Cloud onRamp for IaaS

Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS


Beginning with Cisco vManage Release 20.9.1, we recommend setting up your cloud infrastructure using Cloud OnRamp for Multicloud. Cloud OnRamp for IaaS will be phased out in a future release.

Cisco SD-WAN Cloud onRamp for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) extends the fabric of Cisco SD-WAN overlay network to public cloud instances. Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS allows branches with vEdge Cloud routers to connect directly to public-cloud application providers. By eliminating the need for a physical data center, Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS improves the performance of SaaS applications.

The connection between the overlay network and a public-cloud application is provided by one to four pairs of redundant Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices. These devices act together as a transit between the overlay network and an application. By using redundant devices to form the transit, Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS offers path resiliency to the public cloud. In addition, having redundant routers helps in brownout protection to improve the availability of public-cloud applications. Together, the two routers can remediate link degradation that might occur during brownouts. You can configure these devices as part of the Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS workflow.

The Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS works along with AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and Azure Virtual Network (VNet).

The key steps to deploy a Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS solution are:

  1. Identify one to four pairs of unused Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices in Cisco vManage that you can use forCisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS.

  2. Configure and attach a basic device template to both the Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices.

  3. Enter AWS or Azure API credentials (access key and secret key) when configuring using Cisco vManage.

  4. Add the transit Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) or transit Virtual Network (VNet) configuration.

  5. Discover and map host VPCs or host VNets to the transit VPC or transit VNet.

The following image shows the topology of Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaSwith AWS and Microsoft Azure integrated. You can apply the same policy, security, and other Cisco SD-WAN policies everywhere with Cisco vManage as a single server for all the Cisco SD-WAN devices, which are on-premises and on multiple clouds. The infrastructure on AWS and Microsoft Azure can be seamlessly integrated into the Cisco SD-WAN fabric. The Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS workflow automates all steps, and the Cisco vManage server builds the whole solution within minutes.

Figure 1. Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS Topology

Supported Cisco Cloud Service Providers and Supported Cisco SD-WAN Cloud Devices

The following IaaS public cloud providers are supported with Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS:

  • Amazon AWS

  • Microsoft Azure

The following devices are supported:

  • Cisco vEdge Cloud Router

In this document, the supported devices are collectively referred to as Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices.

Prerequisites of Cisco SD-WAN Cloud Devices

Before you can configure Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS, ensure that the following device requirements are met.

Provision Cisco vManage Server

Before you can configure Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS, provision the Cisco vManage server.

  1. Ensure that your Cisco vManage server can access the Internet, and you configure the DNS server so that it can reach AWS or Microsoft Azure. To configure a DNS server, in the Cisco vManage VPN feature configuration template, enter the IP address of a DNS server. Next, reattach the configuration template to the VPN feature using Cisco vManage.

  2. Ensure that you add at least two Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices to the Cisco vManage server to bring up Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS. Attach these two Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices to the appropriate configuration template. Ensure that the configuration for these devices include the following attributes:

    • Hostname

    • IP address of Cisco vBond Orchestrator

    • Site ID

    • Organization name

    • Tunnel interface configuration on the eth1 interface

      In vEdge Cloud routers, the tunnel interface is on the ge0/0 interface.

  3. Ensure that you synchronize the Cisco vManage server with the current time. To check the current time, click the Help (?) icon at the top bar of the Cisco vManage screen. The Timestamp field shows the current time. If the time isn’t correct, configure the Cisco vManage server time to point to an NTP time server, such as the Google NTP server. To configure the server time, in the Cisco vManage NTP feature configuration template, enter the hostname of an NTP server. Next, reattach the configuration template to the NTP feature using Cisco vManage. The Google NTP servers are,,, and, and so on.

Verify Presence of Cisco SD-WAN Cloud Devices in Cisco vManage


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Devices.

Step 2

On the Device listing page, verify that there are at least two valid Cisco vEdge Cloud routers, which aren't used already.

The valid unused devices are:

  • The devices that have the word, "valid"under the Validity column.

  • The devices that have the Assigned Template, Device Status, Hostname, System IP, and Site ID columns blank.

Go to, and use the Plug and Play Connect portal to add tokens or licenses if you have insufficient Cisco vEdge Cloud routers.

Configure Device Template for Cisco SD-WAN Cloud Devices

Ensure that you have at least a minimal device template assigned within Cisco vManage to the two Cisco vEdge Cloud routers. A minimal device template is the one that uses factory default feature templates within the device template. You need at least one service VPN and the management (VPN 512) interface configured within the device template. However, we recommend that you configure a fully functional device template that includes settings specific to your deployment within custom feature templates. See Configure the Cisco SD-WAN Routers for step-by-step instructions on how to create individual feature templates and device templates using Cisco vManage.

Ensure that you don't modify the feature templates after these templates have been attached to the device templates and configured using the Cloud onRamp for IaaS. The Cloud onRamp for IaaS configuration overwrites these feature templates configuration that is modified.

A sample device template, and the various feature templates which make up the device template, is available in Sample Feature Template Settings topic that you can use for Cisco vEdge Cloud routers.

Attach a Device Template to Cisco SD-WAN Cloud Devices

When you attach a device template to the Cisco vEdge Cloud routers, Cisco vManage builds the configurations based on the feature templates and then saves the configurations to the designated Cisco vEdge Cloud routers. Before you can build and save the configurations, define all variables within the feature templates attached to the device template.

To enter values of the variables manually using Cisco vManage, instead of uploading a .csv file:


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Templates > Device Templates.

In Cisco vManage Release 20.7.x and earlier releases, Device Templates is titled Device.
Step 2

For the desired device template, click and choose Attach Devices.

A pop-up window listing the available devices to be attached to this configuration appear. The list of available devices contains either:

  • The hostname and IP address of a device if it’s known using Cisco vManage.

  • The chassis serial number of the devices that aren't available on the network and aren’t known to Cisco vManage.

Cisco vEdge Cloud routers are assigned a chassis serial number although there’s no physical chassis. The list contains only the device model that was defined when the device template was created.
Step 3

To apply the configuration template, choose one or more devices from Available Devices and move them to Selected Devices.


In this document, we’re using two Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices on which you apply the configurations.

Step 4

Click Attach.

The window that appears, lists the Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices that you had chosen.

Step 5

For the first Cisco vEdge Cloud router, click and choose Edit Device Template.

A pop-up window appears with a list of variables and empty text boxes. There can be variables with check boxes to check and uncheck for on and off values. Make sure that you fill all text boxes. You can use the sample information available in the Sample Device Template Variable Values topic to fill in the variable values.

Step 6

Click Update.

Step 7

Repeat Steps 5–6 for the second Cisco vEdge Cloud router.

You can download the variable values into the .csv file for future use.

Step 8

Click Next.

The window indicates that the configure action is applied to the two devices, which are attached to one device template.

You can select a device from the left pane to view the configuration that is saved on the Cisco SD-WAN cloud device.

Step 9

Click Configure Devices.

Step 10

In the pop-up window that appears, check Confirm configuration changes on 2 devices.

Step 11

Click OK.

The Task View window appears.

After some time, the status of the two Cisco vEdge Cloud routers appears as Done – Scheduled with a message indicating that the device is offline and that the template will be attached to the device when it’s online.

What to do next

You can now deploy the two Cisco vEdge Cloud routers within the AWS transit VPC or Azure transit VNet using Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS.

AWS Prerequisite


Step 1

Have a valid AWS account.

Step 2

Subscribe to the Cisco vEdge Cloud router Amazon machine image (AMI) in your account within the AWS Marketplace. To subscribe to Amazon machine image (AMI) in your account within the AWS Marketplace:

  1. Log in to Amazon Web Services Marketplace.

  2. Search AWS Marketplace for: “Cisco vEdge Cloud router”.

    A list of AMIs appears.

  3. From the list, click the Cisco vEdge Cloud router link that you’re planning to deploy.

    The subscription screen appears where you can subscribe to the Cisco vEdge Cloud Router AMI.

  4. Click Continue to Subscribe.

  5. Click Accept Terms.

    After a few moments, a message appears that you’re subscribed to use the Cisco vEdge Cloud Router AMI.


    Don’t click Continue to Configuration, because Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS automatically configures the Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices when it creates the transit VPC.

  6. Log out of from the AWS Marketplace.

Configure Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS on AWS

Points to Consider

  • Transit VPCs provide the connection between the Cisco overlay network and the cloud-based applications running on host VPCs. You can provision up to four pairs of redundant Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices within each VPC dedicated to function as a transit point for traffic from the branch to host VPCs. The individual Cisco SD-WAN devices of each redundant pair are deployed within a different availability zone in the AWS region of the transit VPC. Multiple Cisco SD-WAN devices provide redundancy for the connection between the overlay network and cloud-based applications. On each of these two Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices, the transport VPN (VPN 0) connects to a branch router, and the service-side VPNs (any VPN except for VPN 0 and VPN 512) connect to applications and application providers in the public cloud.

  • The Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS workflow uses a public IP address of the second WAN interface to set up the Customer Gateway for mapping (ipsec tunnels) the host VPCs to a transit VPC. To add the public IP address of the WAN interface, configure the VPN interface ethernet template with ge0/0 interface for the devices used in Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS. In vEdge Cloud routers, the tunnel interface is on the ge0/0 interface. See sample VPN interface ethernet template configuration in VPN0 Interface Feature Template.

  • Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS supports autoscale for AWS. To use the AWS autoscale feature, ensure that you associate one to four pairs of Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices with a transit VPC.

  • Host VPCs are virtual private clouds in which your cloud-based applications reside. When a transit VPC connects to an application or application provider, it’s simply connecting to a host VPC.

  • All host VPCs can belong to the same AWS account, or each host VPC can belong to a different account. You can map a host that belongs to one AWS account to a transit VPC that belongs to a different account. You configure cloud instances or cloud accounts by using the Cloud OnRamp configuration wizard.


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS.

If you’re configuring Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS the first time, no cloud instances appear in the screen. A cloud instance corresponds to an AWS account with one or more transit VPCs created within an AWS region.

Step 2

Click Add New Cloud Instance.

Step 3

Click the Amazon Web Services (AWS) radio button.

Step 4

In the next pop-up window, perform the following:

  1. To log in to the cloud server, click IAM Role or Key. We recommend that you use IAM Role.

  2. If you click IAM Role, then create an IAM role with Cisco vManage provided External ID. Note the displayed external Id from the window and provide the Role ARN value that is available when creating an IAM role.

    Starting from Cisco SD-WAN Release 20.4.1, to create an IAM role, you must enter the Cisco vManage provided External Id into a policy by using the AWS Management Console. Do the following:

    1. Attach an IAM Role to an existing Cisco vManage EC2 instance.

      1. See the Creating an IAM role (console) topic of AWS documentation to create a policy. In the AWS Create policy wizard, click JSON and enter the following JSON policy document.

"Version": "2012-10-17",

          "Statement": [{

            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",

            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Resource": "*"


      2. See the Easily Replace or Attach an IAM Role to an Existing EC2 Instance by Using the EC2 Console blog of AWS Security Blog for information about creating an IAM role and attaching it to the Cisco vManage EC2 instance based on the policy created in Step 1.


        On the Attach permissions policy window, choose the AWS-managed policy that you created in Step 1.

    2. Create an IAM role on an AWS account that you want to use for Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS.

      1. See the Creating an IAM role (console) topic of AWS Documentation and create an IAM role by checking Require external ID and pasting the external Id that you noted in Step 4(b).

      2. See the Modifying a role trust policy (console) topic of AWS Documentation to change who can assume a role.

        In the IAM Roles window, scroll down and click the role you created in the previous step.

        In the Summary window, note the Role ARN.


        You can enter this role ARN value when you choose the IAM role in Step 4(b).

      3. After modifying the trust relationship, click JSON and enter the following JSON document. Save the changes.


        The account Id in the following JSON document is the Cisco vManage EC2 instance.

          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::[Account ID from Part 1]:root"
              "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
              "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                  "sts:ExternalId": "[vManage provided External ID]"
  3. If you click the Key radio button:

    1. In the API Key field, enter your Amazon API key.

    2. In the Secret Key field, enter the password associated with the API key.

    3. From the Environment drop-down list, choose commercial or govcloud.

      By default, commercial environment is selected. You can choose the geographical regions based on the environment specifications.


      AWS Government Cloud isn’t supported for vEdge Cloud routers. Therefore, ensure that you don’t choose govcloud.

Step 5

Click Login to log in to the cloud server.

The cloud instance configuration wizard appears. This wizard consists of three screens that you use to select a region, add a transit VPC, discover host VPCs, and map host VPCs to transit the VPC. A graphic on each wizard screen illustrates the steps in the cloud instance configuration process. The steps that aren’t yet completed are shown in light gray. The current step is highlighted within a blue box. Completed steps are indicated with a green checkmark and are shown in light orange.

Step 6

Select a region:

From the Choose Region drop-down list, choose a region where you want to create the transit VPC.

Step 7

Add a transit VPC:

  1. In the Transit VPC Name field, enter the transit VPC name.

    The name can contain 128 alphanumeric characters, hyphens (–), and underscores (_). It can’t contain spaces or any other characters.

  2. Under Device Information, enter information about the transit VPC:

    1. In the WAN Edge Version drop-down list, choose the software version of the Cisco SD-WAN cloud device to run on the transit VPC.

    2. In the Size of Transit WAN Edge drop-down list, choose an option to determine the memory and CPUs you can use for each of the Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices that run on the transit VPC. See the Supported Instance Types topic of Cisco Cloud vEdge Routers in the Cisco SD-WAN Getting Started Guide.


      We recommend that you choose the following size:

      For Cisco Cloud vEdge Routers, choose c4 instance type with four vCPUs, such as c4.xlarge (4 vCPU).

    3. In the Max. Host VPCs per Device Pair field, select the maximum number of host VPCs that can be mapped to each device pair for the transit VPC. Valid values are 1–32.

    4. To set up the transit VPC devices for Direct Internet Access (DIA), click one of the following:

      • Disabled: No Internet access.

      • Enabled via Transport: Configure or enable NAT for the WAN interface on a device.

      • Enabled via Umbrella SIG: Configure Cisco Umbrella to enable secure DIA on a device.

    5. In the Device Pair 1# field, choose the serial numbers of each device in the pair. To remove a device serial number, click X that appears in the field.

      The serial numbers of the devices that appear are associated with a configuration template and supports the Cisco SD-WAN WAN edge version that you selected in Step 1.

    6. To add more device pairs, click .

      To remove a device pair, click .

      A transit VPC can be associated with one to four device pairs. To enable the autoscale feature on AWS, associate at least two device pairs with the transit VPC.

    7. Click Advanced, if you wish to enter more specific configuration options:

      1. In the Transit VPC CIDR field, enter a custom CIDR that has a network mask in the range of 16–25. If you choose to leave this field empty, the Transit VPC is created with a default CIDR of There must be sufficient address space to create six subnets within the CIDR block.

      2. (Optional) In the SSH PEM Key drop-down list, choose a PEM key pair to log into an instance. The key pairs are region-specific. See the AWS Documentation for instructions about creating key pairs.

    8. To complete the transit VPC configuration, click Save and Finish, or optionally to continue with the wizard, click Proceed to Discovery and Mapping.

      With this cloud instance, a single transit VPC with two Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices has been created. You can configure multiple transit VPCs within a single cloud instance (AWS account within a region). When multiple transit VPCs exist within a cloud instance, you can map host VPCs to any one of the transit VPCs.

    9. Discover host VPCs:

      1. In the Select an account to discover field, choose the AWS account from which you wish to discover host VPCs.

        Alternatively, to add a new AWS account from which you wish to discover host VPCs, click New Account.

      2. Click Discover Host VPCs.

        A table appears that display the VPCs, which are available to be mapped to a transit VPC. Only the host VPCs in the selected AWS account and within the same AWS region as the transit VPC appears.

      3. In the table that appears, check one or more hosts to map to the transit VPC.

        To filter the search results, use the Filter option in the search bar and display only host VPCs that match specific search criteria.

        Click the Refresh icon to update the table with current information.

        Click the Show Table Columns icon to specify which columns to be displayed in the table.

    10. Map the host VPCs to a transit VPC:

      1. In the table with all host VPCs, choose the desired host VPCs.

      2. Click Map VPCs. The Map Host VPCs pop-up opens.

      3. In the Transit VPC drop-down list, choose the transit VPC to map to the host VPCs.

      4. In the VPN drop-down list, choose a service VPN in the overlay network in which to place the mapping.

      5. Enable the Route Propagation option if Cisco vManage automatically propagates route to the host VPC routes table.

        By default, Route Propagation is disabled.

      6. Click Map VPCs.

    After a few minutes, the Task View screen appears, confirming that the host VPC has been mapped to the transit VPC.


When configuring the VPN feature template for VPN 0 for the two Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices that form the transit VPC, ensure that the color you assign to the tunnel interface is a public color, and not a private color. The following are the public colors:

  • 3g

  • biz-internet

  • blue

  • bronze

  • custom1

  • custom2

  • custom3

  • default

  • gold

  • green

  • lte

  • metro-ethernet

  • mpls

  • public-internet

  • red

  • silver

Manage Host and Transit VPCs

Display Host VPCs


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS. Click the desired VPC. The Host VPCs/Transit VPCs window opens.

By default, the Mapped Host VPCs field is selected, and the table under mapped host VPCs list the mapped host and transit VPCs, the state of the transit VPC, and the VPN ID.

Step 2

To list unmapped host VPCs, click Un-Mapped Host VPCs. Then, click Discover Host VPCs.

Step 3

To display the transit VPCs, click Transit VPCs.

Map Host VPCs to a Transit VPC


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS. Click the desired VPC. The Host VPCs/Transit VPCs window opens.

Step 2

Click Un-Mapped Host VPCs.

Step 3

In the Select an account to discover field, choose the AWS account from which you wish to discover host VPCs.

Step 4

Click Discover Host VPCs.

Step 5

From the list of discovered host VPCs, choose the desired host VPCs.

Step 6

Click Map VPCs. The Map Host VPCs pop-up opens.

Step 7

From the Transit VPC drop-down list, choose the desired transit VPC.

Step 8

From the VPN drop-down list, choose the VPN in the overlay network in which to place the mapping.

Step 9

Click Map VPCs.

Unmap Host VPCs


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS. Click the desired VPC. The Host VPCs/Transit VPCs window opens.

Step 2

Click Mapped Host VPCs.

Step 3

From the list of VPCs, choose the desired host VPC that you wish to unmap.

Step 4

Click Un-Map VPCs.

Step 5

Click OK to confirm the unmapping.

Unmapping host VPCs deletes all VPN connections to the VPN gateway in the host VPC, and then deletes the VPN gateway. When you make more VPN connections to a mapped host VPC, these connections are terminated as part of the unmapping process.

Display Transit VPCs


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS. Click the desired VPC. The Host VPCs/Transit VPCs window opens.

Step 2

Click Transit VPCs.

Add Transit VPC


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS. Click the desired VPC. The Host VPCs/Transit VPCs window opens.

Step 2

Click Transit VPCs.

Step 3

Click Add Transit VPC.

To add a transit VPC, follow the instructions in Step 7 of Configure Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS on AWS.

Delete Device Pair


To delete the last pair of online device pairs, ensure to delete a transit VPC.

Before you begin

The device pair to be deleted should be offline.


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS.

Step 2

Click a device pair ID.

Step 3

Verify that the status of the device pair is offline.

Step 4

To descale the device pairs, click the trash can icon under the Action column, or click Trigger Autoscale.

Delete Transit VPC


To delete the last pair of online device pairs, you should delete a transit VPC.

Before you begin

Delete the device pairs that are associated with the transit VPC.


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS. Click the desired VPC. The Host VPCs/Transit VPCs window opens.

Step 2

Click Host VPCs.

Step 3

Choose all host VPCs, and click Un-Map VPCs.

Ensure that all host VPCs mapped with the transit VPCs are unmapped.

Step 4

Click OK to confirm the unmapping.

Step 5

Click Transit VPCs.

Step 6

For the desired transit VPC to be deleted, click the trash icon.


The trash icon isn’t available for the last device pair of transit VPC. Therefore, to delete the last device pair, click the Delete Transit drop-down list item. The trash icon is only available from the second device pair onwards.

Step 7

Click OK to confirm.

Add Device Pairs


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS. Click the desired VPC. The Host VPCs/Transit VPCs window opens.

Step 2

Click Transit VPCs.

A table with the list of transit VPCs appears.

Step 3

For the desired transit VPC, click ... and choose Add Device Pair.

Step 4

In the Add Device Pairs dialog box, click Add to add more device pairs.

Ensure that the devices you’re adding are already associated with a device template.

You can add up to a total of four device pairs to the transit VPC.

Step 5

Click Save.

History of Device Pairs for Transit VPCs


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS. Click the desired VPC. The Host VPCs/Transit VPCs window opens.

Step 2

Click Transit VPCs.

A table with the list of transit VPCs appears.

Step 3

For the desired transit VPC, click ... and choose History for a device pair.

This displays the Transit VPC Connection History page with all the corresponding events.
Step 4

View a histogram of events that occurred in the previous one hour and a table of all events for the transit VPC that you've chosen. The table lists all the events generated in the transit VPC. The events can be one of the following:

  • Device Pair Added

  • Device Pair Spun Up

  • Device Pair Spun Down

  • Device Pair Removed

  • Host Vpc Mapped

  • Host Vpc Unmapped

  • Host Vpc Moved

  • Transit Vpc Created

  • Transit Vpc Removed

Edit Transit VPC


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS. Click the desired VPC. The Host VPCs/Transit VPCs window opens.

Step 2

Click Transit VPCs.

A table with the list of transit VPCs appears.

Step 3

For the desired transit VPC, click ... and choose, and click Edit Transit Details.

Step 4

To enter DIA information, follow the instructions in Step 7 (iv) of Configure Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS on AWS.

This operation might trigger autoscale, if required.

Microsoft Azure Prerequisites

  1. Have a valid Microsoft Azure account.

  2. Accept the terms and conditions for the Cisco Cloud vEdge Routers in the Azure Marketplace.

    To use a Cisco SD-WAN cloud router as part of the Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS workflow, you must accept marketplace terms for using a virtual machine (VM). You can accept the Azure Terms of Service in one of the following ways:

    • Bring up the cloud device on the portal manually, and accept the terms as part of the final page of the onboarding wizard.

    • In the Azure APIs or on the Powershell/Cloud Shell scripts, use the Set-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms command.

  3. Create an App Registration in Microsoft Azure and retrieve the credentials for your Azure account. For Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS, these credentials are used to authenticate the Cisco vManage server with Azure and bring up the VNet and the Virtual Machine instances.

    To create and retrieve Azure credentials, create an App Registration in Azure with Owner privileges:

    1. Launch the Microsoft Azure Portal.

    2. Verify Azure Active Directory (AD) Permissions. Select Azure Active Directory, and note your role. Only roles with admin privileges can register applications in your Azure AD tenant.

    3. Verify subscription permissions.

      After verifying your role and privileges associated with the Azure AD, ensure that your Azure subscription account has Microsoft.Authorization/*/Write access to assign a role to an Azure AD application. This access is associated only with the Owner role or User Access Administrator role.

      1. On the Azure portal, click Subscriptions.

      2. Navigate to a Subscriptions service, and click the More Actions icon to the right of the row.

        The Microsoft Azure Enterprise page appears.

      3. Choose My permissions. Then, click Click here to view complete access details for this subscription.

      4. Click View my access to view your assigned roles.

      5. Determine if you have adequate permissions to assign a role to an AD application. If not, ask your Azure subscription administrator to add you to User Access Administrator role.

    4. Create an application ID and service principal:

      1. In the left pane of the Azure portal, click Azure Active Directory.

      2. From the sub-menu, click App registrations.

      3. Click New registration. The system displays the Register an application screen.

      4. In the Name field, enter a descriptive name such as, CloudOnRampApp.

      5. In Suported account types, choose Accounts in this organizational directory only (Microsoft only - Single tenant).

      6. Under Redirect URI, choose Web for the type of application you want to create.

      7. After setting the values, click Register.

      You've now created your Azure AD application and service principal.

    5. Create a secret key for the Cloud OnRamp application:

      1. From App registrations in Azure AD, click your application.

      2. On the left pane, click Certificates & secrets.

      3. Under Client secrets, click New client secret.

      4. Provide a description of the secret key, and an expiry time period for the secret key.

      5. Click Add.

      After saving the client secret, the value of the client secret or key value appears. Note this value because you can't retrieve the key later, if required. You need to provide the key value with the application ID to sign into the application you have created.

    6. Get Subscription ID:

      1. On the Azure portal, click Subscriptions.

      2. Navigate to a Subscriptions service, and click the More Actions icon to the right of the row.

        The Microsoft Azure Enterprise page appears.

      3. From the page, note the Subscription ID.

        You need the Subscription ID to provide Cisco vManage with programmatic access to your Azure Subscription.

      If you have multiple subscriptions, copy and save the subscription ID which you’re planning to use for configuring the CloudOnRampApp.

    7. View the Tenant ID:

      1. On the left pane of the Azure portal, click Azure Active Directory.

      2. From the left pane, click Properties. The system displays the directory ID which is equivalent to the tenant ID.

    8. Assign the Owner role to the application:

      In this guide, we’ve provided the steps for assigning the Owner role, which lets you access and manage everything.


      To know an appropriate role for an application, contact your Azure administrator.

      1. On the left pane of the Azure portal, click Subscriptions.

      2. Click the subscription to assign to the Cloud OnRamp application.

      3. In the subscription pane, navigate to Access Control (IAM).

      4. Click Add a role assignment. The Add role assignment pop-up appears.

      5. From the Role drop-down list, choose Owner.

      6. In the Assign Access To drop-down list, choose the default value, Azure AD user, group, or service principal.

      7. From the Select drop-down list, choose the Cloud OnRamp application that you created in Step d.

      8. Click Save.

      You can see your application in the list of users with a role for that scope.

      You can now log into the Cloud OnRamp application with the Azure credentials you created and saved.

  4. Check the Azure limits associated with your account by going to your subscription in the Azure portal. Under Settings, choose Usage + Quotas.

    1. Choose a provider from the All Providers drop-down list.

    2. Check Microsoft.Network.

      You can view the amount of available availability sets for this subscription. Ensure that availability sets are sufficient that allows you to create the following resources in your account:

      • One VNet, which is required for creating the transit VNet.

      • One availability set required for Virtual Machine distribution in the transit VNet.

      • Six Static Public IP addresses associated with the transit cloud routers.

      • One Azure Virtual Network transit and two Static Public IP Addresses for each host VNet

      • Four VPN connections for mapping each host VNet


      F-Series Azure VMs (F4 and F8) are supported on the Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices.

Configure Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS on Microsoft Azure

In the configuration process, map one or more host VNets to a single transit VNet. When mapping, you’re configuring the cloud-based applications that branch users can access.

The mapping process establishes IPsec and BGP connections between the transit VNet and each host VNet. The IPsec tunnel that connects the transit and host VNet runs IKE to provide security for the connection. For Azure, the IPsec tunnel uses IKE version 2. The BGP connection that is established over the secure IPsec tunnel allows the transit and host VNet to exchange routes. The BGP connections or the BGP routes are then re-distributed into OMP within the Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices, which then advertises the OMP routes to the vSmart controllers in the domain. The transit VNet can then direct traffic from the branch to the proper host VNet and to the proper cloud-based application.

During the mapping process, the IPsec tunnels and BGP peering sessions are configured and established automatically. After establishing the mappings, you can view the IPsec and BGP configurations in the VPN Interface IPsec and BGP feature configuration templates, and modify them as necessary.

Points to Consider:

To configure Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS on Azure, create Azure transit VNets, each of which consist of a pair of routers. Then, map the host VNets to transit VNets that exist in the Azure cloud. All VNets reside in the same resource group.

  • Transit VNets provide the connection between the overlay network and the cloud-based applications running on the host VNet. Each transit VNet consists of two cloud devices that reside in their own VNet. Two cloud devices provide redundancy for the connection between the overlay network and cloud-based applications. On each of these two cloud devices, the transport VPN (VPN 0) connects to the simulated branch device, and the service-side VPNs (any VPN except for VPN 0 and VPN 512) connect to applications and application providers in the public cloud.

  • The Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS workflow uses a public IP address of the second WAN interface to set up the Customer Gateway for mapping (ipsec tunnels) the host VNets to a transit VNet. To add the public IP address of the WAN interface, configure the VPN Interface Ethernet template with ge0/0 interface for the devices used in Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS. In vEdge Cloud routers, the tunnel interface is on the ge0/0 interface. See sample VPN Interface Ethernet template configuration in VPN0 Interface Feature Template.

  • Host VNets are virtual private clouds in which your cloud-based applications reside. When a transit VNet connects to an application or application provider, it's simply connecting to a host VNet.


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS.

Step 2

Click Add New Cloud Instance

Step 3

Click the Microsoft Azure radio button.

Step 4

In the next pop-up screen, perform the following:

  1. In the Subscription ID field, enter the ID of the Microsoft Azure subscription you want to use as part of the Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS workflow.

  2. In the Client ID field, enter the ID of an existing application or create a new application. To create an application, go to your Azure Active Directory > App Registrations > New registration. See Microsoft Azure documentation for more information on creating an application.

  3. In the Tenant ID field, enter the ID of your account. To find the tenant ID, go to your Microsoft Azure Active Directory and click Properties.

  4. In the Secret Key key field, enter the password associated with the client ID.

  5. In the Environment field, choose commercial or GovCloud.

    By default, commercial environment is selected. You can choose the geographical locations based on the environment specifications.


    Azure Government Cloud isn’t supported for vEdge Cloud routers. Therefore, ensure that you don’t choose the govcloud option.

  6. Click Login.

The cloud instance configuration wizard opens.

The wizard consists of three screens that you use to select a location, add a transit VNet, discover host VNets, and map host VNets to the transit VNet. A graphic on the right side of each wizard screen illustrates the steps in the cloud instance configuration process. The steps not yet completed are shown in light gray. The current step is highlighted within a blue box. All completed steps are indicated with a green checkmark and are shown in light orange.

Step 5

From the Choose Location drop-down list, choose a location where you want to create the transit VNet.

The locations available are based on the commercial cloud or GovCloud selection.

Step 6

Add a transit VNet:

  1. In the Transit VNet Name field, type a name for the transit VNet.

    The name can contain 32 alphanumeric characters, hyphens (–), and underscore (_). It can't contain spaces or any other characters.

  2. Under Device Information, enter information about the transit VNet:

    1. In the WAN Edge Version drop-down list, choose the software version to run on the transit VNet. The drop-down list includes the published versions of the device software in the Microsoft Azure marketplace.

    2. In the Size of Transit WAN Edge drop-down list, choose an option to determine the memory and CPUs you can use for each of the Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices that run on the transit VNet. See Supported Instance Types for Cisco Cloud vEdge Routers in the Cisco SD-WAN Getting Started Guide.


      We recommend that you choose the following size:

    3. To set up the transit VNet devices for Direct Internet Access (DIA), click one of the following:

      • Disabled: No Internet access.

      • Enabled via Transport: Configure or enable NAT for the WAN interface on a device.

      • Enabled via Umbrella SIG: Configure Cisco Umbrella to enable secure DIA on a device.

    4. In the Device 1 drop-down list, choose the serial number of the first device.

    5. In the Device 2 drop-down list, choose the serial number of the second device in the device pair.

    6. Click Advanced if you wish to enter more specific configuration options.

    7. In the Transit VNet CIDR field, enter a custom CIDR that has a network mask in the range of 16–25. If you leave this field empty, the Transit VNet is created with a default CIDR of

  3. To complete the transit VNet configuration. click Save and Finish, or optionally to continue with the wizard, click Proceed to Discovery and Mapping.

Step 7

Map host VNets to transit VNets:

  1. In the Select an account to discover drop-down list, choose your Azure subscription ID.

    Alternatively, to add a new Azure account from which you wish to discover host VNets, click New Account.
  2. Click Discover Host VNets.

  3. In the Select a VNet drop-down list, choose a desired host VNet.

  4. Click Next.

  5. From the table of host VNets, choose a desired host VNet.

  6. Click Map VNets. The Map Host VNets pop-up appears.

  7. In the Transit VNet drop-down list, choose the transit VNet to map to the host VNets.

  8. In the VPN drop-down list, choose a VPN in the overlay network in which to place the mapping.

  9. In the IPSec Tunnel CIDR section, to configure IPSec tunnels to reach the Azure virtual network transit, enter two pairs of interface IP addresses and a pair of loopback IP addresses for each of the Cisco Cloud vEdge Routers. Ensure that the IP addresses are network addresses in the /30 subnet, unique across the overlay network, and they aren’t part of the host VNet CIDR. If they are part of the host VNet CIDR, Microsoft Azure returns an error when attempting to create VPN connections to the transit VNet.


    The IP addresses aren’t part of the host VNet and Transit VPC CIDR.

    Microsoft Azure supports single Virtual Private Gateway (VGW) configuration over IPSec tunnels with redundancy provided over a single tunnel. Therefore, Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS supports two VGWs for redundancy. During a planned maintenance or an unplanned event of a VGW, the IPSec tunnel from the VGW to the cloud devices get disconnected. This loss of connectivity causes the cloud devices lose BGP peering with Cisco vManage over IPSec tunnel. To enable BGP peering with the cloud routers rather than the IP address of the IPSec tunnel, provide the loopback addresses for each cloud device.


    The loopback option for BGP peering supports single and multiple Virtual Gateways, or Customer Gateway configuration or both on Azure cloud. The loopback option applies only to the new host VNets mapped to transit VNets and not on the existing VNets.

  10. In the Azure Information section:

    1. In the BGP ASN field, enter the ASN that you configure on the Azure Virtual Network Gateway, which is brought up within the host VNet. Use an ASN that isn’t part of an existing configuration on Azure. For acceptable ASN values, refer to Microsoft Azure documentation.

    2. In the Host VNet Gateway Subnet field, enter a host VNet subnet in which the Virtual Network Gateway can reside. We recommend you use a /28 subnet or higher. Ensure not to provide a subnet that is already created in the VNet.


      Ensure that there’s an unused CIDR inside the host VNet CIDR.

  11. Click Map VNets.

  12. Click Save and Complete.


When configuring the VPN feature template for VPN 0 for the two Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices that form the transit VNet, ensure that the color you assign to the tunnel interface is a public color, and not a private color. Public colors are:

  • 3g

  • biz-internet

  • blue

  • bronze

  • custom1

  • custom2

  • custom3

  • default

  • gold

  • green

  • lte

  • metro-ethernet

  • mpls

  • public-internet

  • red

  • silver

The Task View screen appears, confirming that the host VNet has been mapped to the transit VNet successfully.

The creation of VNet Gateway can take up to 45 minutes.

Manage Host and Transit VNets

Display Host VNets


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS. Click the desired VNet. The Host VNets/Transit VNets window opens.

By default, the Mapped Host VNets field is selected and the table under mapped host VNets list the mapped host and transit VNets, the state of the transit VNets, and the VPN ID.

Step 2

To list unmapped host VNets, click Un-Mapped Host VNets. Then click Discover Host VNets.

Step 3

To display the transit VNets, click Transit VNets.

Map Host VNets to an Existing Transit VNet


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS. Click the desired VNet. The Host VNets/Transit VNets window opens.

Step 2

Click Un-Mapped Host VNets.

Step 3

Click Discover Host VNets.

Step 4

From the list of discovered host VNets, choose the desired host VNets.

Step 5

Click Map VNet. The Map Host VNets pop-up opens.

Step 6

From the Transit VNet drop-down list, choose the desired transit VNet.

Step 7

From the VPN drop-down list, choose the VPN in the overlay network in which to place the mapping.

Step 8

Click Map VNets.

Unmap Host VNets


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS. Click the desired VNet. The Host VNets/Transit VNets window opens.

Step 2

Click Mapped Host VNets.

Step 3

From the list of VNets, choose the desired host VNets. We recommend that you unmap one VNet at a time. If you want to unmap multiple VNets, don't choose more than three in a single unmapping operation.

Step 4

Click Un-Map VNets.

Step 5

Click OK to confirm the unmapping.

Display Transit VNets


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS. Click the desired VNet. The Host VNets/Transit VNets window opens.

Step 2

Click Transit VNets.

A table lists all the transit VNets.

Add Transit VNet


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS. Click the desired VNet. The Host VNets/Transit VNets window opens.

Step 2

Click Transit VNets.

Step 3

Click Add Transit VNet.

To add a transit VNet, follow the instructions in step 5 of Configure Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS on Microsoft Azure.

Delete Transit VNet


Step 1

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS. Click the desired VNet. The Host VNets/Transit VNets window opens.

Step 2

Click Mapped Host VNets.

Step 3

Choose the desired host VNet, and click Un-Map VNets.

Ensure that you unmap all host VNets that are mapped to the transit VNet that you want to delete.

Step 4

Click OK to confirm the unmapping.

Step 5

Click Transit VNets.

Step 6

For the desired transit VNet to be deleted, click the trash icon.

Step 7

Click OK to confirm.

Troubleshoot Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS

This section describes how to troubleshoot common problems with Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS.

Two Cisco Cloud vEdge Routers are Not Available

From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS. After you click Add New Cloud instance, you see an error message indicating that two Cisco vEdge Cloud Routers aren’t available.

Resolve the Problem

The Cisco vManage server doesn’t have two Cisco Cloud vEdge Cloud Routers that are running licensed Cisco SD-WAN software. Contact your operations team so that they can create the necessary Cisco vEdge Cloud Routers.

If the Cisco vEdge Cloud Routers are present and the error message persists, the two routers aren’t attached to configuration templates. Attach these templates in the Cisco vManage Configuration > Templates > Device Templates window. For the desired device template, click and choose Attach Devices.


In Cisco vManage Release 20.7.x and earlier releases, Device Templates is titled Device.

Required API Permissions are Unavailable

When you enter your API keys, you get an error message indicating that this user doesn’t have the required permissions.

Resolve the Problem

Ensure that the Cisco vManage server can reach the internet and has a DNS server configured so that it can reach AWS or Microsoft Azure. To configure a DNS server, in the Cisco vManage VPN feature configuration template, enter the IP address of a DNS server, and then reattach the configuration template to the Cisco vManage server.

For AWS, check the API keys belonging to your AWS account. If you think you have the wrong keys, generate another pair of keys.

For AWS, if you’re entering the correct keys and the error message persists, the keys don’t have the required permissions. Check the user permissions associated with the key. Give necessary permissions to the user to create and edit VPCs and EC2 instances.

If the error message persists, check the time of the Cisco vManage server to ensure that it’s set to the current time. If it’s not, configure the Cisco vManage server time to point to the Google NTP server. To configure the server time, in the Cisco vManage NTP feature configuration template, enter the hostname of an NTP server. Next, reattach the configuration template to the NTP feature using Cisco vManage. The Google NTP servers are,,, and, and so on.

WAN Edge Router Software Versions don’t Appear in the Drop-Down List When Configuring for AWS

Problem Statement

When you’re trying to configure transit VPC parameters for the transit VPC, Cisco vEdge Cloud Routers software versions aren’t listed in the drop-down list.

Resolve the Problem

Ensure that you subscribe to the Cisco vEdge Cloud Router Amazon machine image (AMI) in your account within the AWS Marketplace.

Ensure that the Cisco vEdge Cloud Router is running software Release 19.2.1 or later.

VPNs aren’t Listed During Configuration

Problem Statement

After you select the host VPCs or VNets to map, VPNs aren’t listed in the drop-down list.

Resolve the Problem

The problem occurs when the device configuration template attached to the Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices doesn’t include service-side VPNs. You require the service-side VPNs (VPNs other than VPN 0 and VPN 512) to configure the IPsec connection between the two Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices that you select for the transit and host VPCs or VNets.

This problem can also occur if the two Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices that you select for the transit VPC or VNet have no overlapping service-side VPNs. Because the two Cisco vEdge Cloud routers form an active–active pair, configure the same service-side VPNs on both of them.

To configure service-side VPNs, in the Cisco vManage VPN feature configuration template, configure at least one service-side VPN. Ensure that at least one of the service-side VPNs is the same on both routers. Then reattach the configuration template to the routers.

Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS Task Fails

Problem Statement

After you have completed mapping the host VPCs to the transit VPCs, or host VNets to transit VNets, the configuration of Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS fails.

Resolve the Problem

Review the displayed task information that appears on the screen to determine why the task failed. If the errors are related to AWS or Azure resources, ensure that all required resources are in place.

Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS Task Succeeds, but Cisco SD-WAN Cloud Devices Are Down

Problem Statement

The Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS task was successful, but the Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices are still in the down state.

Resolve the Problem

Check the configuration templates:

  • Check that all portions of the Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices configuration, including policies, are valid and correct. If the configurations are invalid, they aren’t applied to the router, and the router never comes up.

  • Check that the configuration for the Cisco vBond Orchestrator is correct. If the DNS name or IP address configured in the Cisco vBond Orchestrator is wrong, the Cisco vEdge Cloud Router are unable to reach the Cisco vBond Orchestrator, and hence they are unable to join the overlay network.

After you have determined what the configuration issues are:

  1. Delete the Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS components:

    1. Unmap the host VPCs or VNets and the transit VPCs or VNets.

    2. Delete the transit VPC for the Cisco vEdge Cloud Routers.

  2. Edit the configuration templates and reattach them to the Cisco SD-WAN cloud devices.

  3. Repeat the Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS configuration process.

Desired Routes are Not Exchanged

Problem Statement

The Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS configuration workflow is successful, the Cisco vEdge Cloud Routers are available and running, but the desired routes aren’t getting exchanged.

Resolve the Problem

In Cisco vManage, check the BGP configuration on the transit cloud routers. During the mapping process, when you configureCisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS service, BGP is configured to advertise the network address, Make sure that the service-side VPN contains an IP route that points to If necessary, add a static route in the VPN feature configuration template, and then reattach the configuration to the two cloud routers that you selected for the transit VPC or VNet.

On AWS, go to the host VPC and check the route table. In the route table, click Enable route propagation to ensure that the VPC receives the routes.

End-to-End Ping Is Unsuccessful

Problem Statement

Routing is working properly, but an end-to-end ping isn’t working.

Resolve the Problem

On AWS, check the security group rules of the host VPC. On Azure, check the network security group rules of the host VNet. The security group rules must allow the source IP address range subnets of the on-premises or branch-side devices to allow traffic from the branch to reach AWS.

Sample Feature Template Settings

Feature Templates

The following is a sample of the various feature templates settings for Cisco vEdge Cloud Routers.

System Feature Template

Template: Basic Information/System

Template Name: System_Template

Description: System Template

Table 1. System feature template settings





Basic Configuration

Site ID

Device Specific


System IP Device Specific system_system_ip
Hostname Device Specific system_host_name
Device Groups Device Specific system_device_groups
Console Baud Rate Global 115200



Device Specific

Longitude Device Specific system_longitude


Port Hopping

Device Specific

Port Offset Device Specific system_port_offset

Logging Feature Template

Template: Other Templates/Logging

Template Name: Logging_Template

Description: Logging Template

Table 2. Logging feature template settings





Server (Optional)

Hostname/IP address

Device Specific


VPN ID Device Specific logging_server_vpn

The logging server is optional within the Logging_Template.

BFD Feature Template

Template: Basic Information/BFD_Template

Template Name: BFD_Template

Description: BFD Template

Table 3. BFD feature template settings





Basic Configuration

Poll Interval



Color (Biz Internet)


Drop-down list

Biz Internet

Hello Interval (milliseconds) Device Specific biz_internet_bfd_hello_interval
Path MTU Global Off

VPN512 Feature Template

Template: VPN/VPN

Template Name: Transit_VPN512_Template

Description: VPN 512 Out-of-Band Management

Table 4. VPN512 feature template settings





Basic Configuration




Name Global Management VPN

VPN512 Interface Ethernet Feature Template

Template: VPN / VPN Interface Ethernet

Template Name: Transit_VPN512_Interface_Template

Description: VPN 512 Management Interface

Table 5. VPN512 Interface Ethernet feature template settings





Basic Configuration




Interface Name

Device Specific


Description Global Management Interface

IPv4 Configuration

IPv4 Address

Radio Button


NTP Feature Template

Template: Basic Information/NTP

Template Name: NTP_Template

Description: NTP Template

Table 6. NTP feature template settings






Hostname/IP address


You should be careful to use only known and trusted NTP servers. Disruptions to time synchronizations can affect the ability of the Cisco SD-WAN Cloud devices within the transit VPC or transit VNet to connect to the controllers, and the ability to establish IPsec connections to other Cisco SD-WAN devices.

AAA Feature Template

Template: Basic Information/AAA

Template Name: AAA_Template

Description: AAA Template

Table 7. AAA feature template settings






Authentication Order

Drop-down list





<your admin password>

OMP Feature Template

Template: Basic Information/OMP

Template Name: OMP_Template

Description: OMP Template

Table 8. OMP feature template settings





Basic configuration

Number of Paths Advertised per Prefix



ECMP Limit Global 16





Connected Global Off
Static Global Off

Security Feature Template

Template: Basic Information/Security

Template Name: Security_Template

Description: Security Template

Table 9. Security feature template settings





Basic configuration

Replay window

Global/drop-down list


VPN0 Feature Template

Template: VPN/VPN

Template Name: Transit_VPN0_Template

Description: VPN0 Transport Template

Table 10. VPN0 feature template settings





Basic configuration




Name Global Transport VPN

VPN0 Interface Feature Template

Template: VPN/VPN Interface Ethernet

Template Name: Transit_VPN0_Interface

Description: VPN0 Transport Interface

Table 11. VPN0 interface feature template settings





Basic configuration


Device Specific


Interface Name Device Specific


Description Global Internet Interface

IPv4 Configuration

IPv4 Address

Radio Button


Bandwidth Upstream Device Specific vpn0_inet_int_bandwidth_up
Bandwidth Downstream Device Specific vpn0_inet_int_bandwidth_down


Tunnel Interface


Color Global biz-internet
Allow Service>NTP Global On

Tunnel>Advanced Options>Encapsulation

IPsec Preference

Device Specific





Clear-Don’t-Fragment Global On

VPN1 Feature Template

Template: VPN/VPN

Template Name: Transit_VPN1_Template

Description: VPN1 Service Template

Table 12. VPN1 feature template settings





Basic configuration




Name Global

Service VPN 1

Enhance ECMP Keying Global On

Advertise OMP

BGP (IPv4)



Connected (IPv4) Global On

VPN2 Feature Template

Template: VPN/VPN

Template Name: Transit_VPN2_Template

Description: VPN2 Service Template

Table 13. VPN2 feature template settings





Basic configuration




Name Global

Service VPN 2

Enhance ECMP Keying Global On

Advertise OMP

BGP (IPv4)



Device Templates

The following table summarizes the device template for the Cisco vEdge Cloud routers .

Template Name: Cloud_OnRamp_vEdge_Template_vEdge

Table 14. Transit VPC or Transit VNet Device Template

Template Type

Template Sub-Type

Template Name



Logging Logging_Template
NTP NTP_Template
AAA AAA_Template









VPN Interface Transit_VPN0_Interface



VPN Interface Transit_VPN512_Interface_Template





Sample Device Template Variable Values

The following sample information provides the device template variable values that you can use for the first and second Cisco vEdge Cloud Router.

Table 15. Cisco vEdge Cloud Routers Device Template Variable Values for First Device





Name of Device for SNMP(snmp_device_name)


Location of Device(snmp_device_location)

Azure us-west-1

IPv4 Address(vpn1_lo0_int_ip_addr|maskbits)

Interface Name(vpn512_mgmt_int)








Device Groups(system_device_groups)

AWS or Azure

System IP(system_system_ip)

Site ID(system_site_id)


Port Offset(system_port_offset)


Hello Interval(milliseconds)(bfd_biz_internet_hello_interval)


Interface name(vpn0_inet_int_gex|x)






Bandwidth Upstream(vpn0_inet_int_bandwidth_up)


Bandwidth Downstream(vpn0_inet_int_bandwidth_down)


VPN ID(logging_server_vpn)







Console Baud Rate (system_console_baud_rate)


Table 16. Cisco vEdge Cloud Routers Device Template Variable Values for Second Device





Name of Device for SNMP(snmp_device_name)


Location of Device(snmp_device_location)

Azure us-west-2

IPv4 Address(vpn1_lo0_int_ip_addr|maskbits)

Interface Name(vpn512_mgmt_int)








Device Groups(system_device_groups)

AWS or Azure

System IP(system_system_ip)

Site ID(system_site_id)


Port Offset(system_port_offset)


Hello Interval(milliseconds)(bfd_biz_internet_hello_interval)


Interface name(vpn0_inet_int_gex|x)






Bandwidth Upstream(vpn0_inet_int_bandwidth_up)


Bandwidth Downstream(vpn0_inet_int_bandwidth_down)


VPN ID(logging_server_vpn)







Console Baud Rate (system_console_baud_rate)


Example for Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS

In this example, a single transit VPC or VNet is created within an AWS or Microsoft Azure region and you map two existing host VPCs or VNets within the same region to a transit VPC or VNet. Then, you can access the host VPCs or VNets from a campus and a simulated branch location.

Cisco SD-WAN deployments implement connectivity using different VPNs that range 0–512. VPN 0 represents the transport (WAN) network and VPN 512 represents the management network. Use the remaining VPNs (1–511) as service VPNs. The following two scenarios to deploy Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp for IaaS are considered:

  • Full connectivity: Map both host VPCs or VNets to service VPN 1 within the transit VPC or VNet. You can configure service VPN 1 on the service-side of vEdge Cloud router deployed within the campus, and vEdge Cloud router deployed within the simulated branch. This connectivity allows communication from both the campus and the branch sites to AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances within either of the host VPCs. The connectivity also allows communication between AWS or Azure EC2 instances deployed within the two host VPCs. The deployment demonstrates a scenario where all entities within the organization have full connectivity to the public cloud resources deployed by the organization. The following image illustrates the first scenario.

  • Segmentation to the cloud provider: Map one of the host VPCs or VNets to service VPN 1 and the other host VPC or VNet to service VPN 2 within the transit VPC or VNet. This mapping provides segmentation and therefore traffic isolation between the two host VPCs or VNets. You can configure the campus only for service VPN 1, and allowing it to communicate with AWS or Azure EC2 instances within the first host VPC. Configure the branch for service VPN 2, allowing it to communicate with AWS or Azure EC2 instances within the second host VPC. This deployment demonstrates a scenario where different entities within an organization require access only to specific public cloud resources. The following figure illustrates the second scenario.

Map Host VPCs or VNets to the Transit VPC or VNet in the Same Service VPN

To map both host VPCs or VNets to service VPN 1 within the transit VPC or VNet, perform the following:

  1. From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS. Choose both the host VPCs or host VNets that you want to map, and click Map VPCs or Map VNets.

    The Map Host VPCs or Map Host VNets pop-up opens.

  2. In the Transit VPC or Transit VNet drop-down list, choose the transit VPC or VNet to map to the host VPCs or VNets.

  3. In the VPN drop-down list, select 1.

    Mapping host VPCs or host VNets to the same service VPN allows communication between the host VPCs or VNets.

  4. For AWS configuration, disable Route Propagation.

    Enabling route propagation propagates the BGP routes to the host VPC selected for mapping.

  5. Click Map VPCs or Map VNets.

    After a few minutes, the Task View window appears, confirming that the host VPC or VNet has been mapped to the transit VPC or VNet.

These steps complete the mapping of both the host VPCs or VNets to service VPN 1. You can verify connectivity between EC2 instances with each host VPC or VNet by establishing an SSH connection between them. Similarly, by mapping both the campus and branch to service VPN 1, you can verify connectivity to both host VPCs or VNets by establishing SSH connections from the campus and branch to the EC2 instances within the host VPCs or VNets.

Map Each Host VPC or VNet to the Transit VPC or VNet in Different Service VPNs

To map one host VPC or VNet to service VPN 1; while the other host VPC or VNet to service VPN 2, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Cisco vManage menu, choose Configuration > Cloud onRamp for IaaS. Choose the host VPC or VNet that you want to map, and click Map VPCs or Map VNets.

    The Map Host VPCs or Map Host VNets pop-up opens.

  2. In the Transit VPC or Transit VNet drop-down list, choose the transit VPC or VNet to map to the host VPCs or VNets.

  3. In the VPN drop-down list, choose 1.

    The first host VPC or VNet is now mapped to service VPN 1.

  4. Click Map VPCs or Map VNets.

    After a few minutes, the Task View window appears, confirming that the host VPC or VNet has been mapped to the transit VPC or VNet.

  5. Repeat Steps 1–3 for the second host VPC or VNet

    When selecting the VPN value, map the host VPC or VNet to service VPN 2.

This process completes the mapping of the first host VPC or VNet to service VPN 1 and the second host VPC or VNet to service VPN 2.

By mapping the campus to service VPN 1, you can verify connectivity to the first host VPC or VNet by establishing SSH connections from the campus to the EC2 instances within that host VPC or VNet. However, SSH connections from the campus to the EC2 instances within the second host VPC or VNet can’t be established. By mapping the branch to service VPN 2, you can verify connectivity to the second host VPC or VNet by establishing SSH connections from the branch to the EC2 instances within that host VPC or VNet. However, SSH connections from the branch to the EC2 instances within the first host VPC or VNet can’t be established.