Packet classification features provide the capability to partition network traffic into multiple priority levels or classes of service. For example, by using the three precedence bits in the Type of service (ToS) field of the IP packet headertwo of the values are reserved for other purposespackets can be categorized into a limited set of up to six traffic classes. After packet classification, other QoS features can be utilized to assign the appropriate traffic handling policies including congestion management, bandwidth allocation, and delay bounds for each traffic class.
Packet classification features provide the capability to partition network traffic into multiple priority levels or classes of service. For example, by using the three precedence bits in the Type of service (ToS) field of the IP packet headertwo of the values are reserved for
Asynchronous Transfer Mode Cell Loss Priority Bit (ATM CLP bit)
Multiprotcol Label Switching Experimental bit (MPLS EXP bit)
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