This document describes the possible next steps when a 60-day evaluation license period is lapsed before you get a permanent license installed on a CUAC server.
What options are available after 60-day license has expired?
This issue is typically seen either when you have ordered the CUAC but the order is not yet complete or you have ordered the wrong product so the license cannot be installed (in this case an RMA and new order is required).
- It is not techically possible for TAC or for ARC teams to extend a 60-day license.
- If the 60-day license has expired and you want to continue the use through CUAC system and they don't have a permanent license for that server, you must either insall CUAC on another server or re-image the existing server and reinstall CUAC on the reimaged server.
- If the ordered the product has not received the License Activation Code, you must ask their account manager for the expedited their order and licenses.
- If the product is not yet ordered, you must utilize the Product Upgrade Tool (PUT) to make the order. Since eDelivery is quicker than postal deiliver of the License Acivation Code. Moroever, when you order through PUT, the delivery method for L2TP Access Concentrator (LAC) is eDeiivery.
Note: This limitation is specified at the web page while you obtain the 60-day temporary license.