This document describes the Complete list of alarm definitions for CUCM 11.5 and above.
Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:
- Communications Manager (CM)
- Call Management System (CMS)
- Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM)
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
- Internet Protocol (IP)
- Operating system (OS)
- Skinny Call Control Protocol (SCCP)
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
- Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)
- Virtual Private Network (VPN)
CUCM Alarm Definitions
Catalog - Phone
Name - LastOutOfServiceInformation
Description - Information related to the last out-of-service event
Reason Code: Description:
10 TCPtimedOut - The TCP connection to the Cisco Unified Communication Manager experienced a timeout error
12 TCPucmResetConnection - The Cisco Unified Communication Manager reset the TCP connection
13 TCPucmAbortedConnection - The Cisco Unified Communication Manager aborted the TCP connection
14 TCPucmClosedConnection - The Cisco Unified Communication Manager closed the TCP connection
15 SCCPKeepAliveFailure - The device closed the connection due to a SCCP KeepAlive failure
16 TCPdeviceLostIPAddress - The connection closed due to the IP address being lost. This may be due to the DHCP Lease expiring or the detection of IP address duplication. Check that the DHCP Server is online and that no duplication has been reported by the DHCP Server
17 TCPDeviceRegsistrationTimedOut - The device closed the TCP connection due to a registration timeout
18 TCPclosedConnectHighPriorityUcm - The device closed the TCP connection in order to reconnect to a higher priority Cisco Unified CM
20 TCPclosedUserInitiatedReset - The device closed the TCP connection due to a user initiated reset
22 TCPclosedUcmInitiatedReset - The device closed the TCP connection due to a reset command from the Cisco Unified CM
23 TCPclosedUcmInitiatedRestart - The device closed the TCP connection due to a restart command from the Cisco Unified CM
24 TCPClosedRegistrationReject - The device closed the TCP connection due to receiving a registration rejection from the Cisco Unified CM
25 RegistrationSuccessful - The device has initialized and is unaware of any previous connection to the Cisco Unified CM
26 TCPclosedVlanChange - The device closed the TCP connection due to reconfiguration of IP on a new Voice VLAN
27 Power Save Plus
30 Phone Wipe (wipe from CUCM)
31 Phone Lock (lock from CUCM)
32 TCPclosedPowerSavePlus - The device closed the TCP connection in order to enter Power Save Plus mode
100 ConfigVersionMismatch - The device detected a version stamp mismatch during registration Cisco Unified CM
101 Config Version Stamp Mismatch
102 Softkeyfile Version Stamp Mismatch
103 Dial Plan Mismatch
104 TCPclosedApplyConfig - The device closed the TCP connection to restart triggered internally by the device to apply the configuration changes
105 TCPclosedDeviceRestart - The device closed the TCP connection due to a restart triggered internally by the device because device failed to download the configuration or dial plan file
106 TCPsecureConnectionFailed - The device failed to setup a secure TCP connection with Cisco Unified CM
107 TCPclosedDeviceReset - The device closed the TCP connection to set the inactive partition as active partition, then reset, and come up from the new active partition
108 VpnConnectionLost - The device could not register to Unified CM because VPN connectivity was lost
109 IP Address Changed
110 Application Requested Stop ( service control notify to stop registering)
111 Application Requested Destroy
114 Last Time Crash
115 UnregReasonNoEthLink - the phone doesn’t have an ethernet connection.
200 ClientApplicationClosed - The device was unregistered because the client application was closed
201 OsInStandbyMode - The device was unregistered because the OS was put in standby mode
202 OsInHibernateMode - The device was unregistered because the OS was put in hibernate mode
203 OsInShutdownMode - The device was unregistered because the OS was shut down
204 ClientApplicationAbort - The device was unregistered because the client application crashed
205 DeviceUnregNoCleanupTime - The device was unregistered in the previous session because the system did not allow sufficient time for cleanup
206 DeviceUnregOnSwitchingToDeskphone - The device was unregistered because the client requested to switch from softphone to deskphone control
207 DeviceUnregOnSwitchingToSoftphone - The device is being registered because the client requested to switch from deskphone control to softphone
208 DeviceUnregOnNetworkChanged - The device is being unregistered because the client detected a change of network
209 DeviceUnregExceededRegCount - The device is being unregistered because the device has exceeded the maximum number of concurrent registrations
210 DeviceUnregExceededLoginCount - The device is being unregistered because the client has exceeded the maximum number of concurrent logons
The following alarms are "normal" -- phone is reacting to an Admin generated change CMS initiated restarts. (Can happen due to manual restart or database changes)
22 ResetReset
23 ResetRestart
104 ApplyConfig
Alarm Example:
CUCM Registered to: aa-lab-rch-ccm1.lab.local (10.XXX.XX.XX)
Time Issue Re-Occured: 9:12am (or 7:12am UTC)
LastOutOfService Reason Code: 115 (No Ethernet Link)