Cisco CMX Commands

Using the Command-Line Interface

Starting from Cisco CMX 10.3.1, you can use the Tab key to auto complete any Cisco CMX command on the command line interface. If you enter cmxos and then click the Tab key, the CLI displays the available keywords. If you enter a partial string and then click the Tab key, the CLI then displays the complete string.

Cisco CMX CLI does not support read-only user accounts. It supports only cmxadmin and root user accounts.


To export Cisco CMX history data from Cassandra to a CSV file, use the cassandraexport command.

cassandraexport {--date <yyyy/mm/dd>} [--table <tablename> | --file <filename> | --sql <sql statement> | --rowsperfetch <rows per fetch>]

Syntax Description

--date <yyyy/mm/dd>

Date on which the export is to be performed. This is required.

--table <table name>

(Optional) Name of the table to export.

--file <filename>

(Optional) Name of the CSV file. The default is /tmp/CassandraExport_sql.csv.

--sql <sql statement>

This option is not currently supported.

--rowsperfetch <rows per fetch>

(Optional) The default is 1000 rows.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX root user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.0

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command extracts a maximum of only one day of data, starting from midnight of the date given to the time when the command is issued.

You can use these methods to export Cisco CMX data from Cassandra:

  • The method that we most recommend is through the Notifications feature (Manage > Notifications> New Notification). For more information, see the “Managing Notifications from Applications” section in the Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences Configuration Guide for this release at:

  • An alternative method is to use the cassandraexport command, and to export daily. We recommend that you schedule the export during a quiet period of the day, for example 2:00 A.M. If you use this method during a time when the system is continuously changing, a timeout can occur.

  • Use the Cisco CMX History API only if your export does not exceed 2000 records, for example 100 floors.


The following example shows how to export Cisco CMX data from Cassandra to a CSV file:

[cmxadmin@server]# /opt/cmx/bin/cassandraexport --date 2017/06/14

Data exported into the file /tmp/CassandraExport_201706150220-02.csv

cmxctl checkdb

To check the database for schema integrity, use the cmxctl checkdb command.

cmxctl checkdb { cassandra | postgres }

Syntax Description


Checks the cassandra schema.


Checks the postgres schema.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.3

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to the schemen integrity for cassandra and postgres database:

[cmxadmin@server]# cmxctl checkdb cassandra

Schema passed analytics
Schema passed loc
Schema passed mse
Cassandra passed schema validation

[root@server]# cmxctl checkdb postgres
Schema passed analytics
Schema passed loc
Schema passed mse
Postgres passed schema validation

cmxctl checklogs

To check logs and generate a report, use the cmxctl checklogs command.

cmxctl checklogs

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

After a report is generated, the specific log that shows the error can be viewed for additional details. For example, /opt/cmx.var.log.cmxjobs.log.3 has 108 errors, use the command more /opt/cmx.var.log.cmxjobs.log.3 to view the corresponding file.


The following example shows how to check logs and generate a report:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl checklogs

Checking /opt/cmx/var/log/cmxjobs.log.3 for errors..
/opt/cmx/var/log/cmxjobs.log.3 has 108 errors
Checking /opt/cmx/var/log/system-cron.log for errors..
/opt/cmx/var/log/system-cron.log has 0 errors
Checking /opt/cmx/var/log/cmxjobs.log for errors..
/opt/cmx/var/log/cmxjobs.log has 81 errors
Checking /opt/cmx/var/log/collectd.log for errors..
/opt/cmx/var/log/collectd.log has 0 errors
Checking /opt/cmx/var/log/consul.log for errors..
/opt/cmx/var/log/consul.log has 0 errors
Checking /opt/cmx/var/log/qless-py-worker.log for errors..
/opt/cmx/var/log/qless-py-worker.log has 0 errors
Checking /opt/cmx/var/log/influxdb.log for errors..
/opt/cmx/var/log/influxdb.log has 0 errors
Checking /opt/cmx/var/log/cmxjobs.log.4 for errors..
/opt/cmx/var/log/cmxjobs.log.4 has 108 errors

cmxctl config analytics

To configure general analytics settings, use the cmxctl config analytics command:

cmxctl config analytics {cleanRedis | enableMinDwellFilter | {True | False} | setMinDwellFilter <value> | setNumMonthsRepeatHistory <value> | view}

Syntax Description


Removes old, invalid Redis bloom filters.

enableMinDwellFilter {True | False}
  • True—Enables the minimum dwell filter.

  • False—Disables the minimum dwell filter. This is the default.

setMinDwellFilter <value>

Sets the minimum dwell filter value [0-1440]. The default is 0.

setNumMonthsRepeatHistory <value>

Sets the number of months [0-6] to retain the repeat history. The default is 6.


Displays the general analytics settings.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

Additional subcommands were added.

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can set a minimum dwell filter to filter out visitors whose dwell at the root campus level is less than a specified amount. The root campus level encompasses all campuses; it represents the root of the heterarchy. This affects the aggregated data, so once the filter is enabled, it applies to all reports for that day moving forward (until it is disabled again). This filter does not affect the raw visits.

If you configure the minimum dwell filter setting, you must restart Cisco CMX for the change to take effect. Use the cmxctl restart command to restart Cisco CMX.


Use the minimum dwell filter only if you don't want to see devices that spend less than the minimum number of minutes at the root campus level.

Repeat history is kept for the current month and the set number of previous months. This set number of months must be in the range of 0 to 6 months. You do not need to restart Cisco CMX to put this setting into effect.


If you use the setNumMonthsRepeatHistory command, all current repeat history is deleted.


The following example shows how to display the current general analytics settings:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config analytics view

| enableMinimumDwellFilter | True |
| minimumDwellFilter       |  30  |
| numMonthsRepeatHistory   |   6  |

The following example shows how to set and enable the Analytics minimum dwell filter setting:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config analytics setMinDwellFilter 30
| enableMinimumDwellFilter | False |
| minimumDwellFilter       |   0   |
| numMonthsRepeatHistory   |   6   |

[root@server]# cmxctl config analytics enableMinDwellFilter True
| enableMinimumDwellFilter | True  |
| minimumDwellFilter       |  30   |
| numMonthsRepeatHistory   |   6   |

[root@server]# cmxctl analytics restart
Service Analytics has successfully restarted.
The following example shows how to disable the minimum dwell filter setting:
[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config analytics cleanRedis
Cleaning up old bloom filters from redis on 2018-06-26
Month filter cutoff date = 2017-12-01
Current valid ids = [4, 3, 2, 1, 17, 18, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19]
cutoff = 2017-12-01
validids = [4, 3, 2, 1, 17, 18, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19]
cutoff = 2018-06-25
validids = [4, 3, 2, 1, 17, 18, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19]
Deleting key: Day_2018-06-23_2
Deleting key: Day_2018-06-24_4
Deleting key: Day_2018-06-21_2
Deleting key: Day_2018-06-21_12
Deleting key: Day_2018-06-24_12
Deleting key: Day_2018-06-22_12
Deleting key: Day_2018-06-23_4
Deleting key: Day_2018-06-21_8
Deleting key: Day_2018-06-23_12
Deleting key: Day_2018-06-22_2
Deleting key: Day_2018-06-24_8
Deleting key: Day_2018-06-22_8
Deleting key: Day_2018-06-21_14
Deleting key: Day_2018-06-22_4
Deleting key: Day_2018-06-23_14
Deleting key: Day_2018-06-24_2
The following example shows how to set the repeat history setting:
[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config analytics setNumMonthsRepeatHistory 5

Doing this will delete current history for ALL months. This will affect aggregated report
data but will NOT affect raw visits data. Do you want to continue? [y/N]: y
Successfully change the number of months tracked for repeat history.
| enableMinimumDwellFilter | False |
| minimumDwellFilter       |   0   |
| numMonthsRepeatHistory   |   5   |
[root@server]# #

cmxctl config aps delete

To delete an access point from Cisco CMX, use the cmxctl config aps delete command.

cmxctl config aps delete MAC Address

Syntax Description

MAC Address

Displays the MAC address of the access point.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command should be run at the cmxadmin level.

cmxctl config audit

To enable and manage the remote logging of system events (syslogs), use the cmxctl config audit settings command. To view logged files, use the cmxctl config audit view command.

cmxctl config audit { restart |  settings  | status |  view }

Syntax Description


Restarts rsyslog service.


Enables, disables and configures audit log settings. See Usage Guidelines for information.


Displays whether audit logging is running on CMX, or is disabled. For example, Remote Audit Logging = Disabled .


Displays all or specific log files. See Usage Guidelines for information.

Command Default

By default, remote system logging is disabled.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.3

This command was modified to include restart and status keywords.

Cisco CMX Release 10.5.0

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

  • The command cmxctl config audit settings prompts you to enter the following configuration questions. If you enter no value, CMX selects the default value, shown in [brackets].


    To enable remote audit logging, enter a remote syslog IP address, port number and domain name. Otherwise, only local audit logging is enabled.
    [cmxadmin@cmx]#cmxctl config audit settings
    Enable or Disable Remote Syslogging [Enable / Disable] [Enable]:
    If logs size goes beyond 1gb, drop or overwrite messages? [drop / overwrite] [overwrite]:
    Protocol for rsyslog connection [TLS / IPSEC] [TLS]:
    Please enter rsyslog IP:
    Please enter rsyslog port [514]: 4514
    Enter CA cert file for Remote syslog server: <<CA_FILE_NAME>>
    Please enter rsyslog server's Common Name(CN) or Subject Alternate Name(SAN): cisco-ova-00
    Please enter the email IDs (comma separated) for mail alerts:
    Checking for CRL Distribution Points
    No CRL URI found. Skipping CRL download.
    Import Rsyslog CA Certificate successful
    Remote Audit Logging = Enabled
    [cmxadmin@cmx]#cmxctl config audit settings
    Enable or Disable Remote Syslogging [Enable / Disable] [Enable]:
    If logs size goes beyond lgb, drop or overwrite messages? [drop / overwrite] [overwrite]:
    Please enter rsyslog IP:
    Please enter rsyslog port [514]:
    Please enter rsyslog DNS name:
    Please enter the email IDs (comma separated) for mail alerts:

    Follow the prompts to select what events you would like logged:

    Please select the events to be logged
    All Events [yes/no] [yes]: 
     Settings saved
    Starting rsyslog service

    If you enter yes, all events are logged. If no, answer the following prompts:

    Enter day [today(1)/yesterday(2)/last week(3)/last month(4)/all(5)] [5]:
    Enter event type [MGMT_EVENT(1)/CONN_EVENT(2)/AUTH_EVENT(3)/CONF_EVENT(4)/ALL(5) [5]:
    Enter identity [root(1)/admin(2)/all(3)] [3]:
    Enter status [success(1)/failure(2)/all(3) [3]:
  • The command cmxctl config audit view prompts you to enter which types of logs you want to view.

    Show all logs [yes/no] [yes]:

    If you enter yes , all logged events are displayed. If no , answer the following prompts, or Enter to accept the default vaule.

    Enter day [today(1)/yesterday(2)/last week(3)/last month(4)/all(5)] [5]:
    Enter event type [MGMT_EVENT(1)/CONN_EVENT(2)/AUTH_EVENT(3)/CONF_EVENT(4)/ALL(5) [5]:
    Enter identity [root(1)/admin(2)/all(3)] [3]:
    Enter status [success(1)/failure(2)/all(3) [3]:


The following example shows how to enable remote system logging of all events:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config audit settings

Enable or Disable Remote Syslogging [Enable / Disable] [Enable]:
If logs size goes beyond lgb, drop or overwrite messages? [drop / overwrite] [overwrite]:
Please enter rsyslog IP:
Please enter rsyslog port [514]: 514
Please enter rsyslog DNS name:
Please enter the email IDs (comma separated) for mail alerts:
Remote Audit Logging = Enabled
Please select the events to be logged
All Events [yes/no] [yes]: yes
Settings saved
Restarting rsyslog service 
Shutting down system logger: [OK] 
Starting system logger: [OK]

The following example shows how to display all admin-level success status logs for the current day.

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config audit view

Show all logs [yes/no] [yes]: no
Enter day [today(1)/yesterday(2)/last week(3)/last month(4)/all(5)] [5]: 1
Enter event type [MGMT_EVENT(1)/CONN_EVENT(2)/AUTH_EVENT(3)/CONF_EVENT(4)/ALL(5) [5]: 5
Enter identity [root(1)/admin(2)/all(3)] [3]: 2
Enter status [success(1)/failure(2)/all(3) [3]: 1

CMX displays the selected logs.

The following example shows how to view the audit log status.

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config audit status

Remote Audit Logging = Enabled
Remote Syslog Server IP =
Remote Syslog Server Port = 4514
Connection Protocol = TLS

The following example shows how to restart rsyslog service.

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config audit restart

rsyslog service restarted

cmxctl config auth

To set strong CMX authentication requirements for passwords, logging in, and session timeout, use the cmxctl config auth settings command. To view these authentication settings, use the cmxctl config auth show command.

cmxctl config auth {settings |  show}

Syntax Description


Configures CMX authentication settings.


Displays CMX authentication settings.

Command Default

By default, strong authentication is not enabled.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.2

This command was modified to set fail interval to 15 minutes when UCAPL mode is enabled. Added two new parameters: Maximum password lifetime and Password Expiry Warning Period.

Cisco CMX Release 10.6

This command was modified to add the default values for FIPS and UCAPL.

Cisco CMX Release 10.5.0

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The command cmxctl config auth prompts you to set the appropriate values, according to your system authentication settings.

If Enable strong password is set to Yes, you can extend the password upto 127 characters. However, we recommend you to ensure that password should have minimum one lower case, one upper case, one digit and a special character.

Enable strong password [yes / no] [yes]:
Minimum password length [8-20] [8]:
Maximum password lifetime [1-9999] [9999]:
Password Expiry Warning Period [1-30] [14]:
Unsuccessful login attempts before account lock [3-5] [3]:
Fail interval in minutes [1-120] [15]:
Account lockout interval in minutes [1-120] [30]:
Session idle timeout in minutes [1-120] [30]:
  • CMX authentication defaults with FIPS/UCAPL off:

    • Enable strong password: yes/no
    • Minimum password length: 8-20 characters
    • Maximum password lifetime: [1-9999]
    • Password Expiry Warning Period [1-30]
    • Unsuccessful login attempts before account lock: 3-5 attempts
    • Fail interval in minutes: [1-120]
    • Set session timeout in minutes: 10-60 minutes
  • CMX authentication defaults in FIPS mode:

    Enable strong password [yes / no] [yes]:
    Minimum password length [8-20] [8]:
    Maximum password lifetime [1-9999] [9999]:
    Password Expiry Warning Period [1-30] [14]:
    Unsuccessful login attempts before account lock [3-5] [3]:
    Account lockout interval in minutes [1-120] [30]:
    Session idle timeout in minutes [1-120] [30]:
    Restart services for the changes to take effect
  • CMX authentication defaults in UCAPL mode:

    Enable strong password [yes / no] [yes]:
    Minimum password length [15-20] [15]:
    Maximum password lifetime (in days):  60 days
    Password Expiry Warning Period (in days):  7 days
    Unsuccessful login attempts before account lock is set to 3 for UCAPL mode.
    Fail interval in minutes [1-120] [15]:
    Account lockout interval in minutes [1-120] [30]:
    Session timeout is set to 15 minutes for UCAPL mode.
    Enable Global session timeout (10 mins) for UCAPL mode [yes / no] [no]:
    Global Session timeout set to: 15 minutes
    Restart services for the changes to take effect


    Fail interval is automatically set to 15 minutes when UCAPL mode is enabled. Cisco CMX account will be locked if consecutive failed login attempts occur within the set fail interval period.

  • CMX authentication defaults in UCAPL over FIPS mode:

    Enable strong password: yes
    Minimum password length: 15-20 characters
    Unsuccessful login attempts before account lock: 3
    Enable Global session timeout (10 mins) for Web UI: yes



The following example shows how to display security parameters for a FIPS-enabled CMX:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config auth show

Enable strong password : yes
Minimum password length : 8
Maximum password lifetime : 9999
Password Expiry Warning Period : 30
Unsuccessful login attempts before account lock : 3
Fail interval in minutes : 15
Account Lockout interval in minutes : 30
Session idle timeout in minutes : 30


The following example shows how to configure auth settings:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config auth settings
Enable strong password [yes / no] [yes]: yes
Minimum password length [8-127] [8]: 8
Maximum password lifetime [1-9999] [9999]:9999
Password Expiry Warning Period [1-30] [14]:30
Unsuccessful login attempts before account lock [3-5] [3]: 3
Fail interval in minutes [1-120] [15]: 15
Account lockout interval in minutes [1-120] [30]: 30
Session idle timeout in minutes [1-720] [30]:
Restart services for the changes to take effect

The following example shows how to view the auth settings:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config auth show
Enable strong password : yes
Minimum password length : 8
Maximum password lifetime :9999
Password Expiry Warning Period :30
Unsuccessful login attempts before account lock : 3
Fail interval in minutes : 15
Account Lockout interval in minutes : 30
Session idle timeout in minutes : 30

cmxctl config authinfo get

To view the the SHA1 (keyHash) and SHA2(sha2KeyHash) strings, use the cmxctl config authinfo get command.

cmxctl config authinfo get

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command gets the authorization information for NMSP connections to the controllers.


The following example shows how to get the authorization information:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config authinfo get
| macAddress        | keyHashString                            | sha2KeyHashString                                                |
| 00:0c:29:07:36:84 | e743ac54029ce36282c582f04bfb45ec187c824d | 560d69882adb90dda10227651da0c6a2850999620b50f83ed0d157fb87d1a920 |

cmxctl config authserver

To add and manage external RADIUS authentication servers, use the cmxctl config authserver command.

cmxctl config authserver { delete  | settings  | show }

Syntax Description


Removes an external RADIUS authentication server.


Adds and configures an external RADIUS authentication server.


Shows external server configuration.

Command Default

External Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) authentication server is not configured.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.3

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Before running this command, create a RADIUS user with information similar to the following example:

Table 1. Example of RADIUS authentication user



File name:


#Create user with User-Name =


radiusUser Cleartext-Password :=


Reply-Message =

"Hello, %{User-Name}"

The cmxctl config authserver settings command prompts you to configure the authentication server:

Enter external RADIUS authentication server host : 
Enter RADIUS server shared secret key : 
Configure local account. This account can be used if RADIUS server is not reachable.
Enter username : 
Enter password : 
Repeat for confirmation : 
External RADIUS authentication server configured successfully.


The following example shows how to add an external RADIUS authentication server to CMX.


This example uses the values described in the Usage Guidelines.

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config authserver settings

Enter external RADIUS authentication server host :
Enter RADIUS server shared secret key : Cisco123
Configure local account. This account can be used if RADIUS server is not reachable.
Enter username : radiusUser
Enter password : Cisco123
Repeat for confirmation : Cisco123
External RADIUS authentication server configured successfully.

cmxctl config banner

To create and manage a banner that displays when users log into CMX, use the cmxctl config banner command.

cmxctl config banner {disable | edit |  show}

Syntax Description


Disable the login banner.


Edit the login banner text.


Display the login banner.

Command Default

By default, CMX has no login banner.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5.0

This command was introduced.

Cisco CMX Release 10.6

This command was modified to include disable keyword.

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to create the login banner “CentOS release 7.0.”

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config banner edit

Current Login Banner = []
Enter text to be displayed as login banner. Enter a single period on a line to terminate.
CentOS release 7.0
When you log into the CLI, you would see something like this:

login as: cmxadmin
CentOS release 7.0
cmxadmin@’s password:
Last login: 6/5/2018 1:10 PM

When you log into CMX from a browser, the banner message appears in a pop-up window on the login page.

The following example shows how to disable the login banner.

[cmxadmin@cmx]#  cmxctl config banner disable
Login banner disabled successfully

cmxctl config certs

To create, import, or manage security key certificates, use the cmxctl config certs command.

cmxctl config certs {clear  |  clientcertvalidation {enable  |  disable} | creatcsr  |  importcacert filename.pem  |  importcrl filename.pem  |  importcrlurl URL |  importrsyslogca filename.pem   |   importradiusca filename.pem  |  importservercert filename.pem  | installnewcerts  | keytype {RSA  |  ECDSA} | show}

Syntax Description


Clears certificate files in the /opt/cmx/srv/certs directory.


When FIPS or UCAPL is enabled, configures CMX to validate all client certificates.

  • Enable — requires every CMX user to have a client certificate.

  • disable — does not check for client certificates.


Creates a new public and private keypair, and generates a corresponding Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

importcacert filename.pem

Imports a Certificate of Authority (CA) Privacy Enhanced Mail (pem) file.

importcrl filename.pem

Imports a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) pem file.

importcrlurl URL

Imports the URL of the CRL online, to keep the CRL current.

importrsyslogca filename.pem

Imports a CA pem file for the remote syslog server.

importradiusca filename.pem

Imports a CA pem file for the Radius/AAA server.

importservercert filename.pem

Imports the signed certificate and private key for the CMX server, concatenated into a single pem file.



When certificates are imported, there is a validity check that verifies the start date and end date. If the dates are not within the range or if the certificates are going to expire soon (withhin 30 days), an alert is generated on System > Alerts tab in Cisco CMX. The alert will be generated once a day until certificate expires or new valid certificate is installed.


Generates new self-signed certificates.



When certificates are imported, there is a validity check that verifies the start date and end date. If the dates are not within the range or if the certificates are going to expire soon (withhin 30 days), an alert is generated on System > Alerts tab in Cisco CMX. The alert will be generated once a day until certificate expires or new valid certificate is installed.


Selects your encryption algorithm key type.

  • RSA — Install the Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) encryption algorithm.

  • ECDSA — Install the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA).


Displays certificate details.

Command Default

By default, authentication certificates are not created, imported, or validated.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release10.6.2

This command was modified to include importradiusca filename.pem keyword.

Cisco CMX Release10.6

This command was modified to include clientcertvalidation , importcontrollerca , and importrsyslogca keywords.

Cisco CMX Release 10.5.0

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


Certificates and keys are stored in the /opt/cmx/srv/certs folder.

Cisco recommends following this deployment order for cmxctl config certs commands.

  1. cmxctl config certs clear — Optional, but recommended. Clears any certificates from the /opt/cmx/srv/certs directory.

  2. cmxctl config certs keytype — Selects your key type: RSA (the default) or ECDSA.

  3. cmxctl config certs installnewcerts — Generates new self-signed certificates in the /opt/cmx/srv/certs directory.

  4. cmxctl config certs createcsr — Creates a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

    • Private key — /opt/cmx/srv/certs/cmxserverkey.pem

    • CSR — /opt/cmx/srv/certs/cmxservercsr.pem

  5. Send the CSR to an external CA, to obtain a signed certificate for the CMX server.

  6. cmxctl config certs importcacert — Installs the CA certifications. At the prompt, provide an export and import password specific to this command.

  7. cmxctl config certs importservercert — Installs the CA-signed server certificate and the private key as a concatenated pem file. At the prompt, provide an export and import password specific to this command.

The command cmxctl config certs clientcertvalidation enable prompts you to answer whether or not you want CMX to accept invalid client certificates.

Do you want to accept invalid client certificate? [yes/no] [no]:
  • no—Enables client certificate validation, and will not accept invalid client certificates.

  • yes—Enables client certificate validation, but will accept invalid client certificates.


The following example shows how to clear out old certificates from the /opt/cmx/srv/certs directory.

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config certs clear

Clear Certificates

The following example shows how to select key type ECDSA:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config certs keytype

Please enter key type [RSA / ECDSA] [RSA]:ECDSA
Keytype is set to ECDSA.

The following example shows how to generate new self-signed certification files in the /opt/cmx/srv/certs directory using an RSA key:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config certs installnewcerts

Keytype is RSA, generating RSA key with length  4096
Generating RSA private key, 4096 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)
Generating RSA private key, 4096 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)
Signature ok
subject=/C=US/ST=CA/L=San Jose/O=MSE/CN=ServerCrt
Getting CA Private Key
Certificates are valid.
New self-signed certificates installed successfully.
To apply these certificate changes, CMX Services will be restarted now.
Please press Enter to continue. 

The following example shows how to create a new certificate signing request (CSR):

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config certs createcsr

For SAN field of CSR, enter FQDN for CMXX server :
Keytype is RSA, so generating RSA key with length  4096
Generating RSA private key, 4096 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]: US
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]: CA
Locality Name (eg, city) []: San Jose
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]: Yourco, Inc.
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: Gulag 10
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:
Email Address []

Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
to be sent with your certificate request
A challenge password []:
An optional company name []:
The CSR is in: /opt/cmx/srv/certs
The Private key is in: /opt/cmx/srv/certs

CSR created successfully.

Sometimes two or more files need to be combined (or concatenated) before you can import the resulting file. For example, you may have intermediate CA certificates as well as root certs. This example shows how to concatenate the files root-ca-cert.pem and intermediate-ca-cert.pem, and import the resulting file to CMX.

  1. Concatenate the files:

    [cmxadmin@cmx]# cat root-ca-cert.pem intermediate-ca-cert.pem > ca-chain.pem

  2. Import the new file ca-chain.pem :

    [cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config certs importcacerts ca-chain.pem

    Importing CA certificate.....
    Enter Export Password: caexportpw
    Verifying - Enter Export Password: caexportpw
    Enter Import Password: caimportpw
    Import CA Certificate successful

The importservercert command requires you to combine the server key and the server certificate into one pem file. The following example shows how to combine the files and import the resulting file.


Import CA chain certificates before importing the server certificate.
  1. Concatenate the files:

    [cmxadmin@cmx]# cat cmxserverkey.pem signed-cert.pem > server-key-cert.pem

  2. Import the new file server-key-cert.pem :

    [cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config certs importservercerts server-key-cert.pem

    Importing Server certificate.....
    Successfully transferred the file

    At the prompts, provide an export and import password specific to this command.

    Enter Export Password: svrexportpw
    Verifying - Enter Export Password: svrexportpw
    Enter Import Password: svrimportpw
    Private key present in the file: /home/cmxadmin/server-key-cert.pem
    Enter Import Password: svrimportpw
    No CRL URI found. Skipping CRL download.
    Validation of server certificate is successful
    Import Server Certificate successful
    Restart CMX services for the changes to take effect.
    Server certificate imported successfully.
    To apply these certificate changes, CMX Services will be restarted now.
    Please press Enter to continue.

The following example shows how to display the details of the server certificate and all CA chain certificates:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config certs show

Certificate details

*************************  Certificate Listing  ********************
***********************  UMLC CA Certificate(s)  ************************
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C=US, ST=CA, L=San Jose, O=MSE, CN=RootCA
            Not Before: Jan 19 05:17:33 2018 GMT
            Not After : Jan 18 05:17:33 2021 GMT
        Subject: C=US, ST=CA, L=San Jose, O=MSE, CN=RootCA
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (4096 bit)

cmxctl config controllers

To manage Cisco Wireless Controllers (Cisco WLC), use the cmxctl config controllers command.

cmxctl config controllers {activeaps  | add  | delete  | floors wlc-ip-address  | import  | missingaps  | show}

Syntax Description


Displays active access points.


Adds a Cisco WLC.



Cisco CMX does not support Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless Controllers with special characters > or # in the message-of-the-day (MOTD) banner.


Deletes a Cisco WLC.

floors wlc-ip-address

Displays floors managed by Cisco WLCs.

import Imports a Cisco WLC from Cisco Prime Infrastructure by providing the corresponding credentials, or by placing an exported Cisco Prime Infrastructure MAP file in the /opt directory of the Cisco CMX server and providing the path to the exported MAP file.

Lists the access points from which Cisco CMX has received data, but the access points are not yet placed on a map.


Displays information pertaining to a Cisco WLC.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.1

The missingaps and floors keywords were added.

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.0

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The message "controller added successfully" after a Cisco WLC is added, refers only to the correct parsing of the command. You should issue a cmxctl controllers show command to ensure that the Cisco WLC is not active.

The missingaps keyword uses SNMP to retrieve the AP's MAC addresses from the access point’s configuration cache every six hours. If the AP MAC address is not present, it will be displayed as NA on the CLI.

In addition, the AP MAC address will be displayed only if you have enabled the configuration.apimport feature flag by using the cmxctl config featureflags configuration.apimport: true command. For example:

[cmxadmin@server]# cmxctl config featureflags configuration.apimport true

| location.compactlocationhistory | false |
| configuration.apimport          | true  |

The AP MAC address import occurs every 6 hours, so for new APs added to the controller, the AP MAC value for missingap will be available only after the next job run.


Starting from Cisco CMX Release 10.3.1, you can specify SNMP settings when you use the cmxctl config controllers add command. For example:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config controllers add
Please enter controller type [WLC / NGWC] [WLC]: WLC
Please enter controller ip:
Please enter the controller version [Optional]:
Please enter controller SNMP version [v1 / v2c / v3] [v2c]: v2c
Please enter controller SNMP write community [private]:
Controller Added

The following example shows how to display the Cisco WLC information:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config controllers show

| IP Address | Type | Version | Device Version | SHA2 | Status |
| | WLC | | - | No | ACTIVE |
| | WLC | | - | No | ACTIVE |
| | WLC | | - | No | ACTIVE |
| | WLC | | - | No | ACTIVE |
| | WLC | | - | No | ACTIVE |
| | WLC | | - | No | ACTIVE |
| | WLC | | - | No | ACTIVE |
| | WLC | | - | No | ACTIVE |
| | WLC | | - | No | ACTIVE |
| | WLC | | - | No | ACTIVE |
| | WLC | | - | No | ACTIVE |

cmxctl config data

To manage history data, use the cmxctl config data command.

cmxctl config data deleteAll

Syntax Description


Deletes all client history and analytics raw data.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to delete client history and raw analytics data.

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config data deleteAll
Do you wish to continue? All client history data, analytics data will be deleted and CMX services will be restarted. [y/N]: y
Stopping all the services
All the Application services are stopped
Data Deletion Began
Deleting All Analytics Raw Visits Data
Deleting All Clients History Data
Starting all the services
All the Application services are restarted

cmxctl config devicelimitalert

To manage percent setting at which warning alert is generated for unique device count on Cisco CMX, use the cmxctl config devicelimitalert command.

cmxctl config devicelimitalert {getalertpercent | setalertpercent percent}

Syntax Description


Displays the current percent setting after which warning alert is generated for Unique Device Count on Cisco CMX.


Sets a percentage limit for Unique Device Count warning alert on Cisco CMX.


Enter the percent settings after which a warning alert is generated for Unique Device Count on Cisco CMX. Percent value can be between 1-99. The default value is 90%.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command should be run at the cmxadmin level.


The following example shows how to set percent setting after which a warning alert is generated for Unique Device Count on Cisco CMX:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config devicelimitalert setalertpercent
Percent after which Unique Device Alert gets generated [1-99] [90]: 50
Changed the Warning Alert Percent Setting for Device Count Successfully


The following example shows how to display the percent setting for Unique Device Count warning alert on Cisco CMX:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config devicelimitalert getalertpercent

cmxctl config featureflags

To list and toggle feature flags, use the cmxctl config featureflags command.

cmxctl config featureflags {feature name} {true | false}

Syntax Description


Name of the Cisco CMX service and feature.

  • location.compactlocationhistory


  • configuration.apimport

  • location.ssidfilterpersistblockedmacs

  • location.rogueapclienthistory

  • location.filteredssidscleanupatmidnight

  • nmsplb.cmxgrouping

  • monit

  • container.influxdbreporter

  • nmsplb.autolearnssids

  • configuration.highendbypass

  • apiserver.enabled

  • location.computelocthroughassociatedap

  • analytics.queuetime


Enables the feature of the service.


Disables the feature of the service

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.2

This command was modified to add more location feature names.

Cisco CMX Release 10.2.2

This command was changed. The display default for analytics.sma was changed to false.

Cisco CMX Release 10.2.0

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to list the feature flags:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config featureflags
| location.compactlocationhistory         | false |
|                   | true  |
| configuration.apimport                  | false |
| location.ssidfilterpersistblockedmacs   | false |
| location.rogueapclienthistory           | false |
| location.filteredssidscleanupatmidnight | true  |
| nmsplb.cmxgrouping                      | false |
| monit                                   | true  |
| container.influxdbreporter              | true  |
| nmsplb.autolearnssids                   | true  |
| configuration.highendbypass             | false |
| apiserver.enabled                       | true  |
| location.computelocthroughassociatedap  | false |
| analytics.queuetime                     | false |

cmxctl config fips

To enable, verify, and manage Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) mode, use the cmxctl config fips command.

cmxctl config fips {enable  | status  | verify}

Syntax Description


Enables FIPS mode.


Displays FIPS mode status.


Verifies that your CMX system is correctly configured to support FIPS mode.

Command Default

By default, FIPS mode is disabled.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco CMX supports the Federal Information Processing Standard 140‑2 (FIPS 140‑2). FIPS 140‑2 is a standard published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and is used to accredit cryptographic modules in software components. The US Federal government requires that all IT products dealing with Sensitive, but Unclassified (SBU) information meet these standards. If your system needs to be FIPS 140‑2 compliant, you can enable FIPS. Once you do so, the system uses the cryptographic algorithms defined by the NIST for FIPS 140‑2 for all encrypted communication between its internal and external components.


FIPS is a prerequisite to UCAPL mode. Enable and configure FIPS before running the cmxctl config fips ucapl command. See cmxctl config fips ucaplmode.

Cisco recommends that you run these commands before enabling FIPS mode:

  • cmxctl config certs... —Removes old certificates and installs or imports new ones.

  • cmxctl config audit settings —Configures CMX authentication settings.

  • cmxctl config certs importrsyslogca <cert.pem> —Imports a CA pem file for the remote syslog server.

  • cmxctl config fips verify —Checks to see if your system is correctly configured for FIPS.


Note that the command cmxctl config fips enable is irreversible. You cannot disable FIPS mode after you enable the FIPS mode.


The following example shows how to check that your CMX system is correctly configured to support FIPS mode. In this example, the system lacks the strong password required for FIPS compliance.

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config fips verify

| CA Certificate                | True |
| Server Certificate            | True |
| Server Key                    | True |
| Rsyslog CA Certificate        | False|
Certificate Validation
| CA Cert Validation            | True |
| Server Cert Validation        | True |
| Client Cert Validation        | True |
Security Configuration
| Strong Password               | True |
| Security Parameters           | True |
Audit Logging
| Audit Logging Status          | False|

cmxctl config fips ipsecauth

To enable and manage pre-shared key (PSK) authentication in Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) mode, use the cmxctl config fips ipsecauth command.

cmxctl config fips ipsecauth { disablepsk  | enablepsk  | status}

Syntax Description


Manages IPSec authentication.


Disables pre-shared key (PSK) authentication.


Enables PSK authentication.


Displays the current IPSec authorization type. The default is pubkey .

Command Default

By default, pre-shared key (PSK) authentication is disabled.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to enable pre-shared key (PSK) authentication.

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config fips ipsecauth enablepsk

IPSec auth type changed to PSK.
IPSec is configured with PSK : U9u3Pr8agBoUQoP2bKtxtk555J1JxfNr
Configuring ipsec ....
In primary
Stopping strongSwan IPsec...
Starting strongSwan 5.6.2 IPsec [starter]...

cmxctl config fips ucaplmode

To enable, view status, or disable compliance with the U.S. Department of Defense Unified Capabilities Approved Products List (UCAPL) certification, use the cmxctl config fips ucaplmode command.

cmxctl config fips ucaplmode {enable  | disable  | status}

Syntax Description


Enables UCAPL over FIPS mode.


Disables UCAPL over FIPS mode.


Displays UCAPL mode status.

Command Default

By default, UCAPL mode is disabled.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

UCAPL mode is a higher level of security than FIPS alone. Its purpose is to maintain a single consolidated list of products that have completed Interoperability and cybersecurity certification. Less secure protocols, such as HTTP, TLS ver. 1, and RSA 1024 are no longer supported. Once you have enabled FIPS mode, you have the option to enable UCAPL mode. UCAPL requires a 15-20 character password, and disk encryption, among other restrictions.

Once UCAPL mode is enabled, the following authentication changes are made, if they are not already specified:

  • Enable strong password : yes

  • Minimum password length : 15

  • Unsuccessful login attempts before account lock : 3

  • Session timeout in minutes : 10


The following example shows how to enable UCAPL over FIPS mode:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config fips ucaplmode enable

UCAPL mode enabled.

The CMX processes restart.

cmxctl config fips ucaplmode autobackup

To enable or disable an automatic backup that will run when UCAPL mode is enabled, use the cmxctl config fips ucaplmode autobackup command.

cmxctl config fips ucaplmode autobackup

Command Default

By default, the CMX automatic backup is disabled. The backup duration is weekly.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

All auto-backups are run weekly, on the day and hour you select.


You can configure the auto-backup without being in UCAPL mode, but it will not run until UCAPL mode is enabled.


The following example shows how to enable and configure an automatic backup for every Saturday night, while in UCAPL mode.

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config fips ucaplmode autobackup

CMX Auto Backup is currently disabled.

Do you want to enable it ? (yes/no) [yes]: yes
CMX Auto Backup frequency is weekly.
Please select day and hour of the week to run the auto-backup.

Day of the week: [0=Sunday, 1=Monday ... 6=Saturday] [0]: 6
Hour of the day: [0-23] [2]: 10
CMX auto-backup is now enabled.
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart crond.service
auto-backup will execute every Saturday at 10:10 AM

cmxctl config fips ucaplmode logFileAccess

To enable read/write access to configuration file, use the cmxctl config fips ucaplmode logFileAccess command.

cmxctl config fips ucaplmode logFileAccess

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6

This command was introduced.


The cmxctl config fips ucaplmode logFileAccess command prompts you to enable file access logging:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config fips ucaplmode logFileAccess
Enable File Access Logging [yes / no] [no]: yes
Restarting Audit Service

cmxctl config fips ucaplmode logHTTPHeaders

To enbale HTTP headers logging, use the cmxctl config fips ucaplmode logHTTPHeaders command.

cmxctl config fips ucaplmode logHTTPHeaders

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

We recommend that you enable this command only if needed. Note that this command can degrade the performance of the system due to the excessive logging. Disable this command when not needed.


The cmxctl config fips ucaplmode logHTTPHeaders command prompts you to enable file access logging:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config fips ucaplmode logHTTPHeaders
Enable HTTP Headers Logging [yes / no] [no]: yes
Restarting haproxy service
The nodeagent service is currently running with PID: 4061
Attempting to restart Haproxy
....Service Haproxy has successfully restarted
logHTTPHeaders is enabled.

cmxctl config gateway

To change the gateway configuration for cloud beacon management, use the cmxctl config gateway command.

cmxctl config gateway { cmx_cloud_url | URL | show }

Syntax Description


Configure the cloud URL for Beacon Management.


Enter the cloud URL for Beacon Management.


Displays the cloud URL configured for Beacon Management.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to display the gateway configuration for cloud beacon management:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config gateway show


cmxctl config get

To display configuration information for Cisco CMX services, use the cmxctl config get command.

cmxctl config get  [analytics |  cache_6378 |  cache_6379 |  cache_6380 |  cache_6381 |  cache_6382 |  cache_6383 |  cache_6385 |  cache_6378 |  cassandra  |  configuration  |  connect  |  database  |  haproxy  |  hyperlocation  |  location  |  matlabengine  |  metrics  |  nmsplb]

Syntax Description


Performs analytics on calculated location data.


Manages Cisco CMX system lifecycle. Starts, stops, and monitors all the services running in Cisco CMX.


Caches the service used by location service.


Caches the service used by location service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Displays the cassandra database service used by the location service for historical data.


Configures nodes and clusters.


Displays the connect services.


Displays the database service used by analytics and configuration service.


Displays the TCP or HTTP load balancer gateway to all service APIs.


Displays hyperlocation configuration.


Displays location service to compute location.


Provides access point heatmap for location service.


Collects system metrics.


Displays the load balancer service used for distributing Network Mobility Services Protocol (NMSP) messages to location services.

Command Default

The default command cmxctl config get displays configuration information for all supported services when executed without options.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

Additional services were documented.

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.0

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to display configuration information for the CMX analytics service.

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config get analytics

    "services": {
        "analytics": {
            "maxdirectmemory": "1536M",
            "maxnewsize": "400M",
            "mem": "1536M"

Optionally, you can filter the results by using one of the listed configuration keywords. For example:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config get cassandra
    "services": {
        "cassandra": {
            "keycachesize": "100",
            "maxnewsize": "800M",
            "mem": "4096M"
[root@server]$ cmxctl config get cassandra maxnewsize
{"maxnewsize": "800M"}

cmxctl config heatmaps summary

To show the details of the heapmap from the location service, use the cmxctl config heatmaps summary command.

cmxctl config heatmaps summary

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command should be run at the cmxadmin level.

cmxctl config hyperlocation mixmode

To manage mixed mode for hyperlocation for a specified floor, use the cmxctl config hyperlocation mixmode command.

cmxctl config hyperlocation mixmode Floor ID {enable | disable}

Syntax Description

Floor ID

Provides the specific floor ID.


Enables mixed mode support for hyperlocation for the specified floor.


Disables mixed mode support for hyperlocation for the specified floor.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

We recommened that you use this command in a scenario where on a single floor there are both Hyperlocation enabled AP and non Hyperlocation APs. The improved location accuracy that comes from the use of Hyperlocation AP will occur within the convex hull of the Hyperlocation APs. Outside of this convex, standard location accuracy results will occur. At the edges of the convex hull there may also be lower accuracy, when clients are at least 10M inside of the convex hull.

This command does not support the interspersion of Hyperlocation AP with non Hyperlocation AP. If this is type of deployment is used, then there will be no improvement in location over standard probe RSSI based location.

The following is an example of a supported deployment:

Figure 1. Supported Hyperlocation Mixed Mode Deployment

cmxctl config import

To import a map and Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller from Cisco Prime Infrastructure, use the cmxctl config import command.

cmxctl config import {prime | status}

Syntax Description


Imports maps from Cisco Prime Infrastructure.


Shows import status.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user


The following example shows how to import a map and controller from Cisco Prime Infrastructure:

[cmxadmin@cmx]#  cmxctl config import prime

Please enter PI ip address: x.x.x.x
Please enter PI username [root]: root
Please enter PI password [Public123]:
Import successfully started from PI x.x.x.x. Check import status using cmxctl config
import status.

cmxctl config ipsec

To manage IP security (IPSec) protocol, use the cmxctl config ipsec command.

cmxctl config ipsec {authtype | disable | enable | restart | start | status | stop}

Syntax Description


Changes IPSec authentication type.


Disables IPSec protocol.


Enables IPSec protocol.


Restarts IPSec tunnel.


Starts IPSec tunnel.


Shows IPSec status.


Stops IPSec status.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The default authentication type for IPSec is “PUBKEY”/Public Key. It is set when you run the cmxctl config ipsec enable command.


The following example shows how to enable IPSec:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config ipsec enable
Do you want to enable IPSec? (y/n) [n]: y
IPSec is enabled and Authtype set to PUBKEY
Configuring ipsec ....
In primary
Stopping strongSwan IPsec failed: starter is not running
Starting strongSwan 5.6.2 IPsec [starter]...
IPSEC tunnel establised successfully with

The following example shows how to display the status of the IPSec service:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config ipsec status
IPSec is enabled
IPSec Authentication Type = Public Key (Certificate)

Security Associations (1 up, 0 connecting):
     rsyslog[2]: ESTABLISHED 18 seconds ago,[cisco-cmx-ova-30]...[cisco-cmx-ova-32]
     rsyslog{2}:  INSTALLED, TUNNEL, reqid 1, ESP SPIs: c549935a_i c02aee35_o
     rsyslog{2}: ===

The following example shows how to change the authentication type:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config ipsec authtype
Current IPSec Auth Type = PUBKEY
Do you want to change it? (y/n) [n]: y
Select IPSec Auth Type: (PUBKEY/PSK) [PUBKEY]: PSK
IPSec auth type changed to PSK.
IPSec is configured with PSK : nIXRjNrMiNzcKj7yVZ0Nod5IzxUyO9XZ
Configuring ipsec ....
In primary
Stopping strongSwan IPsec...
Starting strongSwan 5.6.2 IPsec [starter]...
Failed to establish IPSEC tunnel with (cisco-cmx-ova-32)

The following example shows how to restart the IPSec service:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config ipsec restart
Starting IPSec tunnel ...
Stopping strongSwan IPsec...
Starting strongSwan 5.6.2 IPsec [starter]...
establishing CHILD_SA rsyslog{2}
generating CREATE_CHILD_SA request 2 [ N(USE_TRANSP) SA No TSi TSr ]
sending packet: from[500] to[500] (272 bytes)
received packet: from[500] to[500] (208 bytes)
parsed CREATE_CHILD_SA response 2 [ N(USE_TRANSP) SA No TSi TSr ]
CHILD_SA rsyslog{2} established with SPIs c8553144_i c727bbd3_o and TS ===
connection 'rsyslog' established successfully
IPSec tunnel established successfully

cmxctl config loginrate

To configure login rate limit, use the cmxctl config loginrate command.

cmxctl config loginrate {disable | enable | resetall | resetuser | username | status}

Syntax Description


Disables login rate limit.


Enables login rate limit.


Resets login rate details for all the users.

resetuser username

Resets login rate details for a specific user.


Displays the login rate status as enabled or disabled.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.1

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to enable login rate limit:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config loginrate enable
Enter the allowed number of login failure for a user per source ip [3]: 3
Enter the number of source IPs for which login failure is to be maintained [3]: 3
Enter the total allowed number of login failure for a user [10]: 10
Login rate limit enabled

The following example shows how to disable login rate limit:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config loginrate disable
Login rate limit is disabled

The following example shows how to reset login rate limit for a specific user:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config loginrate reset admin
The user details have been reset.

cmxctl config manageacl

To manage CMX access control lists (ACLs), use the cmxctl config manageacl command.

cmxctl config manageacl {add  | disable  | enable  | status}

Syntax Description


Adds an access control list.


Disables ACL authentication.


Enables ACL authentication.


Displays access control list status information.

Command Default

By default, access control lists are disabled.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When ACLs are enabled, only the servers added in the ACL will be allowed to access CMX through SSH or HTTPS.


The following example shows how to enable access control lists, and add servers to the ACL.

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config manageacl enable

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config manageacl add

inside aclAdd.
Enter the ip address to be added in the ACL:
Do you want to add more ip address in the ACL [Y/n]: Y
Enter the ip address to be added in the ACL:
Do you want to add more ip address in the ACL [Y/n]: n


The following example shows how to display access control list status information.

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config manageacl status

ACL is enabled
The following ip addresses are allowed to access the CMX box. 
Use add command to add the ipaddresses if the list is empty.

cmxctl config maps address

To set a directory path to an optional map address file, use the cmxctl config maps address command.

cmxctl config maps address --path filepath

Syntax Description

‑‑path filepath

Sets the directory path to an optional map address file. See Usage Guidelines for more information.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

Use the cmxctl config maps address command to access an optional map address file that you can associate with a map. This is not a necessary step for maps you create in CMX and PI, but you may have a map from another source that requires a valid address.


The first entry in each line of the map address file should be the fully-qualified name and address in Campus>Building format. For example: My Campus>My Building, 123 Road St, San Jose CA 95137.

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

Additional keywords were documented.

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.0

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to set the path to a map address file, which you can then associate with a map.

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config maps address --path /home/cmxadmin/campusPath.csv
cmxctl config maps address --path /home/cmxadmin/campusPath.csv
Now importing address for: North Campus>Building 9

Done importing addresses

cmxctl config maps aplist

To display a list of access points (APs) and their status for a specified floor, use the cmxctl config maps aplist command.

cmxctl config maps aplist  [‑‑active  |  ‑‑inactive] floorID

Syntax Description


Optional. Display only the active access points (APs) on the specified floor.


Optional. Display only the inactive access points (APs) on the specified floor.


The identifying number for the floor. Use the cmxctl config maps floors command to see the Floor ID.

Command Default

All access points display for the designated floor.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

To see all the APs on a floor, use the cmxctl config maps aplist command without additional arguments.

To get the Floor ID for a CMX floor map, use the cmxctl config maps floors command.

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

Additional keywords were documented.

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.0

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to list all the APs on the Registration Floor of Bld-4.

First, use the cmxctl config maps floors command to get the Location Floor ID for the floor you want to view:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config maps floors
| Floor Name                         | Location Floor ID  | Analytics Floor ID |
| North Campus>Bld-4>Registration    | 727035700041482593 | 35                 |
Now run the cmxctl config maps aplist command, and paste in the Floor ID:
[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config maps aplist 72703570082593
| Name          | EthMacAddress     | RadioMacAddress   | FloorId        | Status   |
| CMX-AP05-7069 | None              | 70:69:5a:51:48:40 | 72703570082593 | INACTIVE |
| CMX-AP01-7070 | 40:01:7a:b2:c7:a2 | 70:70:8b:06:19:60 | 72703570082593 | ACTIVE   |
| CMX-AP02-7071 | 40:01:7a:b2:c8:86 | 70:70:8b:06:1d:e0 | 72703570082593 | ACTIVE   |
| CMX-AP06-7072 | 4c:77:6d:9e:61:9e | 70:69:5a:51:52:80 | 72703570082593 | ACTIVE   |
| CMX-AP03-7073 | 40:01:7a:b2:c7:92 | 70:70:8b:06:19:20 | 72703570082593 | ACTIVE   |
| CMX-AP04-7074 | 4c:77:6d:9e:61:04 | 70:69:5a:51:48:e0 | 72703570082593 | ACTIVE   |

cmxctl config maps buildings

To see a list of buildings for a CMX Campus or for all buildings, use the cmxctl config maps buildings command.

cmxctl config maps buildings  [--campus campusname  | --csv]

Syntax Description


Optional. Restricts the list of buildings to a particular campus.


The name of the campus you would like to include.


Optional. Displays the results in comma-separated values (CSV) format, which can be cut and pasted into a spreadsheet.

Command Default

Running the command without arguments will display all buildings on all campuses.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

Additional keywords were documented.

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.0

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Command options must follow the last command keyword with a space and two dashes. For example: [root@server]# command keyword ‑‑option1 ‑‑option2.

When you select the option --csv , the map information you specify is displayed in comma-separated values (CSV) format, which can be cut and pasted into a spreadsheet.


The following example shows how to display a list of all buildings, in CSV format. The output format is Campus Name > Building Name , Location Building ID , Analytics Building ID .

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config maps buildings --csv
System Campus>TMT,749980497668473090,18
System Campus>LCN,727001546461545854,16
System Campus>PCH,769481534004431937,15
North Campus>Newtech Building,732849996352089441,13

The following example shows how to display a list of building maps for North Campus:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config maps buildings --campus North Campus
| Building Name                | Location Building ID | Analytics Building ID |
| North Campus>Newtech 1       | 727001546461544629   | 48                    |
| North Campus>Newtech 2       | 725930212039482938   | 49                    |

cmxctl config maps campuses

To see a list of your CMX Campuses, use the cmxctl config maps campuses command.

cmxctl config maps campuses [--csv]

Syntax Description


Optional. Displays the results in comma-separated values (CSV) format, which can be cut and pasted into a spreadsheet.

Command Default

Running the command without arguments will display all campuses in table format.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

Additional keywords were documented.

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.0

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Command options must follow the last command keyword with a space and two dashes. For example: [root@server]# command keyword ‑‑option1 ‑‑option2.

When you select the option --csv , the map information you specify is displayed in comma-separated values (CSV) format, which can be cut and pasted into a spreadsheet.


The following example shows how to display a list of campus maps:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config maps campuses
| Campus Name    | Location Campus ID | Analytics Campus ID |
| North Campus   | 727001546461544473 | 14                  |
| South Campus   | 384920494820170003 | 15                  |

If you want the campus map to be displayed in CSV format, add the --csv flag:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config maps campuses –-csv
North Campus,727001546461545275,14
South Campus,384920494820170003,15

cmxctl config maps delete

To delete a map, or all maps in your CMX network, use the cmxctl config maps delete command.

cmxctl config maps delete  [--name mapname  | --all]

Syntax Description


Optional. Deletes a specific map.


The name of the map you want to delete.


Optional. Deletes all CMX maps.

Command Default

The default for all delete options are not to confirm the delete.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

Additional keywords were documented.

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.0

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

For all cmxctl config maps delete command options, you are asked to confirm the deletion.

If you enter the cmxctl config maps delete command without optional flags, you are asked to provide the map heirarchy in campus-name>building-name>floor-name format.

Please enter the hierarchy to be deleted (campus-name>building-name>floor-name):


This example shows how to delete the Newtech 1 Security floor in North Campus:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config maps delete
Please enter the hierarchy to be deleted (campus-name>building-name>floor-name):
North Campus>Newtech 1>Security
map deleted.

This example shows how to delete the map named NorthCampus.

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config maps delete --name NorthCampus
Confirm delete hierarchy: NorthCampus ? [y/N]: y
Map deleted.

cmxctl config maps floors

To list the floor maps in a selected campus, building, or all floors, use the cmxctl config maps floors command.

cmxctl config maps  floors  [‑‑campus mapname ‑‑building mapname --csv]

Syntax Description


Optional. Restricts the list of floors to a particular campus.


The name of the campus you would like to include.


Optional. Restricts the list of floors to a particular building.


The name of the building you would like to include.


Optional. Displays the results in comma-separated values (CSV) format, which can be cut and pasted into a spreadsheet.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

Command options must follow the last command keyword with a space and two dashes. For example: [cmxadmin@server]# command keywords ‑‑option1 ‑‑option2.

When you select the option --csv , the map information you specify is displayed in comma-separated values (CSV) format, which can be cut and pasted into a spreadsheet.

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

Additional keywords were documented.

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.0

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to display a list of floor maps for North Campus, building A9:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config maps floors --campus North Campus ‑‑building A9

| Floor Name                       | Location Floor ID  | Analytics Floor ID |
| North Campus>A9>Main Floor       | 615446507270015464 | 16                 |
| North Campus>A9>Lab Floor        | 727001546461544650 | 17                 |
| North Campus>A9>Offices Floor    | 615447265700154640 | 18                 |

cmxctl config maps import

To import CMX location maps, use the cmxctl config maps import command.

cmxctl config maps import  ‑‑type  {PI  |  FILE} ‑‑path importpath  ‑‑override  {yes  |  no} ‑‑importzones  {yes  |  no}

Syntax Description

‑‑type {PI |  FILE}

Identifies the source of the map you want to import.

  • PI —Imports a Cisco Prime Infrastructure map.

  • FILE —Imports a maps archive file.

 ‑‑path importpath

Designates the path to the map you want to import.

 ‑‑override {yes | no}

Resolves how the import should handle duplicate map names:

  • yes —Overwrites any duplicate map names.

  • no —Does not overwrite duplicate map names. See Usage Guidelines for more information.

 ‑‑importzones {yes | no}

This option resolves how the import should handle duplicate zone names:

  • yes —Overwrites any duplicate zone names.

  • no —Does not overwrite duplicate zone names. See Usage Guidelines for more information.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

  • When CMX accepts your request to import a map from Cisco Prime Infrastructure, you are prompted to answer the following questions. The defaults are in [brackets].

    Please enter PI ip address: 
    Please enter PI username [root]: 
    Please enter PI password [Public123]: 
  • When the ‑‑override or ‑‑importzones options are set to yes, existing maps or zones with the same names will be overwritten by the import. If you select no, the import will fail if there are conflicting map or zone names. You will need to resolve the conflict by changing the name and importing it again.

  • Starting from Cisco CMX Release 10.3.1, you must provide the full (absolute) path to the tar file when using the cmxctl config maps import command. For example:

    /opt/cmx/srv/floormaps/Importfile.tar.gz .
  • Command options must follow the last command keyword with a space and two dashes. For example: [cmxadmin@server]# command keyword ‑‑option1 ‑‑option2.

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

Additional keywords were documented.

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.1

The import keyword was modified.

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.0

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to import a map, overwriting any existing maps or zones with the same name:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config maps import ‑‑type PI ‑‑path 
/opt/Import_fdff5788ad650.tar.gz ‑‑override yes ‑‑importzones yes
Please enter PI ip address:
Please enter PI username [root]: root
Please enter PI password [Public123]: ********
Import successfully started from PI 

cmxctl config maps reprocessimage

When CMX floor map images occasionally become misaligned, use the cmxctl config maps reprocessimage command to realign them.

cmxctl config maps reprocessimage ‑‑imagename imagename 

Syntax Description


Identify the image needing reprocessing.


The name of the image you would like to reprocess.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

Additional keywords were documented.

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.0

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Sometimes maps can become misaligned. When this happens, the cmxctl config maps reprocess image command reprocesses the image and realigns the map.

The default folder path for CMX maps is /opt/cmx/srv/floormaps.


The following example shows how to reprocess floor tile images when they become misaligned:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config maps reprocessimage --imagename domain_2_147753.png
File domain_2_147753.png exists in /opt/cmx/srv/floormaps. Proceeding...
Image processing job submitted for domain_2_147753.png.

cmxctl config maps zones

To list the floor maps in a selected campus, building, or all floors, use the cmxctl config maps floors command.

cmxctl config maps zones [‑‑campus mapname ‑‑building mapname ‑‑csv]

Syntax Description


Optional. Restricts the list of floors to a particular campus.


The name of the campus you would like to include.


Optional. Restricts the list of floors to a particular building.


The name of the building you would like to include.


Optional. Displays the results in comma-separated values (CSV) format, which can be cut and pasted into a spreadsheet.

Command Default

All zones display when the command is run without options.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

Command options must follow the last command keyword with a space and two dashes. For example: [root@server]# command keywords ‑‑option1 ‑‑option2.

When you select the option --csv , the map information you specify is displayed in comma-separated values (CSV) format, which can be cut and pasted into a spreadsheet.

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

Additional keywords were documented.

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.0

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to display a list of zones for North Campus Bld-4:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config maps floors --campus North Campus building Bld-4
[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config maps zones
| Floor Name                         | Zone Name | Analytics Zone ID |
| North Campus>Bld-4>1st Floor       | NOC       | 376               |
| North Campus>Bld-4>1st Floor       | School    | 375               |


cmxctl config qlesspyworker

To manage qlesspyworker, use the cmxctl config qlesspyworker command.

cmxctl config qlesspyworker cleanRedis

Syntax Description


Removes stale and invalid qlesspyworker history data.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

This command was introduced.


[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config qlesspyworker cleanRedis
QlessHistoryCleanupTask started
Deleted 0 qless-job-history records that were idle for 1209600 seconds.
Found 0 SMA-job records, deleted all.
QlessHistoryCleanupTask completed

cmxctl config reload

To forcefully generate a configuration file, use the cmxctl config reload command.

cmxctl config reload

Command Default



The following example shows how to forcefully generate a configuration file:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config reload

2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: WARNING Skipping confd config file.
2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: INFO Target config
/opt/cmx/etc/analytics.conf in sync
2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: INFO Target config
/opt/cmx/etc/cassandra/ in sync
2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: INFO Target config
/opt/cmx/etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml in sync
2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: INFO Target config
/opt/cmx/etc/collectd.conf in sync
2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: INFO Target config
/opt/cmx/etc/configuration.conf in sync
2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: INFO Target config
/opt/cmx/etc/connect.conf in sync
2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: INFO Target config
/opt/cmx/etc/halo.conf in sync
2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: INFO Target config
/opt/cmx/etc/haproxy.cfg in sync
2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: INFO Target config
/opt/cmx/etc/influxdb.conf in sync
2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: INFO Target config
/opt/cmx/etc/location.conf in sync
2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: INFO Target config
/opt/cmx/etc/matlabengine.conf in sync
2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: INFO Target config
/opt/cmx/etc/nmsplb.conf in sync
2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: INFO Target config
/opt/cmx/etc/nmspproxy.conf in sync
2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: INFO Target config
/opt/cmx/etc/postgresql.conf in sync
2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: INFO Target config
/opt/cmx/etc/redis_6379.conf in sync
2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: INFO Target config
/opt/cmx/etc/redis_6380.conf in sync
2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: INFO Target config
/opt/cmx/etc/redis_6381.conf in sync
2015-03-10T17:45:50Z cmx-vmdev117 -verbose[17174]: ERROR template:
redis.template.conf:15:20: executing "redis.template.conf" at <getv ($tag | printf ...>:
error calling getv: key does not exist

cmxctl config rfid timeout

To set the timeout for maintaining RFID tags in Cisco CMX, use the cmxctl config rfid timeout command.

cmxctl config rfid timeout {get | | set value}

Syntax Description


Displays the timeout value.

set value

Sets the timeout value that Cisco CMX maintains RFID tags before expiring them. The time range is 60 to 10800 seconds. The default value is 300 seconds.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

We recommend that you set the RFID tag timeout value below 600 seconds. An ideal RFID tag timeout value is 300 seconds. The RFID timeout must be set to a range between 60 - 600 seconds irrespective of your longest RFID tag's chirp interval.


The following example shows how to set the timeout for RFID tags, and then verify the setting:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config rfid timeout set
 Need to include a timeout within 60 to 10800 seconds

[cmxadmin@server]# cmxctl config rfid timeout set 300

[cmxadmin@server]# cmxctl config rfid timeout get
300 seconds 

cmxctl config set

To set a config key for a Cisco CMX service, use the cmxctl config set command.

cmxctl config set {analytics |  cache_6378 |  cache_6379 |  cache_6380 |  cache_6381 |  cache_6382 |  cache_6383 |  cache_6385 |  cache_6378 |  cassandra  |  configuration  |  connect  |  database  |  haproxy  |  hyperlocation  |  location  |  matlabengine  |  metrics  |  nmsplb}

Syntax Description


Performs analytics on calculated location data.


Manages Cisco CMX system lifecycle. Starts, stops, and monitors all the services running in Cisco CMX.


Caches the service used by location service.


Caches the service used by location service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Enables cassandra database service used by the location service for historical data.


Configures nodes and clusters.


Enables connect services.


Enables the database service used by analytics and configuration service.


Enables the TCP or HTTP load balancer gateway to all service APIs.


Enables hyperlocation.


Enables location service to compute location.


Provides access point heatmap for location service.


Collects system metrics.


Enables the load balancer service used for distributing Network Mobility Services Protocol (NMSP) messages to location services.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

Additional options were documented.

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to generate a key for the service location .

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config set location key 2512
{"key": "2512"}
Change will take effect on service restart.

Restart the service.

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl restart location
The nodeagent service is currently running with PID: 3299
Attempting to restart Location
Service Location has successfully restarted

To verify the key, use the cmxctl config get location command:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config get location
    "services": {
        "location": {
            "key": "2512",
            "maxdirectmemory": "1536M",
            "maxnewsize": "800M",
            "mem": "6144M"

cmxctl config smartlicense enable

To enable Smart License in Cisco CMX, use the cmxctl config smartlicense enable command.

cmxctl config smartlicense enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.3

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A Cisco Smart account is mandatory to enable smart license. Once enabled, you cannot disable smart license.


The following example shows how to enable smart license:

[cmxadmin@server]# cmxctl config smartlicense enable

Once Smart License is Enabled, It cannot be disabled ! ! !
To use Smart License, you must first setup a Cisco Smart Account
Prerequisite: Please make sure you have smart account enabled before proceeding.
Do you want to Enable Smart License [yes/no] ? [yes] :

cmxctl config smartlicense register

To register Cisco CMX product instance with smart acccount, use the cmxctl config smartlicense register command.

cmxctl config smartlicense register

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.3

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the product instance registration token ID from CSSM tool to register product instance.


The following example shows how to register product instance:

[cmxadmin@server]# cmxctl config smartlicense register

Copy the product instance registration Token Id from CSSM tool and paste it below

Please Enter Token Id : XYZ

Do you want to use your Hostname as Product instance Name [yes/no] ? [no]: yes
Registration started with Token Id : XYZ
Registration is in progress ...

Product Instance Registered Successfully

cmxctl config smartlicense status

To check the smart license status of Cisco CMX, use the cmxctl config smartlicense status command.

cmxctl config smartlicense status

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.3

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to check the license compliance status and smart account details.


The following example shows how to check smart license status:

[cmxadmin@server]# cmxctl config smartlicense status
Registration Status : Registered
Registration Date : Thu Oct 22 00:15:58 PDT 2020

License Compliance : Out of Compliance

Out of Compliance Start Date : Thu Oct 22 00:16:01 PDT 2020
Smart Account Name :
Virtual Account : CMX_Test

Product Instance Name : CMX Virtual Platform

Is Authorization Failed : False

cmxctl config smartlicense renewauthorization

To renew authorization manually, use the cmxctl config smartlicense renewauthorization command.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

cmxctl config smartlicense renewauthorization

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.3

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to manually renew the authorization of Smart License in Cisco CMX by communicating with CSSM.


The following example shows how to renew authorization manually:

[cmxadmin@server]# cmxctl config smartlicense renewauthorization

Do you want to Renew Authorization Manually [yes/no] ? [no]: yes
Authorization Renewal is in progress ..-

Product Authorization Renewed Successfully

cmxctl config smartlicense renewregistration

To renew Cisco CMX product registartion manually, use the cmxctl config smartlicense renewregistration command.

cmxctl config smartlicense renewregistration

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.3

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to manually renew the registration ID and certificate with CSSM. This is optional as Cisco CMX automatically does this from backend.


The following example shows how to renew product registration manually:

[cmxadmin@server]# cmxctl config smartlicense renewregistration

Do you want to Renew Registration Manually [yes/no] ? [no] : yes
Registration Renewal is in progress ...

Product Registration Renewed Successfully

cmxctl config smartlicense reregister

To re-register Cisco CMX product instance manually, use the cmxctl config smartlicense reregister command.

cmxctl config smartlicense reregister

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.3

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to perform a forceful re-registration to override any existing registered instances. This deletes previously reported data in the Smart Account related to that particular instance.


The following example shows how to re-register product instance:

[cmxadmin@server]# cmxctl config smartlicense reregister

Re-register will override existing registered instance if any

Existing data like Reported license,Count etc. if any will be lost from Smart Account
Do you want to Re-register product instance Manually [yes/no] ? [no]: yes

Copy the product instance registration Token Id from CSSM tool and paste it below
Please Enter Token Id : XYZ
Do you want to use your Hostname as Product Instance Name [yes/no] ? [no]: yes

Re-registration started with Token Id : XYZ
Re-registration is in progress ...

Product Instance Re-registered Successfully

cmxctl config smartlicense deregister

To deregister product instance manually, use the cmxctl config smartlicense deregister command.

cmxctl config smartlicense deregister

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.3

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to deregister Cisco CMX product instance from CSSM.


The following example shows how to deregister product instance:

[cmxadmin@server]# cmxctl config smartlicense deregister
Do you want to de-register this product instance [yes/no] ? [no] : yes
fee-registration is in progress ...

Product Instance De-registered Successfully

cmxctl config smartlicense secondaryudi

To configure secondary UDI on Cisco CMX primary for a High Availability setup, use the cmxctl config smartlicense secondaryudi command.

cmxctl config smartlicense secondaryudi

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.3

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the secindary UDI and serial number to configure secondary UDI in Cisco CMX primary setup.


The following example shows how to configure secondary UDI:

[cmxadmin@server]# cmxctl config smartlicense secondaryudi
Please enter secondary’s UDI : VMware Virtual Platform

Please enter secondary’s serial number : 123ABC-XXX-YYY

cmxctl config uptimethreshold

To configure system uptime threshold, use the cmxctl config uptimethreshold command.

cmxctl config uptimethreshold { getthresholddays | setthresholddays value  }

Syntax Description


Displays uptime threshold in days to generate an alert.

setthresholddays value

Sets uptime threshold, in days, to generate an alert. The default setting for system uptime threshold is 90 days. The valid range is 1 to 365 days.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.3

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure a threshold for system uptime. An alert is generated when the system uptime crosses the configured threshold value.


The following example shows how to set the system uptime threshold:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config uptimethreshold setthresholddays
Days after which alerts gets generated [1-365] [90]: 100 
Changed the Threshold Days Setting for System Uptime Successfully.

cmxctl config verify

To verify the Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (Cisco CMX) installation and configuration, use the cmxctl config verify command.

cmxctl config verify

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user


The following example shows how to verify the Cisco CMX installation and configuration:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl config verify
Verifying node configuration...
NetworkManager: unrecognized service
Consul v0.4.1
Consul Protocol: 2 (Understands back to: 1)
confd 0.6.0
| module | check | passed | msg
| netman_stopped | NetworkManager service is not | Success |
| | running | |
| matlabengine | | Failed | check the log files
under |
| | nsul:5577/api/services/matlabe | | /opt/cmx/var/log
| | ngine/status | |
| database | connect to database port:5432 | Success |
| consul_dns | (consul) is present | Success |
| | as dns server in | |
| | /etc/resolv.conf | |
| etchost_hacks | consul service hostnames not | Success |
| | static in /etc/hosts | |
| analytics | http://analytics.service.consu | Failed | check the log files
under |
| | l:5556/api/services/analytics/ | | /opt/cmx/var/log
| | status | |
| hostname_ping | ping to hostname:cmx-master-1 | Success |
| location | http://location.service.consul | Failed | check the log files
under |
| | :5555/api/services/location/st | | /opt/cmx/var/log
| | atus | |
| confd_installed | Confd is installed | Success |
| consul_installe | Consul is installed | Success |
| d | | |
| nmsplb | http://nmsplb.service.consul:6 | Failed | check the log files
under |
| | 001/api/services/nmsplb/status | | /opt/cmx/var/log
| configuration | http://configuration.service.c | Failed | check the log files
under |
| | onsul:6000/api/services/config | | /opt/cmx/var/log
| | uration/status | |
| cassandra | connect to cassandra port:9042 | Success |

cmxctl debug

To create a debug tarball in the current directory, use the cmxctl debug command.

cmxctl debug

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command is depreciated.

Usage Guidelines

The debug tarball that is created will be approximately 300 MB in size, and takes at 90 seconds to complete. This command should to be run using the cmxadmin (non-root) account. This commnd is depreciated in Cisco CMX release 10.4 and we recommend that you use cmxos techsupport command.


The following example shows how to create a debug tarball in the current directory:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl debug
running locally
Dumping debug information...
[localhost] Executing task 'dump_config'
cp: cannot stat `/opt/cmx/share/upgrade.answers': No such file or directory
[localhost] Executing task 'dump_state'
running 'ps aux'
running 'ifconfig -a'
running 'cmxctl status'
running 'ulimit -a'
running 'ps -u root,postgres -o %cpu,%mem,cmd'
running 'netstat -o -n -a'
running 'df -h'
running 'ntpdate -d'
running 'consul members'
[localhost] Executing task 'dump_apis'
getting /api/config/v1/clusters
getting /api/config/v1/nodes
[localhost] Executing task 'dump_hosts'
pinging configuration.service.consul
pinging location.service.consul
pinging 6379.cache.service.consul
pinging 6380.cache.service.consul
pinging 6381.cache.service.consul
pinging database.service.consul
pinging analytics.service.consul
pinging halo.service.consul

cmxctl disable

To disable a service, use the cmxctl disable command.

cmxctl disable {consul | qlesspyworker | cassandra | iodocs | cache_6382 | cache_6383 | cache_6380 | cache_6381 | cache_6384 | cache_6385 | influxdb | metrics | confd | cache_6379 | cache_6378 | haproxy | database | analytics | connect | gateway | location | configuration | matlabengine | hyperlocation | nmsplb | agent }

Syntax Description


Performs analytics on calculated location data.


Manages Cisco CMX system lifecycle. starts, stops, and monitors all the services running in Cisco CMX.


Caches the service used by location service.


Caches the service used by location service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Enables cassandra database service used by the location service for historical data.


Internal service.


Configures nodes and clusters.


Enables connect services.


Internal service.


Enables the database service used by analytics and configuration service.


Enables the TCP or HTTP load balancer gateway to all service APIs.


Enables hyperlocation.


Enables location service to compute location.


Provides access point heatmap for location service.


Collects system metrics.


Enables the load balancer service used for distributing Network Mobility Services Protocol (NMSP) messages to location services.


Enables database services used for storing statistics from various services.


Enables online document service for REST API offered by various services.


Internal service.


Enables gateway services that establishes secure bidirectional communication with Cisco CMX Cloud applications.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user


The following example shows how to disable the cassandra database service:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl disable cassandra
The nodeagent service is currently running with PID: 31776
Stopping cassandra process...
Successfully shutdown cassandra Process.

cmxctl dump

To create a configuration tarball in the current directory, use the cmxctl dump command.

cmxctl dump

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user


The following example shows how to create a configuration tarball in the current directory:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl dump
running locally
Dumping configuration information...
[localhost] Executing task 'dump_config'

cmxctl enable

To enable a service, use the cmxctl enable command.

cmxctl enable {consul | qlesspyworker | cassandra | iodocs | cache_6382 | cache_6383 | cache_6380 | cache_6381 | cache_6384 | cache_6385 | influxdb | metrics | confd | cache_6379 | cache_6378 | haproxy | database | analytics | connect | gateway | location | configuration | matlabengine | hyperlocation | nmsplb | agent }

Syntax Description


Performs analytics on calculated location data.


Manages Cisco CMX system lifecycle. starts, stops, and monitors all the services running in Cisco CMX.


Caches the service used by location service.


Caches the service used by location service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Enables cassandra database service used by the location service for historical data.


Internal service.


Configures nodes and clusters.


Enables connect services.


Internal service.


Enables the database service used by analytics and configuration service.


Enables the TCP or HTTP load balancer gateway to all service APIs.


Enables hyperlocation.


Enables location service to compute location.


Provides access point heatmap for location service.


Collects system metrics.


Enables the load balancer service used for distributing Network Mobility Services Protocol (NMSP) messages to location services.


Enables database services used for storing statistics from various services.


Enables online document service for REST API offered by various services.


Internal service.


Enables gateway services that establishes secure bidirectional communication with Cisco CMX Cloud applications.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6

This command was introduced in a release prior to Cisco CMX Release 10.6.


The following example shows how to enable analytics service:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl enable analytics
The nodeagent service is not running.
Agent is not running, starting it now.
Starting nodeagent Process...
Started nodeagent service with PID: 31027

cmxctl heterarchy

To manage the deployment hierarchy, use the cmxctl heterarchy command.

cmxctl heterarchy {backup | rebuild | repair | restore | retire | verify}

Syntax Description


Backs up the deployment hierarchy.


Rebuilds the deployment hierarchy.


Repairs the deployment hierarchy.


Restores the deployment hierarchy.


Retires the deployment hierarchy.


Verifies the deployment hierarchy.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.2

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to verify the heterarchy:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl heterarchy verify
Verifying heterarchy...
Checking user levels
Heterarchy is healthy.

cmxctl influxdb wipe

To wipe the influx database, use the cmxctl influxdb wipe --silent command.

cmxctl influxdb wipe --silent

Syntax Description

silent Silently wipe the influx database

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.3

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to wipe the influx database:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl influxdb wipe
This command will wipe the Influx database. All system metric data will be erased.
Do you want to continue?: y
Stopping influxdb Process...
executing shutdown
Successfully shutdown influxdb Process.
Cleaning Influx database directories
Configuring InfluxDB

cmxctl jobs

To configure recurring background jobs, use the cmxctl jobs command.

cmxctl jobs { cancel | jobname | list | run | jobname | runnow | jobname}

Syntax Description

cancel jobname

Cancels a scheduled job.


Lists all the scheduled jobs.

run jobname

Runs a job at a specified time.

runnow jobname

Triggers a one-time run of the job.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The Apache Cassandra database stores location history data. Pruning should be performed to maintain disk usage. Cisco CMX 10.2 introduces the option to prune database size. The default disk-pruning task runs at an interval of 90 days. You can also use the cmxctl jobs runnow cleanupcassandra command to run an on-demand job of cleaning up the Cassandra database, which is a normal scheduled task that runs once every two days.


The following example shows how to run a background job:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl jobs run LocationIndexCleanup
submitted the job, verify using cmxctl jobs list.

cmxctl metrics notification

To generate notification metrics for a Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (Cisco CMX) file, use the cmxctl metrics notification command.

cmxctl metrics notification

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

The notification keyword provides metrics for notification.


The following example shows how to generate metrics for a Cisco CMX file:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl metrics notification
| EndPoint | Success | Failure | SuccessRate |
FailureRate |

cmxctl node

To manage node installation, use the cmxctl node command.

cmxctl node { sslmode | {enable | | {--key key-file-location | | --pem pem-file-location} | disable}}

Syntax Description


Enables or disables Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).


Enables Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

--key key-file-location

Location of the SSL key file.

--pem pem-file-location

Location of the SSL pem file.


Disables Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

Before initiating the import process, ensure that you have a self-signed or a Certificate Authority (CA)-signed certificate and the key file. The certificate and the key file must have minimum global read permissions (0644). Starting from Cisco CMX Release 10.3.1, you can install a new Cisco CMX certificate by using the key and pem keywords. For example:
[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl node sslmode enable --pem /home/cmxadmin/cert.pem --key

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.1

This command was modified. The sslmode enable keyword was modified.

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.0

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to manage node installation:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl node sslmode enable --pem <pem-file-location> --key <key-file-location>
enabling ssl
ssl enabled

cmxctl restart

To restart a Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (Cisco CMX) service, use the cmxctl restart command.

cmxctl restart {consul | qlesspyworker | cassandra | iodocs | cache_6382 | cache_6383 | cache_6380 | cache_6381 | cache_6384 | cache_6385 | influxdb | metrics | confd | cache_6379 | cache_6378 | haproxy | database | analytics | connect | gateway | location | configuration | matlabengine | hyperlocation | nmsplb | agent }

Syntax Description


Performs analytics on calculated location data.


Manages Cisco CMX system lifecycle. Starts, stops, and monitors all the services running in Cisco CMX.


Caches the service used by location service.


Caches the service used by location service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Enables cassandra database service used by the location service for historical data.


Internal service.


Configures nodes and clusters.


Enables connect services.


Internal service.


Enables the database service used by analytics and configuration service.


Enables the TCP or HTTP load balancer gateway to all service APIs.


Enables hyperlocation.


Enables location service to compute location.


Provides access point heatmap for location service.


Collects system metrics.


Enables the load balancer service used for distributing Network Mobility Services Protocol (NMSP) messages to location services.


Enables database services used for storing statistics from various services.


Enables online document service for REST API offered by various services.


Internal service.


Enables gateway services that establishes secure bidirectional communication with Cisco CMX Cloud applications.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user


The following example shows how to restart a Cisco CMX service:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl restart database
The nodeagent service is currently running with PID: 16718
Stopping postgres Process...
Successfully shutdown postgres Process.
Starting postgres Process...
Started postgres service with PID: 25702
Exception while notifying CE

cmxctl stack

To generate the jstack for a java service, use the cmxctl stack command.

cmxctl stack {cmx_service}

Syntax Description


Lists all Cisco CMX services. The services include: location, analytics, configuration, matlabengine, and nmsplb.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.2

This command was introduced.

cmxctl start

To start a Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (Cisco CMX) service, use the cmxctl start command.

cmxctl start {consul | qlesspyworker | cassandra | iodocs | cache_6382 | cache_6383 | cache_6380 | cache_6381 | cache_6384 | cache_6385 | influxdb | metrics | confd | cache_6379 | cache_6378 | haproxy | database | analytics | connect | gateway | location | configuration | matlabengine | hyperlocation | nmsplb | agent }

Syntax Description


Performs analytics on calculated location data.


Manages Cisco CMX system lifecycle. starts, stops, and monitors all the services running in Cisco CMX.


Caches the service used by location service.


Caches the service used by location service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Enables cassandra database service used by the location service for historical data.


Internal service.


Configures nodes and clusters.


Enables connect services.


Internal service.


Enables the database service used by analytics and configuration service.


Enables the TCP or HTTP load balancer gateway to all service APIs.


Enables hyperlocation.


Enables location service to compute location.


Provides access point heatmap for location service.


Collects system metrics.


Enables the load balancer service used for distributing Network Mobility Services Protocol (NMSP) messages to location services.


Enables database services used for storing statistics from various services.


Enables online document service for REST API offered by various services.


Internal service.


Enables gateway services that establishes secure bidirectional communication with Cisco CMX Cloud applications.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user


The following example shows how to display the status for the consul service:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl start consul
The nodeagent service is currently running with PID: 16718
The analytics service is already running with pid: 1099
Exception while notifying CE
The location service is already running with pid: 16005
Exception while notifying CE
The configuration service is already running with pid: 16165
Exception while notifying CE
The matlabengine service is already running with pid: 1251
Exception while notifying CE
The nmsplb service is already running with pid: 1377
Exception while notifying CE

cmxctl status

To view the status of one or all Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (Cisco CMX) services, use the cmxctl status command.

cmxctl status { analytics | agent | cache_6378 | cache_6379 | cache_6380 | cache_6381 | cache_6382 | cache_6383 | cache_6385 | cassandra | configuration | confd | consul | database | haproxy | location | matlabengine | metrics | nmsplb | influxdb | iodocs | qlesspyworker }

Syntax Description


Performs analytics on calculated location data.


Manages Cisco CMX system lifecycle. starts, stops, and monitors all the services running in Cisco CMX.


Caches the service used by location service.


Caches the service used by location service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Enables cassandra database service used by the location service for historical data.


Internal service.


Configures nodes and clusters.


Enables connect services.


Internal service.


Enables the database service used by analytics and configuration service.


Enables the TCP or HTTP load balancer gateway to all service APIs.


Enables hyperlocation.


Enables location service to compute location.


Provides access point heatmap for location service.


Collects system metrics.


Enables the load balancer service used for distributing Network Mobility Services Protocol (NMSP) messages to location services.


Enables database services used for storing statistics from various services.


Enables online document service for REST API offered by various services.


Internal service.


Enables gateway services that establishes secure bidirectional communication with Cisco CMX Cloud applications.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

After installing the ISO file on the Cisco MSE 3355 or 3365, use the cmxctl status command to check if the CMX services are running. If they are not running, use the cmxctl start command.


The following example shows how to display the status for the consul service:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl status consul
The nodeagent service is currently running with PID: 6190
| Host           | Service       | Status  | Uptime (HH:mm) |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Analytics     | Running | 5 days, 05:49  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Cache_6378    | Running | 5 days, 05:52  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Cache_6379    | Running | 5 days, 05:49  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Cache_6380    | Running | 5 days, 05:49  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Cache_6381    | Running | 5 days, 05:49  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Cache_6382    | Running | 5 days, 05:49  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Cache_6383    | Running | 5 days, 05:49  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Cache_6385    | Running | 5 days, 05:49  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Cassandra     | Running | 5 days, 05:51  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Confd         | Running | 5 days, 05:49  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Configuration | Running | 5 days, 05:49  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Connect       | Running | 5 days, 05:49  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Consul        | Running | 5 days, 05:52  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Database      | Running | 5 days, 05:52  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Haproxy       | Running | 5 days, 05:49  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Hyperlocation | Running | 5 days, 05:47  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Influxdb      | Running | 5 days, 05:49  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Iodocs        | Running | 5 days, 05:50  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Location      | Running | 5 days, 05:49  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Matlabengine  | Running | 5 days, 05:48  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Metrics       | Running | 5 days, 05:49  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Nmsplb        | Running | 5 days, 05:47  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | Qlesspyworker | Running | 5 days, 05:50  |
| CMX-LowEnd-200 | gateway       | Running | 5 days, 05:50  |

cmxctl stop

To shut down a Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (Cisco CMX) service, use the cmxctl stop command.

cmxctl stop { analytics | agent | cache_6378 | cache_6379 | cache_6380 | cache_6381 | cache_6382 | cache_6383 | cache_6385 | cassandra | configuration | confd | consul | database | haproxy | location | matlabengine | metrics | nmsplb | influxdb | iodocs | qlesspyworker }

Syntax Description


Performs analytics on calculated location data.


Manages Cisco CMX system lifecycle. starts, stops, and monitors all the services running in Cisco CMX.


Caches the service used by location service.


Caches the service used by location service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Caches the service used by analytics service.


Enables cassandra database service used by the location service for historical data.


Internal service.


Configures nodes and clusters.


Enables connect services.


Internal service.


Enables the database service used by analytics and configuration service.


Enables the TCP or HTTP load balancer gateway to all service APIs.


Enables hyperlocation.


Enables location service to compute location.


Provides access point heatmap for location service.


Collects system metrics.


Enables the load balancer service used for distributing Network Mobility Services Protocol (NMSP) messages to location services.


Enables database services used for storing statistics from various services.


Enables online document service for REST API offered by various services.


Internal service.

Command Default

The services are running.

Command Modes

CMX admin user


The following example shows how to stop the analytics service:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl stop analytics
The nodeagent service is currently running with PID: 16987
Stopping analytics Process...
Service analytics with pid: 19095
Successfully shutdown analytics Process.

cmxctl trace mac

To enable MAC address tracing, use the cmxctl trace mac command.

cmxctl trace mac { add | delete | status }

Syntax Description


Add MAC address for tracing


Delete MAC address for tracing


Display MAC address tracing settings

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.3

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to enble MAC address tracing:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl trace mac status
| MAC Address       |
| 3c:a9:f4:6c:ee:44 |
| ac:37:43:4b:cc:2f |
| 3c:a9:f4:6c:5a:ac |

cmxctl trace status

To display current trace levels of each CMX service, use the cmxctl trace status command.

cmxctl trace status

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.3

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to display current tarce levels:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl trace mac status
| MAC Address       |
| 00:01:02:03:04:05 |

cmxctl trace update

To update the trace level of a Cisco CMX service, use the cmxctl trace update command.

cmxctl trace update {service service-to-update | level tracelevel | [INFO  |  DEBUG]}

Syntax Description

service service-to-update

Configure service to update.

level tracelevel

Configure trace level [INFO | DEBUG]

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.x

This command was introduced.

cmxctl users

To list or to configure Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (Cisco CMX) users using the CLI, use the cmxctl users command.

cmxctl users { list | passwd | username | logout | userid}

Syntax Description


Lists all the current users.


Sets the password for a user.


Username of a user in Cisco CMX.

logout userid

Account of a user in Cisco CMX.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user


The following example shows how to list Cisco CMX users using the CLI:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl users list
| Username | Full Name | Roles |
| monitor | Monitor User | Read Only |
| admin | Admin User | Admin |

cmxctl users unlock

To unlock CMX access for a CLI or GUI user after they have been locked out, use the cmxctl users unlock command.

cmxctl users unlock {cli username  | gui username}

Syntax Description

cli username

Unlocks the command line interface (CLI) user.

gui username

Unlocks the graphical user interface (GUI) user.

Command Default

By default, active accounts will automatically unlock in 30 minutes. Dormant accounts—accounts inactive for 35 days or more—do not automatically unlock.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The CMX admin can unlock accounts before the 30-minute expiry time.


The following example shows how to unlock the CMX user interface user someguy:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl users unlock gui someguy
Account unlocked successfully

cmxctl version

To know the Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (Cisco CMX) version, use the cmxctl version command.

cmxctl version

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user


The following example shows how to display version information for Cisco CMX:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl version
Build Version : 10.1.0-27
Build Time : 2015-05-05 03:06:45.437430
Name : cmx-ng-container
Commit Count : 17
Short Hash : bf20ec1
Name : cmx-ng-location
Commit Count : 5
Short Hash : efc84fa
Name : cmx-ng-ui
Commit Count : 5
Short Hash : d793df7
Name : cmx-ova
Build Time : Fri Feb 20 06:34:38 UTC 2015

cmxloc delete

To delete a location accuracy test in Cisco CMX, use the cmxloc delete command.

cmxloc delete

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command should be run at the cmxadmin level.

cmxloc download

To view the link to download the log files, use the cmxloc download command.

cmxloc download test name

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command will move the log files into a location and can be downloaded using a browser.

cmxloc find

To search for the MAC address provided and return all the current attributes for the device, use the cmxloc find command.

cmxloc find MAC address

Syntax Description

MAC Address

MAC address of the device.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command should be run at the cmxadmin level.

cmxloc list

To list the accuracy tests in Cisco CMX, use the cmxloc list command.

cmxloc list

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command should be run at the cmxadmin level.


The following example shows how to list all Cisco CMX accuracy tests:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxloc list
| Name  | Status   | MAC Address       | Comp Freq (s) | Avg Error (m) | 90% (m) | 50% (m) | Test Points |
| FB1   | PAUSED   | 98:07:2d:2a:11:fa | 0.0           | 0.0           | 0.0     | 0.0     | 0           |
| Test1 | FINISHED | 98:07:2d:2a:11:fa | 61.0          | 2.45          | 3.23    | 1.93    | 1           |
| Test2 | FINISHED | 98:07:2d:2a:11:fa | 33.25         | 4.36          | 6.27    | 3.44    | 4           |

cmxloc monitor

To monitor the location accuracy test, use the cmxloc monitor command.

cmxloc monitor MAC Address

Syntax Description

MAC Address

MAC address of the device.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command searches for a client and returns the attributes. The command monitors for any location changes and will update the screen for the new location attributes. Press the enter key to terminate the command execution.

cmxloc start

To start a location accuracy test, use the cmxloc start command.

cmxloc start MAC Address Test Name X, Y Locations Time

Syntax Description

MAC Address

MAC address of the device to run the location accuracy test.

Test Name

Name of the new location accuarcy test.

X, Y Locations

X and Y location information.


Estimated time to run the test.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command triggers the location accuracy test.

cmxos addswap

To add a 10 GB space to the operating system, use the cmxos addswap command.

cmxos addswap

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

This command should be run at the root user level.


The following example shows how to increase disk space in the operating system:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos addswap
10485760+0 records in
10485760+0 records out
10737418240 bytes (11 GB) copied, 29.6845 s, 362 MB/s
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 10485756 KiB
no label, UUID=2734f069-e687-4635-b2d6-9381241bc7ee
swap added, run system info to verify
[root@cmx-vmdev146 ~]#

cmxos adminui

To start, stop, and restart the administrator UI, use the cmxos adminui command.

cmxos adminui {start | stop | restart}

Syntax Description


Starts the administrator UI.


Stops the administrator UI.


Restarts the administrator UI.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.2

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to stop the administrator UI:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos adminui stop
Stopping adminui...

cmxos apiserver disable

To disable Cisco CMX API server, use the cmxos apiserver disable command.

cmxos apiserver disable

Syntax Description


Disables the Cisco CMX API server.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to disable the Cisco CMX API server:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos apiserver disable

Disabling CMX API Server...
Stopping CMX API Server...

cmxos apiserver enable

To enable Cisco CMX API server, use the cmxos apiserver enable command.

cmxos apiserver enable

Syntax Description


Enables the Cisco CMX API server.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to enable the Cisco CMX API server:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos apiserver enable
Enabling CMX API Server...
Starting CMX API Server...

cmxos apiserver reset

To reset the configuration of the Cisco CMX API server, use the cmxos apiserver reset command.

cmxos apiserver reset

Syntax Description


Resets CMX API Server configuration.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to reset the Cisco CMX API server:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos apiserver reset
Resetting CMX API Server...

cmxos apiserver restart

To restart Cisco CMX API server, use the cmxos apiserver restart command.

cmxos apiserver restart

Syntax Description


Restarts the Cisco CMX API server.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to start the Cisco CMX API server:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos apiserver restart
Restarting CMX API Server...

cmxos apiserver start

To start Cisco CMX API server, use the cmxos apiserver command.

cmxos apiserver { start | stop | restart | enable | disable | status | user}

Syntax Description


Starts the Cisco CMX API server.


Stops the Cisco CMX API server.


Restarts the Cisco CMX API server.


Enables the Cisco CMX API server.


Disables the Cisco CMX API server.


Displays the current status of the Cisco CMX API server.


Sets the userid and password for the CMX API Server.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to start the Cisco CMX API server:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos apiserver start
Starting CMX API Server...

cmxos apiserver status

To view the status of Cisco CMX API server, use the cmxos apiserver status command.

cmxos apiserver status

Syntax Description


Displays the current status of the Cisco CMX API server.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to view the status of Cisco CMX API server:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos apiserver status
|  CMX API Server Status           |
| Configuration | Enabled          |
| Status        | Running          |
| Uptime        | 0 days 00:01:17 |

cmxos apiserver stop

To stop the CMX API Server, use the cmxos apiserver stop command.

cmxos apiserver stop

Syntax Description


Stops the Cisco CMX API server.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to start the Cisco CMX API server:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos apiserver stop
Stopping CMX API Server...

cmxos apiserver user

To manage user IDs and passwords for the Cisco CMX API server, use the cmxos apiserver user command.

cmxosapiserveruser {add userid password | delete userid | list}

Syntax Description


Adds a new CMX API server user.


Enter a user ID (username) for the new CMX API server user.


Enter a temporary password for the new user.

delete userid

Deletes the specified user ID.


Displays CMX API server user IDs.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

This command was modified.

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to add a new user for the Cisco CMX API server:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos apiserver user add
Please enter the userid for the CMX API Server: user1
Please enter the password for the CMX API Server: password
Please re-enter the password for the CMX API Server: password
Restarting CMX API Server...
Stopping CMX API Server...
Starting CMX API Server...
Successfully updated userid/password and restarted the CMX API Server

The following example shows how to list Cisco CMX API server users:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos apiserver user list
| User ID |
| admin   |
| user1   |

cmxos backup

To back up a node, use the cmxos backup command.

cmxos backup {path | i | all | help}

Syntax Description


Path where the backup file will be created.

-i, --include_only TEXT

Backups selected parts only. Options are database, cache, cassandra, influxdb, consul, floormaps, licenses, setup, and connect images.


Includes InfluxDB data in backup bundle. If specific options are not selected, only the following services are included in the backup bundle: confd, database, cache, cassandra, floormaps, licenses, setup, and connect images.


Shows the help content.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

This command should to be run using the cmxadmin (non-root) account. The destination directory for backup file requires rwx permission. When you specify a backup directory other than /tmp, ensure that the directory has "r/w/x" permission by user:cmx.


The following example shows how to back up a node:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos backup
Please enter the path for backup file [/tmp]:
[17:43:50] Preparing for backup...
[17:43:50] Backup Database...
[17:43:51] Backup Cache...
[17:43:51] Backup Cassandra...
[17:43:53] Backup InfluxDb...
[17:43:53] Backup Consul...
[17:43:53] Backup Floormaps...
[17:43:53] Backup node configuration...
[17:43:59] Creating tar file..
[17:43:59] Done Backup. Created backup file

cmxos backupsched

To schedule a Cisco CMX backup capability, use the cmxos backupsched command.

cmxos backupsched {schedule | unschedule | show}

Syntax Description


Schedules a backup.


Unschedules a backup.


Displays the current backup schedule.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can use this command to schedule a daily or weekly backup. For the daily backup schedule, you must select an hour based on the UTC time of the system. For the weekly backup schedule, enter a day of the week to schedule the backup. After the scheduled backup is completed, the CMX backup is available at /home/cmxadmin/cmxbackups.

You can create custom scripts to run specific commands during the scheduled backup. The pre-script /home/cmxadmin/bin/ helps you to run commands before the scheduled backup. The post-script /home/cmxadmin/bin/ helps to run the commands after the backup is completed.

cmxos benchmark disk

To benchmark disk performance, use the cmxos benchmark disk command.

cmxos benchmark disk [ --verbose ]

Syntax Description


Prints full output.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You must manually stop all Cisco CMX services before executing this command.


The following example shows how to verify the disk performance:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos benchmark disk
This process will check disk performance on /opt/cmx/srv/
You must stop all CMX services manually before running this command
Do you want to continue?: yes
Running disk performance...this may take a while...please wait...

cmxos changedate

To update system date and time, use the cmxos changedate command.

cmxos changedate

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Enter the new date and time in YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.


The following example shows how to update system date and time:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos changedate
Enter Date and Time(YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) : 2018-11-26 03:51:00
2018-11-26 03:51:00
System date and time changed successfully

cmxos checkpostgresdatasize

To display postgres data size, use the cmxos checkpostgresdatasize command.

cmxos checkpostgresdatasize

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.3

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to display postgres data size:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos checkpostgresdatasize
651488	/opt/cmx/srv/postgres

cmxos clean

To clean up files on CMX, use the cmxos clean command.

cmxos clean {find | normal | {delete}}

Syntax Description


Find files over 1 Gigabyte in size.


List files which can be cleaned.


Remove the files listed.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.3

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to search for large files:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos clean find
Starting search for large files
Size: 1.96G File: /tmp/cmx_backup_CMX-LowEnd-200_2017_01_18_17_56.tar.gz
Size: 2.36G File: /tmp/cmx_backup_CMX-LowEnd-200_2017_03_14_11_16.tar.gz
Size: 2.43G File: /tmp/cmx_backup_CMX-LowEnd-200_2017_03_20_14_36.tar.gz
Size: 2.32G File: /tmp/cmx_backup_CMX-LowEnd-200_2017_01_18_18_00.tar.gz
Size: 1.45G File: /var/log/maillog-20170212.gz
Size: 2.63G File: /var/log/maillog-20170205.gz
Size: 6.84G File: /home/cmxadmin/cmx_backup_CMX-LAC-210_2017_03_23_22_09.tar.gz
Size: 1.17G File: /home/cmxadmin/CISCO_CMX-10.3.0-58.cmx
Completed search for large files
[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos clean normal
Files which can be removed in: /opt/cmx/var/log
[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos clean normal --delete
Are you sure you wish to remove files? [y/N]: y
Removing files in: /opt/cmx/var/log
Remove: /opt/cmx/var/log/agent/server.log.2
Remove: /opt/cmx/var/log/agent/server.log.1
Remove: /opt/cmx/var/log/cmxjobs.log.5
Remove: /opt/cmx/var/log/cmxjobs.log.2
Remove: /opt/cmx/var/log/cmxjobs.log.4
Remove: /opt/cmx/var/log/cmxjobs.log.1
Remove: /opt/cmx/var/log/cmxjobs.log.3

cmxos configure

To configure the network and operating system parameter, use the cmxos configure command.

cmxos configure

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

This command should to be run at the root user level. You can use the --force option to force a fresh configuration if the device is already configured.


The following example shows how to configure the network and operating system parameters:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos configure --force
*** The system is already configured
Checking if the machine meets required specification...
| Check | expected | actual | Result |
| memory | 8GB | 25GB | ? |
| cpu | 4 | 8 | ? |
| disk | 50GB | 51GB | ? |
| hostname | rfc compliant hostname | cmx-vmdev146 | ? |

cmxos date

To show current date information for the system, use the cmxos date command.

cmxos date

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Run this command to see the current time and status of the system.


The following example shows how to display current date information for the system:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos date 
Current Date                                      = Mon Mar 25 12:15:48 PDT 2019
Current UTC Date                                  = Mon Mar 25 19:15:48 UTC 2019
NTP Server                                        = *
Offset: Time difference between server and client = -0.969
Delay: Round trip between server and client       = 0.924
Jitter: Difference between two samples            = 1.070

cmxos encryptdisk

To encrypt CMX data on the /opt partition, use the cmxos encryptdisk command.

cmxos encryptdisk

Command Default

Encryption is not enabled.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command when your security protocol requires encryption of CMX data. For more information about this task, refer to Cisco CMX Configuration Guide, release 10.6.

When FIPS or UCAPL authentication mode is enabled, access to the command line through PuTTY or other standard SSH clients is restricted. In these cases, we recommend that you connect directly from a console, or use the VMWare vSphere console.


We recommend that you enable encryption at installation, or as soon as possible afterward. The encryption process requires time proportional to the amount of data present on the /opt partition.


Encryption cannot be disabled or undone. It requires someone with root access credentials to manually enter the encrypted disk passphrase from the command line each time the device is rebooted or powered up.


The following example show how to enable encryption after CMX installation:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos encryptdisk
Have you closed all SSH sessions to this CMX? [y/N]:y
Are you sure you want to encrypt the /opt partition of the disk ? [y/N]:y

Checking disk space requirements for backing up /opt folder...
Looks Good.

Proceed with stopping all CMX services? [y/N]:y
Backing up /opt folder into /var ...
tar backup done.
Press Enter key to enter rescue mode and begin the encryption.

Press Enter.

Shredding /opt ...
Shread: List of deleted folders
Shread: List of deleted folders
Shread: List of deleted folders
Formatting /opt ...
You will be prompted to set a passphrase for encrypted disk /opt.
Choose a passphrase, Enter and Verify it.

On every boot / power up, you will be prompted for this passphrase.
System will continue only if this passphrase is correct.
This will overwrite data on /opt irrevocably.
Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): YES

Enter a passphrase.

Enter passphrase:
Verify passphrase:
Command successful.

Opening /opt ...
Enter passphrase for /opt:
Encryption of /opt is complete.

System will reboot now.
Upon (every) restart, when prompted to enter passphrase for /opt partition, 
enter the passphrase you just set.

Press Enter to continue with reboot

Press Enter.

Please enter passphrase for disk opt on /opt!:

cmxos etchosts

To configure etc hosts, use the cmxos etchosts command.

cmxos etchosts

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command will run and returns no status.


[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos etchosts
[cmxadmin@server]# cmxos etchosts --help
Usage: etchosts [OPTIONS]
  Configure /etc/hosts properly
  --help  Show this message and exit.

cmxos firstboot

To set up the Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (Cisco CMX) again, use the cmxos firstboot command.

cmxos firstboot

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

This command should be run at the root user level. You can use the --force option to force a fresh configuration if the device is already configured.


The following example shows how to set up Cisco CMX again:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos firstboot
Not first boot....Exiting...

cmxos fixhaproxy

To verify the HA proxy permissions on Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (Cisco CMX), use the cmxos fixhaproxy command.

cmxos fixhaproxy

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

This command should be run at the root user level.


The following example shows how to verify HA proxy permissions:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos fixhaproxy
Raising haproxy setcap...

cmxos health

To check the health of a Cisco CMX system, use the cmxos health command.

cmxos health {filedescriptors | ntp}

Syntax Description


Checks the CMX file descriptors for issues.


Checks the CMX NTP systems for issues.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.5

This command was modified.

Cisco CMX Release 10.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The cmxos health filedescriptors command returns the total number of open file descriptors. The cmxos health ntp command returns the status of the CMX Network Time Protocol (NTP) systems.


The following example shows how to check the health of a Cisco CMX system:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos health filedescriptors
2195 total file descriptors open

[cmxadmin@server]# cmxos health ntp
NTP Synchronization error:
  time server re-starting
   polling server every 8 s

cmxos inventory

To show full inventory of a node, use the cmxos inventory command.

cmxos inventory

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.2

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to view the inventory details:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos inventory
UDI: AIR-MSE-3365-K9 Serial Number -  FCH1904V055

State of the RAID array: Healthy and working normally
Capacity of the RAID array: 1.088 TB
Type of disks in RAID array: Spinning Disk Drive
All chassis fans operating normally
One of the power supplies in the chassis has failed or it has not been installed/connected
Disk Capacity: 1.0T
Disk space used: 33.2G
Memory installed: 63.00G 
CPUs  installed: 20
CPU Type:  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v3 @ 2.30GHz
Server uptime: 6 Hours, 59 Minutes, 44 Seconds
Server boot time: Mon, 27 Mar 2017 16-44-36 
Number of server reboots: 1

cmxos kill

To kill services, use the cmxos kill command.

cmxos kill silent

Syntax Description


Slinetly kills services without confirmation.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.2

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to kill CMX services:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos kill
This command will force kill all CMX processes, for dev use only
Do you want to continue?:

cmxos monit

To manage the monitoring of Cisco CMX services, use the cmxos monit command.

cmxos monit {configure | start | stop | wipe}

Syntax Description


Configures the default monitor settings.


Enables monitored services.


Enables monitored services.


Deletes the default monitoring settings.



To reset to the default monitoring settings, use the cmxos monit configure command

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Release 10.2.0

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to display the monitoring settings:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos monit configure
Deleting all monit configurations....
Configuring monit mail settings...
Configuring monit OS settings...
Configuring monit CMX services settings...

The following example shows how to enable monitoring of Cisco CMX services:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos monit start
Starting monit:

cmxos ntp

To configure authenticated and un-authenticated Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers on CMX, use the cmxos ntp command.

cmxos ntp {auth | {password | servers} | clear | restart | type}

Syntax Description

auth password

Configures local authentication password.

auth servers

Configures Authenticate NTP Servers.


Clears the NTP server configuration.


Restarts the NTP services.


Displays the NTP server status.


Configure NTP authentication type.

Command Default

By default, no NTP servers are configured.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to set authenticate NTP server(s) using cmxos ntp type command.

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos ntp type
Current NTP Type = <Not Set>
Select NTP Type [1] Unauthenticated, [2] Authenticated or [3] Skip [3]: 2

Changing the NTP Type = Authenticated
Enter local password:
Repeat for confirmation:
Password changed and host key/cert file generated successfully.

Enter hostname / IP for NTP Server #1 (blank to skip) []:
Please enter complete path of exported IFF (encrypted) key file: /tmp/iffkey
Checking if server is reachable ...
Key file successfully saved as ntpkey_iffkey_ntpserver.3747444855
NTP Server added successfully

Enter hostname / IP for NTP Server #2 (blank to skip) []:
NTP Service restarted successfully

cmxos openports

To open ports, based on a node rule, use the cmxos openports command.

cmxos openports { analytics | location | database }

Syntax Description


Adds a 10-GB swap space to a node.


Configures the network and operating system parameters.


Sets up the Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (Cisco CMX) database again.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

This command should be run at the root user level.


The following example shows how to open ports based on a node:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos openports analytics
Opened port 6541
Opened port 6542
Successfully opened all ports. Saving iptables info...

cmxos patch

To install, remove or view patch for CMX system, use the cmxos patch command.

cmxos patch install filenamelistremove filename removeall

Syntax Description

install filename

Installs a new patch for CMX system.


Displays the list of currently installed patches

remove filename

Removes the specified patch.


Removes all installed patches from the CMX system.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release10.6

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco CMX has a restricted shell to prevent a user from updating the Cisco CMX image. A patch upgrade is now required to modify and update Cisco CMX. Patch files are RPM files specifically signed for installation on Cisco CMX. The patch file name has a .cmxp extension.


The following example shows how to install a patch:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos patch install
Please enter the patch file name: patch-10.0.x.cmxp

** Checking patch file integrity

Patch file integrity passed.

** Extract patch file contents.
Verifying patch signature.
Verification signature ouput: Verified OK

Patch file verification successful for /home/cmxadmin/cmx-test-patch-10.6.0.cmxp.

** Installing patch RPM: /opt/image/patches/cmx-test-patch-10.6.0-1.x86_64.rpm extracted from patch file: /home/cmxadmin/cmx-test-patch-10.6.0.cmxp

** Patch installed successfully

** Patch completed successfully.

cmxos reboot

To reboot the system, use the cmxos reboot command.

cmxos reboot {force | silent | failover}

Syntax Description


Option to force an immediate reboot.


Option to silently reboot without prompting.


Failover to the secondary before reboot and only if high availability enabled.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Run this command if you need to reboot the system. The limited shell prevents the reboot otherwise.


The following example shows how to reboot the system:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos reboot
!!!!!!!  CONFIRM REBOOT  !!!!!!!
Are you sure you want to reboot?:y

cmxos reconfigure

To change network configuration information after deployment, use the cmxos reconfigure command.

cmxos reconfigure

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

This command, which should be run at the root user level, also allows you to change the IP address, netmask, default gateway, and DNS server information. Changing the hostname through command line is not supported. Use the cmxos reconfigure command to change a hostname, IP address, or any of the network parameters.

NTP server and timezone/date configurations are also executed by running this command.


  • Do not execute the cmxos reconfigure command when Cisco CMX services are not installed. This will prevent execution failures.

  • After you run the cmxos reconfigure command to update DNS server information, the output displays the updated DNS server entries on the top along with the previous entries. This is an expected behaviour.


The following example shows how to reconfigure the network after Cisco CMX installation:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos reconfigure
This command will wipe all system metrics data when the configuration is changed
Do you want to continue?: yes
Please enter hostname [cisco-cmx-centos7-test0]:
Please enter IP address []:
Please enter netmask []:
Please enter gateway []:
Please enter DNS server []:
Please enter search domain name []:
Are the network settings correct?: yes
Stopping keepalived service
Verify keepalived service has been stopped
Successfully stopped the keepalived service.
Starting keepalived service
ERROR: Failed to start keepalived service.
Configuring NTP Server...
Please enter the NTP server name (blank for no NTP server) []:
Setting ntp server
Configuring Timezone and date...
Please identify a location so that time zone rules can be set correctly.
Please select a continent or ocean.
 1) Africa
 2) Americas
 3) Antarctica
 4) Arctic Ocean
 5) Asia
 6) Atlantic Ocean
 7) Australia
 8) Europe
 9) Indian Ocean
10) Pacific Ocean
11) none - I want to specify the time zone using the Posix TZ format.
#? 10
Please select a country.
 1) Chile                      15) Northern Mariana Islands
 2) Cook Islands               16) Palau
 3) Ecuador                    17) Papua New Guinea
 4) Fiji                       18) Pitcairn
 5) French Polynesia           19) Samoa (American)
 6) Guam                       20) Samoa (western)
 7) Kiribati                   21) Solomon Islands
 8) Marshall Islands           22) Tokelau
 9) Micronesia                 23) Tonga
10) Nauru                      24) Tuvalu
11) New Caledonia              25) United States
12) New Zealand                26) US minor outlying islands
13) Niue                       27) Vanuatu
14) Norfolk Island             28) Wallis & Futuna
#? 25
Please select one of the following time zone regions.
 1) Eastern (most areas)              16) Central - ND (Morton rural)
 2) Eastern - MI (most areas)         17) Central - ND (Mercer)
 3) Eastern - KY (Louisville area)    18) Mountain (most areas)
 4) Eastern - KY (Wayne)              19) Mountain - ID (south); OR (east)
 5) Eastern - IN (most areas)         20) MST - Arizona (except Navajo)
 6) Eastern - IN (Da, Du, K, Mn)      21) Pacific
 7) Eastern - IN (Pulaski)            22) Alaska (most areas)
 8) Eastern - IN (Crawford)           23) Alaska - Juneau area
 9) Eastern - IN (Pike)               24) Alaska - Sitka area
10) Eastern - IN (Switzerland)        25) Alaska - Annette Island
11) Central (most areas)              26) Alaska - Yakutat
12) Central - IN (Perry)              27) Alaska (west)
13) Central - IN (Starke)             28) Aleutian Islands
14) Central - MI (Wisconsin border)   29) Hawaii
15) Central - ND (Oliver)
#? 21

The following information has been given:

        United States

Therefore TZ='America/Los_Angeles' will be used.
Local time is now:      Mon May 21 08:25:39 PDT 2018.
Universal Time is now:  Mon May 21 15:25:39 UTC 2018.
Is the above information OK?
1) Yes
2) No
#? 1
The Timezone selected is America/Los_Angeles

The current time is Mon May 21 08:25:40 PDT 2018

Enter Date (YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) (blank to sync with ntp):  []:
*** No changes were detected


This command opens the Device Configuration window, where you can take the appropriate action, that is reconfigure the device or the DNS.

cmxos rediscleanup

To remove data from all the redis ports, use the cmxos rediscleanup command.

cmxos rediscleanup

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When you run this command, data entires from all redis cache ports will be removed. This may result in permanent loss of data for CMX services such as Connect.

We recommend that you use this command when the memory usage of redis instances are high. For example, qlesspy service uses redis instance 6378 and when the 6378 instance reaches memory full, qlesspy service will not start. To recover from this situation, run the cmxos rediscleanup command. You need not restart any services after running this command.


The following example shows how to remove data from all redis ports:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos rediscleanup 
Output of redis cleanup for port 6378 - OK
Output of redis cleanup for port 6379 - OK
Output of redis cleanup for port 6380 - OK
Output of redis cleanup for port 6381 - OK
Output of redis cleanup for port 6382 - OK
Output of redis cleanup for port 6383 - OK
Output of redis cleanup for port 6384 - OK
Output of redis cleanup for port 6385 - OK

cmxos restore

To restore a node, use the cmxos restore command.

cmxos restore {file | path | i | ignore_version | ignore_licenses | help}

Syntax Description

--file PATH

Path where the restore file is located.


Path where the restore file will be created.

-i, --include_only TEXT

Restore selected parts only. Options are database, cache, cassandra, influxdb, consul, floormaps, licenses, setup, connectimages.


Skip version check during restore.


Skip restoring Cisco CMX licenses contained in the backup bundle and retain local licenses.


Shows the help content.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

By default, this command performs restoration of all services excluding the InfluxDB data service. If you want to restore InfluxDB data, explicitly enter the InfluxDB service name along with other services by using --include_only while running the command.


The following example shows how to restore a node:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos restore
Please enter the backup file path: /tmp/cmx_backup_cmx-vmdev117_2015_03_10_17_43.tar.gz
[17:44:12] Preparing for restore...
[17:44:12] Untarring backup file...
[17:44:13] Stopping all services...
[17:44:16] Restoring Database...
Restarting database...
[17:44:26] Restoring Cache...
Stopping cache_6379...
Restarting cache_6379...
Stopping cache_6381...
Restarting cache_6381...
Stopping cache_6380...
Restarting cache_6380...
[17:44:55] Restoring Cassandra...
Stopping Cassandra...
Restarting Cassandra...
[17:45:19] Restoring Influxdb...
[17:45:19] Restoring consul...
[17:45:19] Restoring floormaps...
[17:45:19] Running Post Restore Tasks...
[17:45:19] Migrating Schemas...
[17:45:19] Migrating Cassandra schemas...
[17:45:20] Restarting all services...
[17:45:23] Done

cmxos shutdown

To halt the system, use the cmxos shutdown command.

cmxos shutdown {force | silent | failover}

Syntax Description


Option to force an immediate halt.


Option to silently halt without prompting.


Failover to the secondary before halt and only if high availability enabled.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Run this command for a graceful shutdown of the system. Because of the limited shell command restriction you cannot run this command otherwise.


The following example shows how to shutdown the system:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos shutdown
!!!!!!!!  CONFIRM HALT  !!!!!!!!
Are you sure you want to shutdown?:

cmxos smartlicenseudi

To get secondary UDI from Cisco CMX secondary server, use the cmxos smartlicenseudi command.

cmxos smartlicenseudi

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6.3

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Run this command on secondary CMX server to print UDI and Serial Number of the secondary CMX on the terminal. Copy the values of UDI and Serial Number and manually enter them as inputs to run the command cmxctl config smartlicense secondaryudi .


The following example shows how to get secondary CMX UDI and serial number:

[cmxadmin@server]# cmxos smartlicenseudi

UDI: VMware Virtual Platform

Serial Number: 123456-EABCDEA71

cmxos sslcert

To replace default haproxy certificate, use the cmxos sslcert command.

cmxos sslcert

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.2

This command was introduced.

cmxos sysproxy

To enable an outbound proxy on your Cisco CMX server, use the cmxos sysproxy command.

cmxos sysproxy {clear | disable | enable | no_proxy | proxy | show | ftp_proxy | http_proxy | https_proxy}

Syntax Description


Removes the proxy settings.


Disables the use of the proxy settings.


Enables the use of the proxy settings.


Sets the no_proxy environment variable.


Sets the proxy environment variables for http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_or proxy.


Displays the proxy settings.


Sets the ftp proxy.


Sets the http proxy.


Sets the https proxy.

Command Default

Proxy is disabled.

Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.3.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command supersedes the information from this post:

Use this command for environments where an outbound proxy is required on the Cisco CMX server. For example, if you happen to be in a secure internal network where even outbound traffic via HTTPS requires that it move through a proxy server.

If you set the proxy setting on the Cisco CMX server, make sure to use the no_proxy setting on the attached controllers to avoid interference with the NMSP Network Mobility Services Protocol (NMSP).

If you change the Cisco CMX proxy settings, you must restart Cisco CMX for the change to take effect. Use the cmxctl restart command to restart Cisco CMX.


The following example shows how to set a proxy on the Cisco CMX server, and then verify the change and restart Cisco CMX:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos sysproxy proxy

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos sysproxy show
[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl restart

The following example shows how to enable a proxy on the Cisco CMX server, and then verify the change and restart Cisco CMX:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos sysproxy enable

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos sysproxy show
[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl restart

The following example shows how to disable a proxy on the Cisco CMX server, and then verify the change and restart Cisco CMX:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos sysproxy disable

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos sysproxy show
[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl restart

The following example shows how to clear proxy settings, and then verify the change and restart Cisco CMX:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos sysproxy clear
[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos sysproxy show
[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxctl restart

cmxos techsupport

To collect technical support information, use the cmxos techsupport command.

cmxos techsupport { all | cmx | location | map | network | services | system }

Syntax Description


Collect all technical support information


Collect CMX information


Collect location support information


Collect map support information


Collect network information


Collect CMX services information.


Collect system information


Silently run with prompting

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

This command will return all CLI command outputs helpful for debugging.

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.3

This command was introduced.

cmxos techsupport dump

To dump all technical support information, use the cmxos techsupport dump command.

cmxos techsupport dump

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.3

This command was introduced.

cmxos upgrade

To upgrade Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (Cisco CMX) with a new Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) or package, use the cmxos upgrade command.

cmxos upgrade

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Usage Guidelines

This command should be run at the root user level. The CLI accepts either a local file or an HTTP URL. This command works only when you have a later version than the existing one to upgrade.


The following example shows how to upgrade the Cisco CMX using RPM or package:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos upgrade
The nodeagent service is not running.
Agent is not running, starting it now.
Starting nodeagent Process...
Stopping nodeagent Process...
Successfully shutdown nodeagent Process.
Stopping consul Process...
Successfully shutdown consul Process.
Stopping qlesspyworker Process...
Successfully shutdown qlesspyworker Process.
Stopping cassandra Process...
Successfully shutdown cassandra Process.
Stopping iodocs Process...
The iodocs service is not running.
Stopping redis6383 Process...
Successfully shutdown redis6383 Process.
Stopping redis6380 Process...
Successfully shutdown redis6380 Process.
Stopping redis6381 Process...
Successfully shutdown redis6381 Process.
Stopping influxdb Process...
The influxdb service is not running.
Stopping collectd Process...
The collectd service is not running.
Stopping confd Process...
The confd service is not running.
Stopping redis6379 Process...
Successfully shutdown redis6379 Process.
Stopping redis6378 Process...
Successfully shutdown redis6378 Process.
Stopping haproxy Process...
Stopping postgres Process...
Successfully shutdown postgres Process.
Stopping analytics Process...
The analytics service is not running.
Stopping location Process...
The location service is not running.
Stopping configuration Process...
The configuration service is not running.
Stopping halo Process...
The halo service is not running.
Stopping matlabengine Process...
The matlabengine service is not running.
Stopping nmsplb Process...
The nmsplb service is not running.
Shutting down

cmxos vacuumdb

To run the full vacuum command on the postgres database running within Cisco CMX, use the cmxos vacuumdb command.

cmxos vacuumdb

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.4

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command internally runs the ‘vacuumdb –vfa’ on the postgres DB. This command is an advanced command and should not be regularly used by the customer. In case of the postgres DB taking up too much disk space, this command may be run to compact the DB.

cmxos verify

To verify the virtual machine configuration, use the cmxos verify command.

cmxos verify

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user


The following example shows how to verify the virtual machine configuration:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos verify
| Check | expected | actual | Result |
| memory | 8GB | 25GB | ? |
| cpu | 4 | 8 | ? |
| disk | 50GB | 51GB | ? |
| hostname | rfc compliant hostname | cmx-vmdev146 | ? |

cmxos wipeoutdisk

To wipeout CMX data, use the cmxos wipeoutdisk command.

cmxos wipeoutdisk

Command Default


Command Modes

CMX admin user

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco CMX Release 10.6

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is available only when the FIPS/UCAPL mode is enabled. After the command execution is complete, it will delete everything on the disk and make system unusable and it will not even boot normally.

When FIPS or UCAPL authentication mode is enabled, access to the command line through PuTTY or other standard SSH clients is restricted. In these cases, we recommend that you connect directly from a console, or use the VMWare vSphere console.


The following example shows how to wipeout CMX data:

[cmxadmin@cmx]# cmxos wipeoutdisk
WARNING: This command will wipe out the entire disk.
It will remove entire CMX installation along with all the existing data.
Once completed, this box will not be useable.
Do you want to continue? [y/N]: y
lave you closed all SSH sessions to this CMX? [y/Nl: y
WARNING: This is your last chance.
If you want to take backup, please exit now.
Vou can take backup and transfer it to some other machine.
I*hen execute this command again.
Do you want to continue with disk wipeout? [y/N]: y_
Stopping the CMX services

nonit.service is not a native service, redirecting to /sbin/chkconfig.
cuting /sbin/chkconfig min it off
Stopping nodeagent Process...

cuting shutdown