Voice Extensible Markup Language (VXML) é um padrão definido pelo World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). O VXML foi projetado para criar diálogos de áudio que fornecem fala sintetizada, reconhecimento de palavras faladas, reconhecimento de dígitos DTMF e gravações de áudio falado. O servidor VXML e os clientes usam o protocolo HTTP conhecido para trocar documentos e páginas VXML.
O Cisco Voice Portal (CVP) oferece aplicativos inteligentes e interativos de resposta de voz (IVR) que podem ser acessados pelo telefone. Há três tipos de implementações CVP:
Serviço independente
Controle de chamada CVP
Fila e transferência de chamadas
A fala sintetizada, o reconhecimento de palavras faladas ou as funcionalidades de dígito DTMF são fornecidos por servidores de Texto para Voz (TTS - Text-to-Speech) e de Reconhecimento Automático de Voz (ASR - Automatic Speech Recognition). O Cisco IOS® VXML Gateway se comunica com os servidores TTS e ASR usando o protocolo de controle de recursos de mídia (MRCP). Há duas versões de MRCP (RFC 4463), nomeadamente MRCPv1 (MRCP sobre RTSP) e MRCPv2 (MRCP sobre SIP).
Este documento descreve o fluxo de chamadas de um gateway XML de voz do Cisco IOS para chamada CVP em uma implantação de serviço independente que usa servidores TTS ou ASR MRCPv1. Um exemplo de aplicativo de farmácia foi implantado no servidor VXML do CVP.
Não existem requisitos específicos para este documento.
As informações neste documento são baseadas nestas versões de software e hardware:
Gateway VXML do IOS: Cisco AS5400XM, IOS 12.4(11)T2
Servidor VXML: CVP 4.0
Servidor ASR / TTS: Nuance ASR v8.5 e TTS v4.0.6
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
Consulte as Convenções de Dicas Técnicas da Cisco para obter mais informações sobre convenções de documentos.
Nesta seção, você encontrará informações para configurar os recursos descritos neste documento.
Nota:Use a Command Lookup Tool (somente clientes registrados) para obter mais informações sobre os comandos usados neste documento.
Este documento utiliza a seguinte configuração de rede:
Este documento utiliza esta configuração:
Configuração do gateway VXML |
!--- Define Hostname to IP address mapping for ASR and TTS servers. ip host asr-en-us ip host tts-en-us !--- Define the amount of maximum memory to use for downloaded prompts. ivr prompt memory 15000 !--- Define the RTSP URI of ASR and TTS Server. ivr asr-server rtsp:// ivr tts-server rtsp:// !--- Configure an application service for CVP VXML CVPSelfServiceBootstrap.vxml. application service CVPSelfService flash:CVPSelfServiceBootstrap.vxml paramspace english language en paramspace english index 0 paramspace english location flash: paramspace english prefix en !--- Configure an application service for CVP VXML CVPSelfService.tcl Script. !--- CVPSelfService-app parameter specifies the name of the VXML Application. !--- CVPPrimary parameter specifies the IP address of the VXML server. service Pharmacy flash:CVPSelfService.tcl paramspace english index 0 paramspace english language en paramspace english location flash: param CVPSelfService-port 7000 param CVPSelfService-app GoodPrescriptionRefillApp7 paramspace english prefix en param CVPPrimaryVXMLServer !--- Specifies the Gateway’s RTP stream to the ASR or TTS to go around the !--- Content Service Switch instead of through the CSS. mrcp client rtpsetup enable !--- Specify the maximum memory size for the HTTP Client Cache. http client cache memory pool 15000 !--- Specify the maximum number of file that can be stored in the HTTP Client Cache. http client cache memory file 500 !--- Disable Persistent HTTP Connections. no http client connection persistent !--- Configure the T1 PRI. controller T1 3/0 framing esf linecode b8zs pri-group timeslots 1-24 !--- Configure the ISDN switch type and incoming-voice under the D-channel interface. interface Serial3/0:23 no ip address encapsulation hdlc isdn switch-type primary-net5 isdn incoming-voice modem no cdp enable !--- Configure a POTS dial-peer that will be used as the inbound dial-peer for calls coming !--- in across the T1 PRI line. The “pharmacy” service is applied under this dial-peer. dial-peer voice 1 pots service pharmacy destination-pattern 5555 direct-inward-dial port 3/0:D forward-digits all |
Esta seção descreve o fluxo de chamada que resulta deste exemplo de configuração.
Uma chamada ISDN chega ao gateway PSTN / VXML através do T1 PRI 3/0.
O IOS Gateway corresponde ao peer de discagem POTS 1 como o peer de discagem de entrada para esta chamada.
O IOS Gateway transfere o controle de chamada para o serviço de farmácia associado ao dial-peer 1.
O script VXML / TCL do CVP associado ao serviço Pharmacy envia uma solicitação HTTP GET ao servidor VXML.
O servidor VXML retorna uma resposta 200 OK. Esta resposta contém um documento ou página VXML.
O IOS Gateway executa o documento VXML.
Se o documento VXML especificar um URL para um prompt de áudio, o IOS Gateway baixará o arquivo de áudio e reproduzirá o prompt.
Se o documento VXML especificar um Texto para um prompt de áudio, o IOS Gateway estabelece uma sessão RTSP com rtsp:// (Servidor TTS). Depois que a sessão RTSP é estabelecida, o Gateway e o Servidor TTS trocam mensagens de MRCP como SPEAK, SPEAK-COMPLETE usando a solicitação RTSP ANNOUNCE.
O Servidor TTS envia o fluxo de áudio RTP G.711ulaw para o endereço IP e o número da porta UDP fornecidos pelo Gateway no cabeçalho "Transporte" da solicitação RTSP SETUP.
Se o documento VXML especificar o Gateway para reconhecer dígitos DTMF e palavras faladas, o IOS Gateway estabelece uma sessão RTSP com rtsp:// (servidor ASR). Depois que a sessão RTSP é estabelecida, o Gateway e o servidor ASR trocam mensagens de MRCP como DEFINE GRAMMAR, COMPLETE, RECOGNIZE, RECOGNITION-COMPLETE usando a solicitação RTSP ANNOUNCE.
O IOS VXML Gateway envia o fluxo de áudio de RTP G.711ulaw para o endereço IP e o número da porta UDP fornecidos pelo ASR no SDP da resposta RTSP 200 OK. O IOS VXML Gateway envia os dígitos inseridos pelo usuário PSTN como eventos RTP-NTE para o servidor ASR.
Após a execução do documento VXML, o Gateway envia uma solicitação HTTP POST (com um conjunto de parâmetros) conforme especificado na marca <Submeter> do documento ou página VXML.
As etapas 6 a 10 ocorrem para cada documento VXML enviado pelo servidor.
Quando o aplicativo VXML finaliza o serviço fornecido ao chamador, ele envia um documento VXML com apenas uma marca <exit/> no elemento <form>.
O IOS Gateway desconecta as sessões de MRCPv1 estabelecidas com os servidores TTS e ASR.
O IOS Gateway desconecta a chamada no lado ISDN.
Use esta seção para confirmar se a sua configuração funciona corretamente.
A Output Interpreter Tool ( somente clientes registrados) (OIT) oferece suporte a determinados comandos show. Use a OIT para exibir uma análise da saída do comando show.
show call ative voice brief
11E7 : 63 4728960ms.1 +0 pid:1 Answer 5555 active dur 00:00:31 tx:920/179920 rx:880/211200 Tele 3/0:D (63) [3/0.1] tx:4600/4600/0ms None noise:-80 acom:51 i/0:-79/-27 dBm Telephony call-legs: 1 SIP call-legs: 0 H323 call-legs: 0 Call agent controlled call-legs: 0 SCCP call-legs: 0 Multicast call-legs: 0 Total call-legs: 1
show mrcp client session ative detail
No Of Active MRCP Sessions: 1 Call-ID: 0x3F same: 1 Resource Type: Synthesizer URL: rtsp:// Method In Progress: SPEAK State: SPEAKING Resource Type: Recognizer URL: rtsp:// Method In Progress: RECOGNIZE State: RECOGNIZING ############################################################
show voip rtp connections
VoIP RTP active connections : No. CallId dstCallId LocalRTP RmtRTP LocalIP RemoteIP 1 66 63 17704 1224
show http client cache
HTTP Client cached information ============================== Maximum memory pool allowed for HTTP Client caching = 15000 K-bytes Maximum file size allowed for caching = 500 K-bytes Total memory used up for Cache = 410 Bytes Message response timeout = 10 secs Total cached entries = 1 Total non-cached entries = 0 Cached entries ============== entry 114, 1 entries Ref FreshTime Age Size context --- --------- --- ---- ------- 1 119524 31 1271 0 url:
Use esta seção para resolver problemas de configuração.
Configure o IOS Gateway para registrar as depurações em seu buffer de registro e desabilitar o console de registro.
Nota:Consulte Informações Importantes sobre Comandos de Depuração antes de usar comandos debug.
Estes são os comandos usados para configurar o Gateway para armazenar as depurações no buffer de registro do Gateway:
service timestamps debug datetime msec
sequência de serviço
no logging console
logging buffered 500000 debug
clear log
debug isdn q931
debug voip ccapi inout
debug voip application vxml default
debug voip application vxml dump
debug rtsp all
debug mrcp all
debug http client all
debug voip rtp session nte names
Esta seção fornece saídas de depuração para este fluxo de chamada de exemplo:
O gateway corresponde ao correspondente de discagem de entrada 1
O gateway inicia a execução do script CVPSelfServiceBootstrap.vxml VoiceXML
O Gateway envia uma Solicitação HTTP GET ao Servidor de Mídia para baixar o arquivo Welcome-1.wav
O gateway recebe resposta 200 OK para a solicitação HTTP POST
O gateway cria os Grammars a serem usados para reconhecimento de DTMF / Fala
O Gateway recebe 200 respostas COMPLETAS para sua solicitação DEFINE-GRAMMAR
O gateway envia a solicitação "RECONHECIMENTO" de MRCP ao servidor ASR
O servidor ASR envia resposta IN-PROGRESS para a solicitação RECOGNIZE
O Gateway recebe uma resposta 200 OK do servidor TTS para a solicitação de configuração RTSP
O Servidor TTS envia resposta "EM ANDAMENTO" para a solicitação SPEAK
Após a reprodução do prompt, o Servidor TTS envia a resposta "SPEAK-COMPLETE" do MRCP ao Gateway
O Gateway envia resposta 200 OK para solicitação de Anúncio de MRCP
O servidor VXML envia páginas VXML para coletar o número da receita, o tempo de coleta e informar ao chamador que a receita estará pronta para coleta. O gateway executa essas páginas interagindo com o TTS e o servidor ASR (saídas de depuração não exibidas).
O documento VXML final enviado pelo servidor VXML contém apenas a marca de saída no formulário
O gateway desconecta a sessão RTSP estabelecida com o servidor ASR
O gateway desconecta a sessão RTSP estabelecida com o Servidor TTS
*Feb 4 03:24:54.111: ISDN Se3/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x0099 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transfer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xA98381 Exclusive, Channel 1 Called Party Number i = 0x81, '5555' Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown *Feb 4 03:24:54.115: //-1/972590A48011/CCAPI/cc_api_display_ie_subfields: cc_api_call_setup_ind_common: cisco-username= ----- ccCallInfo IE subfields ----- cisco-ani= cisco-anitype=0 cisco-aniplan=0 cisco-anipi=0 cisco-anisi=0 dest=5555 cisco-desttype=0 cisco-destplan=1 cisco-rdie=FFFFFFFF cisco-rdn= cisco-rdntype=-1 cisco-rdnplan=-1 cisco-rdnpi=-1 cisco-rdnsi=-1 cisco-redirectreason=-1 fwd_final_type =0 final_redirectNumber = hunt_group_timeout =0
*Feb 4 03:24:54.115: //-1/972590A48011/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind_common: Interface=0x66C30F98, Call Info( Calling Number=,(Calling Name=)(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed), Called Number=5555(TON=Unknown, NPI=ISDN), Calling Translated=FALSE, Subscriber Type Str=RegularLine, FinalDestinationFlag=TRUE, Incoming Dial-peer=1, Progress Indication=NULL(0), Calling IE Present=FALSE, Source Trkgrp Route Label=, Target Trkgrp Route Label=, CLID Transparent=FALSE), Call Id=-1
*Feb 4 03:24:54.115: //63/972590A48011/CCAPI/cc_process_call_setup_ind: >>>>CCAPI handed cid 63 with tag 1 to app "_ManagedAppProcess_Pharmacy" *Feb 4 03:24:54.115: //63/972590A48011/CCAPI/ccCallSetupAck: Call Id=63
*Feb 4 03:24:54.119: ISDN Se3/0:23 Q931: TX -> CONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x8099 *Feb 4 03:24:54.119: //63/972590A48011/CCAPI/ccCallHandoff: Silent=FALSE, Application=0x67569410, Conference Id=0xFFFFFFFF *Feb 4 03:24:54.119: //63//VXML:/Open_CallHandoff:
*Feb 4 03:24:54.131: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_vxml_proc: <vxml> URI(abs):flash:CVPSelfServiceBootstrap.vxml scheme=flash path=CVPSelfServiceBootstrap.vxml base= URI(abs):flash:CVPSelfServiceBootstrap.vxml scheme=flash path=CVPSelfServiceBootstrap.vxml lang=none version=2.0 <script>: *Feb 4 03:24:54.175: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_expr_eval: <var>: namep=handoffstring expr=session.handoff_string *Feb 4 03:24:54.243: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var handoffstring=session.handoff_string) <var>: namep=application expr=getValue('APP') *Feb 4 03:24:54.243: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var application=getValue('APP')) <var>: namep=port expr=getValue('PORT') *Feb 4 03:24:54.243: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var port=getValue('PORT')) <var>: namep=callid expr=getValue('CALLID') *Feb 4 03:24:54.243: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var callid=getValue('CALLID')) <var>: namep=servername expr=getValue('PRIMARY') *Feb 4 03:24:54.243: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var servername=getValue('PRIMARY')) <var>: namep=var1 expr=getValue('var1') *Feb 4 03:24:54.243: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var var1=getValue('var1')) <var>: namep=var2 expr=getValue('var2') *Feb 4 03:24:54.243: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var var2=getValue('var2')) <var>: namep=var3 expr=getValue('var3') *Feb 4 03:24:54.243: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var var3=getValue('var3')) <var>: namep=var4 expr=getValue('var4') *Feb 4 03:24:54.247: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var var4=getValue('var4')) <var>: namep=var5 expr=getValue('var5') *Feb 4 03:24:54.247: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var var5=getValue('var5')) <var>: namep=status expr=getValue('status') *Feb 4 03:24:54.247: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var status=getValue('status')) <var>: namep=prevapp expr=getValue('prevapp') *Feb 4 03:24:54.247: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var prevapp=getValue('prevapp')) <var>: namep=survive expr=getValue('survive') *Feb 4 03:24:54.247: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var survive=getValue('survive')) <var>: namep=handoffExit *Feb 4 03:24:54.247: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var handoffExit)
*Feb 4 03:24:54.255: //63//HTTPC:/httpc_write_stream: Client write buffer fd(0): GET /CVP/Server?application=GoodPrescriptionRefillApp7&callid=972590A4-185511D6-80110013- 803E8C8E&session.connection.remote.uri=5555 &session.connection.local.uri=5555 HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Connection: close Accept: text/vxml, text/x-vxml, application/vxml, application/x-vxml, application/voicexml, application/x-voicexml, text/plain, text/html, audio/basic, audio/wav, multipart/form-data, application/octet-stream User-Agent: Cisco-IOS-C5400/12.4
O corpo da mensagem desta resposta contém um documento VXML (1). O documento VXML diz ao Gateway para reproduzir o arquivo de mídia chamado Welcome-1.wav localizado em um Servidor de mídia
*Feb 4 03:24:54.263: processing server rsp msg: msg(63AC8784) URL: callid=972590A4-185511D6-80110013-803E8C8E&session.connection.remote.uri= 5555&session.connection.local.uri=5555, fd(0): *Feb 4 03:24:54.263: Request msg: GET /CVP/Server?application=GoodPrescriptionRefillApp7& callid=972590A4-185511D6-80110013-803E8C8E &session.connection.remote.uri=5555&session.connection.local.uri=5555 HTTP/1.1 *Feb 4 03:24:54.263: Message Response Code: 200 *Feb 4 03:24:54.263: Message Rsp Decoded Headers: *Feb 4 03:24:54.263: Date:Thu, 17 May 2007 15:48:31 GMT *Feb 4 03:24:54.263: Content-Type:text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1 *Feb 4 03:24:54.263: Connection:close *Feb 4 03:24:54.263: Set-Cookie:JSESSIONID=6FE82FC3B0E02909CA5A9307D57F00E1; Path=/CVP *Feb 4 03:24:54.263: headers: *Feb 4 03:24:54.263: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=6FE82FC3B0E02909CA5A9307D57F00E1; Path=/CVP Content-Type: text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1 Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 15:48:31 GMT Connection: close *Feb 4 03:24:54.263: body: *Feb 4 03:24:54.263: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <vxml version="2.0" application="/CVP/Server?audium_root=true& calling_into=GoodPrescriptionRefillApp7" xml:lang="en-us"> <form id="audium_start_form"> <block> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="''" /> <assign name="audium_element_start_time_millisecs" expr="new Date().getTime()" /> <goto next="#start" /> </block> </form> <form id="start"> <block> <prompt bargein="true"> <audio src="" /> </prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'initial_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElap sedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist=" audium_vxmlLog" /> </block> </form> </vxml>
*Feb 4 03:24:54.371: //63//HTTPC:/httpc_write_stream: Client write buffer fd(0): GET /Welcome-1.wav HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Connection: close Accept: text/vxml, text/x-vxml, application/vxml, application/x-vxml, application/voicexml, application/x-voicexml, text/plain, text/html, audio/basic, audio/wav, multipart/form-data, application/octet-stream User-Agent: Cisco-IOS-C5400/12.4
*Feb 4 03:24:54.391: read data from the socket 0 : first 400 bytes of data: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 76152 Content-Type: audio/wav Last-Modified: Thu, 03 May 2007 19:47:43 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes ETag: "b27d69eabb8dc71:2eb" Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0 Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 15:48:31 GMT Connection: close RIFFo)(Unprintable char...)1057415645666D7420120007010401F00401F00108000666163744 000529106461746152910FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7AFFFFFFFD7E7E
*Feb 4 03:24:54.371: //63//HTTPC:/httpc_write_stream: Client write buffer fd(1): POST /CVP/Server HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 67 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Cookie: $Version=0; JSESSIONID=6FE82FC3B0E02909CA5A9307D57F00E1; $Path=/CVP Connection: close Accept: text/vxml, text/x-vxml, application/vxml, application/x-vxml, application/voicexml, application/x-voicexml, text/plain, text/html, audio/basic, audio/wav, multipart/form-data, application/octet-stream User-Agent: Cisco-IOS-C5400/12.4
O corpo da mensagem contém um documento VXML (2). O documento VXML instrui o Gateway a reproduzir "Bom dia e obrigado por ligar para a farmácia de sódio.
Observação: esse prompt precisa ser sintetizado por um Servidor de texto a voz.
*Feb 4 03:24:54.379: processing server rsp msg: msg(63AC8D3C) URL:, fd(1): *Feb 4 03:24:54.379: Request msg: POST /CVP/Server HTTP/1.1 *Feb 4 03:24:54.379: Message Response Code: 200 *Feb 4 03:24:54.379: Message Rsp Decoded Headers: *Feb 4 03:24:54.379: Date:Thu, 17 May 2007 15:48:31 GMT *Feb 4 03:24:54.379: Content-Type:text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1 *Feb 4 03:24:54.379: Connection:close *Feb 4 03:24:54.379: headers: *Feb 4 03:24:54.379: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Content-Type: text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1 Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 15:48:31 GMT Connection: close *Feb 4 03:24:54.379: body: *Feb 4 03:24:54.379: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <vxml version="2.0" application="/CVP/Server?audium_root=true& calling_into=GoodPrescriptionRefillApp7" xml:lang="en-us"> <form id="audium_start_form"> <block> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="''" /> <assign name="audium_element_start_time_millisecs" expr="new Date().getTime()" /> <goto next="#start" /> </block> </form> <form id="start"> <block>Good morning and thank you for calling Audium pharmacy. <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'initial_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElap sedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist=" audium_vxmlLog" /> </block> </form> </vxml>
*Feb 4 03:24:54.399: //63//HTTPC:/httpc_write_stream: Client write buffer fd(1): POST /CVP/Server HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 67 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Cookie: $Version=0; JSESSIONID=6FE82FC3B0E02909CA5A9307D57F00E1; $Path=/CVP Connection: close Accept: text/vxml, text/x-vxml, application/vxml, application/x-vxml, application/voicexml, application/x-voicexml, text/plain, text/html, audio/basic, audio/wav, multipart/form-data, application/octet-stream User-Agent: Cisco-IOS-C5400/12.4
O corpo da mensagem contém o documento VXML (3). Este documento VXML define um prompt do Menu que instrui o chamador a inserir 1 ou dizer Refills, enter 2 ou say farmacêutica. Os prompts são sintetizados por um Servidor TTS. As entradas (fala / dtmf) são reconhecidas usando um ASR.
*Feb 4 03:24:54.415: processing server rsp msg: msg(63AC8F24) URL:, fd(1): *Feb 4 03:24:54.415: Request msg: POST /CVP/Server HTTP/1.1 *Feb 4 03:24:54.415: Message Response Code: 200 *Feb 4 03:24:54.415: Message Rsp Decoded Headers: *Feb 4 03:24:54.415: Date:Thu, 17 May 2007 15:48:31 GMT *Feb 4 03:24:54.415: Content-Type:text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1 *Feb 4 03:24:54.415: Connection:close *Feb 4 03:24:54.415: headers: *Feb 4 03:24:54.415: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Content-Type: text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1 Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 15:48:31 GMT Connection: close *Feb 4 03:24:54.415: body: *Feb 4 03:24:54.415: ... Buffer too large - truncated to (4096) len. *Feb 4 03:24:54.415: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <vxml version="2.0" application="/CVP/Server?audium_root=true& calling_into=GoodPrescriptionRefillApp7" xml:lang="en-us"> <property name="timeout" value="60s" /> <property name="confidencelevel" value="0.40" /> <form id="audium_start_form"> <block> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="''" /> <assign name="audium_element_start_time_millisecs" expr="new Date().getTime()" /> <goto next="#start" /> </block> </form> <form id="start"> <block> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'initial_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElap sedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <goto nextitem="choice_fld" /> </block> <field name="choice_fld" modal="false"> <property name="inputmodes" value="dtmf voice" />Say refills or press 1. Or. Say pharmacist or press 2.Sorry. I did not understand that. Say refills or press 1. Say pharmacist or press 2. <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||nomatch$$$' + '1' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'nomatch_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> </catch> <catch event="nomatch" count="2"> <prompt bargein="true">Sorry, I still did not get that. If you are using a speaker phone. Please use the phone keypad to make your selection. Press 1 for refills. Press 2 to speak to a pharmacist.</prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||nomatch$$$' + '2' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'nomatch_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> </catch> <catch event="nomatch" count="3"> <prompt bargein="true">Gee. Looks like we are having some trouble.</prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||nomatch$$$' + '3' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'nomatch_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <var name="maxNoMatch" expr="'yes'" /> <submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist=" audium_vxmlLog maxNoMatch" /> </catch> <catch event="noinput"> <prompt bargein="true">Sorry. I did not hear that. Say refills or press 1. Say pharmacist or press 2.</prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||noinput$$$' + '1' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'noinput_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> </catch> <catch event="noinput" count="2"> <prompt bargein="true">I am sorry. I still did not hear that. If you are using a speaker phone. Please use the phone keypad to make your selection. Press 1 for refills. Press 2 to speak to a pharmacist.</prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||noinput$$$' + '2' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'noinput_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> </catch> <catch event="noinput" count="3"> <prompt bargein="true">Gee. Looks like we are having some trouble.</prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr=" *Feb 4 03:24:54.435: *Feb 4 03:24:54.435: //63//AFW_:/vapp_bgpost_done: status=http OK *Feb 4 03:24:54.435: //63//HTTPC:/httpc_socket_cleanup: fd=-1, bytes_sent=531 *Feb 4 03:24:54.435: //63//AFW_:/vapp_driver: evtID: 194 vapp record state: 0 *Feb 4 03:24:54.435: //63//AFW_:/vapp_bgpost_done_event: *Feb 4 03:24:54.435: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_bgload_post_done: vxmlhandle=6767ECFC status=0 async_status=400000000 *Feb 4 03:24:54.435: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_bgload_post_done: Loading file with url ( *Feb 4 03:24:54.435: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_bgload_post_done: Script Content <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <vxml version="2.0" application="/CVP/Server?audium_root=true& calling_into=GoodPrescriptionRefillApp7" xml:lang="en-us"> <property name="timeout" value="60s" /> <property name="confidencelevel" value="0.40" /> <form id="audium_start_form"> <block> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="''" /> <assign name="audium_element_start_time_millisecs" expr="new Date().getTime()" /> <goto next="#start" /> </block> </form> <form id="start"> <block> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'initial_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElap sedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <goto nextitem="choice_fld" /> </block> <field name="choice_fld" modal="false"> <property name="inputmodes" value="dtmf voice" />Say refills or press 1. Or. Say pharmacist or press 2.Sorry. I did not understand that. Say refills or press 1. Say pharmacist or press 2.</prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||nomatch$$$' + '1' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'nomatch_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> </catch> <catch event="nomatch" count="2"> <prompt bargein="true">Sorry, I still did not get that. If you are using a speaker phone. Please use the phone keypad to make your selection. Press 1 for refills. Press 2 to speak to a pharmacist.</prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||nomatch$$$' + '2' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'nomatch_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> </catch> <catch event="nomatch" count="3"> <prompt bargein="true">Gee. Looks like we are having some trouble.</prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||nomatch$$$' + '3' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'nomatch_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <var name="maxNoMatch" expr="'yes'" /> <submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist=" audium_vxmlLog maxNoMatch" /> </catch> <catch event="noinput"> <prompt bargein="true">Sorry. I did not hear that. Say refills or press 1. Say pharmacist or press 2.</prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||noinput$$$' + '1' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'noinput_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> </catch> <catch event="noinput" count="2"> <prompt bargein="true">I am sorry. I still did not hear that. If you are using a speaker phone. Please use the phone keypad to make your selection. Press 1 for refills. Press 2 to speak to a pharmacist.</prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||noinput$$$' + '2' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'noinput_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> </catch> <catch event="noinput" count="3"> <prompt bargein="true">Gee. Looks like we are having some trouble.</prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||noinput$$$' + '3' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'noinput_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <var name="maxNoInput" expr="'yes'" /> <submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist=" audium_vxmlLog maxNoInput" /> </catch> <filled> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||utterance$$$' + choice_fld$.utterance + '^^^' + application.getElap sedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||inputmode$$$' + choice_fld$.inputmode + '^^^' + application.getElap sedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||interpretation$$$' + choice_fld + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||confidence$$$' + choice_fld$.confidence + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <var name="confidence" expr="choice_fld$.confidence" /></filled> </field> </form> </vxml>
Essas gramáticas são enviadas ao servidor ASR assim que o Gateway estabelece uma sessão RTSP com o servidor ASR.
*Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_change_server: asr_server=rtsp:// *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_change_url: sess-id: 17, url=rtsp:// *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//RTSP:/rtsplib_pmh_parse_url: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//RTSP:/rtsplib_pmh_parse_url: Input-Url: rtsp:// *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//RTSP:/rtsplib_pmh_parse_url: Hostname: : 554Path : recognizer *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//RTSP:/rtsplib_pmh_parse_url: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//RTSP:/rtsplib_pmh_parse_url: Input-Url: rtsp:// *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//RTSP:/rtsplib_pmh_parse_url: Hostname: : 554Path : recognizer *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//MRCP:/mrcp_change_url: fsm (674DA1E4) already defined *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option322@field.grammar *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><grammar version="1.0" xmln s="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public"> prescription</rule></grammar> *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Speech-Language: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Content-Base: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_recognizer_define_grammar: sess-id: 17 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option323@field.grammar *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><grammar version="1.0" xmln s="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" mode="dtmf" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public">1</rule></grammar> *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Content-Base: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_recognizer_define_grammar: sess-id: 17 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option324@field.grammar *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><grammar version="1.0" xmln s="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public"> refills</rule></grammar> *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Speech-Language: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Content-Base: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_recognizer_define_grammar: sess-id: 17 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option325@field.grammar *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><grammar version="1.0" xmln s="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public"> prescription refills</rule></gram mar> *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Speech-Language: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Content-Base: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_recognizer_define_grammar: sess-id: 17 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option326@field.grammar *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><grammar version="1.0" xmln s="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public"> refill my prescription</rule></gr ammar> *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Speech-Language: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Content-Base: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_recognizer_define_grammar: sess-id: 17 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option327@field.grammar *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><grammar version="1.0" xmln s="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public"> I want to refill my prescription</rule></grammar> *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Speech-Language: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Content-Base: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_recognizer_define_grammar: sess-id: 17 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option328@field.grammar *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><grammar version="1.0" xmln s="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public"> refills please</rule></grammar> *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Speech-Language: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Content-Base: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_recognizer_define_grammar: sess-id: 17 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option329@field.grammar *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><grammar version="1.0" xmln s="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public"> Pharmacist</rule></grammar> *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Speech-Language: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Content-Base: *Feb 4 03:24:54.447: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_recognizer_define_grammar: sess-id: 17 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option330@field.grammar *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><grammar version="1.0" xmln s="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" mode="dtmf" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public">2</rule></grammar> *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Content-Base: *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_recognizer_define_grammar: sess-id: 17 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option331@field.grammar *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><grammar version="1.0" xmln s="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public"> I want to speak to a pharmacist</rule></grammar> *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Speech-Language: *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Content-Base: *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_recognizer_define_grammar: sess-id: 17 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option332@field.grammar *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><grammar version="1.0" xmln s="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public"> pharmacist please</rule></grammar> *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Speech-Language: *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Content-Base: *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_recognizer_define_grammar: sess-id: 17 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:link333@document.grammar *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><grammar xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" mode="voice" version="1.0" root="Hotlink_02_VOICE" xml:lang="en-us"> <rule id="Hotlink_02_VOICE" scope="public"> <one-of> <item>operator> <item>agent> <item>pharmacist> </one-of> </rule> </grammar> *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Speech-Language: *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Content-Base: *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_recognizer_define_grammar: sess-id: 17 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:link334@document.grammar *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><grammar xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" mode="voice" version="1.0" root="Hotlink_01_VOICE" xml:lang="en-us"> <rule id="Hotlink_01_VOICE" scope="public"> <one-of> <item>operator> <item>agent> <item>pharmacist> </one-of> </rule> </grammar> *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Speech-Language: *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Content-Base: *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_recognizer_define_grammar: sess-id: 17 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:help@grammar *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=1 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><grammar version="1.0" xmln s="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public">help</rule></grammar> *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Speech-Language: *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_add_param: param: Content-Base: *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_recognizer_define_grammar: sess-id: 17 *Feb 4 03:24:54.451: //63//AFW_:/vapp_asr: grammar_id=session:option322@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option323@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option324@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option325@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option326@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option327@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option328@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option329@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option330@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option331@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option332@field.grammar grammar_id=session:link333@document.grammar grammar_id=session:link334@document.grammar grammar_id=session:help@grammar
*Feb 4 03:24:54.475: ######################################## *Feb 4 03:24:54.475: Request *Feb 4 03:24:54.475: SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0 CSeq: 0 Transport: rtp/avp;unicast;client_port=17704;mode=record
O SDP da resposta 200 OK contém o endereço IP do servidor ASR e o número da porta UDP para os quais o Gateway precisa enviar pacotes RTP.
*Feb 4 03:24:54.531: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_process_single_svr_resp: *Feb 4 03:24:54.531: rtsp_process_single_svr_resp: 400 bytes of data: RTSP/1.0 200 OK CSeq: 0 Session: 27b1560a_00000748_464c95e8_000b_0000 Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=17704;server_port=1224-1225;mode=record Content-Length: 233 Content-Type: application/sdp v=0 o=- 3388413032 3388413032 IN IP4 s=Nuance Media Server/1.0.0 SP10 (Windows 2000) c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 1224 RTP/AVP 0 101 a=rtpmap:0 pcmu/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15
Apenas uma solicitação é mostrada aqui:
*Feb 4 03:24:54.535: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:24:54.535: rtsp_partial_socket_send: (fd:0 len:163) 400 bytes of data: ANNOUNCE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0 CSeq: 1 Session: 27b1560a_00000748_464c95e8_000b_0000 Content-Type: application/mrcp Content-Length: 390 *Feb 4 03:24:54.535: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:24:54.535: (socket:0) (bytes-sent:163) *Feb 4 03:24:54.535: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:24:54.535: rtsp_partial_socket_send: (fd:0 len:28) 400 bytes of data: DEFINE-GRAMMAR 3 MRCP/1.0 *Feb 4 03:24:54.535: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:24:54.535: (socket:0) (bytes-sent:28) *Feb 4 03:24:54.535: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:24:54.535: rtsp_partial_socket_send: (fd:0 len:70) 400 bytes of data: Speech-Language: en-us Content-Base: *Feb 4 03:24:54.535: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:24:54.535: (socket:0) (bytes-sent:70) *Feb 4 03:24:54.535: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:24:54.535: rtsp_partial_socket_send: (fd:0 len:99) 400 bytes of data: Content-Type: application/grammar+xml Content-Id: option322@field.grammar Content-Length: 193 *Feb 4 03:24:54.535: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:24:54.535: (socket:0) (bytes-sent:99) *Feb 4 03:24:54.535: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:24:54.535: rtsp_partial_socket_send: (fd:0 len:193) 400 bytes of data:xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"> prescription
*Feb 4 03:24:54.555: rtsp_process_single_svr_resp: 400 bytes of data: RTSP/1.0 200 OK CSeq: 1 Session: 27b1560a_00000748_464c95e8_000b_0000 Content-Length: 27 Content-Type: application/mrcp MRCP/1.0 3 200 COMPLETE
*Feb 4 03:24:54.619: rtsp_partial_socket_send: (fd:0 len:24) 400 bytes of data: RECOGNIZE 17 MRCP/1.0 *Feb 4 03:24:54.619: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:24:54.619: (socket:0) (bytes-sent:24) *Feb 4 03:24:54.619: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:24:54.619: rtsp_partial_socket_send: (fd:0 len:347) 400 bytes of data: Speech-Language: en-us Confidence-Threshold: 40 Sensitivity-Level: 50 Speed-Vs-Accuracy: 50 Dtmf-Interdigit-Timeout: 10000 Dtmf-Term-Timeout: 0 Dtmf-Term-Char: # No-Input-Timeout: 60000 N-Best-List-Length: 1 Logging-Tag: 63:63 Accept-Charset: charset: utf-8 Content-Base: Recognizer-Start-Timers: false *Feb 4 03:24:54.619: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:24:54.619: (socket:0) (bytes-sent:347) *Feb 4 03:24:54.619: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:24:54.619: rtsp_partial_socket_send: (fd:0 len:52) 400 bytes of data: Content-Type: text/uri-list Content-Length: 453 *Feb 4 03:24:54.619: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:24:54.619: (socket:0) (bytes-sent:52) *Feb 4 03:24:54.619: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:24:54.619: rtsp_partial_socket_send: (fd:0 len:256) 400 bytes of data: session:option322@field.grammar session:option323@field.grammar session:option324@field.grammar session:option325@field.grammar session:option326@field.grammar session:option327@field.grammar session:option328@field.grammar session:option329@field.grammar *Feb 4 03:24:54.623: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:24:54.623: (socket:0) (bytes-sent:256) *Feb 4 03:24:54.623: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:24:54.623: rtsp_partial_socket_send: (fd:0 len:197) 400 bytes of data: session:option330@field.grammar session:option331@field.grammar session:option332@field.grammar session:link333@document.grammar session:link334@document.grammar session:help@grammar
*Feb 4 03:24:54.875: rtsp_process_single_svr_resp: 400 bytes of data: RTSP/1.0 200 OK CSeq: 15 Session: 27b1560a_00000748_464c95e8_000b_0000 Content-Length: 31 Content-Type: application/mrcp MRCP/1.0 17 200 IN-PROGRESS
*Feb 4 03:25:07.811: //63//HTTPC:/httpc_is_cached: HTTPC_FILE_IS_CACHED *Feb 4 03:25:07.811: //-1//HTTPC:/httpc_set_cache_revoke_cb: Registering revoke_callback(0x61D9672C)+pcontext(0x6767A9FC) for cache p(0x672DA9C8) *Feb 4 03:25:07.811: //63//AFW_:/vapp_driver: evtID: 145 vapp record state: 0 *Feb 4 03:25:07.811: //63//AFW_:/vapp_play_done: evID=145 reason=13, protocol=2, status_code=0, dur=9504, rate=0 *Feb 4 03:25:07.811: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_media_done:
*Feb 4 03:25:07.811: //-1//RTSP:/rtsplib_send_setup: *Feb 4 03:25:07.811: ######################################## *Feb 4 03:25:07.811: Request *Feb 4 03:25:07.811: SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0 CSeq: 16 Session: 27b1560a_00000748_464c95e8_000b_0000 Transport: rtp/avp;unicast;source=;destination=; client_port=17704-17705
*Feb 4 03:25:07.831: rtsp_process_single_svr_resp: 400 bytes of data: RTSP/1.0 200 OK CSeq: 16 Session: 27b1560a_00000748_464c95e8_000b_0000 Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=17704;server_port=1224-1225
*Feb 4 03:25:07.835: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:25:07.835: rtsp_partial_socket_send: (fd:0 len:165) 400 bytes of data: ANNOUNCE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0 CSeq: 17 Session: 27b1560a_00000748_464c95e8_000b_0000 Content-Type: application/mrcp Content-Length: 307 *Feb 4 03:25:07.835: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:25:07.835: (socket:0) (bytes-sent:165) *Feb 4 03:25:07.835: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:25:07.835: rtsp_partial_socket_send: (fd:0 len:19) 400 bytes of data: SPEAK 2 MRCP/1.0 *Feb 4 03:25:07.835: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:25:07.835: (socket:0) (bytes-sent:19) *Feb 4 03:25:07.835: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:25:07.835: rtsp_partial_socket_send: (fd:0 len:114) 400 bytes of data: Kill-On-Barge-In: true Speech-Language: en-us Logging-Tag: 63:63 Content-Base: *Feb 4 03:25:07.835: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:25:07.835: (socket:0) (bytes-sent:114) *Feb 4 03:25:07.835: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:25:07.835: rtsp_partial_socket_send: (fd:0 len:65) 400 bytes of data: Content-Type: application/synthesis+ssml Content-Length: 109 *Feb 4 03:25:07.835: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:25:07.835: (socket:0) (bytes-sent:65) *Feb 4 03:25:07.835: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:25:07.835: rtsp_partial_socket_send: (fd:0 len:109) 400 bytes of data:Good morning and thank you for calling Audium pharmacy.
*Feb 4 03:25:08.031: rtsp_process_single_svr_resp: 400 bytes of data: RTSP/1.0 200 OK CSeq: 17 Session: 27b1560a_00000748_464c95e8_000b_0000 Content-Length: 30 Content-Type: application/mrcp MRCP/1.0 2 200 IN-PROGRESS
*Feb 4 03:25:11.911: rtsp_process_single_svr_resp: 400 bytes of data: ANNOUNCE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0 CSeq: 1 Session: 27b1560a_00000748_464c95e8_000b_0000 Content-Length: 68 Content-Type: application/mrcp SPEAK-COMPLETE 2 COMPLETE MRCP/1.0 Completion-Cause: 000 normal
*Feb 4 03:25:19.711: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_process_single_svr_resp: *Feb 4 03:25:19.711: rtsp_process_single_svr_resp: 400 bytes of data: ANNOUNCE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0 CSeq: 3 Session: 27b1560a_00000748_464c95e8_000b_0000 Content-Length: 61 Content-Type: application/mrcp START-OF-SPEECH 17 IN-PROGRESS MRCP/1.0 Proxy-Sync-Id: 1
*Feb 4 03:25:19.711: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:25:19.711: rtsp_partial_socket_send: (fd:0 len:76) 400 bytes of data: RTSP/1.0 200 OK CSeq: 3 Session: 27b1560a_00000748_464c95e8_000b_0000
*Feb 6 00:58:17.960: rtsp_process_single_svr_resp: 400 bytes of data: ANNOUNCE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0 CSeq: 4 Session: 27b1560a_00000748_464f166e_000f_0000 Content-Length: 848 Content-Type: application/mrcp RECOGNITION-COMPLETE 17 COMPLETE MRCP/1.0 Completion-Cause: 000 success Content-Type: application/x-nlsml Content-Length: 716 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <result grammar="session:option420@field.grammar"> <interpreta *Feb 4 03:25:20.867: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_pmh_parse_svr_response: *Feb 4 03:25:20.867: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_pmh_parse_svr_response: just one response(may be partial): 849
Esta solicitação POST informa ao servidor VXML que o usuário selecionou a opção "Refills" (Reembolsos).
*Feb 4 03:25:20.963: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_vapp_bgpost: url cachable 1 timeout 0 body audium_vxmlLog=%7C%7C% 7Caudio_group$$$initial_audio_group%5E%5 E%5E4%7C%7C%7Cutterance$$$refills%5E%5E%5E26516%7C%7C%7Cinputmode$$$voice%5E%5E%5E26516% 7C%7C%7Cinterpretation$$$refills%5E%5E%5E265 16%7C%7C%7Cconfidence$$$0.55%5E%5E%5E26516&confidence=0.55&choice_fld=refills len 271maxage -1 maxstale -1 *Feb 4 03:25:20.963: //63//AFW_:/vapp_bgpost: url=; mime_type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded; len=271; iov_base=audium_vxmlLog=%7C%7C% 7Caudio_group$$$initial_audio_group%5E%5E%5E4%7C%7C%7Cutterance$$$refills%5E%5E%5E26516%7C %7C%7Cinputmode$$$voice%5E%5E%5E26516%7C%7C%7Cinterpretation$$$refills%5E%5E%5E26516%7C%7C% 7Cconfidence$$$0.55%5E%5E%5E26516&confide nce=0.55&choice_fld=refills *Feb 4 03:25:21.039: //63//HTTPC:/httpc_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:25:21.039: about to send data to the socket 0 : first 400 bytes of data: POST /CVP/Server HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 271 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Cookie: $Version=0; JSESSIONID=6FE82FC3B0E02909CA5A9307D57F00E1; $Path=/CVP Connection: close Accept: text/vxml, text/x-vxml, application/vxml, application/x-vxml, application/voicexml, application/x-voicexml, text/plain, text/html, audio/basic, audio/wav, multipart/form-dat
Isso instrui o Gateway a encerrar a sessão VXML.
*Feb 4 03:26:20.623: processing server rsp msg: msg(63ABB204) URL:, fd(0): *Feb 4 03:26:20.623: Request msg: POST /CVP/Server HTTP/1.1 *Feb 4 03:26:20.623: Message Response Code: 200 *Feb 4 03:26:20.623: Message Rsp Decoded Headers: *Feb 4 03:26:20.623: Date:Thu, 17 May 2007 15:49:57 GMT *Feb 4 03:26:20.623: Content-Type:text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1 *Feb 4 03:26:20.623: Connection:close *Feb 4 03:26:20.623: Set-Cookie:JSESSIONID=NULL; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10 GMT; Path=/CVP *Feb 4 03:26:20.623: headers: *Feb 4 03:26:20.623: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=NULL; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10 GMT; Path=/CVP Content-Type: text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1 Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 15:49:57 GMT Connection: close *Feb 4 03:26:20.627: body: *Feb 4 03:26:20.627: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <vxml version="2.0" xml:lang="en-us"> <catch event="vxml.session.error"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="telephone.disconnect.hangup"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="telephone.disconnect"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.unsupported.object"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.unsupported.language"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.unsupported.format"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.unsupported.element"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.unsupported.builtin"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.unsupported"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.semantic"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.noresource"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.noauthorization"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.eventhandler.notfound"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.connection.noroute"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.connection.noresource"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.connection.nolicense"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.connection.noauthorization"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.connection.baddestination"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.condition.baddestination"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.com.cisco.media.resource.unavailable"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.com.cisco.handoff.failure"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.com.cisco.callhandoff.failure"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.com.cisco.aaa.authorize.failure"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.com.cisco.aaa.authenticate.failure"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.badfetch.https"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.badfetch.http"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.badfetch"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="disconnect.com.cisco.handoff"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="connection.disconnect.hangup"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="connection.disconnect"> <exit /> </catch> <form> <block> <exit /> </block> </form> </vxml>
*Feb 4 03:26:28.803: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_vapp_terminate: vapp_status=0 ref_count 0 *Feb 4 03:26:28.803: //63//AFW_:/vapp_terminate: *Feb 4 03:26:28.803: //63//AFW_:/vapp_session_exit_event_name: Exit Event vxml.session.complete *Feb 4 03:26:28.803: //63//AFW_:/AFW_M_VxmlModule_Terminate: *Feb 4 03:26:28.803: //63//AFW_:/vapp_checksessionstate: *Feb 4 03:26:28.803: //63//AFW_:/vapp_checkifdone: Object: 1, Leg: 1 *Feb 4 03:26:28.803: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/pop_exec_stack: *Feb 4 03:26:28.803: pop_exec_stack: sidp->vxmlp->urip= *Feb 4 03:26:28.803: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_leave_scope: scope=application *Feb 4 03:26:28.803: vxml_tree_delete:mem_mgr_mempool_free: mem_refcnt(6848EE98)= 0 - mempool cleanup *Feb 4 03:26:28.803: vxml_tree_delete:mem_mgr_mempool_free: mem_refcnt(6848CD00)= 0 - mempool cleanupnls_mem_free *Feb 4 03:26:28.803: nls_mem_free:mem_mgr_mempool_free: mem_refcnt(67651498)= 0 - mempool cleanup *Feb 4 03:26:28.803: //63/972590A48011/VXML:/vxml_session_delete: *Feb 4 03:26:28.803: vxml_session_delete:mem_mgr_mempool_free: mem_refcnt(6848CD54)= 0 - mempool cleanup *Feb 4 03:26:28.803: //63//AFW_:/vapp_checksessionstate: *Feb 4 03:26:28.803: //63//AFW_:/vapp_checkifdone: Object: 0, Leg: 0 *Feb 4 03:26:28.807: //63/972590A48011/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: Cause Value=16, Tag=0x0, Call Entry(Previous Disconnect Cause=0, Disconnect Cause=0) *Feb 4 03:26:28.807: //63/972590A48011/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: Cause Value=16, Call Entry(Responsed=TRUE, Cause Value=16)
*Feb 4 03:26:28.807: ISDN Se3/0:23 Q931: TX -> DISCONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x8099 Cause i = 0x8090 - Normal call clearing *Feb 4 03:26:28.819: ISDN Se3/0:23 Q931: RX <- RELEASE pd = 8 callref = 0x0099 *Feb 4 03:26:28.819: ISDN Se3/0:23 Q931: TX -> RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x8099
*Feb 4 03:26:28.823: //-1//RTSP:/rtsplib_send_teardown: *Feb 4 03:26:28.823: ######################################## *Feb 4 03:26:28.823: Request *Feb 4 03:26:28.823: TEARDOWN rtsp:// RTSP/1.0 CSeq: 62 Session: 27b1560a_00000748_464c95e8_000b_0000 *Feb 4 03:26:28.975: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_process_single_svr_resp: *Feb 4 03:26:28.975: rtsp_process_single_svr_resp: 400 bytes of data: RTSP/1.0 200 OK CSeq: 62 Session: 27b1560a_00000748_464c95e8_000b_0000
*Feb 4 03:26:28.823: //-1//RTSP:/rtsp_partial_socket_send: *Feb 4 03:26:28.823: rtsp_partial_socket_send: (fd:0 len:111) 400 bytes of data: TEARDOWN rtsp:// RTSP/1.0 CSeq: 63 Session: 27b1560a_00000748_464c95e8_000b_0000 *Feb 4 03:26:28.979: rtsp_process_single_svr_resp: 400 bytes of data: RTSP/1.0 200 OK CSeq: 63 Session: 27b1560a_00000748_464c95e8_000b_0000