entries.

    • Then repeat this step to assign the new filter to this Contract.

Configuring On-Premises External Connectivity

Cisco ACI allows you to establish connectivity to the networks outside your on-premises ACI fabric through the border leaf switches. This connectivity is defined using two constructs, L3Out and External EPG, which provide the configuration options necessary to define security and route maps.

This section describes how to create an L3Out and external EPG in the Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator GUI. The Orchestrator then creates the objects on the APIC site where you deploy the template. Keep in mind that when creating an L3Out from the Orchestrator, only the L3Out container object is created in the APIC and you must still perform the full L3Out configuration (such as nodes, interfaces, routing protocols, and so on) directly in the site's APIC.

While in most cases the L3Out will be created directly at the APIC level and then associated to an external EPG that you create in the Orchestrator, it may be useful to create both here in order to directly associate the L3Out to a VRF which you have created from the Orchestrator.

Before you begin


Step 1

Navigate to the Schema and Template you want to edit.

Step 2

Create an L3Out.

  1. In the schema edit view, scroll down to the L3Out area and click + to add a new L3Out.

  2. In the properties pane on the right, provide a display name for the L3Out.

  3. From the Virtual Routing & Forwarding dropdown, select the VRF you created for this.

Step 3

Create an external EPG.

  1. In the schema edit view, scroll down to the External EPG area and click + to add a new External EPG.

  2. In the properties pane on the right, select On-Prem for the site type.

Step 4

Configure external EPG's basic properties.

  1. In the right properties sidebar, provide a display name for the External EPG.

  2. From the Virtual Routing & Forwarding dropdown, select the VRF you created.

    This must be the same VRF that you associated with the L3Out.

  3. Click +Contract to add a contract for the external EPG to communicate with other EPGs.

    If you already have the contracts created, you can assign them now. Otherwise, you can come back to this screen to assign any Contracts you plan to create later.

    When assigning Contracts:

    • If you are associating a contract with the external EPG as provider, choose contracts only from the tenant associated with the external EPG. Do not choose contracts from other tenants.

    • If you are associating the contract to the external EPG as consumer, you can choose any available contract.

Step 5

If configuring an external EPG for an on-premises fabric, set Site Type to on-prem and configure external EPG's on-premises properties.

  1. From the L3Out dropdown, select the L3Out you created in a previous step.



    You can select the L3Out at the template or site-local level. We recommend configuring the L3Out for the external EPG at the site-local level. To do that, select the template in the left sidebar under the site to which it is assigned. Then select the external EPG and associate an L3Out with it.

  2. Click +Subnet to add a subnet.

    This may be a classification subnet or a subnet used for route-control.

  3. In the Add Subnet window, provide the subnet prefix.

  4. Select the required Route Control options.

    You can choose one or more for the following options:

    • Export Route Control enables a route map that allows external prefixes matching the specified subnet prefix to get advertised out of the L3Out. These are the prefixes learned from other L3Outs for transit routing use cases.

      If you are adding the subnet and enable the export route control option, Aggregate Export option becomes available. This allows you to advertise all the external prefixes learned from other L3Outs. If you choose to leave this option disabled, only the default route learned from other L3Out will be advertised out of this L3Out.

    • Import Route Control configures an ingress route map to give you control over what prefixes you want to import from your L3Out into the fabric. The Import Route Control is available only when using BGP as the routing protocol on the L3Out.

      If you are adding the subnet and enable the import route control option, Aggregate Import option becomes available. This works similar to the export route control case except for ingress routes.

    • Shared Route Control is used for shared L3Out use case and allows prefixes learned from the external router to be advertised to the other VRF that will use this L3Out.

      If you enable the shared route control option, Aggregate Shared Routes option becomes available. Again, this functions similar to previous two aggregate routes options but is available for non- subnets.

  5. Select the External EPG Classification options.

    You should check the External Subnets for External EPG option for the configured subnet(s) to be able to map external entities to this specific External EPG. This allows you to apply a security policy (contract) between those external networks and endpoints belonging to EPG(s) defined inside the fabric. Enabling this flag for a prefix ensures that all the external destinations are considered part of this External EPG.

    If you enable this option, Shared Security Import option becomes available, which allows access from the subnet to the endpoints within the fabric for the inter-VRF (shared services) use case.

    For both of these options, access is still subject to contract rules.

Step 6

If configuring an external EPG for a cloud fabric, set Site Type to cloud and configure external EPG's cloud properties.

  1. From the Application Profile dropdown, select the application profile.

  2. Click +Add Selector to add a cloud endpoint selector for the EPG.

Step 7

(Optional) If you want to include this external EPG in the preferred group, check the Include in preferred group checkbox.

For more info about EPG Preferred Group, see EPG Preferred Groups.

Viewing Schemas

After you have created one or more schemas, they are displayed both on the Dashboard and the Schemas page.

You can use the functionality available on these two pages to monitor the usage and the health of your schemas when they are deployed. You can also access and edit specific areas of the implemented schema policies using the Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator GUI.

Assigning Templates to Sites

This section describes how to assign a template to sites.

Before you begin

You must have the schema, template, and any objects you want to deploy to sites already created, as described in previous sections of this document.


Step 1

Navigate to the schema that contains one or more templates that you want to deploy.

Step 2

In the left pane, click the + icon next to Sites

Step 3

In the Add Sites window, check the checkbox next to the sites where you want to deploy the template.

Step 4

From the Assign to Template dropdown next to each site, select one or more templates.

While you deploy one template at a time to every site with which it is associated, you can associate multiple templates to a site at once.

Step 5

Click Save.

Step 6

Repeat the steps for any additional sites.

You deploy one template at a time, so you need to associate the template with at least one site where you want to deploy the configuration.

Template Versioning

Release 3.4(1) adds support for template versioning. A new version of the template is created every time it is saved. From within the NDO UI, you can view the history of all configuration changes for any template along with information about who made the changes and when. You can also compare any of the previous versions to the current version.

New versions are created at the template level, not schema level, which allows you to configure, compare, and roll back each template individually.

Tagging Templates

At any point you can choose to tag the current version of the template as "golden", for example for future references to indicate a version that was reviewed, approved, and deployed with a fully validated configuration.


Step 1

Log in to your Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator GUI.

Step 2

From the left navigation menu, select Application Management > Schemas.

Step 3

Click the schema that contains the template you want to view.

Step 4

In the Schema view, select the template you want to review.

Step 5

From the template's actions (...) menu, select Set as Golden.

If the template is already tagged, the option will change to Remove Golden and allows you to remove the tag from the current version.

Any version that was tagged will be indicated by a star icon in the template's version history screen.

Viewing History and Comparing Previous Versions

This section describes how to view previous versions for a template and compare them to the current version.


Step 1

Log in to your Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator GUI.

Step 2

From the left navigation menu, select Application Management > Schemas.

Step 3

Click the schema that contains the template you want to view.

Step 4

In the Schema view, select the template you want to review.

Step 5

From the template's actions (...) menu, select View History.

Step 6

In the Version History window, make the appropriate selections.

  1. Enable the Golden Versions checkbox to filter the list of previous versions to display only the versions of this template that had been marked as Golden.

    Tagging a template as "Golden" is described in Tagging Templates.

  2. Enable the Deployed Versions checkbox to filter the list of previous versions to display only the versions of this template that had been deployed to sites.

    A new template version is created every time the template is changed and the schema is saved. You can choose to only show the versions of the template that were actually deployed to sites at some point.

  3. Click on a specific version to compare it to the current version.

    The version you select is always compared to the current version of the template. Even if you filter the list using the Golden Versions or Deployed Versions filters, the current version will always be displayed even if it was never deployed or tagged as golden.

  4. Mouse over the Edit icon to see information about who created the version and when.

Step 7

Click OK to close the version history window.

Reverting Template to Earlier Version

This section describes how to restore a previous version of the template. When reverting a template, the following rules apply:

  • If the target version references objects that are no longer present, restore operation will not be allowed.

  • If the target version references sites that are no longer managed by NDO, restore operation will not be allowed.

  • If the current version is deployed to one or more sites to which the target version was not deployed, restore operation will not be allowed.

    You must first undeploy the current version from those sites before reverting the template.

  • If the target version was deployed to one or more sites to which the current version is not deployed, restore operation is allowed.


Step 1

Log in to your Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator GUI.

Step 2

From the left navigation menu, select Application Management > Schemas.

Step 3

Click the schema that contains the template you want to view.

Step 4

In the Schema view, select the template you want to review.

Step 5

From the Actions menu, select Restore Version.

Step 6

In the Restore Version window, select one of the earlier versions to which you want to restore.

You can filter the list of versions using the Golden Versions and Deployed Versions checkboxes.

When you select a version, you can compare the template configuration of that version to the current version of the template.

Step 7

Click Restore to restore the selected version.

When you restore a previous version, a new version of the template is created with the same configuration as the version you selected in the previous step.

For example, if the latest template version is 3 and you restore version 2, then version 4 is created that is identical to the version 2 configuration. You can verify the restore by browsing to the template version history and comparing the current latest version to the version you had selected during restore, which should be identical.

If template review and approval (change control) is disabled and your account has the correct privileges to deploy templates, you can deploy the version to which you reverted.

However, if change control is enabled, then:

  • If you revert to a version that had been previously deployed and your account has the correct privileges to deploy templates, you can immediately deploy the template.

  • If you revert to a version that had not been previously deployed or your account does not have the correct privileges to deploy templates, you will need to request template approval before the reverted version can be deployed.

    Additional information about review and approval process is available in the Template Review and Approval sections.

Template Review and Approval

Release 3.4(1) adds support for template review and approval (change control) workflow which allows you to set up designated roles for template designers, reviewers and approvers, and template deployers to ensure that the configuration deployments go through a validation process.

From within the NDO UI, a template designer can request review on the template they create. Then reviewers can view the history of all configuration changes for the template along with information about who made the changes and when, at which point they can approve or deny the current version of the template. If the template configuration is denied, the template designer can make any required changes and re-request review; if the template is approved, it can be deployed to the sites by a user with Deployer role. Finally, the deployer themselves can deny deployment of an approved template and restart the review process from the beginning.

The workflow is done at the template level, not schema level, which allows you to configure, review, and approve each template individually.


Because the review and approval workflow depends on user roles that are defined in Nexus Dashboard, you must be running Nexus Dashboard release 2.1(1) or later to use this feature. If you deployed your Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator in Nexus Dashboard release 2.0.2, the review and approval feature will be disabled until you upgrade your platform.

Enabling Template Approval Requirement

Before you can use the review and approval workflow for template configuration and deployment, you must enable the feature in the Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator's system settings.


Step 1

Log in to your Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator GUI.

Step 2

From the left navigation menu, select Infrastructure > System Configuration.

Step 3

On the Change Control tile, click the Edit icon.

Step 4

In the Change Control window, check the Change Control Workflow checkbox to enable the feature.

Step 5

In the Approvers field, enter the number of unique approvals required before the templates can be deployed.

Step 6

Click Save to save the changes.

Create Users with Required Roles

Before you can use the review and approval workflow for template configuration and deployment, you must create the users with the necessary privileges in the Nexus Dashboard where the NDO service is deployed.


Step 1

Log in to your Nexus Dashboard GUI.

Users cannot be created or edited in the NDO GUI, you must log in directly to the Nexus Dashboard cluster where the service is deployed.

Step 2

From the left navigation menu, select Administrative > Users.

Step 3

Create the required users.

The workflow depends on three distinct user roles: template designer, approver, and deployer. You can assign each role to a different user or combine the roles for the same user; users with admin privileges can perform all 3 actions.

There is no Designer role predefined on Nexus Dashboard, so the designer duties are assigned to any Tenant Manager or Site Manager user with write privileges, in addition to the default Admin user role:

  • Tenant Manager should be used when the designer needs to make changes to templates associated only to a specific tenant (or a subset of tenants). In this case, the user should be mapped to the specific tenants.

  • Site Manager should be used when the designer needs to make changes to templates that belong to different tenants.

In contrast to Designer role, there are pre-defined Approver and Deployer roles on the Nexus Dashboard that can be associated to the users. Approver and Deployer roles are not bound to specific tenant(s) by design. However, when creating a user role with both designer and approver (or designer and deployer) rights, follow the same guidelines as listed above.

Detailed information about configuring users and their privileges for local or remote Nexus Dashboard users is described in the Nexus Dashboard User Guide.

You must have at least as many unique users with Approver role as the minimum number of approvals required, which you configured in Enabling Template Approval Requirement.



If you disable the Change Control Workflow feature, any Approver and Deployer users will have read-only access to the Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator.

Requesting Template Review and Approval

This section describes how to request template review and approval.

Before you begin

You must have:


Step 1

Log in to your Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator GUI as a user with Tenant Manager, Site Manager, or Administrator role.

Step 2

If you assigned the Tenant Manager role, associate the user with the tenants.

If you used Site Manager or Administrator roles, skip this step.

If you assign the Tenant Manager role, you must also associate the user to the specific tenants they will manage.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Application Management > Tenants.

  2. Select the tenant which the user will manage.

  3. Check the box next to the designer user you created in Nexus Dashboard.

  4. Repeat this step for all other tenants the user will manage.

Step 3

From the left navigation menu, select Application Management > Schemas.

Step 4

Click the schema that contains the template for which you want to request approval.

Step 5

In the schema view, select the template.

Step 6

In the main pane, click Send for Approval.

Note that the Send for Approval button will not be available in the following cases:
  • The global change control option is not enabled

  • The template has no policy configurations or is not assigned to any sites

  • Your user does not have the right permissions to edit templates

  • The template has already been sent for approval

  • The template was denied by the approver user

Reviewing and Approving Templates

This section describes how to request template review and approval.

Before you begin

You must have:


Step 1

Log in to your Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator GUI as a user with Approver or admin role.

Step 2

From the left navigation menu, select Application Management > Schemas.

Step 3

Click the schema that contains the template you want to review and approve.

Step 4

In the schema view, select the template.

Step 5

In the main pane, click Approve.

If you have already approved or denied the template, you will not see the option until the template designer makes changes and re-sends the template for review again.

Step 6

In the Approving template window, review the template and click Approve.

The approval screen will display all the changes which the template would deploy to the sites.

You can click View Version History to view the complete version history and incremental changes made between versions. Additional information about version history is available in Viewing History and Comparing Previous Versions.

You can also click Deployment Plan to see a visualization and an XML of the configuration that would be deployed from this template. The functionality of the "Deployment Plan" view is similar to the "Deployed View" for already-deployed templates, which is described in Viewing Currently Deployed Configuration.

Deploying Templates

This section describes how to deploy new or updated policies to the ACI fabrics.

Before you begin

You must have the schema, template, and any objects you want to deploy to sites already created, as described in previous sections of this document.

If template review and approval is enabled, the template must also be already approved by the required number of approvers as described in Template Review and Approval.


Step 1

Navigate to the schema that contains the template that you want to deploy.

Step 2

In the left sidebar, select the template you want to deploy.

Step 3

In the top right of the template edit view, click Deploy.

The Deploy to sites window opens that shows the summary of the objects to be deployed.

Step 4

If you have made changes to your template, review the Deployment Plan to verify the new configuration.

If you have previously deployed this template but made no changes to it since, the Deploy summary will indicate that there are no changes and you can choose to re-deploy the entire template. In this case, you can skip this step.

The Deploy to sites window will show you a summary of the configuration differences that will be deployed to sites. The following screenshots show a simple example of adding a consumer contract to an existing EPG (EPG1-S2) in Site2.

You can also filter the view using the Created, Modified, and Deleted checkboxes for informational purposes, but keep in mind that all of the changes are still deployed when you click Deploy.

Here you can also choose to:

  • View Version History, which shows the complete version history and incremental changes made between versions. Additional information about version history is available in Viewing History and Comparing Previous Versions.

  • Check the Deployment Plan to see a visualization and an XML payload of the configuration that will be deployed from this template.

    This feature provides better visibility into configuration changes that the Orchestrator will provision to the different fabrics that are part of your Multi-Site domain after you make a change to the template and deploy it to one or more sites.

    Unlike earlier releases of the Multi-Site Orchestrator, which still provided a list of specific changes made to the template and site configuration, the Deployment Plan provides full visibility into all the objects that the deployment of the template would provision across the different fabrics. For example, depending on what change you make, shadow objects may be created in multiple sites even if the specific change is applied to only a single site.



    We recommend verifying your changes using the Deployment Plan as described in this step before deploying the template. The visual representation of the configuration changes can help you reduce potential errors from deploying unintended configuration changes.

  1. Click the Deployment Plan button.

    Continuing with the same example shown in the previous step, where a consumer contract was added to an existing EPG in Site2, the Deployment Plan allows you to also see that there are additional changes to be deployed to Site1 as a result of the change to Site2.

  2. Verify your changes in the first listed site.

    Based on the highlighted legend, you can see that the Orchestrator will create the shadow objects in Site1 that are required by the contract you added to an EPG in Site2.

  3. Repeat the previous substep to verify the changes in other sites

    Here you can see the change you made explicitly to the EPG (EPG1-S2) in Site2 when you assigned the contract (C1-EFT) to it, as well as the shadow objects for the EPG (EPG1-S1) in the other site, which is providing that contract.

  4. (Optional) Click View Payload to see the XML payload for each site.

    In addition to the visual representation of the new and modified objects, you can also choose to View Payload for the changes in each site:

  5. After you are done verifying the changes, click the X icon to close the Deployment Plan screen.

Step 5

In the Deploy to sites window, click Deploy to deploy the template.

Undeploying Templates

This section describes how to undeploy a template from a site.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have not made any changes to the template since you last deployed it.

    Undeploying a template that was modified since it was last deployed may create a configuration drift because the set of objects deployed with the template would be different than the set of objects you try to undeploy after making changes to the template.


Step 1

Select the schema that contains the template you want to undeploy.

Step 2

In the left sidebar under SITES, select the template you want to undeploy.

Step 3

Undeploy the template.

  1. Click the More options (...) menu next to the template.

  2. Click Undeploy Template.

Disassociating Template from Sites

You can choose to disassociate a template from a site without undeploying it. This allows you to preserve any configuration deployed to the site from NDO while removing the template-site association in the schema. The managed object and policy ownership is transferred from NDO to the site's controller.

Before you begin

  • The template and its configuration must already be deployed to a site.

  • The template must be deployed to a single site only and not stretched across sites.

  • The objects defined in the template must not be deployed as shadow objects in other sites.


Step 1

Log in to your Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator GUI.

Step 2

From the left navigation menu, select Application Management > Schemas.

Step 3

Click the schema that contains the template you want to disassociate.

Step 4

In the Schema view, select the template under the specific site from which you want to disassociate it.

Step 5

From the Actions menu, select Disassociate Template.

Step 6

In the confirmation window, click Confirm Action.

Configuration Drifts

Occasionally, you may run into a situation where the configuration actually deployed to an APIC domain is different from the configuration defined for that domain in the Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator. These configuration discrepancies are referred to as Configuration Drifts and are indicated by the exclamation point next to the template name in the schema view as shown in the following figure:

Figure 4.

Configuration drifts can manifest due to a number of different reasons. Specific steps required to resolve a configuration drift depend on the its cause. Most common scenarios and their resolutions are outlined below:

  • Configuration is modified in NDO—when you modify a template in NDO GUI, it will show as configuration drift until you deploy the changes to the sites.

    To resolve this type of configuration drift, either deploy the template to apply the changes to the sites or revert the changes in the schema.

  • Configuration is modified directly in the site's APIC—while the objects deployed from NDO are indicated by a warning icon and text in the site's APIC, an admin user can still make changes to them causing the configuration drift.

    • If you want to undo the local changes, simply re-deploy the template from NDO to override any manual changes made at the site level.

    • If you want to preserve the local changes, import the modified objects from the site into the NDO template, save the schema, and re-deploy it back to the site.

  • NDO configuration is restored from backup—restoring configuration from a backup in NDO restores only the objects and their state as they were when the backup was created, it does not automatically re-deploy the restored configuration. As such, if there were changes made to the configuration since the backup was created, restoring the backup would create a configuration drift.

    • If you want to preserve the changes since the backup, import the modified objects from the site into the NDO template after configuration restore, save the schema, and re-deploy it back to the site.

    • If you do not want to preserve the changes, simply re-deploy the template from NDO to override any configuration discrepancies at the site level.

      Note that this would allow you to override the configuration for objects and objects' properties that can be managed from NDO; it will not remove extra objects and properties configured at the APIC level that are not directly manageable from NDO.

  • NDO configuration is restored from a backup created on an older release—if the newer release added support for object properties which were not supported by the earlier release, these properties may cause configuration drift warning. Typically this happens if the new properties were modified in the site's APIC and the values are different from the defaults.

    • If you want to reset the object properties to the default values, simply re-deploy the template.

    • If you want to preserve the already configured custom values for the newly supported object properties, import the modified objects from the site into the NDO template, save the schema, and re-deploy the template back to the site.

  • NDO is upgraded from an earlier release—this scenario is similar to the previous one where if new object properties are added in the new release, existing configuration may indicate a drift.

    • If you want to reset the object properties to the default values, simply re-deploy the template.

    • If you want to preserve the already configured custom values for the newly supported object properties, import the modified objects from the site into the NDO template, save the schema, and re-deploy the template back to the site.

Cloning Schemas

This section describes how to create a copy of an existing schema and all its templates using the "Clone Schema" feature in the Schemas screen.


Step 1

Log in to your Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator GUI.

Step 2

Choose the schema to clone.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Application Management > Schemas.

  2. From the Actions menu next to the name of the schema you want to clone, select Clone Schema.

Step 3

Provide the name for the new schema and click Clone.

After you click Clone, the UI will display Cloning of <schema-name> was successful. message and the new schema will be listed in the Schemas screen:

The new schema is created with the exact same templates (and their tenants’ association), object, and policy configurations as the original schema.

Note that while the templates, objects, and configurations are copied, the site association is not preserved and you will need to re-associate the template in the cloned schema with any sites where you want to deploy them. Similarly, you will need to provide any site-specific configurations for the template objects after you associate it with the sites.

Step 4

(Optional) Verify that the schema and all its templates were copied.

You can verify the operation completed successfully by comparing the two schemas:

Cloning Templates

This section describes how to create a copy of an existing template using the "Clone Template" feature in the Schema view.


Step 1

Log in to your Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator GUI.

Step 2

From the left navigation menu, select Application Management > Schemas.

Step 3

Click the schema that contains the template you want to clone.

Step 4

In the Schema view, open the Clone Template dialog.

  1. Select the Template you want to clone.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Clone Template.

Step 5

Provide the clone destination details.

  1. From the Destination Tenant dropdown, select the target tenant.

    By default, the current template's tenant is selected. If you change the tenant, the new template will be assigned to the tenant you select instead.

    Note that the destination tenant must already exist. If you want to clone the template and assign it to a new tenant, you must first create it in the Tenants page, then come back to the template to clone it.



    When cloning across different tenants, the template must not have any objects that reference objects in other templates.

  2. From the Destination Schema dropdown, select the name of the Schema where you want to create the clone of the template.

    You can select the same or a different schema to contain the clone of this template. If you want to clone the template into a schema that doesn't already exist, you can create a new schema by typing in the name of the schema and selecting Create <schema-name> option from the dropdown.



    When cloning across different schemas, the template must not have any objects that reference objects in other templates.

  3. In the Cloned Template Name field, provide the name for the new template.

  4. Click Save to create the clone.

    A new template will be created in the destination schema, with the tenant you selected and the exact same object and policy configurations as the original template.

    If the destination schema you chose was the same schema as the source template, the schema view will reload and the new template will be displayed in the left sidebar. If you chose a different schema, you can navigate to that schema to see and edit the new template.

    Note that while the template objects and configurations are copied, the site association is not preserved and you will need to re-associate the cloned template with any sites where you want to deploy it. Similarly, you will need to provide any site-specific configurations for the template objects after you associate it with the sites.

Migrating Objects Between Templates

This section describes how to move objects between templates or schemas. When moving one or more objects, the following restrictions apply:

  • Only EPG and Bridge Domain (BD) objects can be moved between templates.

  • Migrating objects to or from Cloud APIC sites is not supported.

    You can migrate objects between on-premises sites only.

  • The source and destination templates can be in the same schema or in different schemas, but the templates must be assigned to the same tenant.

  • The destination template must have been created and assigned to at least one site.

  • If the destination template is not deployed and has no other objects, the template will be automatically deployed after the objects are migrated.

  • Once you initiate one object migration, you cannot perform another migration that involves the same source or target template. The migration is completed when the templates have been deployed to sites.


Step 1

Log in to your Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator GUI.

Step 2

From the left navigation menu, select Schemas.

Step 3

Click the schema that contains the objects you want to migrate.

Step 4

In the Schema view, select the Template that contains the objects you want to migrate.

Step 5

In the top right of the main pane, click Select.

This allows you to select one or more objects to migrate.

Step 6

Click each object that you want to migrate.

Selected objects will display a check mark in their top right corner.

Step 7

In the top right of the main pane, click the actions (...) icon and choose Migrate Objects.

Step 8

In the Migrate Objects window, select the destination Schema and Template where you want to move the objects.

Only the templates with at least one site attached to them will appear in the list. If you don't see your target Template in the dropdown list, cancel the wizard and assign that template to at least one site.

Step 9

Click OK and then YES to confirm that you want to move the objects.

The objects will be migrated from the source template to the destination template that you selected. When you deploy your configuration, the objects will be removed from any site where the source Template is deployed and added to the site where the destination template is deployed.

Step 10

After the migration is completed, redeploy both, the source and the destination, templates.

If the destination template is not deployed and has no other objects, the template will be automatically deployed after the objects are migrated, so you can skip this step.

Viewing Currently Deployed Configuration

You can view all objects currently deployed to sites from a specific template. Even though any given template can be deployed, undeployed, updated, and re-deployed any number of times, this feature will show only the final state that resulted from all of those actions. For example, if Template1 contains only VRF1 object and is deployed to Site1, the API will return only VRF1 for the template; if you then add BD1 and redeploy, the API will return both objects, BD1 and VRF1, from this point on.

This information comes from the Orchestrator database, so it does not account for any potential configuration drifts caused by changes done directly in the site's controller.


Step 1

Log in to your Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator GUI.

Step 2

From the left navigation menu, select Application Management > Schemas.

Step 3

Click the schema that contains the template you want to view.

Step 4

In the left sidebar, select the template.

Step 5

Open the Deployed View for the template.

  1. Click the Actions menu next to the template's name.

  2. Click Deployed View.

Step 6

In the Deployed View screen, select the site for which you want to view the information.

You will see a graphical representation of the template configuration comparison between what's already deployed to the site and what's defined in the template..

  1. The color-coded legend indicates which objects would be created, deleted, or modified if you were to deploy the template at this time.

    If the latest version of the template is already deployed, the view will not contain any color-coded objects and will simply display the currently deployed configuration.

  2. You can click on a site name to show configuration for that specific site.

  3. You can click View XML/JSON to see the XML config of all the objects that are deployed to the selected site.

Schema Overview and Deployment Visualizer

When you open a schema with one or more objects defined and deployed to one or more ACI fabrics, the schema Overview page will provide you with a summary of the deployment.

Figure 5. Schema Overview

The following details are provided on this page:

  1. General—Provides general information of the schema, such the name and description.

  2. Audit Log—Provides audit log summary of the actions performed on the schema.

  3. Sites > Health—Provides the number of sites associated with the templates in this schema sorted by the site's health status.

  4. Sites > Type—Provides the number of sites associated with the templates in this schema sorted by the site's type.

  5. Template to Site Associations > Deployment Status—Provides the number of templates in this schema that are associated with one or more sites and their deployment status.

  6. Template to Site Associations > Consistency—Provides the number of consistency checks performed on the deployed templates and their status.

  7. Application Management—Provides a summary of individual objects contained by the templates in this schema.

The Topology tile allows you to create a topology visualizer by selecting one or more objects to be displayed by the diagram as shown in the following figure.

Figure 6. Deployment Visualizer
  1. Legend—Allows you to choose which policy objects to display in the topology diagram below.

  2. Filter—Allows you to filter the displayed objects based on their names.

  3. Topology Diagram—Provides visual representation of the policies configured in all of the Schema's templates that are assigned to sites.

    You can choose which objects you want to display using the Configuration Options above.

    You can also mouse over an objects to highlight all of its dependencies.

    Finally, you can click on any object in the diagram to zoom in to see only its relationships with other objects. For example, clicking a Template will display all objects within that specific template only.

Shadow Objects

When a contract exists between site-local EPGs in stretched VRF or in Shared Services use-cases where provider and consumer are in different VRFs and communicate through Tenant contracts, the EPGs and bridge domains (BDs) are mirrored on the remote sites. The mirrored objects appear as if they are deployed in each of these sites' APICs, while only actually being deployed in one of the sites. These mirrored objects are called "shadow" objects.


Shadow objects should not be removed using the APIC GUI.

For example, if a tenant and VRF are stretched between Site1 and Site2, provider EPG and its bridge domain are deployed in Site2 only, and consumer EPG and its domain are deployed in Site1 only, then corresponding shadow bridge domains and EPGs will be deployed as shown in the figure below. They appear with the same names as the ones that were deployed directly to each site.

Figure 7. Basic Shadow EPG

The following objects can be shadowed:

  • VRFs

  • Bridge Domains (BDs)

  • L3Outs

  • External EPGs

  • Application Profiles

  • Application EPGs

  • Contracts (Hybrid Cloud deployments)

If your fabrics are running APIC Release 5.0(2) or later, when you select a shadow object in the APIC GUI, you will see a This is a shadow object pushed by MSC to support intersite policies. Do not make any changes or delete this object. warning at the top of main GUI pane. In addition, shadow EPGs that are not part of a VMM domain will not have static ports, while shadow BDs will have No Default SVI Gateway option enabled in the APIC GUI.

Other Use Cases with Shadow Objects

Shadow objects are also create in a number of other use cases, such as Preferred Group, vzAny, and Layer 3 Multicast, and hybrid cloud, as shown in the figures below.

Figure 8. Preferred Group

In case of multicast, the shadow objects are created only for EPGs/BDs that have multicast sources connected and the option explicitly configured at the EPG level.

Figure 9. L3 Multicast

In case of hybrid cloud deployments, even stretched objects will create shadow objects where implicit contracts exist. For example in the following case where an EPG is stretched between an on-premises and cloud sites, shadow external EPGs are created in each site with implicit shadow contracts between the stretched EPG and the shadow external EPGs.

Figure 10. Hybrid Cloud

Starting with Cisco APIC, Release 5.2(3), shadow objects are indicated by a unique icon in the Cisco APIC GUI. Regular Orchestrator-created objects are shown with a green cloud symbol, whereas the shadow objects will have a gray cloud icon.

Hiding Shadow Objects in APIC GUI

Starting with APIC Release 5.0(2), you can choose to show or hide the shadow objects created by the Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator in the on-premises site's APIC GUI. Shadow objects in Cloud APIC are always hidden.

If you want to hide shadow objects from the GUI, keep the following in mind:

  • This option cannot be set globally from the Orchestrator and must be set directly in each site's APIC as described in this section.

  • The option to show shadow objects is turned off by default for all new APIC Release 5.0(2) installations and upgrades, so previously visible objects may become hidden.

  • Hiding shadow objects relies on a flag set by the Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator specifically for this feature, which is enabled from Orchestrator Release 3.0(2) and later:

    • If shadow objects are deployed by an earlier Orchestrator version, they will not have the required tag and will always be visible in the APIC GUI.

    • If shadow objects are deployed by Orchestrator version 3.0(2) or later, they will have the tag and can be hidden or shown using the APIC GUI setting.

    • We recommend upgrading each fabric to APIC Release 5.0(2) before upgrading the Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator.

      When the Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator is upgraded to Release 3.0(2), any objects deployed to sites running APIC Release 5.0(2) or later will be tagged with appropriate tags and can be shown or hidden using the APIC GUI without having to re-deploy them.

      If you upgrade the Orchestrator before the fabric's APIC, the site's objects will not be tagged and you will need to manually re-deploy the configuration after the fabric is upgraded for the flag to be set.

  • If you ever downgrade your fabric to a release prior to Release 5.0(2), the shadow objects will no longer be hidden and you may see a different icon for them in the APIC GUI.


Step 1

Log in to the site's APIC.

Step 2

In the top right corner, click the Manage my profile icon and choose Settings.

Step 3

In the Application Settings window, enable or disable the Show Hidden Policies checkbox.

The setting is stored in the user profile and is enable or disabled separately for each user.

Step 4

Repeat the process for any additional APIC sites.