Before You Begin Deployment
If you are deploying the Umbrella Roaming Security module, any existing installation of the Umbrella Roaming Security will be detected and removed automatically to prevent conflicts. If the existing installation of the Umbrella Roaming Security client is associated with an Umbrella Roaming Security service subscription, it will automatically be migrated to the Umbrella Roaming Security module unless an OrgInfo.json file is co-located with the AnyConnect installer, configured for web deployment or predeployed in the Umbrella Roaming Security module's directory. You may wish to manually uninstall the Umbrella Roaming Security client prior to deploying the Umbrella Roaming Security module.
You must additionally complete the following prerequisites if using the Umbrella Roaming Security module:
Obtain Umbrella Roaming Account. The Umbrella dashboard is the login page where you obtain necessary information for the operation of the Umbrella Roaming Securitymodule. You also use this site to manage reporting for the roaming client activity.
Download the OrgInfo File from the Dashboard. To prepare for deploying the Umbrella Roaming Security module, obtain the OrgInfo.json file from the Umbrella dashboard. Click on Roaming Computer in the Identities menu structure and then click the + sign in the upper-left corner of the page. Scroll down to Umbrella Roaming Securitymodule and click Module Profile.
The OrgInfo.json file contains specific information about your Umbrella service subscription that lets the Umbrella Roaming Security module know where to report and which policies to enforce.