この製品のマニュアルセットは、偏向のない言語を使用するように配慮されています。このマニュアルセットでの偏向のない言語とは、年齢、障害、性別、人種的アイデンティティ、民族的アイデンティティ、性的指向、社会経済的地位、およびインターセクショナリティに基づく差別を意味しない言語として定義されています。製品ソフトウェアのユーザーインターフェイスにハードコードされている言語、RFP のドキュメントに基づいて使用されている言語、または参照されているサードパーティ製品で使用されている言語によりドキュメントに例外が存在する場合があります。シスコのインクルーシブランゲージに対する取り組みの詳細は、こちらをご覧ください。
この章では、Cisco Unified Communications Manager(Cisco Unified CM)によってサポートされ、Simple Network Management Protocol(SNMP; 簡易ネットワーク管理プロトコル)で使用される、Management Information Base(MIB; 管理情報ベース)のテキスト ファイルについて説明します。この章の構成は、次のとおりです。
(注) この CISCO-CCM-MIB は形式が変更されています。この項のすべての MIB は、http://tools.cisco.com/Support/SNMP/do/BrowseMIB.do?local=en&step=2 からダウンロードしてコンパイルしてください。
この MIB は、Cisco Communication Network(CCN)システムと共に実行する Cisco Unified Communications Manager(Cisco Unified CM)アプリケーションを管理します。Cisco Unified CM は、VoIP ネットワークのコール処理を制御する IP-PBX です。
CCN システムは複数のリージョンで構成され、各リージョンは複数の Cisco Unified CM サーバを含む複数の Cisco Unified CM グループで構成されます。Cisco Unified CM アプリケーションである Cisco Unified CM の管理は、MIB を使用してプロビジョニングと統計の情報を提供できます。
• SCCP:Skinny Client Control Protocol
• SIP:Session Initiation Protocol
• TLS:Transport Layer Security(トランスポート レイヤ セキュリティ)
• MGCP:Media Gateway Control Protocol(メディア ゲートウェイ コントロール プロトコル)
CISCO-CCM-MIB をコンパイルするには、先に次の一覧に示す MIB をダウンロードし、示されている順序でコンパイルしておく必要があります。
• 「改訂」
• 「定義」
• 「オブジェクト」
• 「テーブル」
• 「アラーム」
• 「Cisco Unified CM マネージド サービスおよび SNMP トラップ」
表 7-1 では、この MIB の改訂履歴を、最新の改訂から順番に示します。
次の定義が CISCO-CCM-MIB 用にインポートされています。
• SNMPv2-SMI から:DateAndTime、TruthValue、MacAddress、TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
• SNMPv2-TC から:SnmpAdminString
This syntax is used as the Index into a table.A positive value is used to identify a unique entry in the table.
SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..4294967295)
This textual convention is an extension of the CcmIndex convention.The latter defines a greater than zero to identify an entry of the CCM MIB table in the managed system.This extension permits the additional value of zero.The value zero is object-specific and must be defined as part of the description of any object that uses this syntax.
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
This syntax is used as means of identifying the reasons for a device registration failure.The scope of this enumeration can expand to comply with RFC 2578.
noEntryInDatabase: Device not configured properly in the Cisco Unified CM database
databaseConfigurationError: Device configuration error in the Cisco Unified CM database
deviceNameUnresolveable: The Cisco Unified CM is unable to resolve the device name to an IP Address internally
maxDevRegExceeded: Maximum number of device registrations have been reached
connectivityError: Cisco Unified CM is unable to establish communication with the device during registration
initializationError: Indicates an error occurred when the Cisco Unified CM tries to initialize the device
deviceInitiatedReset: Indicates that the error was due to device initiated reset
callManagerReset: Indicates that the error was due to Cisco Unified CM reset
authenticationError: Indicates mismatch between configured authentication mode and the authentication mode that the device is using to connect to the Cisco Unified CM
invalidX509NameInCertificate: Indicates mismatch between the peer X.509 certificate subject name and what is configured for the device
invalidTLSCipher: Indicates Cipher mismatch during TLS handshake process
directoryNumberMismatch: Indicates mismatch between the directory number that the SIP device is trying to register with and the directory number configured in the Cisco Unified CM for the SIP device
malformedRegisterMsg: Indicates that SIP device attempted to register with Cisco Unified CM, but the REGISTER message contained formatting errors
protocolMismatch: The protocol of the device (SIP or SCCP) does not match the configured protocol in Cisco Unified CM
deviceNotActive: The device has not been activated
authenticatedDeviceAlreadyExists: A device with the same name is already registered with Cisco Unified CM
obsoleteProtocolVersion: The SCCP device registered with an obsolete protocol version
databaseTimeout: Cisco Unified CM requested device configuration data from the database but did not receive a response within 10 minutes
registrationSequenceError: (SCCP only) A device requested configuration information from the Cisco Unified CM at an unexpected time.The Cisco Unified CM had not yet obtained the requested information.The device will automatically attempt to register again.If this alarm occurs again, manually reset the device.If this alarm continues to occur after the manual reset, there may be an internal firmware error
invalidCapabilities: (SCCP only) The Cisco Unified CM detected an error in the media capabilities reported in the StationCapabilitiesRes message by the device during registration.The device will automatically attempt to register again.If this alarm occurs again, manually reset the device.If this alarm continues to occur after the manual reset, there may be a protocol error
capabilityResponseTimeout: (SCCP only) The Cisco Unified CM timed out while waiting for the device to respond to a request to report its media capabilities.Possible causes include device power outage, network power outage, network configuration error, network delay, packet drops, and packet corruption.It is also possible to get this error if the Cisco Unified CM node is experiencing high CPU usage.Verify that the device is powered up and operating.Verify that network connectivity exists between the device and Cisco Unified CM, and verify that the CPU utilization is in the safe range
securityMismatch: The Cisco Unified CM detected a mismatch in the security settings of the device and/or the Cisco Unified CM.The mismatches that can be detected are:
– The device established a secure connection, yet reported that it does not have the ability to do authenticated signaling.
– The device did not establish a secure connection, but the security mode configured for the device indicates that it should have done so.
– The device established a secure connection, but the security mode configured for the device indicates that it should not have done so.
autoRegisterDBError--Auto-registration of a device failed for one of the following reasons:
– Auto-registration is not allowed for the device type.
– An error occurred while adding the auto-registering device to the database (stored procedure).
dbAccessError: Device registration failed because of an error that occurred while building the station registration profile.This usually indicates a synchronization problem with the database
autoRegisterDBConfigTimeout: (SCCP only) The Cisco Unified CM timed out during auto-registration of a device.The registration profile of the device did not get inserted into the database in time.The device will automatically attempt to register again
deviceTypeMismatch: The device type reported by the device does not match the device type configured on the Cisco Unified CM addressingModeMismatch: (SCCP only) The Cisco Unified CM detected an error related to the addressing mode configured for the device.One of the following errors were detected:
– The device is configured to use only IPv4 addressing, but did not specify an IPv4 address.
– The device is configured to use only IPv6 addressing, but did not specify an IPv6 address.
This syntax is used as means of identifying the reasons for a device getting unregistered.The scope of this enumeration can expand to comply with RFC 2578.
noEntryInDatabase: Device not configured properly in the Cisco Unified CM database
databaseConfigurationError: Device configuration error in the Cisco Unified CM database
deviceNameUnresolveable: The Cisco Unified CM is unable to resolve the device name to an IP Address internally
maxDevRegExceeded: Maximum number of device registrations have been reached
connectivityError: Cisco Unified CM is unable to establish communication with the device during registration
initializationError: Indicates that an error occurred when the Cisco Unified CM tries to initialize the device
deviceInitiatedReset: Indicates that the error was due to device initiated reset
callManagerReset: Indicates that the error was due to Cisco Unified CM reset.
deviceUnregistered: DeviceUnregistered.
malformedRegisterMsg: Indicates that SIP device attempted to register with Cisco Unified CM, but the REGISTER message contained formatting errors.
sccpDeviceThrottling: The indicated SCCP device exceeded the maximum number of events allowed per-SCCP device.
keepAliveTimeout: A KeepAlive message was not received.Possible causes include device power outage, network power outage, network configuration error, network delay, packet drops, packet corruption and Cisco Unified CM node experiencing high CPU usage.
configurationMismatch: The configuration on the SIP device does not match the configuration in Cisco Unified CM.
callManagerRestart: A device restart was initiated from Cisco Unified CM Administration, either due to an explicit command from an administrator or due to a configuration change such as adding, deleting or changing a directory number associated with the device.
duplicateRegistration: Cisco Unified CM detected that the device attempted to register to two nodes at the same time.Cisco Unified CM initiated a restart to the phone to force it to re-home to a single node.
callManagerApplyConfig: Cisco Unified CM configuration is changed.
deviceNoResponse: Device is not responding Service Control Notify from Cisco Unified CM.
emLoginLogout: The device has been unregistered due to an Extension Mobility login or logout.
emccLoginLogout: The device has been unregistered due to an Extension Mobility Cross Cluster login or logout.
powerSavePlus: The device powered off as a result of the Power Save Plus feature that is enabled for this device.When the device powers off, it remains unregistered from Cisco Unified CM until the Phone On Time defined in the Product Specific Configuration for this device.
callManagerForcedRestart: (SIP Only) The device did not respond to an Apply Config request and as a result, Cisco Unified CM had sent a restart request to the device.The device may be offline due to a power outage or network problem.Confirm that the device is powered-up and that network connectivity exists between the device and Cisco Unified CM.
sourceIPAddrChanged: (SIP Only) The device has been unregistered because the IP address in the Contact header of the REGISTER message has changed.The device will be automatically reregistered.No action is necessary.
sourcePortChanged: (SIP Only) The device has been unregistered because the port number in the Contact header of the REGISTER message has changed.The device will be automatically reregistered.No action is necessary.
registrationSequenceError: (SCCP only) A device requested configuration information from the Cisco Unified CM at an unexpected time.The Cisco Unified CM no longer had the requested information in memory.
invalidCapabilities: (SCCP only) The Cisco Unified CM detected an error in the updated media capabilities reported by the device.The device reported the capabilities in one of the StationUpdateCapabilities message variants.
fallbackInitiated: The device has initiated a fallback and will automatically reregister to a higher-priority Cisco Unified CM.No action is necessary.
deviceSwitch: A second instance of an endpoint with the same device name has registered and assumed control.No action is necessary.
This syntax is used to identify the registration status of a device with the local Cisco Unified CM.The status is as follows:
– unknown--The registration status of the device is unknown
– registered--The device has successfully registered with the local Cisco Unified CM.
– unregistered--The device is no longer registered with the local Cisco Unified CM.
– rejected--Registration request from the device was rejected by the local Cisco Unified CM.
– partiallyregistered--At least one but not all of the lines are successfully registered to the Cisco Unified CM. Applicable only to SIP Phones.
SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), registered (2), unregistered (3), rejected (4), partiallyregistered (5)}
CcmPhoneProtocolType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
This syntax is used to identify the protocol between phone and Cisco Unified CM.The protocols are as follows:
– unknown--The phone protocol is unknown
– sccp--The phone protocol is SCCP
– sip--The phone protocol is SIP
SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), sccp (2), sip(3) }
CcmDeviceLineStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
This syntax is used to identify the registration status of a line of the device with the local Cisco Unified CM.The status is as follows:
– unknown--The registration status of the device line is unknown
– registered--The device line has successfully registered with the local Cisco Unified CM.
– unregistered--The device line is no longer registered with the local Cisco Unified CM.
– rejected--Registration request from the device line was rejected by the local Cisco Unified CM.
SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), registered(2), unregistered (3), rejected (4)}
CcmSIPTransportProtocolType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
This textual convention defines the possible transport protocol types that are used for setting up SIP calls unknown.The possible transport types are:
– unknown--The SIP Trunk transport type is unknown
– tcp--The SIP Trunk transport type is tcp
– udp--The SIP Trunk transport type is udp
– tcpAndUdp--The SIP Trunk transport type is tcp and udp
– tls--Applicable only for InTransportProtocolType is tls.The SIP Trunk transport type is tls.
SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), tcp(2), udp(3), tcpAndUdp (4), tls(5) }
ciscoCcmMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIB 1 }
ccmGeneralInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 1 }
ccmPhoneInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 2 }
ccmGatewayInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 3 }
ccmGatewayTrunkInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 4 }
ccmGlobalInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 5 }
ccmMediaDeviceInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 6 }
ccmGatekeeperInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 7 }
ccmCTIDeviceInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 8 }
ccmAlarmConfigInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 9 }
ccmNotificationsInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 10 }
ccmH323DeviceInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 11 }
ccmVoiceMailDeviceInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 12 }
ccmQualityReportAlarmConfigInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 13 }
ccmSIPDeviceInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 14 }
The table containing the CallManager groups in a Cisco Unified CM cluster.
An entry (conceptual row) in the CallManager Group table, containing the information about a CallManager group in a Cisco Unified CM cluster.An entry is created to represent a CallManager Group.New entries to the CallManager Group table in the database are created when the User inserts a new CallManager Group via the CallManager Web Admin pages.This entry is subsequently picked up by the Cisco Unified CM SNMP Agent.
ccmGroupTftpDefault TruthValue
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM that uniquely identifies a Cisco Unified CM Group.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
The name of the Cisco Unified CM Group.
ccmGroupTftpDefault OBJECT-TYPE
The table containing information of all the Cisco Unified CMs in a Cisco Unified CM cluster that the local Cisco Unified CM knows about.When the local Cisco Unified CM is restarted, this table will be refreshed.
An entry (conceptual row) in the CallManager table, containing the information about a CallManager.
ccmDescription SnmpAdminString,
ccmInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmInetAddress2Type InetAddressType,
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that uniquely identifies a CallManager in a Cisco Unified CM cluster.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
The host name of the CallManager.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..255))
The description for the CallManager.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..24))
The version number of the CallManager software.
The current status of the CallManager.A CallManager is up if the SNMP Agent received a system up event from the local Cisco Unified CM:
unknown: Current status of the CallManager is Unknown
up: CallManager is running and is able to communicate with other CallManagers
down: CallManager is down or the Agent is unable to communicate with the local CallManager.
ccmInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the IP address type of the Cisco Unified CM defined in ccmInetAddress.
This object identifies IP address of the Cisco Unified CM.The type of address for this is identified by ccmInetAddressType.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
The unique ID of the Cluster to which this Cisco Unified CM belongs.At any point in time, the Cluster ID helps in associating a Cisco Unified CM to any given Cluster.
ccmInetAddress2Type OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies IP address type of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager defined in ccmInetAddress2.
This object identifies the additional IP(v4/v6) address details of Cisco Unified Communications Manager.The type of address for this object is identified by ccmInetAddress2Type.
ccmGroupMappingTable OBJECT-TYPE
The table containing the list of all CallManager to group mappings in a Cisco Unified CM cluster.When the local Cisco Unified CM is down, this table will be empty.
ccmGroupMappingEntry OBJECT-TYPE
An entry (conceptual row) in the CallManager group Mapping table, containing the information about a mapping between a CallManager and a CallManager group.
INDEX { ccmGroupIndex, ccmIndex }
::= { ccmGroupMappingTable 1 }
CcmGroupMappingEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmCMGroupMappingCMPriority Unsigned32
ccmCMGroupMappingCMPriority OBJECT-TYPE
The priority of the CallManager in the group.Sets the order of the CallManager in the list.
The table containing the list of all geographically separated regions in a CCN system.
An entry (conceptual row) in the Region Table, containing the information about a region.
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that uniquely identifies a Region Name in the table.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
ccmRegionPairTable OBJECT-TYPE
The table containing the list of all geographical region pairs defined for a Cisco Unified CM cluster.The pair consists of the Source region and Destination region.
ccmRegionPairEntry OBJECT-TYPE
An entry (conceptual row) in the Region Pair Table, containing the information about bandwidth restrictions when communicating between the two specified regions.
INDEX { ccmRegionSrcIndex, ccmRegionDestIndex }
CcmRegionPairEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmRegionAvailableBandWidth INTEGER
The index of the Source Region in the Region table.
ccmRegionDestIndex OBJECT-TYPE
The index of the Destination Region in the Region table.
ccmRegionAvailableBandWidth OBJECT-TYPE
The maximum available bandwidth between the two given regions.
bwG723: For low bandwidth using G.723 codec
bwG729: For low bandwidth using G.729 codec
bwG711: For high bandwidth using G.711 codec
The table containing the list of all time zone groups in a call manager cluster.
An entry (conceptual row) in the time zone Table, containing the information about a particular time
CcmTimeZoneEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmTimeZoneName SnmpAdminString,
ccmTimeZoneOffsetHours Integer32,
ccmTimeZoneOffsetMinutes Integer32
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that uniquely identifies a Time Zone group entry in the table.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
The name of the time zone group.
ccmTimeZoneOffsetHours OBJECT-TYPE
The offset hours of the time zone group's time zone from GMT.
ccmTimeZoneOffsetMinutes OBJECT-TYPE
The offset minutes of the time zone group's time zone from GMT.
ccmDevicePoolTable OBJECT-TYPE
The table containing the list of all device pools in a call manager cluster.A Device Pool contains Region, Date/Time Group and CallManager Group criteria that will be common among many devices.
ccmDevicePoolEntry OBJECT-TYPE
An entry (conceptual row) in the device pool Table, containing the information about a particular device pool.
ccmDevicePoolIndex CcmIndex, ccmDevicePoolName SnmpAdminString, ccmDevicePoolRegionIndex CcmIndexOrZero, ccmDevicePoolTimeZoneIndex CcmIndexOrZero, ccmDevicePoolGroupIndex CcmIndexOrZero
ccmDevicePoolIndex OBJECT-TYPE
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that uniquely identifies a Device Pool entry in the table.Each entry contains Region, Date/Time Group and CallManager Group criteria that will be common among many devices, for that entry.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
ccmDevicePoolRegionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
A positive value of this index is used to identify the Region to which this Device Pool entry belongs.A value of zero indicates that the index to the Region table is Unknown.
ccmDevicePoolTimeZoneIndex OBJECT-TYPE
A positive value of this index is used to identify the TimeZone to which this Device Pool entry belongs.A value of zero indicates that the index to the TimeZone table is Unknown.
ccmDevicePoolGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
A positive value of this index is used to identify the CallManager Group to which this Device Pool entry belongs.A value of zero indicates that the index to the CallManager Group table is Unknown.
ccmProductTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE
The table containing the list of product types supported in a call manager cluster.The product types will include the list of phone types, gateway types, media device types, H323 device types, CTI device types, Voice Messaging device types and SIP device types.
ccmProductTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
An entry (conceptual row) in the ccmProductTypeTable, containing the information about a product type supported in a call manager cluster.An entry is created to represent a product type.
CcmProductTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmProductName SnmpAdminString,
ccmProductTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that uniquely identifies an entry in the ccmProductTypeTable.
The type of the product as defined in the Cisco Unified CM database.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..100))
The name of the product as defined in the Cisco Unified CM database.
ccmProductCategory OBJECT-TYPE
unknown: Unknown product category
voiceMailDevice: Voice Messaging Device
mediaResourceDevice: Media Resource Device
The table containing the list of all IP Phone devices that have tried to register with the local Cisco Unified CM at least once.When the local Cisco Unified CM is restarted, this table will be refreshed.
An entry (conceptual row) in the phone Table, containing information about a particular phone device.
ccmPhonePhysicalAddress MacAddress,
ccmPhoneDescription SnmpAdminString,
ccmPhoneUserName SnmpAdminString,
ccmPhoneStatus CcmDeviceStatus,
ccmPhoneTimeLastRegistered DateAndTime,
ccmPhoneE911Location SnmpAdminString,
ccmPhoneLoadID SnmpAdminString,
ccmPhoneTimeLastError DateAndTime,
ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex CcmIndexOrZero,
ccmPhoneInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmPhoneInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmPhoneStatusReason CcmDevFailCauseCode,
ccmPhoneTimeLastStatusUpdt DateAndTime,
ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv4 InetAddressIPv4,
ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv6 InetAddressIPv6,
ccmPhoneIPv4Attribute INTEGER,
ccmPhoneIPv6Attribute INTEGER,
ccmPhoneActiveLoadID SnmpAdminString,
ccmPhoneUnregReason CcmDevUnregCauseCode,
ccmPhoneRegFailReason CcmDevRegFailCauseCode
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that uniquely identifies a Phone within the Cisco Unified CM.
ccmPhonePhysicalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
The physical address(MAC address) of the IP phone.
ccmPhoneDescription OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..255))
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..255))
The name of the user of the phone.When the phone is not in use, the name would refer to the last known user of the phone.
The status of the phone.The status of the Phone changes from Unknown to registered when it registers itself with the local Cisco Unified CM.
ccmPhoneTimeLastRegistered OBJECT-TYPE
The time when the phone last registered with the Cisco Unified CM.
ccmPhoneE911Location OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..255))
The E911 location of the phone.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
This object identifies the configured load ID for the phone device.
ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex OBJECT-TYPE
A positive value of this index is used to identify the Device Pool to which this Phone entry belongs.A value of 0 indicates that the index to the Device Pool table is Unknown.
ccmPhoneInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the IP address type of the phone.
ccmPhoneInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the last known IP address of the phone.The type of address for this is identified by ccmPhoneInetAddressType.
ccmPhoneTimeLastStatusUpdt OBJECT-TYPE
The time the status of the phone changed.
ccmPhoneProductTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
A positive value of this index is used to identify the related product type entry in the ccmProductTypeTable.A value of 0 indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable is Unknown.
The protocol used between the phone and Cisco Unified CM.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
The name of the phone.The name of the phone can be <prefix> + MAC Address, where <prefix> is SEP for Cisco SCCP and SIP Phones.In the case of other phones such as communicator (soft phone) it can be free-form name, a string that uniquely identifies the phone.
ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv4 OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the last known primary IPv4 address of the Phone Device.This object contains value zero if IPV4 address is not available.
ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv6 OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the last known primary IPv6 address of the Phone device.This object contains value zero if IPV6 address is not available.
ccmPhoneIPv4Attribute OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the scope of ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv4.
unknown(0): It is not known if ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv4 is used for Administration purpose or Controlling purpose.
adminOnly(1): ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv4 is used for the serviceability or administrative purpose.
controlOnly(2): ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv4 is used for signaling or registration purpose.
adminAndControl(3): ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv4 is used for controlling as well as administrative purpose.
ccmPhoneIPv6Attribute OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the scope of ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv6.
unknown(0): It is not known if ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv6 is used for Administration purpose or Controlling purpose.
adminOnly(1): ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv6 is used for the serviceability or administrative purpose.
controlOnly(2): ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv6 is used for signaling or registration purpose.
adminAndControl(3): ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv6 is used for controlling as well as administrative purpose.
ccmPhoneActiveLoadID OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the ID of actual load that is successfully loaded and running on the phone device.If the phone is successfully upgraded to the new load then ccmPhoneLoadID and ccmPhoneActiveLoadID will have same value.If the upgrade fails then the ccmPhoneLoadID has the configured load ID and ccmPhoneActiveLoadID has the actual load ID that is running on the phone.
ccmPhoneUnregReason OBJECT-TYPE
The reason code associated with unregistered phone.
ccmPhoneRegFailReason OBJECT-TYPE
ccmPhoneFailedTable OBJECT-TYPE
The table containing the list of all phones that attempted to register with the local call manager and failed.The entries that have not been updated and kept at least for the duration specified in the ccmPhoneFailedStorePeriod will be deleted.Reasons for these failures could be due to configuration error, maximum number of phones has been reached, lost contact, etc.
ccmPhoneFailedEntry OBJECT-TYPE
An entry (conceptual row) in the PhoneFailed Table, one for each phone failure in the Cisco Unified CM.
CcmPhoneFailedEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmPhoneFailedTime DateAndTime,
ccmPhoneFailedName SnmpAdminString,
ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmPhoneFailedInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmPhoneFailCauseCode CcmDevFailCauseCode,
ccmPhoneFailedMacAddress MacAddress
ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv4 InetAddressIPv4,
ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv6 InetAddressIPv6,
ccmPhoneFailedIPv4Attribute INTEGER,
ccmPhoneFailedIPv6Attribute INTEGER,
ccmPhoneFailedRegFailReason CcmDevRegFailCauseCode
ccmPhoneFailedIndex OBJECT-TYPE
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that is incremented with each new entry in the ccmPhoneFailedTable.This integer value will wrap if needed.
ccmPhoneFailedTime OBJECT-TYPE
The time when the phone failed to register with the Cisco Unified CM.
ccmPhoneFailedMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE
The MAC address of the failed phone.
ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv4 OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the last known primary IPv4 address of the phone experiencing a communication failure.This object contains value zero if IPV4 address is not available.
ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv6 OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the last known primary IPv6 address of the phone experiencing a communication failure.This object contains value zero if IPV6 address is not available.
ccmPhoneFailedIPv4Attribute OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the scope of ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv4.
unknown(0): It is not known if ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv4 is used for Administration purpose or Controlling purpose.
adminOnly(1): ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv4 is used for the serviceability or administrative purpose.
controlOnly(2): ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv4 is used for signaling or registration purpose.
adminAndControl(3): ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv4 is used for controlling as well as administrative purpose.
::= { ccmPhoneFailedEntry 10 }
ccmPhoneFailedIPv6Attribute OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the scope of ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv6.
unknown(0): It is not known if ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv6 is used for Administration purpose or Controlling purpose.
adminOnly(1): ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv6 is used for the serviceability or administrative purpose.
controlOnly(2): ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv6 is used for signaling or registration purpose.
adminAndControl(3): ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv6 is used for controlling as well as administrative purpose.
::= { ccmPhoneFailedEntry 11 }
ccmPhoneFailedRegFailReason OBJECT-TYPE
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry
The table containing the list of all phone status updates with respect to the local call manager.This table will only have registered, unregistered, and partially-registered status updates.The rejected phones are stored in the ccmPhoneFailedTable.Each entry of this table is stored at least for the duration specified in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateStorePeriod object, after that it will be deleted.
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry
An entry (conceptual row) in the PhoneStatusUpdate Table, one for each phone status update in the Cisco Unified CM.
INDEX { ccmPhoneStatusUpdateIndex }
::= { ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable 1 }
CcmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateIndex CcmIndex,
ccmPhoneStatusPhoneIndex CcmIndexOrZero,
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTime DateAndTime,
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateType INTEGER,
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateReason CcmDevFailCauseCode
ccmPhoneStatusUnregReason CcmDevUnregCauseCode,
ccmPhoneStatusRegFailReason CcmDevRegFailCauseCode
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateIndex OBJECT-TYPE
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that is incremented with each new entry in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable.This integer value will wrap if needed.
::= { ccmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry 1 }
ccmPhoneStatusPhoneIndex OBJECT-TYPE
A positive value of this index is used to identify an entry in the ccmPhoneTable.A value of zero indicates that the index to the ccmPhoneTable is Unknown.
::= { ccmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry 2 }
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTime OBJECT-TYPE
The time of the phone's registration status change.
::= { ccmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry 3 }
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateType OBJECT-TYPE
States the type of phone status change.
phoneRegistered: Phone has registered with the Cisco Unified CM
phoneUnregistered: Phone is no longer registered with the Cisco Unified CM
phonePartiallyregistered: Phone is partially registered with the Cisco Unified CM
::= { ccmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry 4 }
ccmPhoneStatusUnregReason OBJECT-TYPE
The reason code associated with unregistered phone.
::= { ccmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry 6 }
ccmPhoneStatusRegFailReason OBJECT-TYPE
The table containing the list of all phone extensions associated with the registered and unregistered phones in the ccmPhoneTable.This table has combination index ccmPhoneIndex, ccmPhoneExtnIndex so the ccmPhoneTable and the ccmPhoneExtnTable entries can be related.
An entry (conceptual row) in the phone extension Table, containing the information about a particular phone extension.
INDEX { ccmPhoneIndex, ccmPhoneExtnIndex }
CcmPhoneExtnEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmPhoneExtnMultiLines Unsigned32,
ccmPhoneExtnInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmPhoneExtnInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmPhoneExtnStatus CcmDeviceLineStatus
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that uniquely identifies a Phone Extension within the Cisco Unified CM.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..24))
The extension number of the extension.
ccmPhoneExtnMultiLines OBJECT-TYPE
The number of multiline appearances for each phone extension.
ccmPhoneExtnInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the IP address type of the phone extension.
ccmPhoneExtnInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the IP address of the phone extension.The type of address for this is identified by ccmPhoneExtnInetAddressType.
ccmPhoneExtnStatus OBJECT-TYPE
The table containing the list of all gateway devices that have tried to register with the local Cisco Unified CM at least once.When the local Cisco Unified CM is restarted, this table will be refreshed.
An entry (conceptual row) in the gateway Table, one for each gateway device in the Cisco Unified CM.
CcmGatewayEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmGatewayName SnmpAdminString,
ccmGateway Description SnmpAdminString,
ccmGatewayStatus CcmDeviceStatus,
ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex CcmIndexOrZero,
ccmGatewayInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmGatewayInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmGatewayProductId CcmDeviceProductId,
ccmGatewayStatusReason CcmDevFailCauseCode,
ccmGatewayTimeLastStatusUpdt DateAndTime,
ccmGatewayTimeLastRegistered DateAndTime,
ccmGatewayDChannelStatus INTEGER,
ccmGatewayDChannelNumber Integer32,
ccmGatewayProductTypeIndex CcmIndexOrZero
ccmGatewayUnregReason CcmDevUnregCauseCode,
ccmGatewayRegFailReason CcmDevRegFailCauseCode
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that uniquely identifies a Gateway within the scope of the local call manager.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
This is the Gateway name assigned to the Gateway in the Cisco Unified CM.This name is assigned when a new device of type Gateway is added to the Cisco Unified CM.
ccmGatewayDescription OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..255))
The description attached to the gateway device.
The status of the gateway.The Gateway status changes from Unknown to Registered when the Gateway registers itself with the local Cisco Unified CM.
ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex OBJECT-TYPE
A positive value of this index is used to identify the Device Pool to which this Gateway entry belongs.A value of zero indicates that the index to the Device Pool table is Unknown.
ccmGatewayInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the IP address type of the Gateway device.The value of this object is 'unknown(0)' if the IP address of a Gateway device is not available.
ccmGatewayInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies last known IP Address of the gateway.If the IP address is not available then this object contains an empty string.The type of address for this is identified by ccmGatewayInetAddressType.
ccmGatewayTimeLastStatusUpdt OBJECT-TYPE
The time the status of the gateway changed.
ccmGatewayTimeLastRegistered OBJECT-TYPE
The time the gateway last registered with the call manager.
ccmGatewayDChannelStatus OBJECT-TYPE
The D-Channel status of the gateway.
active(1): The D-Channel is up
inActive(1): The D-Channel is down
unknown(3):The D-Channel status is unknown
notApplicable(4): The D-channel status is not applicable for this gateway.
ccmGatewayDChannelNumber OBJECT-TYPE
The D-Channel number of the gateway.A value of -1 in this field indicates that the DChannel number is not applicable for this gateway.
ccmGatewayProductTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
A positive value of this index is used to identify the related product type entry in the ccmProductTypeTable.A value of 0 indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable is Unknown.
ccmGatewayUnregReason OBJECT-TYPE
The reason code associated with unregistered gateway.
ccmGatewayRegFailReason OBJECT-TYPE
The reason code associated with registration failed gateway.
ccmGatewayTrunkIndex CcmIndex,
ccmGatewayTrunkName SnmpAdminString,
ccmRegisteredPhones OBJECT-TYPE
The number of phones that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager.
ccmUnregisteredPhones OBJECT-TYPE
The number of phone that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.
The number of phones whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.
ccmRegisteredGateways OBJECT-TYPE
The number of gateways that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager.
ccmUnregisteredGateways OBJECT-TYPE
The number of gateways that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.
ccmRejectedGateways OBJECT-TYPE
The number of gateways whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.
ccmRegisteredMediaDevices OBJECT-TYPE
The number of media devices that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager.
ccmUnregisteredMediaDevices OBJECT-TYPE
The number of media devices that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.
ccmRejectedMediaDevices OBJECT-TYPE
The number of media devices whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.
ccmRegisteredCTIDevices OBJECT-TYPE
The number of CTI devices that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager.
ccmUnregisteredCTIDevices OBJECT-TYPE
The number of CTI devices that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.
ccmRejectedCTIDevices OBJECT-TYPE
The number of CTI devices whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.
ccmRegisteredVoiceMailDevices OBJECT-TYPE
The number of voice messaging devices that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager.
ccmUnregisteredVoiceMailDevices OBJECT-TYPE
The number of voice messaging devices that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.
ccmRejectedVoiceMailDevices OBJECT-TYPE
The number of voice messaging devices whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.
ccmCallManagerStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
The last time the local call manager service started.This is available only when the local call manager is up and running.
ccmPhoneTableStateId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
The current state of ccmPhoneTable.The initial value of this object is 0 and it will be incremented every time when there is a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the ccmPhoneTable.This value and ccmCallManagerStartTime should be used together to find if the table has changed or not.When the call manager is restarted, this will be reset to 0.
ccmPhoneExtensionTableStateId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
The current state of ccmPhoneExtensionTable.The initial value of this object is 0 and it will be incremented every time when there is a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the ccmPhoneExtensionTable.This value and ccmCallManagerStartTime should be used together to find if the table has changed or not.When the call manager is restarted, this will be reset to 0.
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTableStateId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
The current state of ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable.The initial value of this object is 0 and it will be incremented every time when there is a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable.This value and sysUpTime should be used together to find if the table has changed or not.When the SNMP service is restarted this value will be reset to 0.
ccmGatewayTableStateId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
The current state of ccmGatewayTable.The initial value of this object is 0 and it will be incremented every time when there is a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the ccmGatewayTable.This value and ccmCallManagerStartTime should be used together to find if the table has changed or not.When the call manager is restarted, this will be reset to 0.
ccmCTIDeviceTableStateId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
The current state of ccmCTIDeviceTable.The initial value of this object is 0 and it will be incremented every time when there is a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the ccmCTIDeviceTable.This value and ccmCallManagerStartTime should be used together to find if the table has changed or not.When the call manager is restarted, this will be reset to 0.
ccmCTIDeviceDirNumTableStateId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
The current state of ccmCTIDeviceDirNumTable.The initial value of this object is 0 and it will be incremented every time when there is a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the ccmCTIDeviceDirNumTable.This value and ccmCallManagerStartTime should be used together to find if the table has changed or not.When the call manager is restarted, this will be reset to 0.
ccmPhStatUpdtTblLastAddedIndex OBJECT-TYPE
The ccmPhoneStatusUpdateIndex value of the last entry that was added to the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable.This value together with sysUpTime can be used by the manager applications to identify the new entries in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable since their last poll.This value need not be the same as the highest index in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable as the index could have wrapped around.The initial value of this object is 0, which indicates that no entries have been added to this table.When the SNMP service is restarted this value will be reset to 0.
ccmPhFailedTblLastAddedIndex OBJECT-TYPE
The ccmPhoneFailedIndex value of the last entry that was added to the ccmPhoneFailedTable.This value together with sysUpTime can be used by the manager applications to identify the new entries in the ccmPhoneFailedTable since their last poll.This value need not be the same as the highest index in the ccmPhoneFailedTable as the index could have wrapped around.The initial value of this object is 0, which indicates that no entries have been added to this table.When the SNMP service is restarted this value will be reset to 0.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
The installed version of the local Cisco Unified CM system.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
The installation component identifier of the local Cisco Unified CM component(ccm.exe).
ccmPartiallyRegisteredPhones OBJECT-TYPE
The number of phones that are partially registered with the local Cisco Unified CM.
ccmH323TableEntries OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
The current number of entries in ccmH323DeviceTable.The initial value of this object is 0 and it will be incremented every time when there is an addition to the ccmH323DeviceTable.When the Cisco Unified CM is restarted, this will be reset to 0.
ccmSIPTableEntries OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
The current number of entries in ccmSIPDeviceTable.The initial value of this object is 0 and it will be incremented every time when there is an addition to the ccmSIPDeviceTable.When the Cisco Unified CM is restarted, this will be reset to zero.
ccmMediaDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE
The table containing a list of all Media Devices that have tried to register with the local Cisco Unified CM at least once.When the local Cisco Unified CM is restarted, this table will be refreshed.
ccmMediaDeviceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
An entry (conceptual row) in the MediaDevice Table, containing the information about a particular Media Resource device.
CcmMediaDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmMediaDeviceName SnmpAdminString,
ccmMediaDeviceStatus CcmDeviceStatus,
ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex CcmIndexOrZero,
ccmMediaDeviceInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmMediaDeviceInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmMediaDeviceStatusReason CcmDevFailCauseCode,
ccmMediaDeviceTimeLastStatusUpdt DateAndTime,
ccmMediaDeviceTimeLastRegistered DateAndTime,
ccmMediaDeviceProductTypeIndex CcmIndexOrZero
ccmMediaDeviceInetAddressIPv4 InetAddressIPv4,
ccmMediaDeviceInetAddressIPv6 InetAddressIPv6,
ccmMediaDeviceUnregReason CcmDevUnregCauseCode,
ccmMediaDeviceRegFailReason CcmDevRegFailCauseCode
ccmMediaDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that identifies a Media Device entry in the table.
ccmMediaDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
This is the device name assigned to the Media Device.This name is assigned when a new device of this type is added to the Cisco Unified CM.
ccmMediaDeviceDescription OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
This description is given when the device is configured in the Cisco Unified CM.
ccmMediaDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE
The status of the Media Device.The status changes from unknown to registered when it registers itself with the local Cisco Unified CM.
ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex OBJECT-TYPE
A positive value of this index is used to identify the Device Pool to which this MediaDevice entry belongs.A value of zero indicates that the index to the Device Pool table is Unknown.
ccmMediaDeviceTimeLastStatusUpdt OBJECT-TYPE
The time the status of the media device changed.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceEntry 10 }
ccmMediaDeviceTimeLastRegistered OBJECT-TYPE
The time the media device last registered with the call manager.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceEntry 11 }
ccmMediaDeviceProductTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
A positive value of this index is used to identify the related product type entry in the ccmProductTypeTable.A value of zero indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable is Unknown.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceEntry 12 }
ccmMediaDeviceInetAddressIPv4 OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the last known primary IPv4 address of the Media Device.This object contains value zero if IPV4 address is not available.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceEntry 13 }
ccmMediaDeviceInetAddressIPv6 OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the last known primary IPv6 address of the Media Device.This object contains value zero if IPV6 address is not available.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceEntry 14 }
ccmMediaDeviceUnregReason OBJECT-TYPE
The reason code associated with unregistered Media Device.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceEntry 15 }
ccmMediaDeviceRegFailReason OBJECT-TYPE
The reason code associated with registration failed Media Device.
DESCRIPTION--The table containing a list of all CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) Devices that have tried to register with the local Cisco Unified CM at least once.When the local Cisco Unified CM is restarted, this table will be refreshed.
DESCRIPTION--An entry (conceptual row) in the CTIDevice Table, containing the information about a particular CTI Device.
CcmCTIDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmCTIDeviceName SnmpAdminString,
ccmCTIDeviceDescription SnmpAdminString,
ccmCTIDeviceStatus CcmDeviceStatus,
ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex CcmIndexOrZero,
ccmCTIDeviceInetAddressType [DEPRECATED InetAddressType,
ccmCTIDeviceInetAddress [DEPRECATED InetAddress,
ccmCTIDeviceAppInfo SnmpAdminString,
ccmCTIDeviceStatusReason CcmDevFailCauseCode,
ccmCTIDeviceTimeLastStatusUpdt DateAndTime,
ccmCTIDeviceTimeLastRegistered DateAndTime,
ccmCTIDeviceProductTypeIndex CcmIndexOrZero
ccmCTIDeviceInetAddressIPv4 InetAddressIPv4
ccmCTIDeviceInetAddressIPv6 InetAddressIPv6
ccmCTIDeviceUnregReason CcmDevUnregCauseCode,
ccmCTIDeviceRegFailReason CcmDevRegFailCauseCode
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that identifies a CTI Device entry in the table.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..64))
The name of the CTI Device.This name is assigned to the CTI Device when it is added to the Cisco Unified CM.
ccmCTIDeviceDescription OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
A description of the CTI Device.This description is given when the CTI Device is configured in the Cisco Unified CM.
ccmCTIDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE
The status of the CTI Device.The CTI Device status changes from unknown to registered when it registers itself with the local Cisco Unified CM.
ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex OBJECT-TYPE
A positive value of this index is used to identify the Device Pool to which this CTI Device entry belongs.A value of zero indicates that the index to the Device Pool table is Unknown.
ccmCTIDeviceTimeLastStatusUpdt OBJECT-TYPE
The time the status of the CTI device changed.
ccmCTIDeviceTimeLastRegistered OBJECT-TYPE
The time the CTI Device last registered with the call manager.
ccmCTIDeviceProductTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
A positive value of this index is used to identify the related product type entry in the ccmProductTypeTable.A value of 0 indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable is Unknown.
ccmCTIDeviceInetAddressIPv4 OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies IPv4 Address of the host where this CTI Device is running.If the IPv4 address is not available then this object contains an empty string.
ccmCTIDeviceInetAddressIPv6 OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies IPv6 Address of the host where this CTI Device is running.If the IPv6 address is not available then this object contains an empty string.
ccmCTIDeviceUnregReason OBJECT-TYPE
The reason code associated with unregistered CTI Device.
ccmCTIDeviceRegFailReason OBJECT-TYPE
The reason code associated with registration failed CTI Device.
ccmCTIDeviceDirNumTable OBJECT-TYPE
The table containing a list of directory numbers that are assigned to all of the registered and unregistered CTI Devices in the ccmCTIDeviceTable.
ccmCTIDeviceDirNumEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmCTIDeviceDirNumEntry
An entry (conceptual row) in the CTIDeviceDirNum Table, containing the information about a particular CTI Device extension.
INDEX { ccmCTIDeviceIndex, ccmCTIDeviceDirNumIndex }
::= { ccmCTIDeviceDirNumTable 1 }
CcmCTIDeviceDirNumEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmCTIDeviceDirNumIndex CcmIndex,
ccmCTIDeviceDirNum SnmpAdminString
ccmCTIDeviceDirNumIndex OBJECT-TYPE
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local system, that identifies a Directory Number of a CTI Device.
::= { ccmCTIDeviceDirNumEntry 1 }
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..24))
A Directory Number of the CTI Device.
ccmCallManagerAlarmEnable OBJECT-TYPE
Allows the generation of alarms in response to Cisco Unified CM general failures.
true(1): Enabling this object will allow the Cisco Unified CM agent to generate the following alarms:
ccmTLSConnectionFailure.This is the default value.
false(2): Disabling this object will stop the generation of the following alarms by the Cisco Unified CM agent:
ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 30..3600)
The minimum interval between sending of the ccmPhoneFailed notification in seconds.The ccmPhoneFailed notification is only sent when there is at least one entry in the ccmPhoneFailedTable and the notification has not been sent for the last ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval defined in this object.A value of zero indicates that the alarm notification is disabled.
ccmPhoneFailedStorePeriod OBJECT-TYPE
The time duration for storing each entry in the ccmPhoneFailedTable.The entries that have not been updated and kept at least this period will be deleted.This value should ideally be set to a higher value than the ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval object.
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateAlarmInterv OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 30..3600)
The minimum interval between sending of the ccmPhoneStatusUpdate notification in seconds.The ccmPhoneStatusUpdate notification is only sent when there is at least one entry in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable and the notification has not been sent for the last ccmPhoneStatusUpdateAlarmInterv defined in this object.A value of zero indicates that the alarm notification is disabled.
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateStorePeriod OBJECT-TYPE
The time duration for storing each entry in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable.The entries that have been kept at least this period will be deleted.This value should ideally be set to a higher value than the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateAlarmInterv object.
ccmGatewayAlarmEnable OBJECT-TYPE
Allows the generation of alarms in response to Gateway general failures that the Cisco Unified CM is aware of.
true(1): Enabling this object will allow the Cisco Unified CM agent to generate the following alarms:
ccmGatewayLayer2Change (This is the default value.)
false(2): Disabling this object will stop the generation of the following alarms by the Cisco Unified agent:
ccmMaliciousCallAlarmEnable OBJECT-TYPE
Allows the generation of alarms for malicious calls that the local call manager is aware of.
true(1): Enabling this object will allow the Cisco Unified CM agent to generate the ccmMaliciousCall alarm.This is the default value.
false(2): Disabling this object will stop the generation of the ccmMaliciousCall alarm.
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
alert:Immediate response needed
notice: Normal but significant condition
informational:Informational situation.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 1 }
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The Cause code of the failure.This cause is derived from a monitoring thread in the Cisco Unified CM or from a heartbeat monitoring process.
heartBeatStopped: The Cisco Unified CM stops generating a heartbeat
routerThreadDied: The Cisco Unified CM detects the death of the router thread
timerThreadDied: The Cisco Unified CM detects the death of the timer thread
criticalThreadDied: The Cisco Unified CM detects the death of one of its critical threads
deviceMgrInitFailed: The Cisco Unified CM fails to start its device manager subsystem
digitAnalysisInitFailed: The Cisco Unified CM fails to start its digit analysis subsystem
callControlInitFailed: The Cisco Unified CM fails to start its call control subsystem
linkMgrInitFailed: The Cisco Unified CM fails to start its link manager subsystem
dbMgrInitFailed: The Cisco Unified CM fails to start its database manager subsystem
msgTranslatorInitFailed: The Cisco Unified CM fails to start its message translation manager subsystem
suppServicesInitFailed: The Cisco Unified CM fails to start its supplementary services subsystem.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 2 }
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The count of the phone initialization or communication failures that are stored in the ccmPhoneFailedTable object.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 3 }
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The count of the phone status changes that are stored in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable object.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 4 }
ccmMediaResourceType OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
mediaTerminationPoint: Media Termination Point
conferenceBridge: Conference Bridge
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 6 }
ccmMediaResourceListName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The name of a Media Resource List.This name is assigned when a new Media Resource List is added to the Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 7 }
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The name of a Route List.This name is assigned when a new Route List is added to the Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 8 }
ccmGatewayPhysIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
This object is the identifier of an interface in a gateway that has registered with the local Cisco Unified CM.On a DS1/E1 interface, this should be the same as the ifIndex value in the gateway.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 9 }
ccmGatewayPhysIfL2Status OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The layer 2 status of a physical interface in a gateway that has registered with the local Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 10 }
ccmMaliCallCalledPartyName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The display name of the called party who received the malicious call.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 11 }
ccmMaliCallCalledPartyNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The phone number of the device where the malicious call is received.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 12 }
ccmMaliCallCalledDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The name of the device where the malicious call is received.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 13 }
ccmMaliCallCallingPartyName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The display name of the caller whose call is registered as malicious with the local call manager.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 14 }
ccmMaliCallCallingPartyNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The phone number of the caller whose call is registered as malicious with the local call manager.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 15 }
ccmMaliCallCallingDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The edge device name through which the malicious call originated or passed through.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 16 }
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The time when the malicious call is detected by the local call manager.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 17 }
ccmQualityRprtSourceDevName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The name of the source device from where the problem was reported.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 18 }
ccmQualityRprtClusterId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The cluster identifier of the source device.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 19 }
ccmQualityRprtCategory OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The category of the problem reported.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 20 }
ccmQualityRprtReasonCode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The description of the problem reported.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 21 }
ccmQualityRprtTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The time when the problem was reported.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 22 }
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The device for which TLS connection failure was reported.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 23 }
ccmTLSDevInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
This object identifies the type of address for the device for which TLS connection failure was reported.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 24 }
ccmTLSDevInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
This object identifies IP Address of the device, for which TLS connection failure was reported.The type of address for this is identified by ccmTLSDevInetAddressType.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 25 }
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The time when TLS connection failure was detected by the local Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 26 }
ccmTLSConnectionFailReasonCode OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
The reason for connection failure.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 27 }
ccmGatewayRegFailCauseCode OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
States the reason for a gateway device registration failure.
ccmH323DeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE
The table containing a list of all H323 devices in the Cisco Unified CM cluster that the local Cisco Unified CM is aware of.When the local Cisco Unified CM is restarted, this table will be refreshed.
ccmH323DeviceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
An entry (conceptual row) in the H323Device Table, containing the information about a particular H323 Device.
CcmH323DeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmH323DevName SnmpAdminString,
ccmH323DevProductId CcmDeviceProductId,
ccmH323DevDESCRIPTION SnmpAdminString,
ccmH323DevInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevCnfgGKInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevCnfgGKInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevAltGK1InetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevAltGK1InetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevAltGK2InetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevAltGK2InetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevAltGK3InetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevAltGK3InetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevAltGK4InetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevAltGK4InetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevAltGK5InetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevAltGK5InetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevActGKInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevActGKInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevStatusReason CcmDevFailCauseCode,
ccmH323DevTimeLastStatusUpdt DateAndTime,
ccmH323DevTimeLastRegistered DateAndTime,
ccmH323DevRmtCM1InetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevRmtCM1InetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevRmtCM2InetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevRmtCM2InetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevRmtCM3InetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevRmtCM3InetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevProductTypeIndex CcmIndexOrZero
ccmH323DevUnregReason CcmDevUnregCauseCode,
ccmH323DevRegFailReason CcmDevRegFailCauseCode
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that identifies a H323 Device entry in the table.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
The device name assigned to the H323 Device.This name is assigned when a new H323 device is added to the Cisco Unified CM.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..255))
A description of the H323 device.This description is given when the H323 device is configured in the Cisco Unified CM.
ccmH323DevInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the IP address type of the H323 device.The value of this object is 'unknown(0)' if the IP address of a H323 device is not available.
ccmH323DevInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies last known IP Address of the H323 device.If the IP address is not available then this object contains an empty string.The type of address for this is identified by ccmH323DevInetAddressType.
ccmH323DevCnfgGKInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the IP address type of the gatekeeper device.The value of this object is 'unknown(0)' if the IP address of a H323 gatekeeper is not available.
ccmH323DevCnfgGKInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
This object represents configured gatekeeper DNS name or IP address for this H323 device.This is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured.When there is no H323 gatekeeper configured, this object contains an empty string.The type of address for this is identified by ccmH323DevCnfgGKInetAddressType.
ccmH323DevAltGK1InetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the IP address type of the first alternate gatekeeper.The value of this object is
'unknown(0)' if the IP address of a H323 gatekeeper is not available.
ccmH323DevAltGK1InetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the first alternate gatekeeper DNS name or IP address for this H323 device.This is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured.When there is no first alternate H323 gatekeeper, this object contains an empty string.The type of address for this is identified by ccmH323DevAltGK1InetAddressType.
ccmH323DevAltGK2InetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the IP address type of the second alternate gatekeeper.The value of this object is 'unknown(0)' if the IP address of a H323 gatekeeper is not available.
ccmH323DevAltGK2InetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the second alternate gatekeeper DNS name or IP address for this H323 device.This is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured.When there is no second alternate H323 gatekeeper, this object contains an empty string.The type of address for this is identified by ccmH323DevAltGK2InetAddressType.
ccmH323DevAltGK3InetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the IP address type of the third alternate gatekeeper.The value of this object is 'unknown(0)' if the IP address of a H323 gatekeeper is not available.
ccmH323DevAltGK3InetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the third alternate gatekeeper DNS name or IP address for this H323 device.This is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured.When there is no third alternate H323 gatekeeper, this object contains an empty string.The type of address for this is identified by ccmH323DevAltGK3InetAddressType.
ccmH323DevAltGK4InetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the IP address type of the fourth alternate gatekeeper.The value of this object is 'unknown(0)' if the IP address of a H323 gatekeeper is not available.
ccmH323DevAltGK4InetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the fourth alternate gatekeeper DNS name or IP address for this H323 device.This is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured.When there is no fourth H323 alternate gatekeeper, this object contains an empty string.The type of address for this is identified by ccmH323DevAltGK4InetAddressType.
ccmH323DevAltGK5InetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the IP address type of the fifth alternate gatekeeper.The value of this object is
'unknown(0)' if the IP address of a H323 gatekeeper is not available.
ccmH323DevAltGK5InetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the fifth alternate gatekeeper DNS name or IP address for this H323 device.This is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured.When there is no fifth H323 alternate gatekeeper, this object contains an empty string.The type of address for this is identified by ccmH323DevAltGK5InetAddressType.
ccmH323DevActGKInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the IP address type of the active gatekeeper.The value of this object is 'unknown(0)' if the IP address of a gatekeeper is not available.
ccmH323DevActGKInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the active alternate gatekeeper DNS name or IP address for this H323 device.This is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured.When there is no active alternate H323 gatekeeper, this object contains an empty string.The type of address for this is identified by ccmH323DevActGKInetAddressType.
The H323 device registration status with the gatekeeper.The status changes from unknown to registered when the H323 device successfully registers itself with the gatekeeper.
notApplicable: The registration status is not applicable for this H323 device
unknown:The registration status of the H323 device with the gatekeeper is unknown
registered: The H323 device has registered with the gatekeeper successfully
unregistered: The H323 device is no longer registered with the gatekeeper
rejected: Registration request from the H323 device was rejected by the gatekeeper.
ccmH323DevTimeLastStatusUpdt OBJECT-TYPE
The time the registration status with the gatekeeper changed.This is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured.
ccmH323DevTimeLastRegistered OBJECT-TYPE
The time when the H323 device last registered with the gatekeeper.This is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured.
ccmH323DevRmtCM1InetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the IP address type of the first remote call manager.The value of this object is
'unknown(0)' if the first remote call manager is not configured.
ccmH323DevRmtCM1InetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the first remote call manager DNS name or IP address configured for this H323 device.When there is no first remote call manager configured, this object contains an empty string.The type of address for this is identified by ccmH323DevRmtCM1InetAddressType.
ccmH323DevRmtCM2InetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the IP address type of the second remote call manager.The value of this object is 'unknown(0)' if the second remote call manager is not configured.
ccmH323DevRmtCM2InetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the second remote call manager DNS name or IP address configured for this H323 device.When there is no second remote call manager configured, this object contains an empty string.The type of address for this is identified by ccmH323DevRmtCM2InetAddressType.
ccmH323DevRmtCM3InetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the IP address type of the third remote call manager.The value of this object is
'unknown(0)' if the third remote call manager is not configured.
ccmH323DevRmtCM3InetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the third remote call manager DNS name or IP address configured for this H323 device.When there is no third remote call manager configured, this object contains an empty string.The type of address for this is identified by ccmH323DevRmtCM3InetAddressType.
ccmH323DevProductTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
A positive value of this index is used to identify the related product type entry in the ccmProductTypeTable.A value of zero indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable is Unknown.
ccmH323DevUnregReason OBJECT-TYPE
The reason code associated with unregistered H323 Device.This is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured.
ccmH323DevRegFailReason OBJECT-TYPE
The reason code associated with registration failed H323 Device.This is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured.
ccmVoiceMailDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcmVoiceMailDeviceEntry
The table containing a list of all voice messaging devices that have tried to register with the local Cisco Unified CM at least once.When the local Cisco Unified CM is restarted, this table will be refreshed.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceInfo 1 }
ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmVoiceMailDeviceEntry
An entry (conceptual row) in the VoiceMailDevice Table, containing the information about a particular Voice Messaging Device.
::= { ccmVoicMailDeviceTable 1 }
CcmVoiceMailDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmVMailDevName SnmpAdminString,
ccmVMailDevProductId CcmDeviceProductId,
ccmVMailDevDescription, SnmpAdminString,
ccmVMailDevStatus CcmDeviceStatus,
ccmVMailDevInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmVMailDevInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmVMailDevStatusReason CcmDevFailCauseCode,
ccmVMailDevTimeLastStatusUpdt DateAndTime,
ccmVMailDevTimeLastRegistered DateAndTime,
ccmVMailDevProductTypeIndex CcmIndexOrZero
ccmVMailDevUnregReason CcmDevUnregCauseCode,
ccmVMailDevRegFailReason CcmDevRegFailCauseCode
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that identifies a voice messaging device entry in the table.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 1 }
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
The name of the Voice Messaging Device.This name is assigned to the Voice Messaging Device when it is added to the Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 2 }
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..255))
The description of the Voice Messaging Device.This description is given when the Voice Messaging Device is configured in the Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 4 }
The status of the Voice Messaging Device.The Voice Messaging Device status changes from unknown to registered when it registers itself with the local Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 5 }
ccmVMailDevInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the IP address type of the Voice Messaging device.The value of this object is 'unknown(0)'if the IP address of the Voice Messaging device is not available.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 6 }
ccmVMailDevInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the IP Address of the Voice Messaging Device.If the IP Address is not available then this object contains an empty string.The type of address for this is identified by ccmVMailDevInetAddressType.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 7 }
ccmVMailDevTimeLastStatusUpdt OBJECT-TYPE
The time the status of the voice messaging device changed.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 9 }
ccmVMailDevTimeLastRegistered OBJECT-TYPE
The time the Voice Messaging Device has last registered with the call manager.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 10 }
ccmVMailDevProductTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
A positive value of this index is used to identify the related product type entry in the ccmProductTypeTable.A value of 0 indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable is Unknown.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 11 }
ccmVMailDevUnregReason OBJECT-TYPE
The reason code associated with unregistered Voice Messaging Device.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 12 }
ccmVMailDevRegFailReason OBJECT-TYPE
The reason code associated with registration failed Voice Messaging Device.
ccmVoiceMailDeviceDirNumTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcmVoiceMailDeviceDirNumEntry
The table containing a list of directory numbers that are assigned to all of the registered and unregistered Voice Messaging Devices in the ccmVoiceMailDeviceTable.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceInfo 2 }
ccmVoiceMailDeviceDirNumEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmVoiceMailDeviceDirNumEntry
An entry (conceptual row) in the VoiceMailDirNum Table, has the associated directory number for a Voice Messaging Device.
INDEX { ccmVMailDevIndex, ccmVMailDevDirNumIndex }
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceDirNumTable 1 }
CcmVoiceMailDeviceDirNumEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmVMailDevDirNumIndex CcmIndex,
ccmVMailDevDirNum SnmpAdminString
ccmVMailDevDirNumIndex OBJECT-TYPE
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local system, that identifies a Directory Number of a Voice Messaging Device.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceDirNumEntry 1 }
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..24))
ccmQualityReportAlarmEnable OBJECT-TYPE
Allows the generation of the quality report alarm.
true(1): Enabling this object will allow the Cisco Unified CM agent to generate the ccmQualityReport alarm.This is the default value.
false(2): Disabling this object will stop the generation of the ccmQualityReport alarm by the Cisco Unified CM agent.
The table containing a list of all SIP trunks in the Cisco Unified CM cluster that the local Cisco Unified CM is aware of.When the local Cisco Unified CM is restarted, this table will be refreshed.If the local Cisco Unified CM is down, then this table will be empty.
An entry (conceptual row) in the SIP Device Table, containing the information about a particular SIP Trunk Device.
CcmSIPDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmSIPDevName SnmpAdminString,
ccmSIPDevProductTypeIndex CcmIndexOrZero,
ccmSIPDevDescription SnmpAdminString,
ccmSIPDevInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmSIPDevInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmSIPInTransportProtocolType CcmSIPTransportProtocolType,
ccmSIPInPortNumber InetPortNumber,
ccmSIPOutTransportProtocolType CcmSIPTransportProtocolType,
ccmSIPOutPortNumber InetPortNumber
ccmSIPDevInetAddressIPv4 InetAddressIPv4,
ccmSIPDevInetAddressIPv6 InetAddressIPv6
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that identifies a SIP Trunk Device entry in the table.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
The device name assigned to the SIP Trunk Device.This name is assigned when a new SIP Trunk device is added to the Cisco Unified CM.
ccmSIPDevProductTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
A positive value of this index is used to identify the related product type entry in the ccmProductTypeTable.A value of zero indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable is Unknown.
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..255))
A description of the SIP Trunk device.This Description is given when the SIP Trunk device is configured in the Cisco Unified CM.
ccmSIPInTransportProtocolType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmSIPTransportProtocolType
Specifies the transport protocol type used by Cisco Unified CM for setting up incoming SIP call.
Specifies the port number used by Cisco Unified CM for setting up incoming SIP call.
ccmSIPOutTransportProtocolType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmSIPTransportProtocolType
Specifies the transport protocol type used by Cisco Unified CM for setting up outgoing SIP call.
Specifies the port number used by Cisco Unified CM for setting up outgoing SIP call.
ccmSIPDevInetAddressIPv4 OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the last known primary IPv4 address of the SIP Trunk Device.This object contains value zero if IPV4 address is not available.
ccmSIPDevInetAddressIPv6 OBJECT-TYPE
This object identifies the last known primary IPv6 address of the SIP Trunk Device.This object contains value zero if IPV6 address is not available.
ccmMIBNotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { ccmMIBNotificationPrefix 0 }
ccmCallManagerFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
This Notification signifies that the Cisco Unified CM process detects a failure in one of its critical subsystems.It can also be detected from a heartbeat/event monitoring process.
This Notification will be generated in the intervals specified in ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval if there is at least one entry in the ccmPhoneFailedTable.
ccmPhoneStatusUpdate NOTIFICATION-TYPE
This Notification will be generated in the intervals specified in ccmPhoneStatusUpdateInterv if there is at least one entry in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable.
ccmMediaResourceListExhausted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
This Notification indicates that the Cisco Unified CM has run out a certain specified type of resource.
ccmRouteListExhausted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
This Notification indicates that the Cisco Unified CM could not find an available route in the indicated route list.
ccmGatewayLayer2Change NOTIFICATION-TYPE
This Notification is sent when the D-Channel/Layer 2 of an interface in a skinny gateway that has registered with the Cisco Unified CM changes state.
This Notification is sent when a user registers a call as malicious with the local call manager.
This Notification is sent when a user reports a quality problem using the Quality Report Tool.
This Notification is sent when Cisco Unified CM fails to open TLS connection for the indicated device.
::= { ccmMIBNotifications 10 }
ccmGatewayFailedReason NOTIFICATION-TYPE
This Notification indicates that at least one gateway has attempted to register or communicate with the Cisco Unified CM and failed.
::= { ciscoCcmMIBConformance 1 }
The compliance statement for entities that implement the Cisco Unified CM MIB.
ccmMediaDeviceInfoGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP
A collection of objects that provide info about all Media Devices within the scope of the local Cisco Unified CM.It comprises of the MediaDevice table.
ccmCTIDeviceInfoGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP
A collection of objects that provide info about all CTI Devices within the scope of the local Cisco Unified CM.It comprises of the ccmCTIDevice and ccmCTIDeviceDirNum tables.
A collection of objects that provide information about all Cisco Unified Communications Managers and its related information within a Cisco Unified CM cluster.It comprises of GroupTable, ccmTable, GroupMappingTable, Region, TimeZone, Device Pool and ProductType tables.
ccmSIPDeviceInfoGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP
A collection of objects that provide information about all SIP Trunk devices within the scope of the local Cisco Unified Communications Manager.It comprises of the SIP Device table.
ccmPhoneInfoGroupRev6 OBJECT-GROUP
A collection of objects that provide information about all phones within the scope of the local Cisco Unified Communications Manager.It comprises of the Phone and Phone Extension tables.
ccmNotificationsInfoGroupRev5 OBJECT-GROUP
A collection of objects that provide information about all the Notifications generated by the Cisco Unified CM Agent.
ccmGatewayInfoGroupRev4 OBJECT-GROUP
A collection of objects that provide information about all Gateways within the scope of the local Cisco Unified CM.It comprises of the Gateway table.
ccmMediaDeviceInfoGroupRev4 OBJECT-GROUP
A collection of objects that provide information about all Media Devices within the scope of the local Cisco Unified Communications Manager.It comprises of the MediaDevice table.
ccmCTIDeviceInfoGroupRev4 OBJECT-GROUP
A collection of objects that provide information about all CTI Devices within the scope of the local Cisco Unified CM.It comprises of the ccmCTIDevice and ccmCTIDeviceDirNum tables.
ccmH323DeviceInfoGroupRev3 OBJECT-GROUP
A collection of objects that provide information about all H323 devices within the scope of the local Cisco Unified Communications Manager.It comprises of the H323Device table.
ccmVoiceMailDeviceInfoGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP
A collection of objects that provide information about all Voice Messaging Devices within the scope of the local Cisco Unified CM.It comprises of the ccmVoiceMailDevice and ccmVoiceMailDirNum tables.
ccmNotificationsGroupRev3 NOTIFICATION-GROUP
A collection of notifications that are generated by the Cisco Unified CM Agent.
Cisco Unified Serviceability で提供されるサービスおよびそれらがトラッキングする SNMP トラップ コンポーネントについて、 表 7-2 で説明します。
CISCO-CCM-MIB で ccmCallManagerAlarmEnable オブジェクトを有効にすると、Cisco Unified CM エージェントはトラップを生成して、次のアラームを送信できます。
モニタ対象の Cisco Unified CM トラップは次のとおりです。
• ccmCallManagerFailed。このトラップは、Cisco Unified CM が重要なサブシステムの 1 つで障害を検出したことを意味します。ハートビート/イベント モニタリング プロセスから検出することもできます。OID は です。このトラップのコンポーネントは、ccmAlarmSeverity と ccmFailCauseCode です。
– ccmAlarmSeverity の OID は です。値は次のとおりです。
– ccmFailCauseCode は、Cisco Unified CM のモニタリング スレッドまたはハートビート モニタリング プロセスから取得されます。OID は です。値は次のとおりです。
• Cisco 電話機障害:CISCO-CCM-MIB::ccmPhoneFailed。この通知は、ccmPhoneFailedTable に少なくとも 1 つのエントリがある場合に、ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval で指定されている間隔で生成されます。OID は です。このトラップのコンポーネントは、ccmAlarmSeverity と ccmPhoneFailures です。詳細については、ccmAlarmSeverity を参照してください。ccmPhoneFailures の OID は であり、電話機の初期化および通信の障害については ccmPhoneFailedTable を調べる必要があります。
• Cisco Unified CM ゲートウェイ障害:CISCO-CCM-MIB::ccmGatewayFailed。この通知は、少なくとも 1 つのゲートウェイが Cisco Unified CM への登録または通信を試みて失敗したことを示します。OID は です。トラップのコンポーネントは次のとおりです。
– ccmAlarmSeverity の OID は です。値は次のとおりです。
– ccmGatewayFailCauseCode の OID は です。タイプは CcmDevFailCauseCode で、次の値を含みます。
(注) CcmDevFailCauseCode は非推奨になり、CcmDevRegFailCauseCode および
CcmDevUnregCauseCode が追加されました。
• Cisco Unified CM メディア リソースをすべて使用:CISCO-CCM-MIB::ccmMediaResourceListExhausted。この通知は、Cisco Unified CM が特定の指定されたタイプのリソースをすべて使用したことを示します。OID は です。トラップの重要なコンポーネントは次のとおりです。
– ccmAlarmSeverity の OID は です。値は次のとおりです。
– ccmMediaResourceType の OID は です。値は次のとおりです。
• ccmRouteListExhausted
• ccmGatewayLayer2Change
• ccmMaliciousCall
表 7-3 では、Cisco Unified Communications Manager サービスまたはローカル Cisco Unified Communications Manager サービス(Cisco Unified Communications Manager クラスタ設定の場合)が稼動中の場合にのみ取得されるオブジェクトの一覧を示します。
表 7-4 では、Cisco Unified Communications Manager SNMP サービスの実行中に設定されるオブジェクトのリストを示します。
• 「Linux および Cisco Unified CM Release 5.x、6.x、7.x の場合」
• 「Windows および Cisco Unified CM バージョン 4.x」
• 「制限事項」
• 「FAQ」
• SNMP 設定 Web ページを使用して、コミュニティ ストリングまたは SNMP ユーザがシステムに正しく設定されていることを確認します。
• ccmservice ウィンドウで [ツール(Tools)] > [サービスのアクティブ化(Service Activation)]/[コントロール センターの機能サービス(ControlCenter - Feature Services)] をクリックし、Cisco Unified CM SNMP サービスがアクティブ化されて稼動していることを確認します。
• ccmservice ウィンドウで [ツール(Tools)] > [サービスのアクティブ化(Service Activation)]/[コントロール センターのネットワーク サービス(ControlCenter - Network Services)] をクリックし、SNMP マスター エージェントが稼動していることを確認します。
• Cisco Unified CM が稼動していることを確認します。
• Cisco Unified CM が稼動していない場合は、次の MIB テーブルのみが応答します。
– ccmQualityReportAlarmConfigInfo
• 他のテーブルが応答するには、Cisco Unified CM が稼動している必要があります。
• Cisco CallManager SNMP Service のデバッグ トレース レベルを詳細に設定します。Serviceability Web ウィンドウに移動し、[Trace] > [Configuration] <serverCisco を選択> [Performance and Monitoring Services] > [Cisco CallManager SNMP Service] をクリックします。
• CLI コマンド utils snmp walk 2c < community > < ipaddress > を実行するか、この OID の他の管理アプリケーションからのウォークを実行します。
• 前記のテストを実行した後、トラブルシューティングの参考のために、Cisco Unified Communication Manager リリースの詳細、Cisco SNMP CallManager Service トレース、および SNMP マスター エージェントのトレースを取得します。
Cisco CallManager SNMP Service のトラブルシューティングのヒントについては、この項を参照してください。
• Cisco CallManager SNMP Service のトレース設定を詳細に設定してください(『 Cisco Unified Serviceability Administration Guide 』の「SNMP Trace Configuration」の章を参照)。
• コマンド snmp walk -c <community> -v2c <ipaddress> を実行します。
• Cisco Unified Communications Manager のバージョンの詳細を取得します。
– RTMT で TLC を使用して、または CLI コマンド file get activelog を使用して、SNMP マスター エージェント(パス:platform/snmp/snmpdm/*)および Cisco CallManager SNMP Service(パス:cm/trace/ccmmib/sdi/*)を取得します。
– CLI コマンド show packages active snmp を使用して、SNMP パッケージのバージョンを取得します。
– CLI コマンド show risdb query phone を使用して、MMF Spy の出力を取得します。
• トレース ログと MMFSpy データを詳細な分析に送ります。
表 7-5 では、CISCO-CCM-MIB SNMP トラップが送信されたことを確認する手順を示します。
• SNMP マスター エージェント(パス:/platform/snmp/snmpdm/*)
• Cisco CallManager SNMP Service(パス:/cm/trace/ccmmib/sdi/*)
• ファイルは、TLC(Real Time Monitoring Tool(RTMT))を使用して、または CLI のコマンド file get activelog < path mentioned above > を使用して収集できます。
• /usr/local/Snmpri/conf フォルダ内のすべてのファイル (これは、ROOT/REMOTE ログインが使用できる場合にのみ可能です)。
• 前記のフォルダの「ls -l」による一覧 (これは、ROOT/REMOTE ログインが使用できる場合にのみ可能です)。
• パフォーマンス ログを収集します。CLI コマンド file get activelog /cm/log/ris/csv/ を実行します。
• Ccmservice のログ。CLI コマンド file get activelog /tomcat/logs/ccmservice/log4j/ を実行します。
• SNMP パッケージのバージョンを収集します。CLI コマンド show packages active snmp を使用します。
• 電話機に対する MMF Spy の出力を取得します。CLI コマンド show risdb query phone を使用します。
• ccmservice の [アラーム設定(Alarm Configuration)] ウィンドウで、Cisco Unified CM のアラーム レベルを詳細に設定します。
• ccmservice のウィンドウで RIS トレースの設定を詳細に設定します。
• ネットワーク管理アプリケーションから ccm MIB で snmpwalk を行うか、または任意の Linux コンピュータから snmpwalk - c < community > -v2c < ipaddress > を使用してコマンドを実行します。
• C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\RIS\CCMSNMP_*.log でログを収集します。
• C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\DBL\ DBL_SNMP*.txt でログを収集します。
• misc テーブルおよび CMnode テーブルに対する mmfSpy の出力。
• MMFSpy ツールによる登録ステータスのダンプ(C:\Program Files\Cisco\Bin\MMFSpy.exe、異なるオプションを指定)。使用方法:「mmfSpy -j > OutputFileName」。
CISCO-CCM-MIB では、デバイスについての設定情報の量は限られています。詳細な設定情報については、AXL インターフェイスで DB のデータにアクセスしてください。
SNMP リクエストで複数の OID が指定されていて、変数が CISCO-CCM-MIB 内の空のテーブルを参照している場合、リクエストにかかる時間が長くなります。getbulk/getnext/getmany リクエストのリクエスト PDU に複数の OID が含まれ、以降のテーブルが CISCO-CCM-MIB で空の場合、応答が SNMP v1 では NO_SUCH_NAME に、SNMP v2c または v3 では GENERIC_ERROR になります。
• 理由:このタイムアウトは、CCMAgent のパフォーマンスを強化し、大量のクエリーを受け取ったときに Cisco Unified CM CallProcessing エンジンの優先順位を保護するよう制御するために追加されたコードによって発生します。
– 使用可能なスカラー変数(を使用して、テーブルにアクセスする前にテーブルのサイズを調べます。または、目的のテーブルでの取得操作を最初に行ってから、空ではないテーブルを照会します。
– 1 回の要求で照会する変数の数を減らします。たとえば、空のテーブルについては、管理アプリケーションのタイムアウトが 3 秒に設定されている場合は、1 OID 以下に指定することを推奨します。空ではないテーブルの場合、1 行のデータの取得に 1 秒かかります。
– getbulk SNMP API を使用しないようにします。getbulk API は、MaxRepetitions で指定されている数のレコードを取得します。つまり、次のオブジェクトがテーブルまたは MIB の外部にある場合でも、そのオブジェクトを取得します。そのため、CISCO-CCM-MIB に空のテーブルがある場合、次の MIB に移動するので、応答の時間が長くなります。getbulk API は、テーブルが空ではなく、そのレコード数がわかっている場合に使用してください。このような場合は、最大反復数を 5 に制限すると、5 秒以内に応答があります。
– 現在の制限に対応するための構造化された SNMP クエリー。
– Cisco Unified CM に多数の電話機が登録されている場合は、PhoneTable で多数の getbulk を行わないようにします。PhoneTable の周期的なウォークが、最適ではない可能性があります。このような場合は、更新があるときは常に、ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable が更新されるので、この情報を使用して PhoneTable をウォークするかどうかを決定します。
CISCO-CCM-MIB について Cisco Unified Communication Manager ノードから SNMP トラップが得られません。
CISCO-CCM-MIB で SNMP トラップを受け取るには、MIB OID ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval(および ccmPhoneStatusUpdateAlarmInterv(の値を 30 から 3600 の間に設定する必要があります。デフォルトでは 0 に設定されています。
• snmpset -c < Community String > -v 2c < transmitter ip address > i < value >
• snmpset -c < Community String > -v 2c < transmitter ip address > i < value >
通知の宛先が設定されていることを確認する必要があります。これは、Serviceability Web ウィンドウから行うことができます。[SNMP] > [Notification destination] のメニューがあります。
通知の宛先を設定する前に、必要な SNMP サービスが有効化されていて稼動していることを確認してください(SNMP マスター エージェントおよび Cisco CallManager SNMP サービス)。また、コミュニティ ストリング/ユーザに対する特権が正しく設定されていることを確認します。これには、通知権限も含まれる必要があります。
まだトラップが生成されない場合は、対応するアラームが生成されていることを確認します。これらのトラップはアラーム イベントに基づいて生成されるので、SNMP エージェントがアラーム イベントを取得していることを確認します。「ローカル Syslog」を有効にし、Cisco Unified CM Serviceability Web ページの [アラーム(Alarm)] > [設定(Configuration)] のアラーム設定で、「ローカル Syslog」の宛先に対する Cisco Unified CM のアラーム設定を「情報(Informational)」レベルに設定します。その後、トラップを再生成し、対応するアラームが CiscoSyslog ファイルに記録されることを確認します。
トラップとして syslog メッセージの受信:特定の重大度より高い syslog メッセージをトラップとして受け取るには、clogBasic テーブルで次の 2 つの MIB オブジェクトを設定します。
• c logNotificationsEnabled( トラップ通知を有効にするには、この値を true(1)に設定します。デフォルト値は false(2)です。例: snmpset -c < Community String > -v 2c < transmitter ip address > i < value >.
• clogMaxSeverity(トラップを受け取る最低の重大度レベルを設定します。デフォルト値は警告(5)です。通知が有効になっている場合、設定されている重大度レベル以下のアラーム重大度のすべての syslog メッセージが、トラップとして送信されます。例: snmpset -c < Community String > -v 2c < transmitter ip address > i < value >
Cisco Unified Communication Manager に対してはどのようなトラップが定義されていますか。
CISCO-CCM-MIB にはトラップ関連の情報が含まれています。定義されているトラップは次のとおりです。
• ccmCallManagerFailed:CallManager プロセスが重要なサブシステムの 1 つで障害を検出したことを示します。ハートビート/イベント モニタリング プロセスから検出することもできます。
• ccmPhoneFailed:ccmPhoneFailedTable に少なくとも 1 つのエントリがある場合に、ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval で指定されている間隔で生成されます。
• ccmPhoneStatusUpdate:ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable に少なくとも 1 つのエントリがある場合に、ccmPhoneStatusUpdateInterv で指定されている間隔で生成されます。
• ccmGatewayFailed:少なくとも 1 つのゲートウェイが CallManager への登録または通信を試みて失敗したことを示します。
(注) ccmGatewayFailed は非推奨になり、ccmGatewayFailedReason で置き換えられました。
• ccmMediaResourceListExhausted:CallManager が特定の指定されたタイプのリソースをすべて使用したことを示します。
• ccmRouteListExhausted:CallManager が示されているルート リストで使用可能なルートを発見できなかったことを示します。
• ccmGatewayLayer2Change:CallManager に登録しているスキニー ゲートウェイのインターフェイスの D チャネル/レイヤ 2 の状態が変化すると送信されます。
• ccmMaliciousCall:ユーザがコールをローカル Cisco Unified CM に迷惑として登録すると送信されます。
• ccmQualityReport:ユーザが Quality Report Tool を使用して品質の問題を報告すると送信されます。
• ccmTLSConnectionFailure:CallManager が示されているデバイスに対して TLS 接続を開くことができないと送信されます。
• ccmCallManagerFailed--CallManagerFailure
• ccmPhoneFailed--DeviceTransientConnection
• ccmGatewayFailed--DeviceTransientConnection
• ccmMaliciousCall--MaliciousCall
• ccmMediaResourceListExhausted--MediaResourceListExhausted
• ccmQualityReportRequest--QRTRequest
• ccmRouteListExhausted--RouteListExhausted
• ccmGatewayLayer2Change--DChannelOOS, DChannelISV
Cisco Unified Communication Manager からのさまざまな SNMP トラップをどのようにしてチェックできますか。
– ccmAlarmConfigInfo MIB テーブルで ccmPhoneStatusUpdateAlarmInterv(を 30 以上に設定します。
– ccmPhoneStatusUpdate トラップが発生します。
– ccmAlarmConfigInfo MIB テーブルで ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval(を 30 以上に設定します。
– 電話機が機能しないようにします。電話機を CM から削除し、電話機を再登録します。
– 電話機故障トラップの場合は、2 種類のシナリオを試すことができます。
tftp/ccm サーバ A を参照するように電話機を設定します。異なるスイッチで電話機を ccm サーバ B に接続します。電話機のステータスは不明です。次のように表示されます。2007-10-31:2007-10-31 14:53:40 Local7.Debug community=public, enterprise=, enterprise_mib_name=ccmPhoneFailed, uptime=7988879, agent_ip=, version=Ver2, ccmAlarmSeverity=error, ccmPhoneFailures=1。
Cisco Unified CM で 7960 電話機を 7940 電話機として登録すると、DB の問題で電話機障害トラップが発生します。
• MediaResourceListExhausted トラップ
– メディア リソース グループ(MRG)を作成し、標準 ConferenceBridge リソース(CFB-2)の 1 つを含めます。
– 作成した MRG を含むメディア リソース グループ リスト(MRGL)を作成します。
– 実際の電話機の電話機設定のページで、電話機のメディア リソース グループ リストとして MRGL を設定します。
– IPVMS を停止すると、ConferenceBridge リソース(CFB-2)が動作を停止します。
– メディア リストを使用する電話機で電話会議を行うと、電話機の画面に「会議ブリッジを利用できません(No Conference Bridge available)」という意味のメッセージが表示されます。
– 「MediaListExhausted」のアラーム/アラート/トラップが生成されることを確認します。
– ゲートウェイを 1 つ含むルート グループ(RG)を作成します。
– 作成した RG を含むルート グループ リスト(RGL)を作成します。
– 9XXXX のコールを RGL 経由で再ルーティングするルート パターン(9.XXXX)を作成します。
– 「RouteListExhausted」のアラーム/アラート/トラップが生成されることを確認します。
– QRT と同様に、ソフトキー テンプレートを作成します。テンプレートで、使用できるすべての「MaliciousCall」ソフトキーを電話機の異なるステータスに追加します。
– 新しいソフトキー テンプレートを実際の電話機に割り当てて、電話機をリセットします。
– コールを行って、コールの最中または後に、電話機の画面で「MaliciousCall」を選択します。
– 「MaliciousCallFailed」のアラーム/アラート/トラップが生成されることを確認します。
– Web Admin でデータベースからゲートウェイの設定を削除します。または、ゲートウェイの MAC アドレスを無効な値に変更して更新します。
– もう 1 つの方法は、ゲートウェイが接続されている Cisco Unified CM サービスを再起動します。
– ccmAlarmConfigInfo MIB テーブルで GatewayAlarmEnable=true と設定します。
– [CCM サービスアビリティ(ccm serviceability)] > [SNMP の設定(Snmp configuration)] ページで、SNMP コミュニティ ストリングとトラップの宛先が正しく設定されていることを確認します。
– ゲートウェイ障害イベントを発生させると、トラップがトラップ レシーバーに表示されます。
– ゲートウェイ障害を発生させるには、Cisco Unified CM サービスを再起動します。ゲートウェイが冗長な CCM マネージャ サーバにフェールオーバーします。そのサーバでは、ゲートウェイがデータベースに設定されていないようにする必要があります。
– ccmGatewayLayer2Change トラップは、Cisco Unified CM からの DChannelOOS(D チャネル アウト オブ サービス)または DChannelISV(D チャネル インサービス)の間にトリガーされます。テストするためにそのようなイベントをトリガーできるかどうかを確認してください。
– CallManager 障害アラームは、内部エラーが検出されると生成されます。これには、CPU の不足、タイマーの問題などによる内部スレッドの停止が含まれます。このトラップは、CallManager チームがこれらの原因を意図的に発生させない限り再現するのが困難です。
Cisco Unified CM エージェントによる高い CPU 使用率が持続する場合、どのような対処が必要ですか。
トラブルシューティングで示したようにして分析用のログを収集し、障害 CSCsm74316 を参照して該当するかどうかを確認します。使用している Cisco Unified CM のバージョン用の修正が提供されているかどうかを確認します。
CTI Routepoint を Cisco Unified CM Admin UI から削除した場合でも、ccmCTIDeviceTable MIB にそれに対するエントリが存在します。なぜですか。
「RIS Unused Cisco CallManager Device Store Period」というサービス パラメータがあり、未登録デバイス(登録デバイスを DB から削除すると未登録になります)を RISDB および MIB に残しておく期間が定義されています。ccmadmin ページはデータベースの情報を表示し、SNMP は RISDB を使用するので、ccmadmin ページと SNMP MIB WALK は同期している場合と、していない場合があります。
ccmPhoneType を Cisco-CCM-MIB の ccmPhoneTable で照会したときに情報が返されません。なぜですか。
ccmPhoneType は非推奨になっています。同じ情報を、CcmProductTypeEntry に対する ccmPhoneProductTypeIndex から取得できます。テーブルでは、インデックスはそのテーブルでリストされているインデックスと名前に対応します。
その他の非推奨になった OID と代わりに参照する OID の一部を次に示します。
• ccmGatewayType は非推奨であり、ccmGateWayProductTypeIndex を参照する必要があります。
• ccmMediaDeviceType は非推奨であり、ccmMediaDeviceProductTypeIndex を参照する必要があります。
• ccmCTIDeviceType は非推奨であり、ccmCTIDeviceProductTypeIndex を参照する必要があります。
ccmPhoneProductTypeIndex に対するクエリーでゼロが返ります。なぜですか。
使用している Cisco Unified CM のリリースにこの機能があることを確認してください。
ccmPhoneTable で WALK を実行しても、ccmPhoneUserName が値を返しません。ユーザ名を IP Phone と関連付けるにはどのようにしますか。
エンド ユーザを作成し、登録されている電話機で所有者ユーザ ID を関連付けます。このようにすると、ユーザは SNMP Walk で OID によって示されます。
SNMP を使用して各電話機のファームウェアのバージョンを取得するにはどうすればいいですか。
ccmPhoneTable の ccmPhoneLoadID で各電話機のファームウェアのバージョンがわかります。ただし、新しいイメージのダウンロードが失敗した場合、この値は異なっている可能性があります。7.x バージョンの SNMP では、設定されているファームウェア ID(ccmPhoneLoadID)と実際に稼動しているファームウェア(ccmPhoneActiveLoad)の両方が公開されます。
CCM MIB から ccmVersion として 5.0.1 が返りますが、これは正しくありません。
使用している Cisco Unified CM のリリースにこの機能があることを確認してください。ない場合はアップグレードしてください。
CCM MIB が正しくない ccmPhoneLoadID を返します。
ccmPhoneLoadID の値は RISDB から取得されますが、これは電話機の登録の間に受け取ったアラームに基づいて設定されています。次の手順を実行し、詳細な分析のためのログを収集してください。
ステップ 1 Serviceability Web ページ > [Alarm] > [Configuration] > [Service Group](CM Services) > [Service](Cisco CallManager)に移動します。
ステップ 2 ローカル Syslog、SDI トレース、SDL トレースを確認します。選択されているこれらの宛先に対するアラーム イベント レベルが情報に設定されていることを確認します。
ステップ 3 Cisco CallManager のトレース レベルを「詳細」に設定します。
ステップ 4 正しくない LoadID を示す電話機をリセットします。
ステップ 5 Syslog および Cisco CallManager トレースを収集します。
Cisco Unified CM のステータス(START/STOP)はどのようにすればモニタできますか。
• Real-TimeMonitoringTool(RTMT)アラート
Cisco Unified CM サービスの障害に対する ccmCallManagerFailed トラップがあります。ただし、このトラップでは、通常のサービス停止および不明のクラッシュは対象になりません。
ポーリング対象のデバイスに対して、デバイス プール情報が正しくないようです。使用している OID は ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex です。
CISCO-CCM-CAPABILITY MIB で示されているように、ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex はサポートされていないため、0 を返します。現在、CallManager のデバイス登録アラームには、devicepool 情報は含まれません。
(注) この CISCO-CCM-CAPABILITY は形式が変更されています。この項のすべての MIB は、http://tools.cisco.com/Support/SNMP/do/BrowseMIB.do?local=en&step=2 からダウンロードしてコンパイルしてください。
(注) この MIB をサポートするエージェントがないので、この MIB は MIB ウォークのような SNMP クエリーを実行するためのものではありません。CISCO-CCM-MIB に対する補足ドキュメントとして使用します。
CISCO-CCM-CAPABILITY をコンパイルするには、先に次の一覧に示す MIB を示されている順序でコンパイルしておく必要があります。
• 「改訂」
• 「定義」
表 7-1 では、この MIB の改訂履歴を、最新の改訂から順番に示します。
次の定義が CISCO-CCM-CAPABILITY 用にインポートされています。
PRODUCT RELEASE Cisco Call Manager 3.0
DESCRIPTION Cisco Call Manager Agent Capabilities
INCLUDES { ccmInfoGroup, ccmPhoneInfoGroup, ccmGatewayInfoGroup }
VARIATION ccmPhoneE911Location
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneE911Location is not supported
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneLastError is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhoneTimeLastError
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneTimeLastError is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmGatewayTrunkIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmGatewayTrunkIndex is not supported
DESCRIPTION ccmGatewayTrunkType is not supported
DESCRIPTION ccmGatewayTrunkName is not supported
VARIATION ccmTrunkGatewayIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmTrunkGatewayIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmGatewayTrunkStatus
DESCRIPTION ccmGatewayTrunkStatus is not supported
PRODUCT-RELEASE Cisco Call Manager 3.1
DESCRIPTION Cisco Call Manager Agent capabilities
INCLUDES { ccmInfoGroupRev1, ccmPhoneInfoGroupRev1, ccmGatewayInfoGroupRev1, ccmMediaDeviceInfoGroup, ccmGatekeeperInfoGroup, ccmCTIDeviceInfoGroup, ccmNotificationsInfoGroup, ccmNotificationsGroup }
VARIATION ccmPhoneE911Location
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneE911Location is not supported
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneLastError is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhoneTimeLastError
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneTimeLastError is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmGatekeeperDevicePoolIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmGatekeeperDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex is not supported
DESCRIPTION ccmCTIDeviceAppInfo is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhonePhysicalAddress
DESCRIPTION Represents the MAC address of the phone
PRODUCT-RELEASE Cisco Call Manager 3.3
STATUS obsolete and superseded by ciscoCCMCapabilityV3R03Rev1
DESCRIPTION Cisco Call Manager Agent capabilities
INCLUDES { ccmInfoGroupRev2, ccmPhoneInfoGroupRev2, ccmGatewayInfoGroupRev2, ccmMediaDeviceInfoGroupRev1, ccmCTIDeviceInfoGroupRev1, ccmNotificationsInfoGroupRev1, ccmNotificationsGroup, ccmH323DeviceInfoGroup, ccmVoiceMailDeviceInfoGroup }
VARIATION ccmPhoneE911Location
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneE911Location is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex is not supported
DESCRIPTION The table containing the list of all phones which attempted to register with the local call manager and failed.The entries which have not been updated and kept at least for the duration specified in the ccmPhoneFailedStorePeriod will be deleted.Reasons for these failures could be due to configuration error, maximum number of phones has been reached, lost contact, etc.
VARIATION ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTableStateId
DESCRIPTION The current state of ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable.The initial value of this object is 0 and it will be incremented everytime when there is a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable.This value and sysUpTime should be used together to find if the table has changed or not.When the SNMP service is restarted this value will be reset to 0.
VARIATION ccmPhStatUpdtTblLastAddedIndex
DESCRIPTION The ccmPhoneStatusUpdateIndex value of the last entry that was added to the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable.This value together with sysUpTime can be used by the manager applications to identify the new entries in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable since their last poll.This value need not be the same as the highest index in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable as the index could have wrapped around.The initial value of this object is 0 which indicates that there has been no entries added to this table.When the SNMP service is restarted this value will be reset to 0.
VARIATION ccmPhFailedTblLastAddedIndex
DESCRIPTION The ccmPhoneFailedIndex value of the last entry that was added to the ccmPhoneFailedTable.This value together with sysUpTime can be used by the manager applications to identify the new entries in the ccmPhoneFailedTable since their last poll.This value need not be the same as the highest index in the ccmPhoneFailedTable as the index could have wrapped around.The initial value of this object is 0 which indicates that there has been no entries added to this table.When the SNMP service is restarted this value will be reset to 0.
VARIATION ccmPhoneFailedStorePeriod
DESCRIPTION The time duration for storing each entry in the ccmPhoneFailedTable.The entries which have not been updated and kept at least this period will be deleted.This value should ideally be set to a higher value than the ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval object.The default value is 1800 seconds.
PRODUCT-RELEASE Cisco Call Manager 3.3
DESCRIPTION Cisco Call Manager Agent capabilities
INCLUDES { ccmInfoGroupRev2, ccmPhoneInfoGroupRev2, ccmGatewayInfoGroupRev2, ccmMediaDeviceInfoGroupRev1, ccmCTIDeviceInfoGroupRev1, ccmNotificationsInfoGroupRev1, ccmNotificationsGroup, ccmH323DeviceInfoGroup, ccmVoiceMailDeviceInfoGroup }
VARIATION ccmPhoneE911Location
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneE911Location is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex is not supported
PRODUCT-RELEASE Cisco Call Manager 4.0
DESCRIPTION Cisco Call Manager Agent capabilities
INCLUDES { ccmInfoGroupRev3, ccmPhoneInfoGroupRev3, ccmGatewayInfoGroupRev3, ccmMediaDeviceInfoGroupRev2, ccmCTIDeviceInfoGroupRev2, ccmNotificationsInfoGroupRev2, ccmNotificationsGroupRev1, ccmH323DeviceInfoGroupRev1, ccmVoiceMailDeviceInfoGroupRev1, ccmSIPDeviceInfoGroup }
VARIATION ccmPhoneE911Location
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneE911Location is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex
DESCRIPTION ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex
(注) この CISCO-CDP-MIB は形式が変更されています。この項のすべての MIB は、http://tools.cisco.com/Support/SNMP/do/BrowseMIB.do?local=en&step=2 からダウンロードしてコンパイルしてください。
この MIB は、シスコ デバイスでの Cisco Discovery Protocol(CDP; シスコ検出プロトコル)の管理に使用します。CISCO-CDP-MIB をコンパイルするには、先に次の一覧に示す MIB を示されている順序でコンパイルしておく必要があります。
• 「改訂」
• 「定義」
• 「適合情報」
• 「準拠宣言」
• 「適合単位」
表 7-6 では、この MIB の改訂履歴を、最新の改訂から順番に示します。
次の定義が CISCO-CDP-MIB 用にインポートされています。
• SNMPv2-CONF から:TruthValue、DisplayString、TimeStamp
• CISCO-SMI から:CiscoNetworkProtocol、CiscoNetworkAddress、Unsigned32
The (conceptual) table containing the status of CDP on the device interfaces.
An entry (conceptual row) in the cdpInterfaceTable, containing the status of CDP on an interface.
CdpInterfaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cdpInterfaceIfIndex Integer32,
cdpInterfaceMessageInterval INTEGER,
cdpInterfaceIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
The ifIndex value of the local interface.For 802.3 Repeaters on which the repeater ports do not have ifIndex values assigned, this value is a unique value for the port, and greater than any ifIndex value supported by the repeater; in this case, the specific port is indicated by corresponding values of cdpInterfaceGroup and cdpInterfacePort, where these values correspond to the group number and port number values of RFC 1516.
cdpInterfaceEnable OBJECT-TYPE
An indication of whether the Cisco Discovery Protocol is currently running on this interface.This variable has no effect when CDP is disabled (cdpGlobalRun = FALSE).
cdpInterfaceMessageInterval OBJECT-TYPE
STATUS obsolete and replaced by cdpGlobalMessageInterval.This object should be applied to the whole system instead of per interface.
The interval at which CDP messages are to be generatedon this interface.The default value is 60 seconds.
This object is only relevant to interfaces which are repeater ports on 802.3 repeaters.In this situation, it indicates the RFC1516 group number of the repeater port which corresponds to this interface.
This object is only relevant to interfaces which are repeater ports on 802.3 repeaters.In this situation, it indicates the RFC1516 port number of the repeater port which corresponds to this interface.
cdpInterfaceExtTable OBJECT-TYPE
This table contains the additional CDP configuration on the device interfaces.
cdpInterfaceExtEntry OBJECT-TYPE
An entry in the cdpInterfaceExtTable contains the values configured for Extented Trust TLV and COS (Class of Service) for Untrusted Ports TLV on an interface which supports the sending of these TLVs.
::= { cdpInterfaceExtTable 1 }
CdpInterfaceExtEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cdpInterfaceCosForUntrustedPort Unsigned32
cdpInterfaceExtendedTrust OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {trusted(1), noTrust(2) }
Indicates the value to be sent by Extended Trust TLV.If trusted(1) is configured, the value of Extended Trust TLV is one byte in length with its least significant bit equal to 1 to indicate extended trust.All other bits are 0.If noTrust(2) is configured, the value of Extended Trust TLV is one byte in length with its least significant bit equal to 0 to indicate no extended trust.All other bits are 0.
::= { cdpInterfaceExtEntry 1 }
cdpInterfaceCosForUntrustedPort OBJECT-TYPE
Indicates the value to be sent by COS for Untrusted Ports TLV.
The (conceptual) table containing the cached information obtained via receiving CDP messages.
An entry (conceptual row) in the cdpCacheTable, containing the information received via CDP on one interface from one device.Entries appear when a CDP advertisement is received from a neighbor device.Entries disappear when CDP is disabled on the interface, or globally.
INDEX { cdpCacheIfIndex, cdpCacheDeviceIndex }
cdpCacheDeviceIndex Integer32,
cdpCacheAddressType CiscoNetworkProtocol,
cdpCacheDevicePort DisplayString,
cdpCacheCapabilitiesOCTET STRING,
cdpCacheVTPMgmtDomain DisplayString,
cdpCacheApplianceID Unsigned32,
cdpCachePrimaryMgmtAddrType CiscoNetworkProtocol,
cdpCachePrimaryMgmtAddr CiscoNetworkAddress,
cdpCacheSecondaryMgmtAddrType CiscoNetworkProtocol,
cdpCacheSecondaryMgmtAddr CiscoNetworkAddress,
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
Normally, the ifIndex value of the local interface.For 802.3 repeaters for which the repeater ports do not have ifIndex values assigned, this value is a unique value for the port, and greater than any ifIndex value supported by the repeater; the specific port number in this case, is given by the corresponding value of cdpInterfacePort.
cdpCacheDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
A unique value for each device from which CDP messages are being received.
cdpCacheAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
An indication of the type of address contained in the corresponding instance of cdpCacheAddress.
The (first) network-layer address of the device's SNMP-agent as reported in the Address TLV of the most recently received CDP message.For example, if the corresponding instance of cacheAddressType had the value 'ip(1)', then this object would be an IP-address.
DESCRIPTION The Version string as reported in the most recent CDP message.The zero-length string indicates no Version field (TLV) was reported in the most recent CDP message.
The Device-ID string as reported in the most recent CDP message.The zero-length string indicates no Device-ID field (TLV) was reported in the most recent CDP message.
cdpCacheDevicePort OBJECT-TYPE
The Port-ID string as reported in the most recent CDP message.This will typically be the value of the ifName object (e.g. Ethernet0).The zero-length string indicates no Port-ID field (TLV) was reported in the most recent CDP message.
The Device Hardware Platform as reported in the most recent CDP message.The zero-length string indicates that no Platform field (TLV) was reported in the most recent CDP message.
cdpCacheCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
The Device Functional Capabilities as reported in the most recent CDP message.For latest set of specific values, see the latest version of the CDP specification.The zero-length string indicates no Capabilities field (TLV) was reported in the most recent CDP message.
REFERENCE Cisco Discovery Protocol Specification, 94/10/19.
cdpCacheVTPMgmtDomain OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32))
The VTP Management Domain for the remote device interface, as reported in the most recently received CDP message.This object is not instantiated if no VTP Management Domain field (TLV) was reported in the most recently received CDP message.
REFERENCE managementDomainName in CISCO-VTP-MIB
The remote device interface native VLAN, as reported in the most recent CDP message.The value 0 indicates no native VLAN field (TLV) was reported in the most recent CDP message.
SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), halfduplex(2), fullduplex(3) }
The remote device interface duplex mode, as reported in the most recent CDP message.The value unknown(1) indicates no duplex mode field (TLV) was reported in the most recent CDP message.
cdpCacheApplianceID OBJECT-TYPE
The remote device Appliance ID, as reported in the most recent CDP message.This object is not instantiated if no Appliance VLAN-ID field (TLV) was reported in the most recently received CDP message.
The remote device VoIP VLAN ID, as reported in the most recent CDP message.This object is not instantiated if no Appliance VLAN-ID field (TLV) was reported in the most recently received CDP message.
cdpCachePowerConsumption OBJECT-TYPE
The amount of power consumed by remote device, as reported in the most recent CDP message.This object is not instantiated if no Power Consumption field (TLV) was reported in the most recently received CDP message.
Indicates the size of the largest datagram that can be sent/received by remote device, as reported in the most recent CDP message.This object is not instantiated if no MTU field (TLV) was reported in the most recently received CDP message.
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
Indicates the value of the remote device sysName MIB object.By convention, it is the device fully qualified domain name.This object is not instantiated if no sysName field (TLV) was reported in the most recently received CDP message.
cdpCacheSysObjectID OBJECT-TYPE
Indicates the value of the remote device sysObjectID MIB object.This object is not instantiated if no sysObjectID field (TLV) was reported in the most recently received CDP message.
cdpCachePrimaryMgmtAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
An indication of the type of address contained in the corresponding instance of cdpCachePrimaryMgmtAddress.
cdpCachePrimaryMgmtAddr OBJECT-TYPE
This object indicates the (first) network layer address at which the device will accept SNMP messages as reported in the most recently received CDP message.If the corresponding instance of cdpCachePrimaryMgmtAddrType has the value ip(1), then this object would be an IP-address.If the remote device is not currently manageable via any network protocol, this object has the special value of the IPv4 address the most recently received CDP message did not contain any primary address at which the device prefers to receive SNMP messages, then this object is not instanstiated.
cdpCacheSecondaryMgmtAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
An indication of the type of address contained in the corresponding instance of cdpCacheSecondaryMgmtAddress.
cdpCacheSecondaryMgmtAddr OBJECT-TYPE
This object indicates the alternate network layer address (other than the one indicated by cdpCachePrimaryMgmtAddr) at which the device will accept SNMP messages as reported in the most recently received CDP message.If the corresponding instance of cdpCacheSecondaryMgmtAddrType has the value ip(1), then this object would be an IP-address.If the most recently received CDP message did not contain such an alternate network layer address, then this object is not instanstiated.
cdpCachePhysLocation OBJECT-TYPE
Indicates the physical location, as reported by the most recent CDP message, of a connector which is on, or physically connected to, the remote device's interface over which the CDP packet is sent.This object is not instantiated if no Physical Location field (TLV) was reported by the most recently received CDP message.
cdpCacheLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
Indicates the time when this cache entry was last changed.This object is initialised to the current time when the entry gets created and updated to the current time whenever the value of any (other) object instance in the corresponding row is modified.
An indication of whether the Cisco Discovery Protocol is currently running.Entries in cdpCacheTable are deleted when CDP is disabled.
cdpGlobalMessageInterval OBJECT-TYPE
The interval at which CDP messages are to be generated.The default value is 60 seconds.
The time for the receiving device holds CDP message.The default value is 180 seconds.
The device ID advertised by this device.The format of this device id is characterized by the value of
cdpGlobalDeviceIdFormat object.
cdpGlobalLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
Indicates the time when the cache table was last changed.It is the most recent time at which any row was last created, modified or deleted.
cdpGlobalDeviceIdFormatCpb OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX BITS { serialNumber(0), macAddress(1), other (2) }
Indicates the Device-Id format capability of the device.The serialNumber(0) indicates that the device supports using serial number as the format for its DeviceId.The macAddress(1) indicates that the device supports using layer 2 MAC address as the format for its DeviceId.The other(2) indicates that the device supports using its platform specific format as the format for its DeviceId.
cdpGlobalDeviceIdFormat OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { serialNumber(1), macAddress(2), other(3) }
An indication of the format of Device-Id contained in the corresponding instance of cdpGlobalDeviceId.User can only specify the formats that the device is capable of as denoted in cdpGlobalDeviceIdFormatCpb object.The serialNumber(1) indicates that the value of cdpGlobalDeviceId object is in the form of an ASCII string contain the device serial number.The macAddress(2) indicates that the value of cdpGlobalDeviceId object is in the form of Layer 2 MAC address.The other(3) indicates that the value of cdpGlobalDeviceId object is in the form of a platform specific ASCII string contain info that identifies the device.For example: ASCII string contains serialNumber appended/prepended with system name.
ciscoCdpMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCdpMIB 2 }
ciscoCdpMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCdpMIBConformance 1 }
ciscoCdpMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCdpMIBConformance 2 }
STATUS obsoleted and superseded by ciscoCdpMIBComplianceV11R01
The compliance statement for the CDP MIB.
::= { ciscoCdpMIBCompliances 1 }
STATUS obsoleted and superseded by ciscoCdpMIBComplianceV11R02
The compliance statement for the CDP MIB.
::= { ciscoCdpMIBCompliances 2 }
STATUS obsoleted and superseded by ciscoCdpMIBComplianceV12R02
The compliance statement for the CDP MIB.
::= { ciscoCdpMIBCompliances 3 }
The compliance statement for the CDP MIB.
OBJECTS { cdpInterfaceEnable, cdpInterfaceMessageInterval, cdpCacheAddressType>cdpCacheAddressType, cdpCacheAddress, cdpCacheVersion, cdpCacheDeviceId, cdpCacheDevicePort, cdpCacheCapabilities, cdpCachePlatform
STATUS obsoleted and superseded by ciscoCdpMIBGroupV11R01
A collection of objects for use with the Cisco Discovery Protocol.
OBJECTS { cdpInterfaceEnable, cdpInterfaceMessageInterval, cdpInterfaceGroup, cdpInterfacePort, cdpCacheAddressType, cdpCacheAddressType, cdpCacheAddress, cdpCacheVersion, cdpCacheDeviceId, cdpCacheDevicePort,
cdpCacheCapabilities, cdpCachePlatform
STATUS obsoleted and superseded by ciscoCdpMIBGroupV11R02
A collection of objects for use with the Cisco Discovery Protocol.
OBJECTS { cdpInterfaceEnable, cdpInterfaceGroup, cdpInterfacePort, cdpCacheAddressType, cdpCacheAddressType, cdpCacheAddress, cdpCacheVersion, cdpCacheDeviceId, cdpCacheDevicePort, cdpCacheCapabilities, cdpCachePlatform, cdpGlobalRun, cdpGlobalMessageInterval, cdpGlobalHoldTime }
STATUS obsoleted and superseded by ciscoCdpMIBGroupV12R02
A collection of objects for use with the Cisco Discovery Protocol.
OBJECTS { cdpInterfaceEnable, cdpInterfaceGroup, cdpInterfacePort, cdpCacheAddressType, cdpCacheAddressType, cdpCacheAddress, cdpCacheVersion, cdpCacheDeviceId, cdpCacheDevicePort, cdpCacheCapabilities, cdpCachePlatform, cdpCacheVTPMgmtDomain, cdpCacheNativeVLAN, cdpCacheDuplex, cdpGlobalRun, cdpGlobalMessageInterval, cdpGlobalHoldTime, cdpGlobalDeviceId }
A collection of objects for use with the Cisco Discovery Protocol.
OBJECTS { cdpCacheApplianceID, cdpCacheVlanID, cdpCachePowerConsumption, cdpCacheMTU, cdpCacheSysName, cdpCacheSysObjectID, cdpCacheLastChange, cdpCachePhysLocation, cdpCachePrimaryMgmtAddrType, cdpCachePrimaryMgmtAddr, cdpCacheSecondaryMgmtAddrType, cdpCacheSecondaryMgmtAddr, cdpGlobalLastChange, cdpGlobalDeviceIdFormatCpb, cdpGlobalDeviceIdFormat }
A collection of objects for use with the Cisco Discovery Protocol version 2.
ciscoCdpV2IfExtGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { cdpInterfaceExtendedTrust, cdpInterfaceCosForUntrustedPort }
A collection of objects for use with the Cisco Discovery Protocol version 2 to configure the value for Extended Trust TLV and COS for Untrusted Port TLV.
Linux および Cisco Unified CM Release 5.x、6.x、7.x. の場合、次の処理を実行してログと情報を収集し、分析を行います。
• set trace enable Detailed cdpmib CLI を使用して、cdpAgt() の詳細なトレースを設定します。
• Serviceability Web ページ([Tools] > [Controlcenter- Network Services])から Cisco CDP Agent サービスを再起動し、しばらく待機します。
– file get activelog cm/trace/cdpmib/sdi コマンドを使用して Cisco CDP Agent のトレースを有効にし、 file get activelog cm/trace/cdp/sdi コマンドを使用して Cisco CDP のデーモン トレースを有効にします。
– Real-Time Monitoring Tool(RTMT; リアルタイム モニタリング ツール)の [Trace & Log Central] > [Collect Files] > [Cisco CallManager SNMP Service] > [Cisco CDP Agent and Cisco CDP] を使用して、Cisco CDP Agent およびデーモン トレースを有効にします。
• ログを収集したら、 set trace disable cdpmib コマンドを使用して、トレース設定をリセットします。
Windows および Cisco Unified CM Release 4.x の場合、次の処理を実行してログを収集し、分析を行います。
• レジストリ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems, Inc.\SnmpCDPAgent の TraceEnabled を True に設定し、SNMP サービスを再起動します。
• SNMP サービスが再起動されると、別のオプションの TraceLevel が表示されます。この値を 3 に設定します。
• ログ ファイル C:\Program Files\Cisco\bin\SnmpCDPImpl.log を収集します。
• c:\utils の tlist.exe と snmp.exe の出力、および c:\program files\cisco\bin ディレクトリの出力を収集します。
CDP インターフェイス テーブルと globalinfo テーブルが空になっています。
使用中の Cisco Unified CM Release に、この機能があることを確認してください。ない場合は、アップグレードしてください。
インターフェイス テーブルに設定されている MessageInterval の値が、CDP MIB のグローバル テーブルにも設定されているのはなぜですか。
HoldTime の値が MessageInterval の値より大きいかどうかを確認してください。HoldTime の値が MessageInterval の値より小さい場合は、インターフェイス テーブルからもグローバル テーブルからも MessageInterval の値を設定することができません。
(注) この CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB は、形式が変更されています。この項のすべての MIB は、http://tools.cisco.com/Support/SNMP/do/BrowseMIB.do?local=en&step=2 からダウンロードしてコンパイルしてください。
この MIB を使用すると、Cisco IOS で生成された syslog メッセージを収集できます。Cisco IOS では、さまざまなテキスト メッセージが生成されます。これらのメッセージを syslog サーバに送信するように、Cisco IOS を設定することができます。この MIB を使用すると、これらと同じメッセージを SNMP 経由で受信することもできます。このマニュアルではこれ以降、これらのメッセージを syslog メッセージと呼びます。
(注) 現時点では、CLI デバッグ コマンドを入力した結果として生成されるメッセージを SNMP 経由では取得できません。
Cisco IOS のすべての syslog メッセージには、タイムスタンプ(オプション)、ファシリティ名(メッセージの送信元)、重大度、メッセージ名、およびメッセージ テキストが含まれます。syslog メッセージの典型的な例として、次のようなものがあります:%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: configured from console where facility=SYS, severity=5, message name=CONFIG_I
CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB をコンパイルするには、次に示されている順番で MIB をコンパイルする必要があります。
• 「改訂」
• 「定義」
• 「通知」
• 「適合情報」
• 「準拠宣言」
• 「適合単位」
表 7-7 に、最新の改訂から順に MIB の改訂を示します。
この MIB モジュールには、Cisco IOS ソフトウェアで生成されたシステム メッセージを格納する方法が記述されています。::= { ciscoMgmt 41 } |
次の定義が CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB 用にインポートされています。
• SNMPv2-SMI から:TEXTUAL-CONVENTION、DisplayString、TimeStamp、TruthValue
ciscoSyslogMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogMIB 1 }
clogBasicOBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogMIBObjects 1 }
clogHistoryOBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogMIBObjects 2 }
The severity of a syslog message.The enumeration values are equal to the values that syslog uses + 1.For example, with syslog, emergency=0.
SYNTAX INTEGER { emergency(1), alert(2), critical(3), error(4), warning(5), notice(6), info(7), debug(8) }
clogNotificationsSent OBJECT-TYPE
The number of clogMessageGenerated notifications that have been sent.This number may include notifications that were prevented from being transmitted due to reasons such as resource limitations and/or non-connectivity.If one is receiving notifications, one can periodically poll this object to determine if any notifications were missed.If so, a poll of the clogHistoryTable might be appropriate.
clogNotificationsEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
Indicates whether clogMessageGenerated notifications will or will not be sent when a syslog message is generated by the device.Disabling notifications does not prevent syslog messages from being added to the clogHistoryTable.
Indicates which syslog severity levels will be processed.Any syslog message with a severity value greater than this value will be ignored by the agent.
(注) 重大度は数値が大きくなるほど低くなります。たとえば、エラー(4)はデバッグ(8)より重大です。
The number of syslog messages which were ignored.A message will be ignored if it has a severity value greater than clogMaxSeverity.
The number of syslog messages which could not be processed due to lack of system resources.Most likely this will occur at the same time that syslog messages are generated to indicate this lack of resources.Increases in this object's value may serve as an indication that system resource levels should be examined via other mib objects.A message that is dropped will not appear in the history table and no notification will be sent for this message.
clogHistTableMaxLength OBJECT-TYPE
The upper limit on the number of entries that the clogHistoryTable may contain.A value of zero prevents any history from being retained.When this table is full, the oldest entry will be deleted and a new one will be created.
clogHistMsgsFlushed OBJECT-TYPE
The number of entries that have been removed from the clogHistoryTable in order to make room for new entries.This object can be utilized to determine whether your polling frequency on the history table is fast enough and/or the size of your history table is large enough such that you are not missing messages.
A table of syslog messages generated by this device.All 'interesting' syslog messages (i.e. severity <= clogMaxSeverity) are entered into this table.
A syslog message that was previously generated by this device.Each entry is indexed by a message index.
ClogHistoryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { clogHistIndex Integer32, clogHistFacility DisplayString, clogHistSeverity SyslogSeverity, clogHistMsgName DisplayString, clogHistMsgText DisplayString, clogHistTimestamp TimeStamp }
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
A monotonically increasing integer for the sole purpose of indexing messages.When it reaches the maximum value the agent flushes the table and wraps the value back to 1.
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..20))
Name of the facility that generated this message.For example: 'SYS'.
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..30))
A textual identification for the message type.A facility name in conjunction with a message name uniquely identifies a message type.
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..255))
The text of the message.If the text of the message exceeds 255 bytes, the message will be truncated to 254 bytes and a '*' character will be appended indicating that the message has been truncated.
ciscoSyslogMIBNotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogMIB 2 }
ciscoSyslogMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogMIBNotificationPrefix 0 }
clogMessageGenerated NOTIFICATION-TYPE
OBJECTS {clogHistFacility, clogHistSeverity, clogHistMsgName, clogHistMsgText, clogHistTimestamp }
When a syslog message is generated by the device a clogMessageGenerated notification is sent.The sending of these notifications can be enabled/disabled via the clogNotificationsEnabled object.
ciscoSyslogMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogMIB 3 }
ciscoSyslogMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogMIBConformance 1 }
ciscoSyslogMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogMIBConformance 2 }
ciscoSyslogMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
The compliance statement for entities which implement the Cisco syslog MIB.
ciscoSyslogMIBGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { clogNotificationsSent, clogNotificationsEnabled, clogMaxSeverity, clogMsgIgnores, clogMsgDrops, clogHistTableMaxLength, clogHistMsgsFlushed, clogHistFacility, clogHistSeverity, clogHistMsgName, clogHistMsgText, clogHistTimestamp }
A collection of objects providing the syslog MIB capability.
syslog には、SNMP トラップ メッセージを生成する際の標準的なバッファ サイズがあります。データは、指定されたフィールド サイズ(255)にトリムされます。これにより、フィールドに対してデータが大きすぎる場合に発生するエラーが回避されます。たとえば、メッセージのテキスト フィールドを 255 バイトに指定したが、メッセージが 300 バイトに達した場合、そのデータはログに記録される前に末尾が切り捨てられて 255 バイトになります。
トラップを設定するには、任意の SNMP 管理アプリケーションの SNMP 設定操作を使用して、clogsNotificationEnabled(を TRUE(1)に設定します。重大度は、任意の SNMP 管理アプリケーションで clogMaxSeverity(を使用して設定します。このオブジェクトは、処理する必要がある syslog の重大度を示します。重大度の値がこの値より大きい syslog メッセージは、エージェントでは無視されます。重大度は数値が大きくなるほど低くなります。
• set trace enable Detailed syslogmib コマンドを使用して、Cisco Syslog Agent の詳細なトレースを設定します。
• Serviceability Web ウィンドウ([Tools] > [Control Center - Network Services])から Cisco Syslog Agent サービスを再起動し、しばらく待機します。
• 次の方法を使用して、Cisco Syslog Agent のトレース ファイルを収集します。
– file get activelog cm/trace/syslogmib/sdi/ コマンド
– RTMT([Trace & Log Central] > [Collect Files] > [Cisco CallManager SNMP Service] > [Cisco Syslog Agent])
• ログを収集したら、 set trace disable syslogmib コマンドを使用して、トレース設定をリセットします。
リモート syslog サーバの設定について教えてください。リモート syslog サーバは、Cisco Unified Communications Manager の管理ページの [システム(System)] > [エンタープライズ パラメータ(Enterprise Parameters)] から設定できます。また、次の項目を設定できます。
• リモート syslog サーバ名 :syslog メッセージを受け入れるために使用するリモート syslog サーバの名前または IP アドレスを入力できます。サーバ名が指定されていない場合、Cisco Unified Serviceability は syslog メッセージを送信しません。Cisco Unified Communications Manager サーバは別のサーバからの syslog メッセージを受け入れないため、Cisco Unified Communications Manager サーバを宛先として指定しないでください。
– 許可される値:A ~ Z、a ~ z、0 ~ 9、ピリオド(.)、ハイフン(-)で構成された、有効なリモート syslog サーバ名を指定します。
• リモート syslog メッセージに対する syslog の重大度 :リモート syslog サーバに対して、syslog メッセージの重大度を任意に選択できます。選択した重大度以上のすべての syslog メッセージが、リモート syslog サーバに送信されます。リモート サーバ名が指定されていない場合、Cisco Unified Serviceability は syslog メッセージを送信しません。
特定のサービスに固有のアラームをリダイレクトするように、リモート syslog サーバを設定する方法を教えてください。リモート syslog サーバは、Cisco Unified Serviceability ウィンドウの [Alarm] > [Configuration] から設定できます。
• 特定のサーバのドロップダウン リストから、サービス グループとサービスを選択します。
• リモート syslog のアラームを有効にし、必要なアラーム イベント レベルを設定します。リダイレクトするリモート syslog サーバの名前または IP アドレスを入力します。
• 選択した重大度以上の、特定のサービスに対するすべての syslog メッセージが、リモート syslog サーバに送信されます。
設定したリモート サーバでメッセージをキャプチャする方法を教えてください。Kiwi Syslog Daemon は、リモート サーバにインストールできるフリーウェア ツールです。このツールを使用すると、syslog メッセージをキャプチャできます。
[エンタープライズ パラメータ(Enterprise Parameters)] と [アラーム設定(Alarm Configuration)] ページで同じリモート サーバを設定するとどうなりますか。
• リモート syslog のエンタープライズ パラメータを設定すると、設定した重大度以上の syslog メッセージがすべてリダイレクトされます。異なる種類の syslog メッセージに対して行われる分類はありません。生成されたすべての syslog メッセージが単にリダイレクトされるだけです。
• アラーム設定により、重大度に基づいて特定のサービスの syslog メッセージが、設定されているリモート サーバに送信されます。
• エンタープライズ パラメータの設定は、Cisco Syslog Agent がメッセージを送信するために使用します。対応するアプリケーションのアラーム設定では、設定されているリモート syslog サーバへの送信にアラーム インターフェイスを使用します。
• [アラーム(Alarm)] ページで「ローカル syslog」アラームが有効になっている場合は、両方のページで同じリモート サーバが設定されていても問題がないように、サービス固有のメッセージが複製されます(重大度の条件が一致する場合)。たとえば、[エンタープライズ(Enterprise)] ウィンドウの重大度が「エラー」で、アラーム ページの重大度が「デバッグ」で、「ローカル syslog」アラームが有効になっているとします。アラーム ページで設定されている特定のサービスの syslog メッセージの重大度が「デバッグ」および「エラー」よりも高い場合は、メッセージが複製されます。
SysLog サブエージェントでは、Syslog でアラームのトラップが自動的に生成されますか。そのための設定はありますか。Syslog サブエージェントは、syslog アラームのトラップを生成するように設定できます。これには次のような制約があります。
• トラップは選択した重大度に基づいて送信されます。指定されたアラームの重大度が低い場合は、この重大度の低いアラームまたはトラップを取得するために、管理アプリケーションで重大度のしきい値をそれよりも低く設定する必要があります。つまり、管理アプリケーションでは、他の重大度の低いトラップを大量に処理する必要があります。
• SNMP トラップ メッセージのサイズは、255 に制限され、デフォルトでは有効になっていません。つまり、clogsNotificationEnabled(は、デフォルトでは FALSE(2)に設定されています。
(注) この CISCO-SYSLOG-EXT-MIB は形式が変更されています。この項のすべての MIB は、http://tools.cisco.com/Support/SNMP/do/BrowseMIB.do?local=en&step=2 からダウンロードしてコンパイルしてください。
CISCO-SYSLOG-EXT-MIB をコンパイルするには、先に次の一覧に示す MIB をダウンロードし、示されている順序でコンパイルしておく必要があります。
• 「改訂」
• 「定義」
• 「cseSyslogMessageControlTable」
• 「適合性」
• 「適合単位」
表 7-8 に、最新の改訂から順に MIB の改訂を示します。
新しい列挙値を追加しました。RFC 3164 に定義されている管理パラメータに関連するシステム ログを設定およびモニタリングするための MIB モジュール。 |
cseSyslogServerFacility を cseSyslogServerTable に追加しました。TCs SyslogFacility および SyslogExFacility の 2 つを追加しました。 |
次の定義が CISCO-SYSLOG-EXT-MIB 用にインポートされています
• SNMPv2-TC から:snmpAdminString
• SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB から:inetAddressType、InetAddress
• INET-ADDRESS-MIB から:ciscoMgmt
ciscoSyslogExtMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogExtMIB 1 }
cseSyslogConfigurationGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogExtMIBObjects 1 }
The Syslog standard facilities.
– RFC 3014--The BSD Syslog protocol, Section 4.
SYNTAX INTEGER { kernel (0),-- Kernel user (8), -- User Level mail (16), -- Mail System daemon(24),-- System Daemon auth (32),-- Security/Authorization syslog (40),-- Internal Syslogd lpr (48), -- Line Printer subsystem news (56), -- Network New subsystem uucp (64), -- UUCP subsystem cron (72), -- Clock Daemon authPriv (80), -- Security/Auth(private) ftp (88), -- FTP Daemon local0 (128), -- Reserved local use local1 (136), -- Reserved local use local2 (144), -- Reserved local use local3 (152), -- Reserved local use local4 (160), -- Reserved local use local5 (168), -- Reserved local use local6 (176), -- Reserved local use local7 (184)-- Reserved local use }
The Syslog facilities including both standard and proprietary facilities.
– RFC 3014--The BSD Syslog protocol, Section 4.
SYNTAX INTEGER { kernel (0),-- Kernel user (8), -- User Level mail (16), -- Mail System daemon(24), -- System Daemon auth (32),-- Security/Authorization syslog (40),-- Internal Syslogd lpr (48), -- Line Printer subsystem news (56), -- Network New subsystem uucp (64), -- UUCP subsystem cron (72), -- Clock Daemon authPriv (80), -- Security/Auth(private) ftp (88), -- FTP Daemon local0 (128), -- Reserved local use local1 (136), -- Reserved local use local2 (144), -- Reserved local use local3 (152), -- Reserved local use local4 (160), -- Reserved local use local5 (168), -- Reserved local use local6 (176), -- Reserved local use local7 (184), -- Reserved local use vsanMgr (200), -- VSAN Manager fspf (208), -- FSPF domainMgr (216), -- Domain Manager mtsDaemon (224), -- MTS Daemon linecardMgr (232), -- Line Card Mgr sysMgr (240),-- System Manager sysMgrLib (248), -- System Mgr Library zoneServer (256), -- Zone Server virtualIfMgr (264), -- VirtualInterface Mgr ipConfMgr (272), -- IP Config Manager ipfc (280), -- IP Over FC xBarMgr (288), -- Xbar Manager fcDns (296),-- Fibre Channel DNS fabricConfMgr (304),-- Fabric Config Server aclMgr (312),-- AccessControlList Mgr tlPortMgr (320), -- TL Port Manager portMgr (328), -- Port Manager fportServer (336), -- FPort Server portChMgr (344), -- Port Channel Mgr mpls (352), -- MPLS tftpLib (360), -- TFTP Library wwnMgr (368),-- WWN Mgr fcc (376), -- FCC Process qosMgr (384),-- QOS Mgr vhba (392), -- VHBA procMgr (400), -- Proc Mgr vedbMgr (408), -- VEBD Mgr span (416), -- SPANvrrpMgr (424), -- VRRP Mgr fcfwd (432),-- FCFWD ntp (440), -- NTP pltmfmMgr (448), -- Platform Mgr xbarClient (456), -- XBAR Client vrrpEngine (464), -- VRRP Engine callhome (472), -- Callhome ipsMgr (480),-- IPS Mgr fc2 (488), -- FC2 debugLib (496), -- Debug Library vpm (504), -- VPM mcast (512),-- Multicast rdl (520), -- RDL rscn (536), -- RSCN bootvar (552), -- BootVar pss (576), -- Persistent Storage -- System snmp (584), -- SNMP security (592), -- Security vhbad (608),-- VHBAD dns (648), -- DNS rib (656), -- RIB vshd (672), -- VSH Daemon fvpd (688), -- Fabric Virtual Port -- Daemon mplsTunnel (816), -- MPLS Tunnel cdpd (848), -- CDP Daemon ohmsd (920),-- OHMs Daemon portSec (960), -- Port Security Manager ethPortMgr (976), -- Ethernet Port Manager ipaclMgr (1016), -- IP ACL Manager ficonMgr (1064), -- FICON Manager ficonContDev (1096),-- Ficon Control Device rlir (1128),-- RLIR Module fdmi (1136),-- Fabric Device -- Management Interface licmgr (1152), -- License Manager fcspmgr (1160), -- FCSP Manager confCheck (1192), -- Configuration Check ivr (1232), -- Inter-VSAN Routing aaad (1240),-- AAA Daemon tacacsd (1248), -- TACACS Daemon radiusd (1256), -- Radius Daemon fc2d (1320),-- FC2 Daemon lcohmsd (1336), -- LC Ohms Daemon ficonStat (1352), -- FICON Statistics, featureMgr (1360), -- Feature Manager lttd (1376) -- LTT Daemon }
このグループには、System ログ(Syslog)設定オプションが用意されています。
cseSyslogConsoleEnable OBJECT-TYPE
Indicate whether the Syslog messages should be sent to the console.
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 1 }
cseSyslogConsoleMsgSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
Minimum severity of the message that are sent to the Console.
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 2 }
cseSyslogLogFileName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..255))
Name of file to which the Syslog messages are logged.Set operation with a zero length will fail.
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 3 }
cseSyslogLogFileMsgSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
Minimum severity of the message that are sent to the log file (cseSyslogLogFileName).
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 4 }
cseSyslogFileLoggingDisable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer { true (1), noOp (2) }
Indicates whether the Syslog messages should be sent to the file indicated by cseSyslogLogFileName.Once this object is set to 'true', the Syslog messages are no longer sent to the file.The value of 'cseSyslogLogFileName' is set to zero length string.To restart the file logging, the cseSyslogLogFileName should be set to a valid file name.
No action is taken if this object is set to 'noOp'.The value of the object when read is always 'noOp'.
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 5 }
cseSyslogServerTableMaxEntries OBJECT-TYPE
The maximum number of entries that the agent supports in the cseSyslogServerTable.
cseSyslogServerTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Sequence of CseSyslogServerEntry
This table contains all the Syslog servers which are configured.
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 7 }
cseSyslogServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
An entry containing information about a Syslog server.
::= { cseSyslogServerTable 1 }
SEQUENCE { cseSyslogServerIndex Unsigned32, cseSyslogServerAddressType InetAddressType, cseSyslogServerAddress InetAddress, cseSyslogServerMsgSeverity SyslogSeverity, cseSyslogServerStatus RowStatus, cseSyslogServerFacility SyslogFacility }
cseSyslogServerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
An arbitrary integer value, greater than zero, and less than and equal to cseSyslogServerTableMaxEntries, which identifies a Syslog server row in this table.
::= { cseSyslogServerEntry 1 }
cseSyslogServerAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
The type of the address of the Syslog server which is given by the corresponding value of cseSyslogServerAddress.
::= { cseSyslogServerEntry 2 }
cseSyslogServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
The address of the Syslog server.
::= { cseSyslogServerEntry 3 }
cseSyslogServerMsgSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
Minimum severity of the message that are sent to this Syslog server.
::= { cseSyslogServerEntry 4 }
cseSyslogServerStatus OBJECT-TYPE
The status of this row.A row can not become 'active' until the values for cseSyslogServerAddressType and cseSyslogServerAddress in that row have both been set.A row cannot be created until corresponding instances of following objects are instantiated.
The following objects may not be modified while the value of this object is active (1):
::= { cseSyslogServerEntry 5 }
cseSyslogServerFacility OBJECT-TYPE
The facility to be used when sending Syslog messages to this server.
cseSyslogMessageControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Sequence of CseSyslogMessageControlEntry
This table contains the information about what system log messages should be sent to Syslog host, console, log file, and/or logged into the internal buffer.
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 8 }
cseSyslogMessageControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX cseSyslogMessageControlEntry
A system log message control table entry.Each entry specifies a severity for a particular 'facility' which generates Syslog messages.Any generated message which is at least as severe as the specified severity will be logged.
INDEX { cseSyslogMessageFacility }
::= { cseSyslogMessageControlTable 1 }
CseSyslogMessageControlEntry ::=
SEQUENCE { cseSyslogMessageFacility SyslogExFacility, cseSyslogMessageSeverity SyslogSeverity }
cseSyslogMessageFacility OBJECT-TYPE
::= { cseSyslogMessageControlEntry 1 }
cseSyslogMessageSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
Minimum severity of the message that are generated by this Syslog message facility.
::= { cseSyslogMessageControlEntry 2 }
cseSyslogTerminalEnable OBJECT-TYPE
Indicate whether the Syslog messages should be sent to the terminals.
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 9 }
cseSyslogTerminalMsgSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
Minimum severity of the message that are sent to the terminals.
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 10 }
cseSyslogLinecardEnable OBJECT-TYPE
Indicate whether the Syslog messages should be generated at the line cards.
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 11 }
cseSyslogLinecardMsgSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
Minimum severity of the message that are sent from linecards.
ciscoSyslogExtMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogExtMIB 2 }
ciscoSyslogExtMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogExtMIBConformance 1 }
ciscoSyslogExtMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogExtMIBConformance 2 }
ciscoSyslogExtMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
The compliance statement for entities which implement the CISCO-SYSLOG-EXT-MIB.
OBJECT cseSyslogServerAddressType
SYNTAX Integer { ipv4 (1), dns (16) }
Only dns and ipv4 addresses are need to be supported.
SYNTAX Integer { active (1), createAndGo (4), destroy (6)}
Only three values 'createAndGo', 'destroy' and 'active' need to be supported.
OBJECT cseSyslogLinecardEnable
OBJECT cseSyslogLinecardMsgSeverity
OBJECT cseSyslogMessageFacility
ciscoSyslogExtGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { cseSyslogConsoleEnable, cseSyslogLogFileName, cseSyslogFileLoggingDisable, cseSyslogConsoleMsgSeverity, cseSyslogLogFileMsgSeverity, cseSyslogServerTableMaxEntries, cseSyslogServerAddress, cseSyslogServerAddressType, cseSyslogServerMsgSeverity, cseSyslogServerStatus, cseSyslogServerFacility, cseSyslogMessageSeverity, cseSyslogTerminalEnable, cseSyslogTerminalMsgSeverity, cseSyslogLinecardEnable, cseSyslogLinecardMsgSeverity }