Sticky Clients

Sticky Clients

Usually, an associated client is in closest proximity of the access point it is connected to, in comparision to other APs in the vicinity. However, there could be instances where the device connects to an access point, and moves into the range of another access point and does not change its association to the other closer AP. Such a client is referred to as a sticky client.

For example, a user enters the first floor and connects to the access point on the same floor. The user moves to the third floor, where he continues to stay. While you may expect the connected AP to change to the third floor for that device, if it doesn't, then this referred to as a sticky client as the roaming pattern is not reflected because of their stickiness to APs that are at a greater distance.

This information about sticky clients is obtained from the controller and is not computed by Cisco Spaces. When Cisco Spaces tags a client as sticky, there is no difference in the way the device is processed. Cisco Spaces continues to receive messages from the controller and reflects the state of the device accordingly. On the Cisco Spaces: Detect and Locate UI, the associated clients displayed in green star icon are sticky clients.

This feature is disabled by default. To enable this feature, on the Cisco Spaces: Detect and Locate UI, click on the profile icon in the top-right corner, and click Preferences. Then click Enable Sticky Clients.

Figure 1. Enable Sticky Clients
Figure 2. Sticky Clients Displayed As Green Star Icon