- 1, a through b
- ca trust-point through clock mode
- clock rate through cwmp wan default
- dampening through debug smrp group
- debug smrp mcache through e
- f through h
- icmp idle-timeout through ipv6 nd autoconfig prefix
- ipv6 nd cache expire through l
- m
- n through q
- r
- sa ipsec through show dxi pvc interface
- show eap registrations through show mvr source ports
- show mvrp interface through snmp-server enable traps ospf rate-limit
- snmp-server enable traps ospf retransmit through u
- v through z
- Index
1, a through b
Finding IOS Command Information
First Published: February 2008
Last Updated: January 2014
This document contains a list of the commands supported in many different software releases and on many different platforms. Some of the commands may not be supported in your Cisco IOS software release. To search for a command, use the alphabet key at the top part of this document and then scroll down until you find the command of interest, or use the Find function in your web browser. To access the documentation for a particular command, click the link to the command reference designator to the right of the command name. This list is intended to be used online only.
Alternatively, you may search for commands using the Command Lookup Tool (https://tools.cisco.com/Support/CLILookup), where you will be prompted to provide your Cisco.com username and password.
ANCP | Cisco IOS Access Node Control Protocol Command Reference |
ATK | Cisco IOS AppleTalk Command Reference |
AN | Cisco IOS Autonomic Networking Command Reference |
ATM | Cisco IOS Asynchronous Transfer Mode Command Reference |
BBA | Cisco IOS Broadband Access Aggregation and DSL Command Reference |
BGP | Cisco IOS IP Routing: BGP Command Reference |
BR | Cisco IOS Bridging Command Reference |
CE | Cisco IOS Carrier Ethernet Command Reference |
CF | Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference |
CSA | Cisco IOS Software Activation Command Reference |
DB | Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference |
DEC | Cisco IOS DECnet Command Reference |
DIA | Cisco IOS Dial Technologies Command Reference |
EIGRP | Cisco IOS IP Routing: EIGRP Command Reference |
EM | Cisco IOS Embedded Menu Manager Command Reference |
FHP | Cisco IOS First Hop Redundancy Protocols Command Reference |
FNF | Cisco IOS Flexible NetFlow Command Reference |
HA | Cisco IOS High Availability Command Reference |
IAD | Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command Reference |
IAP | Cisco IOS IP Application Services Command Reference |
IBM | Cisco IOS IBM Networking Command Reference |
IMC | Cisco IOS IP Multicast Command Reference |
IMO | Cisco IOS IP Mobility Command Reference |
IPV6 | Cisco IOS IPv6 Command Reference |
IPX | Cisco IOS Novell IPX Command Reference |
IR | Cisco IOS Interface and Hardware Component Command Reference |
IRI | Cisco IOS IP Routing: Protocol-Independent Command Reference |
IRS | Cisco IOS IP Routing: ISIS Command Reference |
ISG | Cisco IOS Intelligent Services Gateway Command Reference |
ISO | Cisco IOS ISO CLNS Command Reference |
ISW | Cisco IOS IP Switching Command Reference |
LISP | Cisco IOS IP Routing: LISP Command Reference |
LSW | Cisco IOS LAN Switching Command Reference |
MM | Cisco IOS Media Monitoring Command Reference |
MP | Cisco IOS Multiprotocol Label Switching Command Reference |
MSP | Cisco IOS Media Services Proxy Command Reference |
MTR | Cisco IOS Multi-Topology Routing Command Reference |
MWG | Cisco IOS Mobile Wireless Gateway GPRS Support Node Command Reference |
MWH | Cisco IOS Mobile Wireless Home Agent Command Reference |
MWP | Cisco IOS Mobile Wireless Radio Access Networking Command Reference |
MWR | Cisco IOS Mobile Wireless Radio Access Networking Command Reference |
NF | Cisco IOS NetFlow Command Reference |
NM | Cisco IOS Network Management Command Reference |
ODR | Cisco IOS IP Routing: ODR Command Reference |
OER | Cisco IOS Optimized Edge Routing Command Reference |
OSPF | Cisco IOS IP Routing: OSPF Command Reference |
PFR | Cisco IOS Performance Routing Command Reference |
QOS | Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Command Reference |
RIP | Cisco IOS IP Routing: RIP Command Reference |
SAF | Cisco IOS Service Advertisement Framework Command Reference |
SBCD | Cisco Unified Border Element (SP Edition) Command Reference: Distributed Model |
SBCU | Cisco Unified Border Element (SP Edition) Command Reference: Unified Model |
SEC | Cisco IOS Security Command Reference |
SLA | Cisco IOS IP SLAs Command Reference |
SLB | Cisco IOS Server Load Balancing Command Reference |
SM | Cisco IOS Software Modularity Command Reference |
SSG | Cisco IOS Service Selection Gateway Command Reference |
TSV | Cisco IOS Terminal Services Command Reference |
VPD | Cisco IOS VPDN Command Reference |
VR | Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference |
VS | Cisco IOS Virtual Switch Command Reference |
WAN | Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Command Reference |
WL | Cisco IOS Wireless LAN Command Reference |
1, a through b
100rel inbound SBCD
100rel outbound SBCD
aaa accounting MWG, MWH, IPV6, SEC
aaa accounting (IKEv2 profile) SEC
aaa accounting connection h323 SEC
aaa accounting delay-start SEC
aaa accounting gigawords SEC
aaa accounting include auth-profile SEC
aaa accounting jitter maximum SEC
aaa accounting multicast default IPV6
aaa accounting nested SEC, VPD
aaa accounting redundancy SEC, ISG
aaa accounting resource start-stop group SEC
aaa accounting resource stop-failure group SEC
aaa accounting send counters ipv6 IPV6, SEC
aaa accounting send stop-record always SEC, IPV6
aaa accounting send stop-record authentication SEC
aaa accounting session-duration ntp-adjusted SEC
aaa accounting suppress null-username SEC
aaa accounting through aaa local authentication attempts max-fail SEC
aaa accounting update SEC
aaa accounting vrrs FHP
aaa accounting-list SEC
aaa attribute SEC
aaa attribute list SEC
aaa authentication login SEC
aaa authentication (IKEv2 profile) SEC
aaa authentication (WebVPN) SEC
aaa authentication arap ATM, SEC
aaa authentication arap through atm sonet stm-1 ATM
aaa authentication attempts login SEC
aaa authentication auto (WebVPN) SEC
aaa authentication banner SEC
aaa authentication dot1x SEC
aaa authentication enable default SEC
aaa authentication eou default enable group radius SEC
aaa authentication fail-message SEC
aaa authentication login SEC
aaa authentication nasi SEC
aaa authentication password-prompt SEC
aaa authentication ppp SEC, IPV6
aaa authentication sgbp SEC
aaa authentication suppress null-username SEC
aaa authentication username-prompt SEC
aaa authorization (IKEv2 profile) SEC
aaa authorization cache filterserver SEC
aaa authorization config-commands SEC
aaa authorization configuration default IPV6, DIA
aaa authorization console SEC
aaa authorization ipmobile IMO, MWH
aaa authorization ipmobile through ip mobile host IMO
aaa authorization list SEC
aaa authorization multicast default IPV6
aaa authorization radius-proxy ISG
aaa authorization reverse-access SEC
aaa authorization subscriber-service ISG
aaa authorization template SEC
aaa cache filter SEC
aaa cache filterserver SEC
aaa cache profile SEC
aaa common-criteria policy SEC
aaa configuration SEC
aaa dnis map accounting network SEC
aaa dnis map authentication group SEC
aaa dnis map authorization network group SEC
aaa group server diameter SEC, MWG
aaa group server ldap SEC
aaa group server radius SEC, IPV6
aaa group server tacacs+ SEC, IPV6
aaa intercept SEC
aaa local authentication attempts max-fail SEC
aaa max-sessions SEC
aaa max-sessions through algorithm SEC
aaa memory threshold SEC
aaa nas cisco-nas-port use-async-info SEC
aaa nas port extended SEC
aaa nas port option82 SEC
aaa nas port voip VR
aaa nas redirected-station SEC
aaa password SEC
aaa preauth SEC
aaa processes SEC
aaa server radius dynamic-author SEC, ISG
aaa server radius policy-device ISG
aaa server radius proxy ISG
aaa service-profile SEC
aaa session-id SEC
aaa session-mib SEC
aaa traceback recording SEC
aaa user profile SEC
aaa username VR
aaa-authorization HA
aaa-group MWG
aal2-profile custom VR
abr ATM
absolute BSM
absolute-timeout TSV
ac name BBA
ac name through logging rate-limit BBA
acc-qos VR
accelerator WAN
accelerator through cpu-threshold WAN
accept-dialin VPD
accept-dialout VPD
accept-lifetime IRI, IPV6, SAF
access (firewall farm) SLB, SEC
access (virtual server) SLB, SEC
access-class SEC
access-class (LAT) TSV
access-class (X.25) WAN
access-denied CBL
access-enable SEC
access-group (identity policy) SEC
access-list (DECnet extended) DEC
access-list (DECnet standard) DEC
access-list (IP SLA) SLA
access-list (IP extended) SEC
access-list (IP multiplexing) IMO
access-list (IP standard) SEC
access-list (IPX extended) IPX
access-list (IPX standard) IPX
access-list (SAP filtering) IPX
access-list (connect initiate) DEC
access-list (epl-disc) SLA
access-list (extended-ibm) BR, IBM
access-list (standard-ibm) BR, IBM
access-list (type-code-ibm) BR, IBM
access-list (voice source-group) VR
access-list additional-zones ATK
access-list cable-range ATK
access-list compiled SEC
access-list compiled data-link limit memory SEC
access-list compiled ipv4 limit memory SEC
access-list dynamic-extend SEC
access-list includes ATK
access-list nbp ATK
access-list network ATK
access-list other-access ATK
access-list other-nbps ATK
access-list rate-limit QOS
access-list remark SEC
access-list template BBA
access-list within ATK
access-list zone ATK
access-listcompileddata-linklimitmemory SEC
access-listcompiledipv4limitmemory SEC
access-mode MWG
access-point MWG
access-point-name MWG
access-policy VR
access-profile SEC
access-restrict SEC
access-template SEC
access-type MWG
access-violation deactivate-pdp-context MWG
account QOS
account (session border controller) SBCD
accounting SEC
accounting (DHCP for IPv6) IAD, IPV6
accounting (DHCP) IAD
accounting (SSID configuration mode) WL
accounting (gatekeeper) SEC, VR
accounting (line) SEC
accounting (server-group) SEC
accounting aaa list ISG
accounting acknowledge broadcast SEC
accounting delay (VRRS) FHP
accounting dhcp source-ip aaa list SEC
accounting method VR
accounting method (VRRS) FHP
accounting method-list ISG
accounting port ISG
accounting suppress VR
accounting template VR
acct-template VR
acl (WebVPN) SEC
acl drop SEC
action (CAC) SBCD
action (NA-) SBCD
action (RTG-) SBCD
action (SDP) SBCD
action (SIP) SBCD
action (body editor) SBCD
action (body) SBCD
action (event) SNMP
action (event) through rising (test threshold) SNMP
action (header-editor) SBCD
action (method profile) SBCD
action (method-editor) SBCD
action (parameter editor) SBCD
action (parameter) SBCD
action (policy-react and policy-inline-react) MM
action add EEM
action append EEM
action break EEM
action cli EEM
action cns-event EEM
action comment EEM
action context retrieve EEM
action context save EEM
action continue EEM
action counter EEM
action decrement EEM
action divide EEM
action drop-msg SBCD
action else EEM
action elseif EEM
action end EEM
action exit EEM
action file EEM
action force-switchover EEM
action foreach EEM
action gets EEM
action if EEM
action ifgoto EEM
action increment EEM
action info EEM
action info type interface-names EEM
action info type snmp getid EEM
action info type snmp inform EEM
action info type snmp oid EEM
action info type snmp trap EEM
action info type snmp var EEM
action mail EEM
action multiply EEM
action policy EEM
action publish-event EEM
action puts EEM
action regexp EEM
action reload EEM
action set (EEM) EEM
action snmp-object-value EEM
action snmp-trap EEM
action string compare EEM
action string equal EEM
action string first EEM
action string index EEM
action string last EEM
action string length EEM
action string match EEM
action string range EEM
action string replace EEM
action string tolower EEM
action string toupper EEM
action string trim EEM
action string trimleft EEM
action string trimright EEM
action subtract EEM
action switch ring g8032 clear instance CE
action switch ring g8032 instance CE
action syslog EEM
action track read EEM
action track set EEM
action while EEM
action-type SEC
activate (bmp) BGP
activate (billing) SBCD
activate (enum) SBCD
activate (radius) SBCD
activate (session border controller) SBCD
activate-rule at-byte-count CBL
activation-character CF
activation-key VR
active (call home) HA
active (diagnostic signature) HA
active through issu set rollback-timer HA
active-probe OER
active-probe (PfR) PFR
active-probe address source OER
active-probe address source (PfR) PFR
active-script-set SBCD
adapter IBM
add (WebVPN) SEC
add (bulk statistics object) SNMP
add-command HA
add-paths EIGRP
additional-paths BGP
address SEC
address (bmp) BGP
address (DNS probe) SLB
address (HTTP probe) SLB
address (IKEv2 keyring) SEC, IPV6
address (Mobile IPv6) IPV6
address (TCP probe) SLB
address (WSP probe) SLB
address (custom UDP probe) SLB
address (mobile router) IMO
address (ping probe) SLB
address (proxy mobile IPv6) IMO
address (session border controller) SBCD
address client-id IAD
address hardware-address IAD
address ipv4 (GDOI) SEC
address ipv4 (config-radius-server) SEC
address ipv4 (session border controller) SBCD
address ipv6 (TACACS+) IPV6, SEC
address ipv6 (config-radius-server) SEC
address range IAD
address-family MP
address-family (EIGRP) EIGRP, IPV6
address-family (tgrep) VR
address-family ipv4 (BGP) BGP, IPV6, MTR
address-family ipv4 (EIGRP MTR) MTR
address-family ipv4 (IS-IS) MTR
address-family ipv4 (OSPF) MTR
address-family ipv4 (OSPFv3) IPV6
address-family ipv6 IPV6
address-family ipv6 (IS-IS) IPV6
address-family ipv6 (OSPFv3) IPV6
address-family mvpn BGP
address-family nsap BGP
address-family rtfilter unicast BGP
address-family vpnv4 BGP
address-family vpnv6 IPV6
address-hiding VR
address-pool SSG
addressed-key SEC
adjacency SBCD
adjacency h248 SBCD
adjacency timeout SBCD
adjacency-check IPV6
admin-domain SBCD
admin-domain (adjacency) SBCD
admin-params MM
administrator authentication list SEC
administrator authorization list SEC
ads-negative-cache WAN
advertise SLB
advertise (annex g) VR
advertise (tgrep) VR
advertise additional-paths BGP
advertise downlink next-hop MWG
advertise passive-only (IPv6) IPV6, IRS
advertise-passive-only IRS
af-interface EIGRP
affinity MP
agent SLB
ageout SLA
aggregate MWG
aggregate interval SLA
aggregation interval SLA
aggregation-type OER
aggregation-type (PfR) PFR
air-queue aggregate-limit QOS
ais CE
ais through ethernet cfm logging CE
alarm CE
alarm severity (policy-react and policy-inline-react) MM
alarm type (policy-react and policy-inline-react) MM
alarm-interface IR
alarm-trigger VR
alert SEC
alert (zone-based policy) SEC
alert-group HA
alert-group-config snapshot HA
alert-severity SEC
algorithm SEC
alias (session border controller) SBCD
alias static VR
all (profile map configuration) SEC
all profile map configuration through browser-proxy SEC
all-interfaces MTR
allocate MP
allocate lu IBM
allow diff-med-sig-vpn SBCD
allow private info SBCD
allow subscribe VR
allow-list SAF
allow-mode SEC
allowed-locator (LISP site) LISP
alps a1-map a2-map IBM
alps alias IBM
alps ascu IBM
alps auto-reset IBM
alps circuit IBM
alps connection-type permanent IBM
alps default-circuit IBM
alps enable-alarms ascu IBM
alps enable-alarms circuit IBM
alps enable-alarms peer IBM
alps enable-ascu IBM
alps enable-circuit IBM
alps error-display IBM
alps host-hld host-link IBM
alps hostlink IBM
alps idle-timer IBM
alps keepalive IBM
alps lifetime-timer IBM
alps local-hld remote-hld IBM
alps local-peer IBM
alps matip-close-delay IBM
alps max-msg-length IBM
alps mpx IBM
alps n1 IBM
alps n2 IBM
alps n3 IBM
alps poll-pause IBM
alps primary-peer IBM
alps remote-peer IBM
alps retry-option IBM
alps service-msg data-drop IBM
alps service-msg format IBM
alps service-msg status-change IBM
alps service-msg-interval IBM
alps service-msg-list IBM
alps service-msg-list number IBM
alps servlim IBM
alps t1 IBM
alps t2 IBM
alps translate IBM
alps update-circuit IBM
als IR
als restart IR
als restart mode IR
als restart pulse IR
alt-dial VR
analysis-module monitoring IR
ani mapping VR
annex modulation CBL
announce config CNS
anonymous user MWG
anonymous-reporting-only HA
answer-address VR
antenna WL
api client OER
api provider OER
api provider (PfR) PFR
apn SLB
apn (proxy mobile IPv6) IMO
append-after MP
appfw policy-name SEC
appl (webvpn) SEC
appletalk access-group ATK
appletalk address ATK
appletalk alternate-addressing ATK
appletalk arp interval ATK
appletalk arp retransmit-count ATK
appletalk arp-timeout ATK
appletalk aurp tickle-time ATK
appletalk aurp update-interval ATK
appletalk cable-range ATK
appletalk checksum ATK
appletalk client-mode ATK
appletalk discovery ATK
appletalk distribute-list in ATK
appletalk distribute-list out ATK
appletalk domain hop-reduction ATK
appletalk domain name ATK
appletalk domain remap-range ATK
appletalk domain-group ATK
appletalk eigrp active-time ATK
appletalk eigrp log-neighbor-changes ATK
appletalk eigrp-bandwidth-percentage ATK
appletalk eigrp-splithorizon ATK
appletalk eigrp-timers ATK
appletalk event-logging ATK
appletalk free-trade-zone ATK
appletalk getzonelist-filter ATK
appletalk glean-packets ATK
appletalk ignore-verify-errors ATK
appletalk iptalk ATK
appletalk iptalk-baseport ATK
appletalk lookup-type ATK
appletalk macip dynamic ATK
appletalk macip server ATK
appletalk macip static ATK
appletalk maximum-paths ATK
appletalk name-lookup-interval ATK
appletalk permit-partial-zones ATK
appletalk pre-fdditalk ATK
appletalk protocol ATK
appletalk proxy-nbp ATK
appletalk require-route-zones ATK
appletalk route-cache ATK
appletalk route-redistribution ATK
appletalk routing ATK
appletalk rtmp jitter ATK
appletalk rtmp-stub ATK
appletalk send-rtmps ATK
appletalk static cable-range ATK
appletalk static network ATK
appletalk strict-rtmp-checking ATK
appletalk timers ATK
appletalk virtual-net ATK
appletalk zip-query-interval ATK
appletalk zip-reply-filter ATK
appletalk zone ATK
application (application firewall policy) SEC
application (dial-peer) VR
application (global) VR
application define OER
application define (PfR) PFR
application redundancy IAD, SEC
application-id CBL
application-inspect SEC
apply (satellite initial configuration) IR
aps authenticate IR
aps clear sonet IR
aps force IR
aps force sonet IR
aps interchassis group WAN
aps lockout IR
aps lockout sonet IR
aps manual IR
aps manual sonet IR
aps protect IR
aps protect (SONET) IR
aps revert IR
aps timers IR
aps unidirectional IR
aps working IR
aps-channel CE
arap authentication SEC
arap callback DIA
arap dedicated TSV
arap enable TSV
arap net-access-list TSV
arap network TSV
arap require-manual-password TSV
arap timelimit TSV
arap warningtime TSV
arap zonelist TSV
archive CF
archive config CF
archive log config persistent save CF
archive tar CF
area (IPv6 address family configuration) IPV6
area (OSPFv3 router configuration) IPV6
area authentication OSPF
area authentication (IPv6) IPV6
area capability default-exclusion MTR
area default-cost OSPF
area encryption IPV6
area filter-list OSPF
area nssa OSPF
area nssa translate OSPF
area sham-link OSPF
area sham-link (OSPFv3) OSPF
area stub OSPF
area virtual-link authentication IPV6
area virtual-link encryption IPV6
area-address (NLSP) IPX
area-password IRS
area_(OSPFv3) IPV6
arp WAN
arp (global) IAD
arp access-list IAD
arp authorized IAD
arp ignore local ISG
arp log threshold entries IAD
arp packet-priority enable IAD
arp probe interval IAD
arp timeout IAD
arq reject-resource-low VR
arq reject-unknown-prefix VR
as VR
ase collector SEC
ase enable SEC
ase group SEC
ase signature extraction SEC
asp VR
asp addr-offset IBM
asp brdcast-address-mask IBM
asp broadcast-addr IBM
asp dcd always IBM
asp direct IBM
asp enq IBM
asp eof-char IBM
asp ignore-sequence-number IBM
asp retries IBM
asp role IBM
asp rx-ift IBM
asp send ack IBM
asp sof-char IBM
asp timer IBM
asserted-id VR
associate application IPV6, VR
associate ccm VR
associate dspfarm profile SBCD
associate registered-number VR
associate slot IR
association IR
asymmetric payload VR
async default ip address TSV
async default routing DIA
async dynamic address DIA
async dynamic routing DIA
async mode dedicated DIA
async mode interactive DIA
async-bootp CF
async-write WAN
atm ATM
atm aal aal3 4 ATM
atm abr rate-factor ATM
atm address-registration ATM
atm arp-server ATM
atm autovc retry ATM
atm bandwidth dynamic ATM
atm classic-ip-extensions ATM
atm clock internal ATM
atm compression ATM
atm ds3-scramble ATM
atm e164 auto-conversion ATM
atm e3-scramble ATM
atm enable-ilmi-trap ATM
atm esi-address ATM
atm ether-mac-address ATM
atm exception-queue ATM
atm framing (DS3) ATM
atm framing (E3) ATM
atm ilmi-keepalive ATM
atm ilmi-pvc-discovery ATM
atm lbo ATM
atm max-channels ATM
atm maxvc ATM
atm mid-per-vc ATM
atm multicast ATM
atm multipoint-interval ATM
atm multipoint-signalling ATM
atm nsap-address ATM
atm oam ais alarm ATM
atm oam flush ATM
atm over-subscription-factor ATM
atm oversubscribe ATM
atm oversubscribe factor ATM
atm pppatm link reset BBA
atm pvp ATM
atm rate-queue ATM
atm rawq-size ATM
atm rxbuff ATM
atm scramble-enable VR
atm sig-traffic-shaping strict ATM
atm smds-address ATM
atm sonet IR
atm sonet ignore s1 ATM
atm sonet report ATM
atm sonet stm-1 ATM
atm sonet threshold ATM
atm sonet threshold through client-atm-address name ATM
atm svc-upc-intent ATM
atm tx-latency ATM
atm txbuff ATM
atm uni-version ATM
atm vc-per-vp ATM
atm video aesa VR
atm vp-filter ATM
atm-address ATM
atm-address (qos) QOS
atmsig close atm ATM
attach CF
attach (H.248 BAC) SBCD
attach (Rf billing) SBCD
attach (session border controller) SBCD
attach-controllers SBCD
attach-controllers (session border controller) SBCD
attribute (EEM) EEM
attribute (server-group) SEC
attribute acct-session-id overloaded VR
attribute h323-remote-id resolved VR
attribute list (VRRS) FHP
attribute map SEC
attribute nas-port format SEC
attribute type SEC
attributes CBL
au-3 IR
au-4 tug-3 IR
audio VR
audio-prompt load VR
audit (H.248 BAC) SBCD
audit filesize SEC
audit interval SEC
audit-trail SEC
audit-trail (zone) SEC
auth-option IMO
auth-type SEC
authen-before-forward VPD
authenticate (control policy-map class) VPD, ISG
authenticate (service policy-map) ISG
authenticate redirecting-number VR
authentication (BFD) IRI
authentication (IKE policy) SEC, IPV6
authentication (IKEv2 profile) SEC
authentication (L2TP) WAN
authentication (Mobile IPv6) IPV6
authentication (SIP UA) VR
authentication (dial peer) VR
authentication (session border controller) SBCD
authentication bind-first SEC
authentication command SEC
authentication command bounce-port ignore SEC
authentication command disable-port ignore SEC
authentication compare SEC
authentication control-direction SEC
authentication critical recovery delay SEC
authentication event fail SEC
authentication event no-response action SEC
authentication event server alive action reinitialize SEC
authentication event server dead action authorize SEC
authentication fallback SEC
authentication host-mode SEC
authentication key-chain IRS
authentication key-chain (EIGRP) EIGRP, SAF
authentication key-chain (OTV) WAN
authentication key-management WL
authentication list (tti-registrar) SEC
authentication method VR
authentication mode IRS
authentication mode (EIGRP) EIGRP, SAF
authentication mode (OTV) WAN
authentication mode (session border controller) SBCD
authentication network-eap WL
authentication open SEC
authentication open (SSID configuration mode) WL
authentication order SEC
authentication periodic SEC
authentication port ISG
authentication port-control SEC
authentication priority SEC
authentication send-only IRS
authentication send-only (OTV) WAN
authentication shared (SSID configuration mode) WL
authentication terminal SEC
authentication timer inactivity SEC
authentication timer reauthenticate SEC
authentication timer restart SEC
authentication trustpoint SEC
authentication url SEC
authentication violation SEC
authentication-key (LISP site) LISP
authentication-retries TSV
authoization list (global) SEC
authorization (server-group) SEC
authorization (tti-registrar) SEC
authorization address ipv4 SEC
authorization identity SEC
authorization list SSG
authorization list (global) SEC
authorization list (tti-registrar) SEC
authorization method VR
authorization method (DHCP) IAD
authorization pending maximum SSG
authorization rate-limit SSG
authorization shared-password IAD
authorization username SEC
authorization username (DHCP) IAD
authorization username (tti-registrar) SEC
authorize accept identity SEC
authorize identifier ISG
auto discovery qos QOS
auto ip sla mpls-lsp-monitor SLA
auto ip sla mpls-lsp-monitor reaction-configuration SLA
auto ip sla mpls-lsp-monitor reset SLA
auto ip sla mpls-lsp-monitor schedule SLA
auto qos QOS
auto qos voip QOS
auto qos voip (6500) QOS
auto secure SEC
auto-bw (LSP Attributes) MP
auto-config VR
auto-cost OSPF
auto-cost (IPv6) IPV6
auto-cost (OSPFv3) IPV6
auto-cut-through VR
auto-ip-ring IAD
auto-polarity IR
auto-retrieve MWG
auto-rollover SEC
auto-summary (BGP) BGP
auto-summary (EIGRP) EIGRP
auto-summary (RIP) RIP
auto-update client SEC
autobaud CF
autocommand TSV
autodetect encapsulation DIA
autohangup DIA
automate-tester (config-radius-server) SEC
autonomic connect AN
autonomic registrar AN
autonomic service AN
autonomous-system (EIGRP) EIGRP
autoselect DIA
autoupgrade disk-cleanup CF
autoupgrade ida url CF
autoupgrade status email CF
availability algorithm SLA
available ISG
awrr-queue dscp-map QOS
b2 sd-ber IR
b2 sf-ber IR
backbone interface CE
backhaul-session-manager VR
backoff OER
backoff (PfR) PFR
backoff exponential SEC
backup VPD
backup (NetFlow SCTP) NF
backup active interface WAN
backup delay (L2VPN local switching) MP, WAN
backup excluded WSMA
backup group SEC
backup hold WSMA
backup interface atm IR
backup interface cem IR
backup interface dialer DIA
backup-gateway SEC
bandwidth (LSP Attributes) MP
bandwidth (dial peer) VR
bandwidth (interface) SNMP, IR, IPV6
bandwidth (policy-map class) QOS
bandwidth (session border controller) SBCD
bandwidth check-destination VR
bandwidth qos-reference QOS
bandwidth remaining ratio QOS
bandwidth remote VR
bandwidth-fields mandatory SBCD
bandwidth-police tman SBCD
bandwidth-pool MWG
bandwidth-resolution PFR
banner SEC
banner (WebVPN) SEC
banner (transport map) TSV
banner exec CF
banner incoming CF
banner login CF
banner motd CF
banner slip-ppp CF
base-dn SEC
basic-mapping-rule IAD
batch IR
batch-size SBCD
batch-time SBCD
battery-reversal VR
bba-group pppoe BBA
bce delete-wait-time IMO
bce lifetime IMO
bce maximum IMO
beacon WL
beacon (multicast routing monitor) IMC
beacon multicast routing monitor through ip dvmrp unicast-routing IMC
bearer-capability clear-channel VR
bert abort controller IR
bert controller IR
bert errors IR
bert pattern IR
bert pattern (T1 E1) IR
bert pattern (T3 E3) IR
bert profile IR
bfd all-interfaces IRI, RIP, IPV6
bfd all-interfaces (OSPFv3) IPV6
bfd check-ctrl-plane-failure IRI
bfd echo IRI
bfd interface IRI
bfd map IRI
bfd slow-timers IRI
bfd template IRI
bfd-template IRI
bfe WAN
bgp graceful-shutdown all BGP
bgp additional-paths BGP
bgp additional-paths install BGP, IPV6
bgp additional-paths select BGP, SBCD
bgp additional-paths select (additional paths) BGP
bgp additional-paths select (diverse path) BGP
bgp advertise-best-external BGP, IPV6
bgp aggregate-timer BGP
bgp always-compare-med BGP
bgp asnotation dot BGP
bgp bestpath as-path ignore BGP
bgp bestpath compare-routerid BGP
bgp bestpath cost-community ignore BGP
bgp bestpath igp-metric ignore BGP, SBCD
bgp bestpath med confed BGP
bgp bestpath med missing-as-worst BGP
bgp bestpath prefix-validate BGP
bgp client-to-client reflection BGP
bgp client-to-client reflection intra-cluster BGP
bgp cluster-id BGP
bgp confederation identifier BGP
bgp confederation peers BGP
bgp consistency-checker BGP, SBCD
bgp dampening BGP
bgp default ipv4-unicast BGP, MP
bgp default ipv6-nexthop IPV6
bgp default local-preference BGP
bgp default route-target filter MP
bgp deterministic-med BGP
bgp dmzlink-bw BGP
bgp enforce-first-as BGP
bgp enhanced-error BGP
bgp fast-external-fallover BGP
bgp graceful-restart BGP, IPV6
bgp inject-map BGP
bgp listen BGP
bgp log-neighbor-changes BGP, MP, IPV6
bgp maxas-limit BGP
bgp mpls-local-label BGP
bgp next-hop MP
bgp nexthop BGP
bgp nexthop trigger delay BGP
bgp nexthop trigger enable BGP
bgp nopeerup-delay BGP
bgp redistribute-internal BGP
bgp refresh max-eor-time BGP, SBCD
bgp refresh stalepath-time BGP, SBCD
bgp regexp deterministic BGP
bgp route-map priority BGP
bgp rpki server BGP
bgp rr-group BGP
bgp slow-peer detection BGP
bgp slow-peer split-update-group dynamic BGP
bgp soft-reconfig-backup BGP
bgp sso route-refresh-enable BGP
bgp suppress-inactive BGP
bgp tid MTR
bgp transport BGP
bgp update-delay BGP
bgp update-group split as-override BGP
bgp upgrade-cli BGP
bgp-policy BGP
bidirectional SEC
billing SBCD
billing (CAC) SBCD
billing b-channel VR
binary file SEC
bind authenticate SEC
bind interface VR
bindid SLB
binding IPV6
binding (proxy mobile IPv6) IMO
bitrate SLA
blacklist SBCD
blacklist (profile) SBCD
blacklist (sip-opt) SBCD
blended-codec-list SBCD
blended-transcode SBCD
block VR
block-caller VR
block-foreign-ms MWG
bmp BGP
body SBCD
body (editor) SBCD
body-editor SBCD
body-editor (method) SBCD
body-profile SBCD
body-profile (sip adj) SBCD
boot bootldr CF
boot bootstrap CF
boot config CF
boot host CF
boot network CF
boot system CF
boot-end-marker CF
boot-start-marker CF
bootfile IAD
bootup e-lead off VR
border OER
border (PfR) PFR
branch bandwidth-field SBCD
branch codec SBCD
branch codec-list SBCD
branch hold-setting SBCD
branch inband-dtmf-mode SBCD
branch inbound-policy SBCD
branch media bypass SBCD
branch media-caps SBCD
branch media-description disabled SBCD
branch media-type SBCD
branch outbound-policy SBCD
branch port-range-tag SBCD
branch privacy edit-privacy-request SBCD
branch privacy privacy-service SBCD
branch ptime SBCD
branch secure-media SBCD
branch sig-qos-profile SBCD
branch tel-event payload type SBCD
branch video-qos-profile SBCD
branch voice-qos-profile SBCD
bre-connect ATM
break CBL
bri IMO
bridge bitswap-layer3-addresses BR, IBM
bridge circuit-group pause BR, IBM
bridge circuit-group source-based BR, IBM
bridge lat-service-filtering BR, IBM
bridge multicast-source BR, IBM
bridge subscriber-policy BR, IBM
bridge-domain ATM, IR, WAN, LSW
bridge-domain (global) CE
bridge-domain (service instance) WAN, CE
bridge-domain (subinterface) IR, LSW
bridge-domain from-encapsulation CE
bridge-dot1q encap ATM
bridge-group aging-time BR, IBM
bridge-group cbus-bridging BR, IBM
bridge-group circuit-group BR, IBM
bridge-group input-address-list BR, IBM
bridge-group input-lat-service-deny BR, IBM
bridge-group input-lat-service-permit BR, IBM
bridge-group input-lsap-list BR, IBM
bridge-group input-pattern-list BR, IBM
bridge-group input-type-list BR, IBM
bridge-group lat-compression BR, IBM
bridge-group output-address-list BR, IBM
bridge-group output-lat-service-deny BR, IBM
bridge-group output-lat-service-permit BR, IBM
bridge-group output-lsap-list BR, IBM
bridge-group output-pattern-list BR, IBM
bridge-group output-type-list BR, IBM
bridge-group path-cost BR, IBM
bridge-group spanning-disabled BR, IBM
bridge-group subscriber-loop-control BR, IBM
bridge-group subscriber-trunk BR, IBM
bridge-vlan LSW
broadcast ATM
broadcast-key WL
browser-attribute import SEC
browser-proxy SEC
bsc char-set IBM
bsc contention IBM
bsc dial-contention IBM
bsc host-timeout IBM
bsc pause IBM
bsc poll-timeout IBM
bsc primary IBM
bsc retries IBM
bsc secondary IBM
bsc servlim IBM
bsc spec-poll IBM
bstun group IBM
bstun keepalive-count IBM
bstun lisnsap IBM
bstun peer-map-poll IBM
bstun peer-name IBM
bstun protocol-group IBM
bstun reconnect-interval IBM
bstun remote-peer-keepalive IBM
bstun route IBM
bstun route (BIP) IBM
bstun route (Frame Relay) IBM
bstun route all apip IBM
buckets-of-history-kept SLA
buffer public ERM
buffer-length BSM
buffer-size (bulk statistics) SNMP
buffers BSM
buffers huge size BSM
buffers tune automatic BSM
bump QOS
bump (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member) WAN
bundle QOS
bundle svc QOS
busy-message TSV
busyout (port) DIA
busyout (privileged EXEC) DIA
busyout (spe) DIA
busyout forced VR
busyout monitor VR
busyout monitor action VR
busyout monitor backhaul VR
busyout monitor gatekeeper VR
busyout monitor probe VR
busyout seize VR