When configuring CloudSec encryption, the following guidelines apply:
CloudSec has been validated using a Nexus 9000 Inter-Site Network (ISN) infrastructure. If your ISN infrastructure is made
up of different devices, or the devices are unknown (such as in the case of circuits purchased from a service provider), it
is required that an ASR1K router is the first hop device directly connected to the ACI spine (with a separate pair of ASR1K
devices deployed in each site), or the Nexus 9000 ISN network. The ASR1K router with padding-fixup enabled allows the CloudSec
traffic to traverse any IP network between the sites.
ASR1K# show platform software ip rp active cloudsec
CloudSec Debug: disabled
CloudSec UDP destination port: enabled
1st UDP destination port: 9999
2nd UDP destination port: 0
3rd UDP destination port: 0
ASR1K# show platform software ip fp active cloudsec
CloudSec Debug: disabled
CloudSec UDP destination port: enabled
1st UDP destination port: 9999
2nd UDP destination port: 0
3rd UDP destination port: 0
If one or more spine switches are down when you attempt to disable CloudSec encryption, the disable process will not complete
on those switches until the switches are up. This may result in packet drops on the switches when they come back up.
We recommend you ensure that all spine switches in the fabric are up or completely decommissioned before enabling or disabling
CloudSec encryption.
The CloudSec Encryption feature is not supported with the following features:
Precision Time Protocol (PTP)
Remote Leaf Direct
Virtual Pod (vPOD)
Intersite L3Out, if the sites are running Cisco APIC releases prior to 5.2(4).
CloudSec is supported with intersite L3Out for APIC sites running release 5.2(4) or later.
Other routable TEP configurations
The CloudSec encryption capability requires the following:
Cisco ACI spine-leaf architecture with a Cisco APIC cluster for each site
Cisco Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator to manage each site
One Advantage or Premier license per each device (leaf only) in the fabric
An add-on license ACI-SEC-XF per device for encryption if the device is a fixed spine
An add-on license ACI-SEC-XM per device for encryption if the device is a modular spine
The following table provides the hardware platforms and the port ranges that are capable of CloudSec encryption.
Hardware Platform
Port Range
N9K-C9364C spine switches
Ports 49-64
N9K-C9332C spine switches
Ports 25-32
N9K-X9736C-FX line cards
Ports 29-36
If CloudSec is enabled for a site, but the encryption is not supported by the ports, a fault is raised with unsupported-interface error message.