Log In to the Appliance

You can log into the Cisco Web Security Appliance using one of two interfaces – the web interface or the CLI.

Log In to the Appliance Using the Web Interface


Step 1

For web browser access through the Ethernet port (see the “Connect to the Appliance”), go to the appliance management interface by entering the following URL in a web browser:

Step 2

Enter the following login information:

  • Username: admin

  • Password: ironport


The hostname parameter is assigned during system setup. Before you can connect to the management interface using a hostname (http://hostname:8080), you must add the appliance hostname and IP address to your DNS server database.

Step 3

Click Login.

Log In to the Appliance Using the CLI


Step 1

Access the CLI locally or remotely:

  • To access the CLI locally, set up a terminal to connect to the serial port using 9600 bits, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit (9600, 8, N, 1) and flow control set to Hardware. To physically connect the terminal, (see the “Connect to the Appliance”).

  • To access the CLI remotely, initiate an SSH session to the IP address

Step 2

Log in as admin with the password ironport.

Step 3

At the prompt, enter the systemsetup command.