from oauthlib.oauth2 import BackendApplicationClient from oauthlib.oauth2 import TokenExpiredError from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth import time import requests import pprint import json def fetch_headers(BToken): BT = f"Bearer {BToken}" headers = { 'Authorization':BT, "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json" } return headers # GET OAUTH 2.0 TOKEN def getToken(): token_url = '' try: #ASSIGN your API Key to the variable client_id and Secret Key to the variable client_secret client_id = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" client_secret = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" auth = HTTPBasicAuth(client_id, client_secret) client = BackendApplicationClient(client_id=client_id) oauth = OAuth2Session(client=client) token = oauth.fetch_token(token_url=token_url, auth=auth) print("\n######Token Generated Successfully######\n") return token except e as Exception: print(f"Encountered an error while Fetching the TOKEN :: {e}") # 1 - GET DESTINATION LISTS def fetch_destinationlists(h): url = "" try: response = requests.request('GET', url, headers=h) json_object = json.loads(response.content) #pprint.pprint(json_object) x=1 for item in json_object["data"]: print(f"Destination List : {x}") pprint.pprint(f"Name : {item['name']}") pprint.pprint(f"ID : {item['id']}") #pprint.pprint(f"Destination Count : {item['meta']['destinationCount']}") print("\n") x+=1 except e as Exception: print(f"Encountered an Error while Fetching the Destination Lists :: {e}") # 2 - GET DESTINATION LIST def get_destinationlist(h): try: choice = input("Enter the ID of the DestinationList:: ") url = "" + choice response = requests.request('GET', url, headers=h) json_object = json.loads(response.content) print("\n\n") pprint.pprint(json_object) print("\n\n") except e as Exception: print(f"Encountered an Error while Fetching the Destination List Details :: {e}") # 3 - CREATE DESTINATION LIST def create_destinationlist(h): url = "" try: naav = input("Name of the DestinationList :: ") payload = { "access": "none", "isGlobal": False, "name": naav, } response = requests.request('POST', url, headers=h, data = json.dumps(payload)) json_object = json.loads(response.content) print("\n\n") pprint.pprint(json_object) print("\n\n") except e as Exception: print(f"Encountered an Error while Creating the Destination List :: {e}") # 4 - UPDATE DESTINATION LIST NAME def patch_destinationlist(h): try: choice = input("Enter the ID of the DestinationList for changing it's name :: ") url = "" + choice naav = input("Enter New Name :: ") payload = {"name": naav} response = requests.request('PATCH', url, headers=h, data = json.dumps(payload)) json_object = json.loads(response.content) print("\n\n") pprint.pprint(json_object) print("\n\n") except e as Exception: print(f"Encountered an Error while Updating the Destination List :: {e}") # 5 - DELETE DESTINATION LIST def delete_destinationlist(h): try: choice = input("Enter the ID of the DestinationList for DELETION :: ") url = "" + choice response = requests.request('DELETE', url, headers=h) json_object = json.loads(response.content) print("\n\n") pprint.pprint(json_object) print("\n\n") except Exception as e: print(f"Encountered an Error while Deleting the Destination List :: {e}") # 6 - GET DESTINATIONS FROM A DESTINATION LIST def fetch_detail(h): try: choice = input("DestinationList ID: ") url2 = "" + choice + "/destinations" response = requests.request('GET', url2, headers=h) print("\n") json_dest = json.loads(response.content) pprint.pprint(json_dest) print("\n\n") except e as Exception: print(f"Encountered an Error while Fetching the Destinations from the Destination List :: {e}") # 7 - ADD DESTINATIONS TO A DESTINATION LIST def add_destinations(h): try: choice = input("Enter the ID of the DestinationList :: ") url = "" + choice + "/destinations" destination_to_add = input("\nEnter the destination that you want to add :: ") payload = [{"destination": destination_to_add}] response = requests.request('POST', url, headers=h, data = json.dumps(payload)) print("\n") json_dest = json.loads(response.content) pprint.pprint(json_dest) print("\n\n") except e as Exception: print(f"Encountered an Error while Adding the Destination to the Destination List :: {e}") # 8 - DELETE DESTINATIONS FROM DESTINATION LIST def delete_entry(h): try: choice_del = input("\nCONFIRM DestinationList ID from which you want to delete the Destination :: ") url3 = "" + choice_del + "/destinations/remove" dest = int(input("ID of the Destination that you want to remove: ")) payload = f"[{dest}]" response = requests.request('DELETE', url3, headers=h, data=payload) json_del = json.loads(response.content) print("\n\n") pprint.pprint(json_del) print("\n\n") except e as Exception: print(f"Encountered an Error while Deleting a Destination from the Destination List :: {e}") #FETCH COOKIE possess_cookie = " " while possess_cookie not in ["Y","y","N","n"]: possess_cookie = input("Token Already Generated? (Y/N) :: ") if possess_cookie.upper() =="N": cook = getToken() with open("cookie.txt","w") as wr: wr.writelines(cook["access_token"]) # print(f"Access Token = {cook["access_token"]}") #FETCH HEADERS with open("cookie.txt","r") as ree: h = fetch_headers(ree.readline()) print("\n") while True: action = input("""Available operations: 1. Get Destination Lists 2. Get Destination List 3. Create Destination List 4. Update Destination List Name 5. Delete Destination List 6. Get Destinations from Destination List 7. Add Destinations to a Destination List 8. Delete Destinations from Destination List 9. Exit Enter Your Choice :: """) print("\n") operation = action.replace(" ","") if operation == "1": fetch_destinationlists(h) elif operation == "2": fetch_destinationlists(h) get_destinationlist(h) elif operation == "3": create_destinationlist(h) elif operation == "4": fetch_destinationlists(h) patch_destinationlist(h) elif operation == "5": fetch_destinationlists(h) delete_destinationlist(h) elif operation == "6": fetch_destinationlists(h) fetch_detail(h) elif operation == "7": fetch_destinationlists(h) add_destinations(h) elif operation == "8": fetch_destinationlists(h) fetch_detail(h) delete_entry(h) elif operation == "9": break else: print("\n") print("==========INCORRECT INPUT==========") print("\n") print("Thank You!!! Good Bye!!!") time.sleep(5)
Cookie Already Generated? (Y/N) :: y Available operations: 1. Get Destination Lists 2. Get Destination List 3. Create Destination List 4. Update Destination List Name 5. Delete Destination List 6. Get Destinations from Destination List 7. Add Destinations to a Destination List 8. Delete Destinations from Destination List 9. Exit Enter Your Choice ::
Token Already Generated? (Y/N) :: y Available operations: 1. Get Destination Lists 2. Get Destination List 3. Create Destination List 4. Update Destination List Name 5. Delete Destination List 6. Get Destinations from Destination List 7. Add Destinations to a Destination List 8. Delete Destinations from Destination List 9. Exit Enter Your Choice :: 1