Este documento descreve como limitar a taxa de entrega a determinados domínios ou hosts.
O comando destconfig na CLI ou a tabela de controles de destino na guia Políticas de e-mail na GUI pode ser usado para configurar a limitação da taxa de entrega no Cisco Email Security Appliance para um domínio ou host específico. Às vezes, é recomendável ativar essa opção para evitar a sobrecarga dos hosts remotos.
Veja abaixo um exemplo de CLI sobre como limitar a taxa de entrega ao domínio "".> destconfig
There are currently 2 entries configured.
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new entry.
- EDIT - Modify an entry.
- DELETE - Remove an entry.
- DEFAULT - Change the default.
- PRINT - Display all entries.
- CLEAR - Remove all entries.
[]> new
Enter the domain you wish to limit.
Do you wish to configure a concurrency limit for [Y]>
Enter the max concurrency limit for "".
[500]> 100
Do you wish to apply a recipient limit to this domain? [N]> y
Enter the number of minutes used to measure the recipient limit.
[60]> 60
Enter the max number of recipients per 60 minutes for "".
[]> 1000
Select how you want to apply the limits for
1. One limit applies to the entire domain
2. Separate limit for each mail exchanger IP address
Select how the limits will be enforced:
1. System Wide
2. Per Virtual Gateway(tm)
Do you wish to apply a specific TLS setting for this domain? [N]>
Do you wish to apply a specific bounce verification address tagging setting for this domain? [N]>
Do you wish to apply a specific bounce profile to this domain? [N]>
There are currently 3 entries configured
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new entry.
- EDIT - Modify an entry.
- DELETE - Remove an entry.
- DEFAULT - Change the default.
- PRINT - Display all entries.
- CLEAR - Remove all entries.
[]>> commit