Release and Service Policies

Release Versioning and Schedule

Release Versioning

Multicloud Defense release versioning is defined as X.Y-Z or X.Y.Z, where X is the major release (denoted by a calendar year), Y is the minor release (denoted by a calendar month), and Z is the maintenance release (denoted by an integer starting at a value of 1).

Major Release

A major version is a release by Multicloud Defense and will contain major enhancements, stability improvements and bug fixes.

Minor Release

A minor version is a release by Multicloud Defense that contains minor enhancements, stability improvements and bug fixes.

Maintenance Release

A maintenance version is a frequent update release by Multicloud Defense and will contain stability improvements and bug fixes, and occasionally (although rare) enhancements.

Hotifx Release

A hotfix release is a prioritized release that contains bug fixes that address an operational issue that impacts a small number of deployments (usually a single deployment).

Hotfixes are enhancements to the corresponding Major, Minor and Maintenance release. Each hotfix release does not contain cumulative enhancements across hotfix releases denoted by a letter (e.g., hotfix B does not contain enhancements from hotfix A). However, each hotfix release within a hotfix release letter, denoted by a number, will contain cumulative enhancements (e.g., hotfix A2 will contain enhancements from hotfix A1).

Release notes for each hotfix release will contain information on the specific enhancements beyond the Major, Minor and Maintenance release enhancements.

The hotfix release enhancements will eventually be rolled into a maintenance release. Upgrade to a hotfix release should only occur under the guidance of Cisco Support.

Release Schedule

Multicloud Defense will make every attempt to issue major or minor releases every three months. Maintenance releases will occur periodically for each major or minor release per the End-of-Support and End-of-Life policy.

Release Life and Support

The definitions and process for announcing and enforcing the life of a release from release date, through End- of-Support, to End-of-Life.

End-of-Life/Support Policy

The definitions and process for announcing and enforcing the life of a release from release date, through End- of-Support, to End-of-Life.

End-of-Support (EoS)

The last day after which a major or minor release, including all maintenance releases, will no longer be supported to troubleshoot or fix issues. No new maintenance releases will be issued. Multicloud Defense will assist in upgrading to a recommended major or minor, and maintenance release, determine if the issue is still present, and work towards providing a fix or workaround.

A major or minor release will be marked as End-of-Support 6 months from release date.


  • 1-month prior

  • 1-week prior

  • Day of

End-of-Life (EoL)

The last day after which a major or minor release, including any associated maintenance releases, will no longer be available to install. Multicloud Defense will assist in upgrading to a recommended major or minor, and maintenance release, determine if the issue is still present, and work towards providing a fix or workaround.

A major or minor release (and all maintenance releases) will be marked as End-of-Life 2 months after the major or minor release is marked End-of-Support.


  • 1-month prior

  • 1-week prior

  • Day of

Accelerated EoS/EoL

Multicloud Defense reserves the right to accelerate the End-of-Life and/or End-of-Support for a major or minor release (and all associated maintenance releases). Multicloud Defense will give notice to customers and assist with upgrading to a recommended release.


  • Defined on a case-by-case basis