This document provides guidance for a Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS) and OS/390 configuration.
There are no specific prerequisites for this document.
This document is not restricted to specific software and hardware versions.
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
Refer to Cisco Technical Tips Conventions for more information on document conventions.
Follow these steps in order to log in to MVS:
In most cases, the initial log-in prompt looks similar to this:
Enter the user ID you are using for this session when you see the prompt.
Enter only your password, and press Return when you see the Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E) log-on panel shown here:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- TSO/E LOGON ----------------------------------- Enter LOGON parameters below: Userid ===> CEMVS1 Password ===> Procedure ===> IKJACCNT Acct Nmbr ===> Size ===> 4096 Perform ===> Command ===> Enter an 'S' before each option desired below: -Nomail -Nonotice -Reconnect -OIDcard PF1/PF13 ==> Help PF3/PF15 ==> Logoff PA1 ==> Attention PA2 ==> Reshow ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enter a question mark (?) in any entry field in order to request context-sensitive help.
Select an option.
In order to make a selection, type the reference label of a panel after the command prompt ("Select Option ===>") and press Return.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIG COMPANY INC. INFORMATION SERVICES Select Option ===> --- PDF Functions --- --- Local Functions --- - End User Functions - 0 Parms L0 SMP/E U0 Info Center 1 Browse L1 IPCS U1 NetView Inst. Facl. 2 Edit L2 SDSF 3 Utilities L3 ISMF 4 Foreground L4 Info Center (Admin) 5 Batch L5 Hardware Definition 6 Command L6 APPC/MVS Admin 7 Dialog Test L7 TPNS 8 LM Utilities 10 SCLM C Changes T Tutorial F1=HELP F2=SPLIT F3=END F4=RETURN F5=RFIND F6=RCHANGE F7=UP F8=DOWN F9=SWAP F10=LEFT F11=RIGHT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note: The instructions in this document are based on this first panel, which is the panel that appears in most implementations.
This and the remaining TSO panels can vary greatly. However, they vary from one shop to another. If you do not find choices similar to the ones listed under PDF Functions in the panel shown in Step 3 of Log In to MVS, look for a choice on your panel that is called PDF or ISPF, and select it.
Note: If the Program Function (PF) key selections shown on the bottom of the panel in Step 3 of Log In to MVS do not appear on your panel, type PFSHOW ON at the command line and press Return in order to turn them on.
In order to return to this first panel after you have progressed to other panels, press F3, or the PF key that corresponds to "End". Each time you press the End PF key, you move back one panel.
Follow these steps in order to determine if TCP/IP is running.
From the first panel, select the SDSF option in order to reach the System Display and Search Facility (SDSF) panels. In this example, select L2.
Note: If your shop does not use SDSF, there could be an option for Interactive Operator Facility (IOF). The IOF implementation is similar to SDSF.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIG COMPANY INC. INFORMATION SERVICES Select Option ===> L2 --- PDF Functions --- --- Local Functions --- - End User Functions - 0 Parms L0 SMP/E U0 Info Center 1 Browse L1 IPCS U1 NetView Inst. Facl. 2 Edit L2 SDSF 3 Utilities L3 ISMF 4 Foreground L4 Info Center (Admin) 5 Batch L5 Hardware Definition 6 Command L6 APPC/MVS Admin 7 Dialog Test L7 TPNS 8 LM Utilities 10 SCLM C Changes T Tutorial F1=HELP F2=SPLIT F3=END F4=RETURN F5=RFIND F6=RCHANGE F7=UP F8=DOWN F9=SWAP F10=LEFT F11=RIGHT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The SDSF menu panel is the next screen you see.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V1R3M3 ------------------ SDSF PRIMARY OPTION MENU -------------------------- COMMAND INPUT ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE Type an option or command and press Enter. LOG - Display the system log DA - Display active users of the system I - Display jobs in the JES2 input queue O - Display jobs in the JES2 output queue H - Display jobs in the JES2 held output queue ST - Display status of jobs in the JES2 queues PR - Display JES2 printers on this system INIT - Display JES2 initiators on this system TUTOR - Short course on SDSF (ISPF only) END - Exit SDSF Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 5665-488 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1981, 1992. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. F1=HELP F2=SPLIT F3=END F4=RETURN F5=IFIND F6=FIND '- F7=UP F8=DOWN F9=SWAP F10=LEFT F11=RIGHT F12=RETRIEVE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Choose one of these options in order to determine if TCP/IP is running:
You can display the active TCP/IP processes in order to determine if TCP/IP is running. Follow these steps:
Select DA in order to display active users of the system.
When the DA panel is displayed, enter prefix tcpip* at the Command Input line.
This filters the list so that the list displays only the TCP/IP processes. If more than one TCP/IP stack is running, multiple entries are listed. If no entry appears, this can indicate that TCP/IP is not running. There is no restriction on the naming convention of the TCP stack, so it can be running under a different name.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SDSF DA CPAC PAGING 1 SIO 19 CPU 96% LINE 1-1 (1) COMMAND INPUT ===> prefix tcpip* SCROLL ===> PAGE NP JOBNAME STEPNAME PROCSTEP JOBID OWNER C POS DP PGN REAL PAGING SIO TCPIP TCPIP TCPIP STC05793 ++++++++ NS 71 5 483 0.00 0.00 F1=HELP F2=SPLIT F3=END F4=RETURN F5=IFIND F6=FIND '- F7=UP F8=DOWN F9=SWAP F10=LEFT F11=RIGHT F12=RETRIEVE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You can view the command output from a TSO console in order to determine if TCP/IP is running. Follow these steps:
Select Log in order to view the system log (syslog) file.
A screen similar to this appears:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SDSF SYSLOG 5636.109 CPAC DATE 12/08/94 LINE 1,240 COLUMNS 1 80 COMMAND INPUT ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE N 0000000 CPAC 94342 12:59:21.24 STC05835 00000010 ITP050I NO NETWORKS INIT N 4000000 CPAC 94342 12:59:22.67 00000001 IST530I AM GBIND PEND N 4000000 CPAC 94342 12:59:22.69 00000001 IST1051I EVENT CODE = 0 N 4000000 CPAC 94342 12:59:22.71 00000010 IST1062I EVENT ID = 000 N 4000000 CPAC 94342 12:59:22.76 00000001 IST314I END NC0000000 CPAC 94342 12:59:52.97 TSU05843 00000210 F TCPIP,DFLTAPPL,TSO N 4040000 CPAC 94342 12:59:53.35 STC05793 00000010 MVPMVP079I MVP Default A N 4000000 CPAC 94342 13:00:20.47 STC05849 00000010 ERB101I ZZ : REPORT AVAI N 4040000 CPAC 94342 13:01:01.11 00000010 CSV210I LIBRARY LOOKASID N 0200000 CPAC 94342 13:01:35.64 TSU05843 00000010 $HASP150 MILROY2 OUTGRP N 0200000 CPAC 94342 13:01:50.54 00000010 $HASP160 PRT1 INACTI N 4000000 CPAC 94342 13:02:25.26 00000001 IST530I AM GBIND PEND N 4000000 CPAC 94342 13:02:25.36 00000001 IST1051I EVENT CODE = 0 N 4000000 CPAC 94342 13:02:27.49 00000010 IST1062I EVENT ID = 000 N 4000000 CPAC 94342 13:02:27.53 00000001 IST314I END N 4000000 CPAC 94342 13:03:01.88 00000001 IST590I CONNECTIN ESTA N 0000000 CPAC 94342 13:03:12.44 TSU05843 00000210 IEA630I OPERATOR MILROY NC0000000 CPAC 94342 13:03:15.24 MILROY2 00000210 F T,Q NR0000000 CPAC 94342 13:03:16.04 TSU05843 00000010 IEE345I MODIFY AUTHORI N 4000000 CPAC 94342 13:03:28.44 00000010 IST380I ERROR FOR ID = 0100000 CPAC 00.18.50 STC05659 @05 ITP904E ITPECHO: ENTER NEW PARMS, 'U' OR 8000000 CPAC 19.56.40 *04 DSI803A CNM01 REPLY INVALID. REPLY WIT ******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ******************************** F1=HELP F2=SPLIT F3=END F4=RETURN F5=IFIND F6=FIND '- F7=UP F8=DOWN F9=SWAP F10=LEFT F11=RIGHT F12=RETRIEVE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In order to view the system messages, press F11, or the PF key for "Right".
The syslog keeps a record of all the system messages and command output that goes to the operator console. If you do not see the line reading *** Bottom of Data ***, type M at the Command Input prompt, and press the PF key for "Down" (in this case, F8).
When you are finished, issue the command /D A,L at the Command Input prompt. You must including the preceding forward slash mark [/].
This command displays all jobs running on the MVS system.
The syslog screen does not update automatically; press the PF key for "Down" (in this case, F8) until you see the output from the display command.
The output looks similar to this:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SDSF SYSLOG 5636.109 CPAC DATE 12/08/94 LINE 1,240 COLUMNS 1 80 COMMAND INPUT ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE 0210 D A,L 0010 IEE114I 13.04.13 94.342 ACTIVITY 884 0010 JOBS M/S TS USERS SYSAS INITS ACTIVE/MAX VTAM OAS 0010 00001 00016 00012 00018 00009 00012/00025 00000 0010 LLA LLA LLA NSW S CNMNET CNMNET NET NSW S 0010 VLF VLF VLF NSW S CNMPROC CNMPROC NETVIEW NSW S 0010 CNMPSSI CNMPSSI NETVIEW NSW S APPC APPC APPC NSW S 0010 ASCH ASCH ASCH NSW S JES2 JES2 IEFPROC NSW S 0010 TSO TSO STEP1 OWT S TPNSECHO TPNSECHO ITPECHO OWT S 0010 TPNSECHS TPNSECHS ITPECHO OWT S TCPIP TCPIP TCPIP NSW S 0010 FTPSERVE FTPSERVE FTPSERVE NSW S TPNS2 T GO IN S 0010 RMF RMF IEFPROC NSW S RMFGAT RMFGAT IEFPROC NSW S 0010 ACCEPT S1 IN J 0010 CISCO02 OWT LARRYP OWT LEP01 OWT DSHIM OWT 0010 VRAWAT OWT CISCO03 OWT GLENN OWT CISCO06 OWT 0010 MILROY2 OWT MURRAY1 OWT CEMVS1 OWT MURRAY2 OWT ******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ******************************** F1=HELP F2=SPLIT F3=END F4=RETURN F5=IFIND F6=FIND '- F7=UP F8=DOWN F9=SWAP F10=LEFT F11=RIGHT F12=RETRIEVE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You can see that TCP/IP is running on this machine.
Use of this method to obtain system information is similar to being on the system console. However, with this method commands must be preceded by a forward slash (/) in order for them to be reflected to the system. Also, the screen does not update automatically with this method.
In order to edit the TCP/IP profile, you must know this information:
What is the data set name for the TCP/IP profile?
Is the TCP/IP profile data set cataloged? If not, what is the Volume Serial Number (VOLSER) of the Direct Access Storage Device (DASD) that it is on?
Do you have authority to modify the TCP/IP profile?
With this knowledge, you may proceed to these instructions:
Select option 3 in order to move to the Utilities panel, then select option 4 in order to move to the Data Set List Utility panel.
The panel looks similar to this:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- DATA SET LIST UTILITY ----------------------------- OPTION ===> blank - Display data set list * P - Print data set list V - Display VTOC information only PV - Print VTOC information only Enter one or both of the parameters below: DSNAME LEVEL ===> VOLUME ===> INITIAL DISPLAY VIEW ===> VOLUME (VOLUME,SPACE,ATTRIB,TOTAL) CONFIRM DELETE REQUEST ===> YES (YES or NO) * The following line commands will be available when the list is displayed: B - Browse data set C - Catalog data set F - Free unused space E - Edit data set U - Uncatalog data set = - Repeat last command D - Delete data set P - Print data set R - Rename data set X - Print index listing I - Data set information M - Display member list S - Information (short) Z - Compress data set TSO cmd, CLIST or REXX exec F1=HELP F2=SPLIT F3=END F4=RETURN F5=IFIND F6=FIND '- F7=UP F8=DOWN F9=SWAP F10=LEFT F11=RIGHT F12=RETRIEVE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The data set name you are given for the TCP/IP profile is comprised of data set name qualifiers separated by periods (.). Consider the first qualifiers to be directories, and the last qualifier to be the name of the file in that directory. When you enter a qualifier at the "DSName Level" prompt, all the data sets that start with that qualifier are displayed. Consequently, if you type in the entire data set name, only one file is displayed.
Enter the data set name qualifiers after the DSName Level prompt.
If you enter only "TCPIP" (the highest-level qualifier), the output looks similar to this:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DSLIST - DATA SETS BEGINNING WITH TCPIP ---------------- CHARS 'PROFILE' FOUND COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE COMMAND NAME MESSAGE VOLUME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TCPIP.V2R2M1.PROFILE.TCPERROR CSCNCP E TCPIP.V2R2M1.PROFILE.TCPIP CSCCAT TCPIP.V2R2M1.SEZACMAC CSRES1 TCPIP.V2R2M1.SEZACMTX CSRES1 TCPIP.V2R2M1.SEZADBRM CSRES1 TCPIP.V2R2M1.SEZADPIL CSRES1 TCPIP.V2R2M1.SEZADSIL CSRES1 TCPIP.V2R2M1.SEZADSIM CSRES1 TCPIP.V2R2M1.SEZADSIP CSRES1 TCPIP.V2R2M1.TELNETSE.TCPXLBIN CSCCAT F1=HELP F2=SPLIT F3=END F4=RETURN F5=RFIND F6=RCHANGE F7=UP F8=DOWN F9=SWAP F10=LEFT F11=RIGHT F12=RETRIEVE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note: Shown is a list of all the data set names that start with the high-level qualifier "TCPIP." In order to view a particular TCP/IP profile, place either a B or an E in the Command field of this screen to select the profile.
If you enter a B, you can browse the TCP/IP profile, but you cannot make any changes.
If you enter an E, you can edit the TCP/IP profile, provided you have the authority to do so. Any changes that you make to the TCP/IP profile are saved when you press the PF key that corresponds to "Exit".
If you accidentally make changes that you do not wish to save, type cancel after the Command prompt.
Follow these steps in order to determine if the Channel Path Identifier (CHPID) is online.
Issue the command D M=DEV(XXX) ( XXX is the device number to check) from the system console.
The output looks similar to this:
0210 D M=DEV(580) 0010 IEE174I 12.48.28 DISPLAY M 813 0010 DEVICE 580 STATUS=ONLINE 0010 CHP 05 15 25 35 0010 PATH ONLINE Y Y Y Y 0010 CHP PHYSICALLY ONLINE Y Y Y Y 0010 PATH OPERATIONAL N Y N N
Find the CHPID number in question, then find the row CHP Physically Online.
The CHP Physically Online output shows whether the CHPID is online or offline. Note the "Y" in this example.
In order to determine if the paths are online for a particular device, follow these steps:
Issue the command D M=DEV(XXX) (XXX is the device number to check) from the system console.
The output looks similar to this:
0210 D M=DEV(580) 0010 IEE174I 12.48.28 DISPLAY M 813 0010 DEVICE 580 STATUS=ONLINE 0010 CHP 05 15 25 35 0010 PATH ONLINE Y Y Y Y 0010 CHP PHYSICALLY ONLINE Y Y Y Y 0010 PATH OPERATIONAL N Y N N
Find the CHPID number in question, then find the row Path Online.
The Path Online output shows whether the path is online or offline. Note the Y in this example.
In order to determine if a device is online, issue the command D U,,,XXX,2 from the system console. (XXX refers to the first of the two Common Link Access for Workstations [CLAW] devices.)
The output looks similar to this:
The output listed under the Status field is one of these items:
Output | Definition |
O | Online |
OFFLINE | Offline |
A | Allocated (Allocated to a system application such as TCP/IP) |
A-BSY | Allocated Busy (Allocated to and in use by a system application such as TCP/IP) |
In order to vary the CHPID online, issue the command CF CHP(XX),ONLINE from the system console. (XX is the CHPID to be varied online.) Wait for the output of this command to ensure that it completes successfully.
In order to vary the CHPID offline, issue the command CF CHP(XX),OFFLINE in the same way.
In order to vary the path to a device online, issue the command V PATH(XXX-YYY,ZZ),ONLINE from the system console. (XXX is the first of the two CLAW devices, YYY is the second of the CLAW devices, and ZZ is the path to be varied online.) Wait for the output of this command to ensure that it completes successfully.
In order to vary the path to a device offline, issue the command V PATH(XXX-YYY,ZZ),OFFLINE in the same way.
In order to vary the devices online, issue the command V XXX-YYY,ONLINE from the system console. (XXX is the first of the two CLAW devices, and YYY is the second of the CLAW devices.) Wait for the output of this command to ensure that it completes successfully.
In order to vary the devices offline, issue the command V XXX-YYY,OFFLINE in the same way.
Follow these steps in order to check the status of the Channel Interface Processor (CIP).
From the first panel, select the option that takes you to the command panel (6, in this example).
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CISCO SYSTEMS INC. INFORMATION SERVICES Select Option ===> 6 --- PDF Functions --- --- Local Functions --- - End User Functions - 0 Parms L0 SMP/E U0 Info Center 1 Browse L1 IPCS U1 NetView Inst. Facl. 2 Edit L2 SDSF 3 Utilities L3 ISMF 4 Foreground L4 Info Center (Admin) 5 Batch L5 Hardware Definition 6 Command L6 APPC/MVS Admin 7 Dialog Test L7 TPNS 8 LM Utilities 10 SCLM C Changes T Tutorial F1=HELP F2=SPLIT F3=END F4=RETURN F5=RFIND F6=RCHANGE F7=UP F8=DOWN F9=SWAP F10=LEFT F11=RIGHT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The TSO Command Processor panel is displayed next.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR ----------------------------- ENTER TSO COMMAND, CLIST, OR REXX EXEC BELOW: ===> netstat devlinks F1=HELP F2=SPLIT F3=END F4=RETURN F5=RFIND F6=RCHANGE F7=UP F8=DOWN F9=SWAP F10=LEFT F11=RIGHT F12=RETRIEVE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Issue the command netstat devlinks after the "===>" prompt, and press Return.
The system displays the response information directly on the screen. Press Return whenever "***" appears within the display.
Note: "***" is equivalent to "--More--".
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR ----------------------------- ENTER TSO COMMAND, CLIST, OR REXX EXEC BELOW: ===> netstat devlinks MVS TCP/IP Netstat V2R2.1 Device CIP1 Type: CLAW Status: Ready Queue size: 0 Address: 0580 Link CHIP1 Type: IP Net number: 1 *** F1=HELP F2=SPLIT F3=END F4=RETURN F5=RFIND F6=RCHANGE F7=UP F8=DOWN F9=SWAP F10=LEFT F11=RIGHT F12=RETRIEVE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This output provides the status of the CLAW device and other information pertinent to the CIP.
For more information about the netstat command, refer to the document Sample netstat Command Output.
Revision | Publish Date | Comments |
1.0 |
30-Aug-2005 |
Initial Release |