This command sets
the paging cause value and either includes or suppresses the Paging
Cause IE in responses to Paging Requests due to various sources.
This command is available in releases 8.1 and higher.
Security Administrator,
Exec > Global Configuration
> Context Configuration > luPS Service Configuration > RNC Configuration
configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name > rnc id rnc_id
Entering the above
command sequence results in the following prompt:
ranap { paging-cause-ie { all | background-data [ value ] | conversational-data [ value ] | gmm-signalling [ value ] | gs-signalling [ value ] | interactive-data [ value ] | mme-signalling [ value ] | sm-signalling [ value ] | sms-signalling [ value ] | streaming-data [ value ] }
[ default | no ] ranap { paging-cause-ie { all | background-data | conversational-data | gmm-signalling | gs-signalling | interactive-data | mme-signalling | sm-signalling | sms-signalling | streaming-data }
Resets the specific
parameters value to default.
Suppresses the Paging
Cause IE so that it is not included in responses to Paging Requests from
respective sources.
Using all sets the
action for the Paging Cause IE value for all paging due to all sources.
background-data [ value ]
Default: 3 (terminating
background call)
Set the Paging Cause
IE value for paging due to background data.
value : Must
be an integer from 0 to 5. See Paging Cause value mapping in Usage
conversational-data [ value ]
Default: 5 (terminating
high priority signaling)
Set the Paging Cause
IE value for paging due to conversational data.
value : Must
be an integer from 0 to 5. See Paging Cause value mapping in Usage
gmm-signalling [ value ]
Default: 5 (terminating
high priority signaling)
Set the Paging Cause
IE value for paging due to gmm-signaling.
value : Must
be an integer from 0 to 5. See Paging Cause value mapping in Usage
gs-signalling [ value ]
Default: 5 (terminating
high priority signaling)
Set the Paging Cause
IE value for paging due to VLR Paging Request.
value : Must
be an integer from 0 to 5. See Paging Cause value mapping in Usage
interactive-data [ value ]
Default: 2 (terminating
interactive call)
Set the Paging Cause
IE value for paging due to interactive data.
value : Must
be an integer from 0 to 5. See Paging Cause value mapping in Usage
mme-signalling [ value ]
Default: 5 (terminating
high priority signaling)
Sets the Paging Cause
IE value for paging from MME due to Circuit Switch Fallback (CSFB).
value : Must
be an integer from 0 to 5. See Paging Cause value mapping in Usage
sm-signalling [ value ]
Default: 5 (terminating
high priority signaling)
Set the Paging Cause
IE value for paging due to SM signaling.
value : Must
be an integer from 0 to 5. See Paging Cause value mapping in Usage
sms-signalling [ value ]
Default: 4 (terminating
low priority signaling)
Set the Paging Cause
IE value for paging due to SMS signaling.
value : Must
be an integer from 0 to 5. See Paging Cause value mapping in Usage
streaming-data [ value ]
Default: 5 (terminating
high priority signaling)
Set the Paging Cause
IE value for paging due to streaming data.
value : Must
be an integer from 0 to 5. See Paging Cause value mapping in Usage
Usage Guidelines
This command can be
used to set the value (meaning) of the Paging Cause IE included
in responses to Paging Requests or it can be used to suppress the
inclusion of the Paging Cause IE in the responses. These actions
can be configured for paging for all sources or for a specified source.
The following values
are applicable to all Paging Cause IEs:
0 - Terminating
conversational call
1 - Terminating
streaming call
2 - Terminating
interactive call
3 - Terminating
background call
4 - Terminating
low priority signaling
5 - Terminating
high priority signaling
Use the following command
to set Paging Cause value to 3 for paging
due to GMM signaling without affecting cause values for other sources:ranap paging-cause-ie gmm-signalling 3
Use the following command
to suppress the Paging Cause IE from all Paging Requests to the
RNC:no ranap paging-cause-ie all
Either of the following
commands will cause the Paging Cause IE to be included in Paging Requests
with the default value for SM signaling without affecting the cause
for other sources:ranap paging-cause-ie sm-signalling
default ranap paging-cause-ie sm-signalling