Managing Configuration

Resetting the Controller to Default Settings

You can return the controller to its original configuration by resetting the controller to factory-default settings.

This section contains the following subsections:

Resetting the Controller to Default Settings (GUI)


Step 1

Start your Internet browser.

Step 2

Enter the controller IP address in the browser address line and press Enter. An Enter Network Password dialog box appears.

Step 3

Enter your username in the User Name text box. The default username is admin.

Step 4

Enter the wireless device password in the Password text box and press Enter. The default password is admin.

Step 5

Choose Commands > Reset to Factory Default.

Step 6

Click Reset.

Step 7

When prompted, confirm the reset.

Step 8

Reboot the controller without saving the configuration.

Step 9

Use the configuration wizard to enter configuration settings.

Resetting the Controller to Default Settings (CLI)


Step 1

Enter the reset system command. At the prompt that asks whether you need to save changes to the configuration, enter N. The unit reboots.

Step 2

When you are prompted for a username, enter the recover-config command to restore the factory-default configuration. The controller reboots and displays this message:

Welcome to the Cisco WLAN Solution Wizard Configuration Tool

Step 3

Use the configuration wizard to enter configuration settings.

Saving Configurations

Controllers contain two types of memory: volatile RAM and NVRAM. At any time, you can save the configuration changes from active volatile RAM to nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM). You are prompted to save your configuration automatically whenever you initiate a reboot of the controller or log out of a GUI or a CLI session. The following are some examples of the corresponding commands:

  • save config—Saves the configuration from volatile RAM to NVRAM without resetting the controller.

  • reset system—Prompts you to confirm that you want to save configuration changes before the controller reboots.

  • logout—Prompts you to confirm that you want to save configuration changes before you log out.

Editing Configuration Files

When you save the controller’s configuration, the controller stores it in XML format in flash memory. Controller software release 5.2 or later releases enable you to easily read and modify the configuration file by converting it to CLI format. When you upload the configuration file to a TFTP/FTP/SFTP server, the controller initiates the conversion from XML to CLI. You can then read or edit the configuration file in a CLI format on the server. When you are finished, you download the file back to the controller, where it is reconverted to an XML format and saved.


Step 1

Upload the configuration file to a TFTP/FTP/SFTP server by performing one of the following:

  • Upload the file using the controller GUI.

  • Upload the file using the controller CLI.

Step 2

Read or edit the configuration file on the server. You can modify or delete existing CLI commands and add new CLI commands to the file.


To edit the configuration file, you can use your text editor of choice such as Notepad or Wordpad on Windows platforms, VI editor on Linux, and so forth.

Step 3

Save your changes to the configuration file on the server.

Step 4

Download the configuration file to the controller by performing one of the following:

  • Download the file using the controller GUI.

  • Download the file using the controller CLI.

The controller converts the configuration file to an XML format, saves it to flash memory, and then reboots using the new configuration. CLI commands with known keywords and proper syntax are converted to XML while improper CLI commands are ignored and saved to flash memory. Any CLI commands that have invalid values are replaced with default values. To see any ignored commands or invalid configuration values, enter this command:

show invalid-config


You cannot execute this command after the clear config or save config command.

Step 5

If the downloaded configuration contains a large number of invalid CLI commands, you might want to upload the invalid configuration to the TFTP or FTP server for analysis. To do so, perform one of the following:

  • Upload the invalid configuration using the controller GUI. Follow the instructions in the Uploading Configuration Files (GUI) section but choose Invalid Config from the File Type drop-down list in Step 2 and skip Step 3.

  • Upload the invalid configuration using the controller CLI. Follow the instructions in the Uploading Configuration Files (CLI) section but enter the transfer upload datatype invalid-config command in Step 2 and skip Step 3.

Step 6

The controller does not support the uploading and downloading of port configuration CLI commands. If you want to configure the controller ports, enter these commands:

  • config port linktrap {port | all} {enable | disable}—Enables or disables the up and down link traps for a specific controller port or for all ports.

  • config port adminmode {port | all} {enable | disable}—Enables or disables the administrative mode for a specific controller port or for all ports.

Step 7

Save your changes by entering this command:

save config

Clearing the Controller Configuration


Step 1

Clear the configuration by entering this command:

clear config

Enter y at the confirmation prompt to confirm the action.

Step 2

Reboot the system by entering this command:

reset system

Enter n to reboot without saving configuration changes. When the controller reboots, the configuration wizard starts automatically.

Step 3

Follow the instructions in the Configuring the Controller-Using the Configuration Wizard section to complete the initial configuration.

Restoring Passwords

Before you begin

Ensure that you are accessing the controller CLI through the console port.


Step 1

After the controller boots up, enter Restore-Password at the User prompt.


For security reasons, the text that you enter does not appear on the controller console.

Step 2

At the Enter User Name prompt, enter a new username.

Step 3

At the Enter Password prompt, enter a new password.

Step 4

At the Re-enter Password prompt, reenter the new password. The controller validates and stores your entries in the database.

Step 5

When the User prompt reappears, enter your new username.

Step 6

When the Password prompt appears, enter your new password. The controller logs you in with your new username and password.

Rebooting the Controller

You can reset the controller and view the reboot process on the CLI console using one of the following two methods:

  • Turn the controller off and then turn it back on.

  • On the CLI, enter the reset system command. At the confirmation prompt, press y to save configuration changes to NVRAM. The controller reboots.

When the controller reboots, the CLI console displays the following reboot information:

  • Initializing the system.

  • Verifying the hardware configuration.

  • Loading microcode into memory.

  • Verifying the operating system software load.

  • Initializing with its stored configurations.

  • Displaying the login prompt.

Transferring Files to and from a Controller

Controllers have built-in utilities for uploading and downloading various files. Follow the instructions in these sections to import files using either the controller GUI or CLI:

Backing Up and Restoring Controller Configuration

We recommend that you upload your controller's configuration file to a server to back it up. If you lose your configuration, you can then download the saved configuration to the controller.


Do not download a configuration file to your controller directly that was uploaded from a different controller platform.


While controller configuration backup is in progress, we recommend you do not initiate any new configuration or modify any existing configuration settings. This is to avoid corrupting the configuration file.

Follow these guidelines when working with configuration files:

  • Any CLI with an invalid value is filtered out and set to default by the XML validation engine. Validation occurs during bootup. A configuration may be rejected if the validation fails. A configuration may fail if you have an invalid CLI. For example, if you have a CLI where you try to configure a WLAN without adding appropriate commands to add the WLAN.

  • A configuration may be rejected if the dependencies are not addressed. For example, if you try to configure dependent parameters without using the add command. The XML validation may succeed but the configuration download infrastructure will immediately reject the configuration with no validation errors.

  • An invalid configuration can be verified by using the show invalid-config command. The show invalid-config command reports the configuration that is rejected by the controller either as part of download process or by XML validation infrastructure.


    You can also read and modify the configuration file via a text editor, to correct any incorrect configuration commands. After you are done, you can save the changes and once again try the configuration download to the controller in question.
  • A wireless client that connects to the controller when Management over Wireless has been enabled can still conduct an upgrade using the newer HTTP transfer method.

Uploading Configuration Files

You can upload configuration files using either the GUI or the CLI.

Uploading the Configuration Files (GUI)

Step 1

Choose Commands > Upload File to open the Upload File from Controller page.

Step 2

From the File Type drop-down list, choose Configuration.

Step 3

(Optional) Encrypt the configuration file by checking the Configuration File Encryption check box and entering the encryption key in the Encryption Key field.

Step 4

From the Transfer Mode drop-down list, choose from the following options:

  • TFTP
  • FTP
  • SFTP

Step 5

In the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the server.

Step 6

In the File Path field, enter the directory path of the configuration file.

Step 7

In the File Name field, enter the name of the configuration file.

Step 8

If you are using an FTP server, follow these steps:

  1. In the Server Login Username field, enter the username to log into the FTP server.

  2. In the Server Login Password field, enter the password to log into the FTP server.

  3. In the Server Port Number field, enter the port number on the FTP server through which the upload occurs. The default value is 21.

Step 9

Click Upload to upload the configuration file to the server. A message appears indicating the status of the upload. If the upload fails, repeat this procedure and try again.

Uploading the Configuration Files (CLI)

Step 1

Specify the transfer mode used to upload the configuration file by entering this command:

transfer upload mode {tftp | ftp | sftp}

Step 2

Specify the type of file to be uploaded by entering this command:

transfer upload datatype config

Step 3

(Optional) Encrypt the configuration file by entering these commands:

  • transfer encrypt enable

  • transfer encrypt set-key key, where key is the encryption key used to encrypt the file.

Step 4

Specify the IP address of the server by entering this command:

transfer upload serverip server-ip-address

Step 5

Specify the directory path of the configuration file by entering this command:

transfer upload path server-path-to-file

Step 6

Specify the name of the configuration file to be uploaded by entering this command:

transfer upload filename filename

Step 7

If you are using an FTP server, enter these commands to specify the username and password used to log into the FTP server and the port number through which the upload occurs:

  • transfer upload username username

  • transfer upload password password

  • transfer upload port port


    The default value for the port parameter is 21.

Step 8

Initiate the upload process by entering this command:

transfer upload start

Step 9

When prompted to confirm the current settings, answer y.

Information similar to the following appears:

Mode............................................. TFTP  
TFTP Server IP...................................
TFTP Path........................................ Config/
TFTP Filename.................................... AS_5520_x_Config.xml
Data Type........................................ Config File 
Encryption....................................... Disabled

***  WARNING: Config File Encryption Disabled  ***

Are you sure you want to start? (y/N) Y 
File transfer operation completed successfully.

If the upload fails, repeat this procedure and try again.

Downloading Configuration Files

You can download configuration files using either the GUI or the CLI.

Downloading the Configuration Files (GUI)

Step 1

Choose Commands > Download File to open the Download File to Controller page.

Step 2

From the File Type drop-down list, choose Configuration.

Step 3

If the configuration file is encrypted, check the Configuration File Encryption check box and enter the encryption key used to decrypt the file in the Encryption Key field.


The key that you enter here should match the one entered during the upload process.

Step 4

From the Transfer Mode drop-down list, choose from the following options:

  • TFTP
  • FTP
  • SFTP

Step 5

In the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the server.

If you are using a TFTP server, the default values of 10 retries and 6 seconds for the Maximum Retries and Timeout fields should work correctly without any adjustment. However, you can change these values.

Step 6

(Optional) Enter the maximum number of times that the TFTP server attempts to download the configuration file in the Maximum Retries field and the amount of time (in seconds) that the TFTP server attempts to download the configuration file in the Timeout field.

Step 7

In the File Path field, enter the directory path of the configuration file.

Step 8

In the File Name field, enter the name of the configuration file.

Step 9

If you are using an FTP server, follow these steps:

  1. In the Server Login Username field, enter the username to log into the FTP server.

  2. In the Server Login Password field, enter the password to log into the FTP server.

  3. In the Server Port Number field, enter the port number on the FTP server through which the download occurs. The default value is 21.

Step 10

Click Download to download the file to the controller. A message appears indicating the status of the download, and the controller reboots automatically. If the download fails, repeat this procedure and try again.

Downloading the Configuration Files (CLI)


The controller does not support incremental configuration downloads. The configuration file contains all mandatory commands (all interface address commands, mgmtuser with read-write permission commands, and interface port or LAG enable or disable commands) required to successfully complete the download. For example, if you download only the config time ntp server index server_address command as part of the configuration file, the download fails. Only the commands present in the configuration file are applied to the controller, and any configuration in the controller prior to the download is removed.

Step 1

Specify the transfer mode used to download the configuration file by entering this command:

transfer download mode {tftp | ftp | sftp}

Step 2

Specify the type of file to be downloaded by entering this command:

transfer download datatype config

Step 3

If the configuration file is encrypted, enter these commands:

  • transfer encrypt enable

  • transfer encrypt set-key key , where key is the encryption key used to decrypt the file.


    The key that you enter here should match the one entered during the upload process.

Step 4

Specify the IP address of the TFTP or FTP server by entering this command:

transfer download serverip server-ip-address

Step 5

Specify the directory path of the configuration file by entering this command:

transfer download path server-path-to-file

Step 6

Specify the name of the configuration file to be downloaded by entering this command:

transfer download filename filename

Step 7

(Optional) If you are using a TFTP server, enter these commands:

  • transfer download tftpMaxRetries retries

  • transfer download tftpPktTimeout timeout


    The default values of 10 retries and a 6-second timeout should work correctly without any adjustment. However, you can change these values. To do so, enter the maximum number of times that the TFTP server attempts to download the software for the retries parameter and the amount of time (in seconds) that the TFTP server attempts to download the software for the timeout parameter.

Step 8

If you are using an FTP server, enter these commands to specify the username and password used to log into the FTP server and the port number through which the download occurs:

  • transfer upload username username

  • transfer upload password password

  • transfer upload port port


    The default value for the port parameter is 21.

Step 9

View the updated settings by entering this command:

transfer download start

Step 10

When prompted to confirm the current settings and start the download process, answer y.

Information similar to the following appears:

Mode............................................. TFTP  
TFTP Server IP...................................
TFTP Path........................................ Config/
TFTP Filename.................................... AS_5520_x_Config.xml
Data Type........................................ Config File 
Encryption....................................... Disabled

***  WARNING: Config File Encryption Disabled  ***

Are you sure you want to start? (y/N) y 

File transfer operation completed successfully.

If the download fails, repeat this procedure and try again.

Downloading a Login Banner File

You can download a login banner file using either the GUI or the CLI. The login banner is the text that appears on the page before user authentication when you access the controller GUI or CLI using Telnet, SSH, or a console port connection.

You save the login banner information as a text (*.txt) file. The text file cannot be larger than 1296 characters and cannot have more than 16 lines of text.


The ASCII character set consists of printable and nonprintable characters. The login banner supports only printable characters.

Here is an example of a login banner:

Welcome to the Cisco Wireless Controller!
Unauthorized access prohibited.
Contact for access.

Follow the instructions in this section to download a login banner to the controller through the GUI or CLI. However, before you begin, make sure that you have a TFTP or FTP server available for the file download. Follow these guidelines when setting up a TFTP or FTP server:

  • If you are downloading through the service port, the TFTP or FTP server must be on the same subnet as the service port because the service port is not routable, or you must create static routes on the controller.

  • If you are downloading through the distribution system network port, the TFTP or FTP server can be on the same or a different subnet because the distribution system port is routable.

Downloading a Login Banner File (GUI)


Step 1

Copy the login banner file to the default directory on your server.

Step 2

Choose Commands > Download File to open the Download File to Controller page.

Step 3

From the File Type drop-down list, choose Login Banner.

Step 4

From the Transfer Mode drop-down list, choose from the following options:

  • TFTP
  • FTP
  • SFTP

Step 5

In the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the server type you chose in Step 4.

If you are using a TFTP server, the default values of 10 retries and 6 seconds for the Maximum Retries and Timeout fields should work correctly without any adjustment. However, you can change these values.

Step 6

(Optional) Enter the maximum number of times that the TFTP server attempts to download the certificate in the Maximum Retries field and the amount of time (in seconds) that the TFTP server attempts to download the certificate in the Timeout field.

Step 7

In the File Path field, enter the directory path of the login banner file.

Step 8

In the File Name field, enter the name of the login banner text (*.txt) file.

Step 9

If you are using an FTP server, follow these steps:

  1. In the Server Login Username field, enter the username to log into the FTP server.

  2. In the Server Login Password field, enter the password to log into the FTP server.

  3. In the Server Port Number field, enter the port number on the FTP server through which the download occurs. The default value is 21.

Step 10

Click Download to download the login banner file to the controller. A message appears indicating the status of the download.

Downloading a Login Banner File (CLI)


Step 1

Log onto the controller CLI.

Step 2

Specify the transfer mode used to download the config file by entering this command:

transfer download mode {tftp | ftp | sftp}

Step 3

Download the controller login banner by entering this command:

transfer download datatype login-banner

Step 4

Specify the IP address of the TFTP or FTP server by entering this command:

transfer download serverip server-ip-address

Step 5

Specify the name of the config file to be downloaded by entering this command:

transfer download path server-path-to-file

Step 6

Specify the directory path of the config file by entering this command:

transfer download filename filename.txt

Step 7

(Optional) If you are using a TFTP server, enter these commands:

  • transfer download tftpMaxRetries retries

  • transfer download tftpPktTimeout timeout


    The default values of 10 retries and a 6-second timeout should work correctly without any adjustment. However, you can change these values. To do so, enter the maximum number of times that the TFTP server attempts to download the software for the retries parameter and the amount of time (in seconds) that the TFTP server attempts to download the software for the timeout parameter.

Step 8

If you are using an FTP server, enter these commands:

  • transfer download username username

  • transfer download password password

  • transfer download port port


    The default value for the port parameter is 21.

Step 9

View the download settings by entering the transfer download start command. Enter y when prompted to confirm the current settings and start the download process.

Clearing the Login Banner (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Commands > Login Banner to open the Login Banner page.

Step 2

Click Clear.

Step 3

When prompted, click OK to clear the banner.

To clear the login banner from the controller using the controller CLI, enter the clear login-banner command.