Configuring Indoor Deployment for -E Domain

Configuring Indoor Deployment for -E Domain

The IW9167E supports enabling indoor deployment for -E domain and user can turn on and off indoor deployment by configuration on URWB CLI.


It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the IW9167EH is indeed located indoors before toggling the indoor deployment setting. Outdoor mode can be used indoors, but indoor mode cannot be used outdoors because 5150–5350 MHz channels are indoor-only in -E countries..

Outdoor mode is always the default.

To enable indoor deployment (5 GHz reg domain changes from -E to -Ei) use the following CLI command.

Device# configure wireless indoor-deployment enable

To disable indoor deployment (5 GHz reg domain changes from -Ei to -E) use the following CLI command.

Device# configure wireless indoor-deployment disable

To verify -E indoor deployment use the following show commands.

For enabled indoor deployment
Device# show Dot11Radio {1|2} config
DFS region : E
DFS radar role : auto
Radar detected : 0
Indoor deployment : enable
Device# show controllers Dot11Radio {1|2}
Radio info summary:
Radio : 5.0 GHz
Carrier set : (-Ei) GB
Base radio MAC : FC:58:9A:15:B7:C0
Supported channels:
36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140
For disabled indoor deployment
Device# show Dot11Radio {1|2} config
DFS region : E
DFS radar role : auto
Radar detected : 0
Indoor deployment : disable
Device# show controllers Dot11Radio {1|2}
Radio info summary:
Radio : 5.0 GHz
Carrier set : (-E) GB
Base radio MAC : FC:58:9A:15:B7:C0
Supported channels:
100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140