NFVIS Clustering Capability for Cisco Cloud Services Platform

Table 1. Feature History

Feature Name

Release Information


NFVIS Clustering Capability for Cisco CSP

Cisco NFVIS 4.8.1



This capability is a beta feature in this release and should not be used in production because, Cisco may make changes in the subsequent releases without providing any backward compatibility. The beta is provided as-is and without any warranty of any kind.

This feature enables you to combine three nodes into a single cluster definition so that, all the member nodes display configuration information about all the virtual machines deployed in the cluster. Each member node contributes to a user-specified disk size (same value for all the members) of their total disk size to form a shared and clustered file system. The data is replicated across all the cluster members. This clustering capability is resilient against single node failures.

Prerequisites for NFVIS Clustering Capability for Cisco CSP

Ensure that you configure NTP, so that the system time on all nodes of the cluster is synchronized.

Restrictions for NFVIS Clustering Capability on Cisco CSP

  • To create a cluster for storage virtualization, you can use only three Cisco CSP devices with the same configuration. Configure an IP address on the new bridge. The IP addresses should match one of the three IP addresses used for creating the cluster. We recommend that you configure the 1x10 GigE NIC for data traffic. and Port channel or physical network interface card pNICs.

  • When a cluster is created, the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) on the cluster bridge is automatically set to 9000. Ensure that the switch present in the network that connects to the PNIC supports an MTU of 9000.

  • A cluster cannot be created on NFVIS hosts that have virtual machines deployed on them. If a system has virtual machine deployments, export and delete the virtual machine, before creating the cluster.

  • The backup from an old host cannot be restored once the cluster is created, and the backup for a new host cannot be created after a cluster is created.

  • When a cluster is created, all the nodes in the cluster share their storage with each other. Other NFVIS configurations such as additional bridges, OVS networks, users, groups, TACACS/RADIUS, and SNMP are not synchronized and must be created on each cluster node, separately.

  • This feature does not support storage migration for virtual machines. Cold virtual machine migration between datastores (intdatastore, extdatastore1/2, and shared datastore) is not supported.

  • You cannot add, delete, or replace an existing cluster with a new NFVIS host. If you require a new NFVIS host, in case of faulty hardware, delete the exisiting cluster and create a new cluster with the new host.

Information About NFVIS Clustering Capability for Cisco CSP

NFVIS Clustering Capability

When a device in the network is down, the virtual machines running on the device also go down and become inaccessible. Before Cisco NFVIS 4.8.1, there are two ways to recover the virtual machines:

  • Recover the virtual machine from a back-up. The drawback of this method is that the backup could be outdated depending on when the backup was taken.

  • Deploy the virtual machine in an active-standby mode. The drawback of this method is when the virtual machine is down, the standby takes over. However, this would require two separate licences, one for the active virtual machine and one for the standby virtual machine.

Starting from Cisco NFVIS 4.8.1, the NFVIS clustering capability is introduced. This feature allows you to form a cluster of 3 nodes. The disks of all virtual machines deployed on the cluster are replicated on all the cluster nodes. This enables you to perform a cold migration of one virtual machine to a different node in the cluster when the virtual machine's node goes down.

Guidelines to Enable Cluster Data Traffic

Use a dedicated pNIC to enable the flow of cluster data traffic between the nodes, and this pNIC port should be attached to a newly created bridge for the cluster traffic to flow. Configure an IP address on the new bridge. The same IP address is one of the three IP addresses used for creating the cluster.

We recommend that you configure the 1×10 GigE NIC for data traffic.

Enable Cluster Data Traffic

The following diagram illustrates a dedicated pNIC that enables the flow of cluster data traffic between the nodes. The dedicated pNIC port is attached to a newly created bridge for the cluster traffic to flow.

Figure 1. Cluster Data Traffic Flow
The diagram illustrates three NFVIS nodes combined into a single cluster definition:

Configure NFVIS Clustering Capability on Cisco CSP

Before creating the cluster, ensure to complete the following steps on all the participating nodes:

  1. Configure the time server.
    nfvis# config terminal
    Entering configuration mode terminal
    nfvis(config)# system time ntp preferred_server YOUR-NTPD-IP
    nfvis(config)# end
    Uncommitted changes found, commit them? [yes/no/CANCEL] yes
    Commit complete.
  2. Configure the cluster bridge with IP.
    nfvis# config t
    Entering configuration mode terminal
    nfvis(config)# bridges bridge cluster-br
    nfvis(config-bridge-cluster-br)# ip address
    nfvis(config-bridge-cluster-br)# port eth1-1
    nfvis(config-port-eth1-1)# end
    Uncommitted changes found, commit them? [yes/no/CANCEL] yes
    Commit complete.


    Ensure that the chosen PNIC and IP can communicate with each other.

Create a Cluster

To create a cluster:

  1. Send the create cluster API call to all the Cisco NFVIS that must be added to a cluster for storage virtualization.


    • A cluster for storage virtualization can contain only three devices.

    • The clustering API calls should be issued to all the three nodes within three minutes.

    • The API call contains the name of the cluster, the IPv4 address of the nodes to be added to the cluster, and the disk size to be contributed for clustered storage. The API call also has the datastore parameter to indicate which datastore (internal or external datastore) contributes towards the storage pool.

  2. After receiving the call, each server validates whether sufficient disk space is allocated for storage clustering. The server also ensures that the space utilization of the datastore is less than 80% . After the disk size validation, a reply is sent indicating that the server has received the API call. When the cluster formation is successful, a notification is pushed from the leader node to indicate that storage virtualization is complete.

The following example shows how to create a cluster:
nfvis# config terminal 
Entering configuration mode terminal
nfvis(config)# cluster cluster1 datastore intdatastore size 10 
nfvis(config-cluster-1)# node address-type ipv4 
nfvis(config-node- exit 
nfvis(config-cluster-2)# node address-type ipv4 
nfvis(config-node- exit 
nfvis(config-cluster-3)#node address-type ipv4 
nfvis(config-node- commit

The cluster distributed file system is created, and it serves as a storage location for virtual machine registration and deployment. For information on verifying cluster creation, see Verify Storage Virtualization.

Register and Deploy the VM

To register and deploy VMs on the cluster, specify gluster as the placement option. The VM’s disk details are replicated across all the other nodes on the cluster.

The following information is available to all the nodes and can be used while migrating the VM:

  • The running configuration of image registration

  • Flavor

  • Deployment

The following parameters should be unique across the cluster (for both cluster VMs and local VMs):

  • Flavor name

  • Deployment names

  • SRIOV networks

  • int-mgmt IPs

  • Port numbers used for port forwarding

During VM registration and deployment, if any of the above mentioned parameters aren't unique, the deployment is rejected.

The following example shows how to register the image:
nfvis(config)# vm_lifecycle images image centos src file:///data/intdatastore/uploads/Centos_7.tar.gz properties property placement value gluster      

nfvis(config-property-placement)# commit

Commit complete.
The following example shows how to deploy the VM:
nfvis(config)# vm_lifecycle tenants tenant admin deployments deployment centosvm vm_group dep1 image centos flavor centos-small bootup_time -1 vim_vm_name centosvm placement zone_host host gluster
nfvis(config-placement-zone_host)# commit

Commit complete.

Migrate the Virtual Machine

virtual machines deployed on the cluster can be migrated to a different node on the cluster, either after they are shut down, or while the node on which they were deployed is down. Specify the API for the source and destination nodes for migration. You can choose to migrate all virtual machines from a source node or specify a list of virtual machines to migrate.

The virtual machine migration API is sent to any of the working nodes. If the host is up during migration, stop the virtual machine.

The virtual machine disk is replicated in the destination node, the virtual machine comes up in the Day-N state. After the migration, the source node is active, and created on the destination node. If the source node is down during the migration, the clean-up on the source node happens when the node comes back up.

The following example shows how to migrate all deployments from the source node to the destination node:
nfvis# cluster cluster1 migrate-deployment source-node destination-node all-deployments
The following example shows how to migrate specific deployments from the source node to the destination node:
nfvis# cluster cluster1 migrate-deployment source-node destination-node deployment-list [ centosvirtual machine4 centosvirtual machine5 ]

For information about verifying virtual machine migration, see Verify Storage Virtualization.

Virtual Machine Export and Import

Virtual Machines can be exported to any local/external datastore/NFS mount path, and can be imported from the /mnt/gluster/uploads folder.


You cannot export Virtual Machines to the /mnt/gluster/uploads folder.

The following example shows how to export a virutal machine:
nfvis# vmExportAction exportName asaexport exportPath intdatastore:/uploads/ vmName ASAvDep.ASAvMgrp
The following example shows how to import a virtual machine:
nfvis# vmImportAction importPath /mnt/gluster/uploads/backup_router.vmbkp


nfvis# vmImportAction importPath gluster:/uploads/backup_router.vmbkp

Delete the Cluster

Deleting a cluster is similar to cluster creation. The API for cluster deletion has a “no” prefix followed by cluster-name. The delete cluster API should be sent to all the nodes in the cluster to delete the cluster.

Delete the virtual machine images and deployments on the cluster before deleting the cluster.


After a delete cluster API is sent to a node, sending another create cluster API to the same node does not add the node back to the cluster.

The delete a cluster, use the following command:
nfvis(config)# no cluster cluster1

Cluster File Operations

Use the following commands to manage the files in the glusterFS storage.

To copy files using the file-copy command:
nfvis# system file-copy source /data/intdatastore/uploads/test_file_in_intdatastore.txt destination /mnt/gluster/uploads
To copy files using the scp command:
scp into /mnt/gluster/uploads/
nfvis# scp user@

scp from /mnt/gluster/uploads/
nfvis# scp user@

scp from outside
nfvis# scp -P 22222 test.txt admin@
To view the files present in glusterFS:

nfvis# show system file-list disk gluster                                               
SI NO  NAME              PATH                  SIZE  TYPE        DATE MODIFIED        
1      TinyLinux.tar.gz  /mnt/gluster/uploads  17M   VM Package  2022-01-18 16:21:03  
To delete files from /mnt/gluster/uploads:
nfvis# system file-delete file name /mnt/gluster/uploads/test.txt


The file-copy and file-delete commands only work for the following folders:

  • /data/intdatastore/

  • /data/intdatastore/uploads/

  • /mnt/extdatastore1/

  • /mnt/extdatastore1/uploads/

  • /mnt/extdatastore2/

  • /mnt/extdatastore2/uploads/

  • /mnt/gluster/uploads/ folder

Support Commands for NFVIS Clustering Capability

The following support commands can be used to debug NFVIS clustering:

The following example shows how to check the etcd status:
nfvis# support show etcd 
Possible completions:
  all-information   Display all etcd information
  cluster-health    Display cluster health
  member-list       Display members of the cluster
  service-status    Display status of etcd services
The following example shows how to check the glusterFS status:
nfvis# support show gluster 
Possible completions:
  all-information   Display all glusterfs information
  mount             Display the glusterfs mount information
  peer-status       Display the glusterfs peer connectivity information
  service-status    Display status of glusterfs services
  volume-info       Display the glusterfs volume information

Verify NFVIS Clustering Capability

The following example shows the success scenario of NFVIS clustering capability:
nfvis# show cluster
cluster cluster1
cluster-state ok
creation-time 2022-01-18T15:32:23-00:00
details "Gluster peers Healthy"
disk-usage total 10.0
disk-usage available 10.0
The following example shows the cluster degraded scenario:
nfvis# show cluster
cluster cluster1
cluster-state degraded
creation-time 2022-01-18T15:32:23-00:00
details "One Node: in the cluster is down"
disk-usage total 10.0
disk-usage available 10.0
The following example shows the cluster down scenario:

nfvis# show cluster
cluster cluster1
 cluster-state down
  creation-time 2022-01-18T15:32:23-00:00
 details       "Etcd is inactive"
 disk-usage total 10.0
 disk-usage available 10.0
The following example shows a successful VM migration:
nfvis#  show cluster migration-status 
cluster cluster1
migration-status start-time 2022-01-19T14:48:28
migration-status source-node
migration-status destination-node
migration-status status MIGRATION-SUCCESS
migration-status details ""
CentosVM   MIGRATED 2022-01-19  22:48:56.897 Migrated VM[CentosVM] to new host[] 
OTHER56    MIGRATED 2022-01-19  22:48:57.214 Migrated VM[OTHER56] to new host[]


In NFVIS 4.8, the show cluster command only displays the latest migration status.

NFVIS Clustering Capability Notifications and Syslogs

Table 2. Notifications
Description Notification Seen on
Cluster creation in progress
 eventTime 2022-01-27T12:48:34.440959+00:00
  user_id admin
  config_change false
  transaction_id 0
  status SUCCESS
  status_code 0
  status_message Cluster creation in progress
  details NA
  severity INFO
  host_name nfvis
All nodes
Cluster creation success
eventTime 2022-01-27T12:49:24.068755+00:00
 user_id admin
 config_change false
 transaction_id 0
 status SUCCESS
 status_code 0
 status_message Cluster creation succeeded
 details Storage virtualization successful
 severity INFO
 host_name nfvis
Leader node
Cluster creation failure

eventTime 2022-02-02T19:43:38.281773+00:00
 user_id admin
 config_change false
 transaction_id 0
 status FAILURE
 status_code 0
 status_message Cluster creation failed
 details etcd cluster creation failed ETCD cluster health is not healthy
 severity INFO
 host_name nfvis
All nodes
Cluster deletion in progress
 eventTime 2022-01-27T04:42:08.654507+00:00
  user_id admin
  config_change false
  transaction_id 0
  status SUCCESS
  status_code 0
  status_message Cluster deletion in progress
  details NA
  severity INFO
  host_name nfvis
All nodes
Cluster deletion success

eventTime 2022-01-27T04:42:12.768702+00:00
 user_id admin
 config_change false
 transaction_id 0
 status SUCCESS
 status_code 0
 status_message Cluster deletion succeeded
 details Cluster deletion successful
 severity INFO
 host_name nfvis
Node where deletion succeeded
Cluster deletion failure
 eventTime 2021-12-03T11:35:55.477465+00:00
  user_id admin
  config_change false
  transaction_id 0
  status FAILURE
  status_code 0
  status_message Cluster deletion failed
  details ['Internal error']
  severity INFO
  host_name nfvis
Node where deletion failed
VM migration initiated
 eventTime 2022-01-26T19:49:14.06+00:00
  status SUCCESS
  status_code 200
  status_message Migration request accepted
  vmlcEvent migration 
   vmlcEvent migration vm 
    name Centos_101
    status MIGRATING
   vmlcEvent migration vm 
    name ASAv_101
    status MIGRATING
  vmlcEvent event 
Destination node for migration
VM migration completed
 eventTime 2022-01-26T19:49:46.139+00:00
  status SUCCESS
  status_code 200
  status_message Migration processing complete
  vmlcEvent migration 
   vmlcEvent migration vm 
    name Centos_101
   vmlcEvent migration vm 
    name ASAv_101
  vmlcEvent event 
Destination node for migration
VM migration failed at source
 eventTime 2022-01-26T00:53:19.737912+00:00
  user_id admin
  config_change false
  transaction_id 0
  status FAILURE
  status_code 0
  status_message Please stop Deployments ['ASAv_209', 'OTHER18', 'c8kv_209'] before migration
  details NA
  severity INFO
  host_name 172-25-221-9
At source if validation fails at source


Description Syslog Sent from
Cluster creation in progress
Jan 27 04:48:34 nfvis %SYS-6-CLUSTER_CREATION_IN_PROGRESS: Cluster creation in progress
All nodes
Cluster creation success
Jan 27 04:49:24 nfvis %SYS-6-CLUSTER_CREATION_SUCCESS: Cluster creation succeeded Storage virtualization successful
Leader node
Cluster creation failed
Jan 26 21:12:34 nfvis %SYS-3-CLUSTER_CREATION_FAILURE: Cluster creation failed etcd cluster creation failed ETCD cluster health is not healthy
All nodes
Cluster deletion in progress
Jan 27 04:45:13 nfvis %SYS-6-CLUSTER_DELETION_IN_PROGRESS: Cluster deletion in progress
All nodes
Cluster deletion success
Jan 27 04:45:16 nfvis %SYS-6-CLUSTER_DELETION_SUCCESS: Cluster deletion succeeded Cluster deletion successful
Node where the deletion succeeded
Cluster delete failed
Jan 26 11:36:55 nfvis %SYS-3-CLUSTER_DELETION_FAILURE: Cluster deletion failed ['Internal error']
Node where the deletion failed
VM migration initiated
Jan 26 11:49:14 172-25-221-101 %SYS-6-VM_MIGRATE_INIT: VM migration initiation successful: Centos_101 MIGRATING ASAv_101 MIGRATING
Destination node for migration
VM migration completed
Jan 26 11:49:47 172-25-221-101 %SYS-6-VM_MIGRATE_COMPLETE: VM migration successful:
Destination node for migration
VM migration failed at source
Jan 25 16:53:19 172-25-221-9 %SYS-3-MIGRATION_FAILURE: Please stop Deployments ['ASAv_209', 'OTHER18', 'c8kv_209'] before migration
At source if validation fails at source